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#1146756 - 03/18/09 12:23 PM Re: American Idol pjs
Snow Bunny Offline
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Buy we're all talking about him - I'd say he got our attention, and will most likely get the votes to go with it.
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#1146757 - 03/18/09 12:26 PM Re: American Idol pjs
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I loved Adam up until this point.. I just think enough is enough.

On a different note, as much as I hate country music, I really enjoyed last night. Other than Adam, my least favorites were Lil and Michael. I really thought Michael would do VERY well with country, but I'm agreeing that his choice of song was kinda lame. Lil was too countrified. I respect that she wanted to try to show she could do something other than what she has been doing, but come on? Even if she's from Memphis, she's no country bumpkin.

Loved Danny, Chris, Megan, & DuelingPainoMan (what's his name?)

Anoop's voice is back, but where'd all his personality go? He confuses me. Scott was also eeh. He just can't sing like the rest of 'em.

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#1146779 - 03/18/09 01:07 PM Re: American Idol Ops
edAudit Offline
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Can someone send Paula home.
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#1146806 - 03/18/09 01:34 PM Re: American Idol edAudit
pjs Offline
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One night I adore her and another night I cringe on what she says....and says...and says. Sometimes I think she is on drugs.

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#1146827 - 03/18/09 01:59 PM Re: American Idol pjs
MB Guy Offline
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Way, way south.
Giddy up.

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#1146829 - 03/18/09 02:00 PM Re: American Idol pjs
DD Regs Offline
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Somewhere in the middle
People who call at 8:00 Tuesdays wwhen they know I watch idol and don't get off the phone until 9:45. AGHH!!!! Oh sorry, the offensive thread is over there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Couldn't hear any of the show, but watched it. Agree, ADAM SUCKED!!! Atleast he wore black for the man in black song.

Megan= BEAUTIFUL Lady, pretty good considering she was sick.
Alexis= Not bad considering an old DOlly song.
Alison= This girl can sing anything. Very GOOD.
Scott = BORING, go home dude.
Anoop= Too NERDY, go home too.
Lil = Good, she I think reminds me of a Detroit type, Dianna Ross, Aretha Franklin, type. Country isn't her but she is good.
Danny = Boy can sing, great job, good song form him.
Kris = Verdict still out for me on him. OK
Michael = Same as Kris
Matt = WOW, he is really suprising me. VERY GOOD.

Can't wait for tonight. My pick for the one to leave.

I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

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#1146908 - 03/18/09 03:06 PM Re: American Idol DD Regs
ApacheBelle72 Offline
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I think Michael may go home - I hate that being from Texas and all, however, he did pick a bad song for him.

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#1146912 - 03/18/09 03:14 PM Re: American Idol ApacheBelle72
Snow Bunny Offline
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Michael was the weakest last night. Scott isn't in the upper echelon, but I think the sympathy vote will carry him along for a while.

I had to agree with Paula about the piano distancing him from the audience, but also agee with Simon that a piano hasn't hurt Elton John any.
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep

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#1146936 - 03/18/09 03:28 PM Re: American Idol Snow Bunny
thomasj Offline
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I have to agree with Simon as well on Scott. I think it would be very difficult for him to perform without the piano. Because he can not focus and move around the stage the way someone with normal vision can, it would be very awkward and probably distracting. My brother was blind and was a musician in a band and it took him a while to find his comfort zone. It wasn't easy.

As Simon said, Elton John and Billy Joel didn't have a problem, I would add Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles to that list. Perhaps a keyboard facing the audience (like Stevie) or if he were to go without - a ballad while seated on a stool. He is a talented musician.
Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.

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#1147054 - 03/18/09 04:31 PM Re: American Idol thomasj
califgirl Offline
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Anoop dawg is back! He did a great job and hopefully saved himself from an early departure.

Loved Megan too - there is just something about her that is so different - it's hard to put her in a category. And she looked beautiful too.

Hated Adam. C'mon, it's country night - everyone can sing at least a LITTLE country. I'm sure his fans didn't care and will vote for him anyway.

I like Danny, but I couldn't hear most of the song - the band was so overpowering that it detracted from his performance.

Going home tonight? I would say Michael or Scott.
I can explain it to you. I can't understand it for you.

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#1147075 - 03/18/09 04:41 PM Re: American Idol califgirl
ApacheBelle72 Offline
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Adam, well, he was weird last night...seemed a little ...hmmm

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#1147184 - 03/18/09 05:52 PM Re: American Idol ApacheBelle72
The OG Zaibatsu Offline
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The OG Zaibatsu
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Let's just put it this way...

If there is a [censored]...

...and I believe there is...

...and Johnny Cash is there...

...which I hope he isn't...

...there could be no greater punishment for Johnny...

...than to make him listen for eternity to Adam squelching out his version of Ring of Fire.
Only two things that money can't buy, that's true love & homegrown tomatoes

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#1147191 - 03/18/09 05:57 PM Re: American Idol thomasj
The OG Zaibatsu Offline
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The OG Zaibatsu
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Originally Posted By: thomasj
I have to agree with Simon as well on Scott. I think it would be very difficult for him to perform without the piano. Because he can not focus and move around the stage the way someone with normal vision can, it would be very awkward and probably distracting. My brother was blind and was a musician in a band and it took him a while to find his comfort zone. It wasn't easy.

As Simon said, Elton John and Billy Joel didn't have a problem, I would add Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles to that list. Perhaps a keyboard facing the audience (like Stevie) or if he were to go without - a ballad while seated on a stool. He is a talented musician.

Billy Joel and Elton John would step away from the least in their prime they did. Now, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder...I don't ever remember seeing them performing without a keyboard in front of them. I did see Ronnie Milsap years ago at a free concert...and do seem to remember him stepping out from behind he piano. In fact, I know I did because he made a comment about the beautiful female back-up singer who assisted him. He said something like, "Lord, I'd give anything for my sight right now."
Only two things that money can't buy, that's true love & homegrown tomatoes

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#1147310 - 03/18/09 08:17 PM Re: American Idol The OG Zaibatsu
Bones Offline
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Originally Posted By: fka -Z-
Let's just put it this way...

If there is a [censored]...

...and I believe there is...

...and Johnny Cash is there...

...which I hope he isn't...

...there could be no greater punishment for Johnny...

...than to make him listen for eternity to Adam squelching out his version of Ring of Fire.

Very well put!! Hated Adam's version / performance. As Simon said, "it was horrific"!!!
You need an attitude adjustment ---- let me get my tools!

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#1147332 - 03/18/09 08:41 PM Re: American Idol Bones
B_F Offline
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Adam should be the one going home, but even if he doesn't get the votes, they'll save him.

That being said, I think Michael Sarver is done.

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#1147334 - 03/18/09 08:42 PM Re: American Idol B_F
The OG Zaibatsu Offline
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The OG Zaibatsu
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Oh [censored], you can't say [censored]. I forgot.
Only two things that money can't buy, that's true love & homegrown tomatoes

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#1147390 - 03/18/09 09:56 PM Re: American Idol B_F
Ops Offline
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Holy cow, BF.. short & sweet & I agree. Well done!

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#1147400 - 03/18/09 10:07 PM Re: American Idol Ops
Hoosierland Offline
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I love country music. . .and I thought last night was interesting. My favorites were Matt and Kris. I thought Danny, Anoop and Allison were good. The rest were just "there." Except Adam, whose performance was just so strange, almost disturbing in some way. But, he can really sing, so I don't think he should go home based on just that single performance.

I think Michael may go home tonight. There are so many great country songs out there. . .why he chose that one is beyond me.

The judges frustrated me a bit last night. Why say that Scott needs to perform without the piano because it distances him from the audience but not say the same to Matt? Why criticize Lil for not changing up her song to suit her style (making it "her own") but criticize Adam because he dramatically changed his song to make it his own??? I just don't get them sometimes.
If ignorance is bliss, there ought to be more happy people.

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#1147403 - 03/18/09 10:09 PM Re: American Idol Hoosierland
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Originally Posted By: Hoosierland
Why say that Scott needs to perform without the piano because it distances him from the audience but not say the same to Matt? Why criticize Lil for not changing up her song to suit her style (making it "her own") but criticize Adam because he dramatically changed his song to make it his own??? I just don't get them sometimes.

There's only one explanation. Crack.

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#1147407 - 03/18/09 10:12 PM Re: American Idol Ops
Hoosierland Offline
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grin grin Ops, you are so right! How could I have overlooked such an obvious explanation???
If ignorance is bliss, there ought to be more happy people.

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#1147408 - 03/18/09 10:14 PM Re: American Idol Hoosierland
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Happens to the best of us. wink grin
Last edited by Ops; 03/18/09 10:14 PM.
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#1147456 - 03/18/09 11:12 PM Re: American Idol Hoosierland
B_F Offline
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Originally Posted By: Hoosierland
The judges frustrated me a bit last night. Why say that Scott needs to perform without the piano because it distances him from the audience but not say the same to Matt? Why criticize Lil for not changing up her song to suit her style (making it "her own") but criticize Adam because he dramatically changed his song to make it his own??? I just don't get them sometimes.

1. Why criticize Scott and not Matt? Because Matt plays his piano AND connects with the audience. Scott doesn't. Of course I'm not sure Scott could connect with his audience even without the piano. Why? He can't see them.

2. Why criticize Lil for not changing up to suit her style, but criticize Adam for doing just that? First, Lil's was boring, so she needed to do something different. As for Adam, sure, he changed it up. Changed it from gold to tin.

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#1147519 - 03/19/09 06:23 AM Re: American Idol B_F
BBoyd Offline
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Bye bye Alexis.... I missed her original performance, but could see why the judges didn't "save" her tonight. I was surprised Adam wasn't in the bottom 3 at least....he's definitely an "original" even though the arrangement he sang apparently wasn't.

And is it just me, or did it appear the kids are lip-synching to the group song? A couple of them messed up the words completely - you could see it!
Opinions are mine and never to be taken as legal advice!

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#1147531 - 03/19/09 11:05 AM Re: American Idol BBoyd
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I quit watchin the results show a couple years ago.. I HATE the group performances. I just always find out who went bye bye the next mornin.

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#1147533 - 03/19/09 11:41 AM Re: American Idol Ops
pjs Offline
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Well I don't agree with who went home last night. Come on I could name a few that aren't Top 10 material but why fight it.

And what is the point of "saving" someone when they didn't like the song and how it was pitchy etc etc? They aren't going to like it the second time around. Pure bullcrud. The judges should be saved from their pointless help at times.

And what's with the long commercials, it's maddening. Dancing with the Stars doesn't have that long of commercial break.

I'll take a lesson from Beth and stop watching the results show. It's pure maddening.

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