- Because we choose not to aggressively lend in areas far removed from our service area. As a Massachusetts bank, we don't need to lend in Ashtabula, Ohio, to customers whom we will never really know. We want most of our loans made to people in our CRA designated area.
- Because we don't want to worry about receiving applications that we will have to turn down for being "out of area" and the attendant need for adverse action notices.
We get location information (ZIP code) up front in the process of filling out the WWW application. If the ZIP provided doesn't fall in our lending area, the process is cut off, the inquiring party is told (in the kindest of ways, of course) that we don't lend outside our territory, and we never receive a completed application.
We got this idea from a bank Web-site guru who shall remain nameless, (except to say he started this thread).