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#1186335 - 05/19/09 04:38 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
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I'm voting for Paula, her lip synching was outstanding!
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#1186343 - 05/19/09 04:41 PM
Re: American Idol
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Somewhere in the middle
AG, that is my thought.
I too find Kris's style more appealing. He is quite the story like Hoosier was saying. When they picked him in the final 13, I thought he was picked just to "even" the guys and gals. I was like, Kris who?
Adam has amazing talent and range, but Kris is more likable. I think the Danny votes are more likely to swing Kris's way than Adam's.
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#1186394 - 05/19/09 05:27 PM
Re: American Idol
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#1186395 - 05/19/09 05:28 PM
Re: American Idol
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Molly Shannon?
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#1186626 - 05/19/09 07:34 PM
Re: American Idol
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I voting for Susan Boyle. Adam and Kris, well... Nevermind.
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#1186879 - 05/20/09 06:32 AM
Re: American Idol
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I voted for Kris. I hope he wins! Yay for Kris! (I don't like Adam's screaming either, SpecialK!  . . . and I loved Simon's comment about his first performance looking like something out of Phantom of the Opera - with all the smoke and long black coat and black eyeliner...  )
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#1186919 - 05/20/09 12:41 PM
Re: American Idol
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out of the frying pan...
I would've actually liked to see Adam do something from Phantom. He's definitely theatrical enough to pull it off.
Kris is far and away the more talented of the two, but it will be interesting to see who wins. Neither of them will do well with the over-produced pop carp that the winner's first album is made up of. And that final song - the one Kara co-wrote - sucked.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#1186947 - 05/20/09 12:58 PM
Re: American Idol
RR Becca
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I thought they both did well last night, but that last song was just terrible. If I were Kara, I would be thoroughly embarassed that I couldn't write something better than that. I mean, she's had months to write it, and THAT is what the winner will be forced to release as his first single????
I thought the judges (well, Randy and Simon) were a little harsh about Kris's second song. I thought he definitely "made it his own" and isn't that what they claim to want contestants to do?
I had to laugh when Kara said the last song was "too high" for Kris. Could that be because you wrote it intending for Adam to be the one eventually releasing the song???
If ignorance is bliss, there ought to be more happy people.
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#1186952 - 05/20/09 01:02 PM
Re: American Idol
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They're releasing that as the first single?!?!  It's difficult for both of them to sing the same song - especially one that seems like it was written for a pop princess a la Kelly Clarkson... I don't think the song itself was necessesarily bad, but it didn't seem like it was written for them.
With the lights out, it's less dangerous.
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#1187052 - 05/20/09 01:55 PM
Re: American Idol
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Somewhere in the middle
My thoughts, Simon set them up with his song choices. He obviously wants Adam, since he is looking for a star with "International Appeal", funny, I thought this was American Idol, not , International Idol. Having said that, he disproved his own point when he criticized Kris by saying, "It was like some people singing together in a dorm room", well, I found myself and I am sure others were too, singing with Kris. Can't say I was singing along with Adam. My prediction, KRIS wins in a land slide. Although, I was watching the Today show this morning and they too were pulling for Kris, but they said. "Well, America did elect its first black president in Barak Obama, maybe they will also vote for the guy with eye-liner" 
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#1187092 - 05/20/09 02:25 PM
Re: American Idol
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Somewhere in the middle
No, I didn't I just heard them say picked by Simon. Either way, I don't see the difference.
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#1187099 - 05/20/09 02:30 PM
Re: American Idol
DD Regs
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under the Lone Star
aren't both Simons Brits?
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#1187119 - 05/20/09 02:45 PM
Re: American Idol
DD Regs
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With the lights out, it's less dangerous.
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#1187126 - 05/20/09 02:48 PM
Re: American Idol
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I ain't picking on nobody! BF seriously knows more about reality TV than anyone I have ever encountered! It was a compliment! 
With the lights out, it's less dangerous.
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#1187158 - 05/20/09 03:11 PM
Re: American Idol
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In the Snow :)
I tried calling for Kris starting at 11 PM. Couldn't get through, but finally did get through starting about 11:45.
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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