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#1147551 - 03/19/09 12:26 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
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In the Snow :)
They have to do something to fill 60 minutes worth of time. The results show is really boring. The only time you need to watch/DVR is the last 10 minutes; then FF through the commercials and see who goes home.
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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#1147562 - 03/19/09 12:37 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
Joined: Jun 2006
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In the Snow :)
You're right! but since it's got some of the highest ratings on TV, they milk it for all its worth.
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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#1147675 - 03/19/09 02:20 PM
Re: American Idol
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Somewhere in the middle
I felt so bad for Alexis. I thought she deserved to go on. It seemded to me she was fighting some "Sinus Crud " too. Even Carey Underwood was coughing before she sang. It is going to be tough here on out. I still think Scott needs to go, he is good, but not an Idol. I think Kris is good, but to watch him sing is like watching Mr Peepers from SNL.  And would someone seperate Paula and Simon, she can't keep her hands off him. And what was she doing the night before, chewing on his arm.
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#1147876 - 03/19/09 04:50 PM
Re: American Idol
DD Regs
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The O.C., California
Carrie Underwood was awesome. Did you see how Randy Travis was looking at her? It was like he was thinking - wow, that girl can sing!
I was surprised Allison was in the bottom three, and I thought Michael would be going home. I'm okay with Alexis going - she was much better in the beginning but she didn't shine the last couple of weeks.
I can explain it to you. I can't understand it for you.
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#1147956 - 03/19/09 06:12 PM
Re: American Idol
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califgirl, I agree with you about Allison in the bottom three--that really did surprise me. And yes, I did notice that look on Randy Travis's face. And he is right, she can sing!
If ignorance is bliss, there ought to be more happy people.
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#1148099 - 03/19/09 07:45 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
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under the Lone Star
I dread seeing what Adam does to rip apart one of the great songs of Motown.. let's hope he doesn't.  ooh, is that what is on tap for next week? I hope he goes even further back to doo wop and destroys one of those, he scares me!
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#1148149 - 03/19/09 08:27 PM
Re: American Idol
Pale Rider
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out of the frying pan...
It'll be interesting to see if he can find someone else's wierded-out version to copy like he did with Ring of Fire.
I have to admit that it was nice to see him wearing *slightly* less makeup on the results show. Now if we could just get someone to reach over and mess up his hair..........
Last edited by RR Becca; 03/19/09 08:28 PM.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#1148180 - 03/19/09 08:42 PM
Re: American Idol
RR Becca
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Somewhere in the middle
My dad calls him "The weirdo with the wig"
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#1148522 - 03/20/09 01:43 PM
Re: American Idol
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out of the frying pan...
I like him too, pjs - I just tend to have a problem with guys who put more effort into their hair and makeup than I do. Then again, that doesn't take much.........
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#1148532 - 03/20/09 01:46 PM
Re: American Idol
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out of the frying pan...
Ah...but Ops, it wasn't *his* arrangement. He ripped it off.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#1148547 - 03/20/09 01:54 PM
Re: American Idol
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out of the frying pan...
*snort* Can't argue there. I also thought it was particularly bad form to not give (I can't remember the actual song-ruiner's name off the top of my head) credit for the arrangement.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#1148585 - 03/20/09 02:16 PM
Re: American Idol
RR Becca
10K Club
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I like him too, pjs - I just tend to have a problem with guys who put more effort into their hair and makeup than DQ does. is that even possible?
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#1148685 - 03/20/09 03:10 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
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I guess he isn't too "weird" for me. I like him. You always seem to like the wierd ones, don't you? You remember  . Yeah, I don't know why but I do, you are right. I like you and AG- that probably makes me even more weirdo.
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#1148718 - 03/20/09 03:47 PM
Re: American Idol
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^^^not the real pjs^^^
With the lights out, it's less dangerous.
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#1148778 - 03/20/09 04:31 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
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<-------- the real pjs
With the lights out, it's less dangerous.
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#1148784 - 03/20/09 04:35 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
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