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#1128231 - 02/11/09 08:30 PM
Re: American Idol
#Just Jay
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under the Lone Star
at the 11th hour Tatiana was moved from a group that was going home to a safe group -- so maybe she goes tonight
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#1128261 - 02/11/09 08:53 PM
Re: American Idol
Pale Rider
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I like the oil rig guy too.
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#1128271 - 02/11/09 09:01 PM
Re: American Idol
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I think I read somwhere that they were going to do a final 36 instead of 24 this season. I don't remember what the final count was last night.
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#1128279 - 02/11/09 09:10 PM
Re: American Idol
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I read that they are going back to what they did in the first (and second?) seasons where they have 36 to start, then 12 each of the first three weeks in which votes decide the three to move on. Then the judges pick 3 'wild card' people to round out the top twelve...
The beatings will continue until morale improves...
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#1128440 - 02/12/09 02:38 AM
Re: American Idol
Diamond Poster
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NO FRIGGIN WAY!!!! Tatiana is through...
Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
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#1128442 - 02/12/09 03:02 AM
Re: American Idol
#Just Jay
Diamond Poster
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Posts: 2,390
I saw Danny made it through, how bout his best friend??? I really like(d) him more than most...
Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
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#1128443 - 02/12/09 03:13 AM
Re: American Idol
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Ugh. More Tatiana. I'm an emotional woman, but jeez. I couldn't believe the friend didn't get through. I'm sad for both of them. Lookin forward to hearin some singin! I'm probably gonna miss next week, though. 
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#1128495 - 02/12/09 01:33 PM
Re: American Idol
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I agreed with most of the selections last night, with two glaring exceptions:
1) Tatiana. Please, you can't expect America to believe that out of the tens of thousands of auditioners, she is among the top 36!!! 2) "Norman Gentle." This is not a comedy competition. One good singer went home who should have had that spot in the top 36. I believe he does have some singing ability. Top 36? No way.
I find it interesting that the judges ask over and over "Could he/she actually win the competition?" and then they go ahead and put people like Tatiana and Norman through. I realize they are trying to make "good TV" but c'mon. . .I think it just cheapens the whole idea that this is supposed to be about the singing.
If ignorance is bliss, there ought to be more happy people.
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#1128525 - 02/12/09 02:00 PM
Re: American Idol
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out of the frying pan...
Urgh - what do these people see in Tatiana? She's got to be the most obnoxious person I've ever seen.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#1128538 - 02/12/09 02:06 PM
Re: American Idol
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Cincinnati, OH
I saw Danny made it through, how bout his best friend??? I really like(d) him more than most... Nope, and he should have had the "Norman Gentle" spot. The only good news is, he'll most likely be back next season.
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#1128608 - 02/12/09 03:19 PM
Re: American Idol
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I was disappointed that they let the crybaby through too. I just don't understand some of the choices this season. Danny's friend should have been through hands down. "Norman Gentle" is funny, entertaining, but his voice is not nearly the quality it needs to be for the competition, in my opinion it is a waste.
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#1128610 - 02/12/09 03:20 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
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Work Idol Pool... I got:
Anne Marie Boskovick (I like, top 12 potential) Matt Breitze (ugh, I like oil rig guy much better, not so sure he will make top 12)
I don't repeat gossip, so listen closely...
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#1128612 - 02/12/09 03:22 PM
Re: American Idol
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Well, with America voting, the chances of either of them (headband crybaby boy or Tatiana) making is are nil... I don't usually vote, but Tatiana irritates me so much that I will be voting against her (extras for everyone else) the first night she's on 
The beatings will continue until morale improves...
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#1128616 - 02/12/09 03:26 PM
Re: American Idol
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Well, with America voting, the chances of either of them (headband crybaby boy or Tatiana) making is are nil... I don't usually vote, but Tatiana irritates me so much that I will be voting against her (extras for everyone else) the first night she's on  I'm irritated I have to listen or look at either of them again. Mute is my friend.
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#1128699 - 02/12/09 04:09 PM
Re: American Idol
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I still say blind guy or widower guy is gonna win the whole enchilada.
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#1128733 - 02/12/09 04:26 PM
Re: American Idol
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Hopefully widower guy, if it is one of those. He's got a much better voice.
The beatings will continue until morale improves...
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#1128765 - 02/12/09 04:45 PM
Re: American Idol
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Cincinnati, OH
I still say blind guy or widower guy is gonna win the whole enchilada. Personally, I don't think "blind guy" has a chance of winning. Since he doesn't bother to wear glasses that had the creepiness of his eyes, he'll turn off a lot of voters.
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#1128768 - 02/12/09 04:47 PM
Re: American Idol
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Land of Enchantment
I like widower guy the best so far. Danny?
I agree with the others though, Norman/Nick should not have beaten out Danny's friend. And Tatiana . . . God help us all. The judges must have been on something to put those two through.
You need an attitude adjustment ---- let me get my tools!
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#1128786 - 02/12/09 04:57 PM
Re: American Idol
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I just read that Joanna Pacitti, the really pretty girl with the dark hair an blue eyes that had some previous experience in the industry,vgot disqualified after all.
Apparently, they decided her previous working relationship with certain producers involved with the show was grounds for disqualification.
She's replaced by another dark haired girl that looked familiar, but didn't get much air time, so I can't remember her name.
The beatings will continue until morale improves...
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#1128850 - 02/12/09 05:36 PM
Re: American Idol
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I still say blind guy or widower guy is gonna win the whole enchilada. Personally, I don't think "blind guy" has a chance of winning. Since he doesn't bother to wear glasses that had the creepiness of his eyes, he'll turn off a lot of voters. You need to understand he is not completely blind. He said earlier his vision is as if he was looking through a straw. He can see individual keys on his piano, but that's about it. To wear sunglasses would probably make him completely and totally blind. I understand why he doesn't wear them. It doesn't creep me out at all.
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#1128853 - 02/12/09 05:40 PM
Re: American Idol
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I agree with the others though, Norman/Nick should not have beaten out Danny's friend. And Tatiana . . . God help us all. The judges must have been on something to put those two through. I think it's similar to Project Runway. Some of the show is scripted and the producers pretty much know who they want to be in the final 36. I sometimes wonder how much say the four judges actually have when they get to arguing over the last few contestants. I have to believe the producers have some influence too.
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#1128878 - 02/12/09 05:59 PM
Re: American Idol
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It doesn't creep me out at all. Me, either.
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