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#142263 - 02/06/04 04:35 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
RandomName Offline
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A little bit of Rupert can go a long way sometimes, but I was amused by his child-like glee at starting fire and catching a fish.

Also, for the record, I must state that Jerri and Jenna L. were both lookin' pretty fine.

Sadly, their team doesn't appear to be that smart. No, if your boat is still submerged, you will not be successful in bailing it out in an epic battle of Bucket vs. Ocean. And also, Ethan, it's not a terribly great idea to sit in said boat during such an effort if only the gunwales are above the waterline.

What I was wondering was, if Alicia is such an awesome hardbody, why did she bail early on the RC and sit out the IC?

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#142264 - 02/06/04 05:10 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
TDW Offline
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Cool avatar TDW, or should I say "pretty little elf boy" (no offense meant....just a joke T-girl and I have regarding Aragorn and Legolas) You're come-back is "At least I don't smell!"

Thanks Elena...the one I really wanted was to big, oh well. I'd have to say your's is definitly the best on the threads!!

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#142265 - 02/10/04 03:34 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
RandomName Offline
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So, EGB, what's the latest word?

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#142266 - 02/10/04 06:38 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
E.E.G.B Offline
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Still looks to be Jenna M quitting, no other boot. Haven't checked today, though. Back later if news.

Nope, that's still the story. And Richard gets bitten by - and bites back? - a shark. Lots of in-fighting over who has the 'correct' boot list.
Last edited by ExGovtBabe; 02/10/04 07:49 PM.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#142267 - 02/12/04 04:55 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
TDW Offline
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Still the same EGB???

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#142268 - 02/12/04 08:21 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
E.E.G.B Offline
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the sandy shore
Looks like. Boards/sites across the spectrum are picking Jenna M to go home. Interestingly enough Survivor News doesn't have his pick up yet. He's usually delayed but imagine if he has someone else posted. That would spend the spoiling world into a tailspin. I'll keep you posted if that happens.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#142269 - 02/13/04 02:06 AM Re: Survivor All Stars
BBoyd Offline
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What a show! I was surprised that Jeff would take a "poll" of the rest of the group on whether or not Jenna should leave - and put her through all of that. Obviously, it had been a hard choice for her to be there, and knowing what was said at the end - had she not gone home, she would've had a very difficult time forgiving herself. I think she made the right choice. I can't believe that the rest of them wouldn't have done the same in the same situation.
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#142270 - 02/13/04 05:06 AM Re: Survivor All Stars
deppfan Offline
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What a show! I was surprised that Jeff would take a "poll" of the rest of the group on whether or not Jenna should leave - and put her through all of that. Obviously, it had been a hard choice for her to be there, and knowing what was said at the end - had she not gone home, she would've had a very difficult time forgiving herself. I think she made the right choice. I can't believe that the rest of them wouldn't have done the same in the same situation.

What touched me was that she said she had no outside info. on her mom, just an instinct that her mother needed her. One more reason that I trust my "mothers instinct". God Bless Jenna and her family.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#142271 - 02/13/04 01:49 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
P*Q Offline

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I'll play devil's advocate here, I would never have gone in the first place (like ALisha said). If she was that sick, I would've stayed home and spend whatever time I could with my family.

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#142272 - 02/13/04 02:05 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
deppfan Offline
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All over the map.
No argument there from me Pam. I don't know what she was thinking when she agreed to go, but I am glad she got home before her mother died.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#142273 - 02/13/04 02:06 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
P*Q Offline

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Agreed, it was sad when at the end of the show they announced that her Mom died 8 days after she got home.

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#142274 - 02/13/04 04:12 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
BBoyd Offline
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Saw her interviewed on the CBS Morning Show this a.m. - she and her mom discussed her going on Survivor, and her mom was all for it. The mom had been dealing with cancer for 12 years, and things seemed okay when Jenna left. But - as some of us may know, cancer can cause the body to deteriorate very quickly - which is what happened after she left to go on the show. She simply had a "feeling" that something wasn't right, and the nasty storm that happened confirmed it in her heart, and she took it as a clear sign that it was time to go.

I sat there bawling as she hugged everyone good bye; I'm sure it was a tough decision for her to make, and I applaud her for sticking to her convictions and leaving.
Opinions are mine and never to be taken as legal advice!

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#142275 - 02/13/04 05:01 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
RandomName Offline
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What I found interesting was that the male reaction tended to be, "Well, you shouldna come out here in the first place, but now that you're here, you should fight to the bitter end", while the female reaction was "Can I give you a hug?"

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#142276 - 02/13/04 05:28 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Patsy Cline Offline
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Okay... so what is up with Rupert wanting to dig a basement for their sheltor in the sand on the beach??? What was he thinking? Perhaps he's been away from home too long.
Michelle CRCM

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#142277 - 02/13/04 06:25 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
E.E.G.B Offline
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Well, except for My Girl Alicia, who calls it like she sees it.

Dunno what Rupert was thinking, MY first thought was "that's going to fill right up with water....".

Poor Rob C. They are being mean to him. Luckily he will soon get to go hang out with Rudy and Tina.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#142278 - 02/13/04 07:04 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
RandomName Offline
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Yeah, Rupert is fairly out of control already and showing those "my way or the highway" tendencies. He just really isn't comfortable unless he's leading or being told how excellent he is.

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#142279 - 02/13/04 07:11 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
E.E.G.B Offline
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the sandy shore
But since we are pretty sure Rupert outlasts Richard, obviously he sticks around for a while. Wonder when/how they're going to do a merge? Board spec is looking at end of next episode, beginning of Ep5. Maybe going to 2 tribes at that point.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#142280 - 02/13/04 07:59 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Snowqueen Offline
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dreaming of a warm beach......
I was impressed by the shelters the two teams had come up with. As for the one Rupert was in charge was a ding-a-ling idea to dig down.

I give Jenna credit for following her instincts but I too feel she should have stayed home. She played on her Mother's illness during the other survivor she was in and won.

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#142281 - 02/13/04 08:37 PM Re: Survivor All Stars

Survivor is the opportunity of a lifetime. I would say that it is safe to assume that Jenna's mom encouraged her to go on the show again. I know my mother would do the same. Dying or not, your life still has to go on. I don't think she made a bad decision by going on the show again, but I do think that it was pretty rude for Alica to make the comments she made- but then again, it is Alica. I commend Jenna for being brave and saying that she needed to go home. She is s true survivor in her mother's eyes, I am sure.

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#142282 - 02/13/04 09:14 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
JeloQuen Offline
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Comment here in my office is that the shelter made by the winners is like living on Gilligans Island.

And I have to say I loved the filming of the shark attack. Richard is so out there. But I'm glad he wasn't really hurt.

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#142283 - 02/16/04 09:18 PM Data for 02/19
E.E.G.B Offline
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Pretty much everyone agrees that this week's boot is Rob C. He's on Rob M's bad side and I think he's just a little too overwhelmed by being in the presence of all the great players.

Some interesting data coming out of Jenna M's online chat. She DOES NOT like Rupert at all; seems be heavily colored by Ethan's opinion of him, as really, when would Jenna M have interacted with Rupert? She also alludes to Richard not doing well at the beginning but then "coming around" as time goes on. Look for Ethan to go home sooner than expected, and Rupert to contribute to that. And Richard to stick for a while (yay!)

Kathy was spotted on the VT Teddy Bear website wearing a blue buff. Only.... the All Star buffs we've seen so far aren't blue. Looks like she makes the merge.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#142284 - 02/19/04 02:45 PM Re: Data for 02/19
KSK Offline
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I think that tonight's "boot" of Rob was confirmed this morning on the CBS Early Show. While getting ready for work this morning, I was positive I heard Harry Smith do a promo for tomorrow's show I would almost swear I heard him say something like -- Rob and the other Survivor Cast-Aways will take your calls to answer Survivor behind the camera questions.

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#142285 - 02/19/04 04:05 PM Re: Data for 02/19

I live here where Amber lives and heard that her and Rob were at the hot dog shoppe the other day. I guess the hook up may last.

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#142286 - 02/20/04 06:41 PM Re: Data for 02/19
RandomName Offline
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Well, who got the heave-ho last night? I got to watch about 30 seconds, then I had to race back into the bank due to a night shift production emergency.

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#142287 - 02/20/04 06:54 PM Re: Data for 02/19
E.E.G.B Offline
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Der, RN, of course it was Rob C. I have spoken and thus it is so.

Go to Snewser's site and you can get the external link to the CBS writeup. (Of course you could just go to and look for it yourself, but that always seems to be too much trouble.)

Next week is when the fun starts - the easy boots are gone, now we see how the REAL spoiling goes.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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