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#148315 - 01/10/04 07:47 AM San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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Anchorage Alaska
I just talked to my favorite guy at the Fed today about the conference scheduled for the last week of March. For those of you who haven't gone, it's the best CRA program out there, but only held every other year.

If you can fit it in the budget, give it a shot this year. People come from all over the globe so you get some great perspectives on our goofy CRA world!

It's in LA this year (Hollywood actually) Don might even make it Dawnie is already booked! (Don that's a hint...the BOL party is going to be held in your fancy suite....)
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#148316 - 01/10/04 05:42 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
Don_Narup Offline

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Las Vegas Nevada
Yes, I will have a booth at the conference March 29th to 31st. It will be absolutely great to meet fellow BOL'ers.

As far as a party, in my "Fancy Suite" I'll host if you will be the hostess.

Compliance Analysis and Research - Software for your CRA/HMDA analysis needs

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#148317 - 01/11/04 12:07 AM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
Princess Romeo Offline

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Princess Romeo
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Hmmm.... Hollyweird - I'll definately have to think about it since I wouldn't have to hit the bank up for hotel or airfare expenses.
Regulations are a poor substitute for ethics.
Just sayin'

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#148318 - 01/12/04 03:30 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
COMPLIcated Offline
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We only budgeted for me to go to one "away" CRA conference this year and at budget time last year I actually had the PCI one in mind (the one which you did a class for). Which in your opinion would be better for a new CRA person at a bank that just moved into the large bank category?

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#148319 - 01/12/04 04:52 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
gone Offline
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Where can I find information on this conference? I just went to the San Fran Fed web site and didn't see a listing. (I may have looked in the wrong place. )
Thank you much!

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#148320 - 01/12/04 07:14 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
Michelle D Offline
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Michelle D
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I've been to both the SF Fed's and the PCi one. The Fed's is excellent for the basic "how to do it" stuff. I attended an excellent session 2 yrs ago on investments - 1st rate. PCi's is great for the how to do the analysis, but if I had to chose and wasn't a CRA expert like Dawnie - I'd spring for the Fed's.

I'm not someone who lives and breathes CRA - sorry Dawnie - but someone who got stuck with it because no one else could "package" our message effectively. When I went 2 years ago, this was a life saver.

That's MHO
The opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

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#148321 - 01/12/04 07:39 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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Anchorage Alaska
Don't tell PCI I told you this...(sorry PCI) but spring for this one Shannon. You can hit PCI next year (they're every year where as the Fed is every other year). This is the most comprehensive CRA seminar available. I wouldn't miss it.

The conferences both have their merits, which is why I attend both, but one of the things I like about this program is the debth of experience of the presenters (which include examiners) and the debth of coverage of issues. In the PCI forum you hear some information about investments, valuable but not as deep as the two days San Francisco Fed spent on them the year before last.

I'll be a presenter at this conference as well, covering best practices and community development. I did something on rural lending when they had this two years ago (they are beginning to run together)

It's always hard to find good conferences for CRA staff, since the typical conference covers about two hours on CRA (say an ABA seminar) and is far too general. I wish that weren't the case, but that's the way it is.

I'll plan on seeing you next year at the PCI conference Shannon But this year, hopefully you'll make the Don and Dawnie party in LA! (ok Don...lets plan LOL)
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#148322 - 01/12/04 08:36 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
Risa Offline
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I have been to the FRB CRA Conference twice when they had it in S.F. It is very good and if you are new to CRA I think you should try to go if you can. I plan on being there and hope to get in on the BOL party. I dred the thought of the drive into LA every day--but don't live far enough away to justify getting a room. Of course if I started my drive around 4:00 am before the traffic hits I could probably make it there in half the time. Oh well--I look forward to going anyway
These opinions are my own and may or may not be the opinions of my employer.

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#148323 - 01/12/04 08:56 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
Patsy Cline Offline
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Patsy Cline
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On the road...
We hit 250 million as of 12-31-03 for the first time. I am working as if we will continue to be at least 250 million as of 12-31-04. This of course means collecting data as of 1-1-05 and reporting in 2006.

Would this conference make sense for me?
Michelle CRCM

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" ~ unknown

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#148324 - 01/12/04 09:07 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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Anchorage Alaska
Yes it would. You're now going to have to really focus on CD lending, investment, service, etc. more than you have had to in the past. If you aren't really strong in all of those areas it's a challenge to get to satisfactory for many banks that have in the past had no problem with it.

Also, the focus on data integrity changes (worse) It's worth the time to see what the examiners are thinking. With this new risked based exam, it's interesting to see how the changes affect both the little and the large bank.

If you're not using a consultant or software to collect your data you have a chance to see what's available. Personally I wouldn't work for a bank without one or the other to gather the data. Remember, you're a "big boy" now...right up there with BofA! We're held to the same reporting standards (fair huh?) The assistance from either a consultant or a program inhouse is a must!

Then there's the last important item, which shouldn't be considered small. I went to this program a year after my first exam. I was sooooo sorry I hadn't gone before it! I learned so much that would have helped me, as much from instructors as I did from networking around the tables during lunch and breaks.

As I mentioned, there are just the two seminars that really have a good focus on CRA. I go to both and find value in both but if you have to do just one, make it the Fed this year, and PCI next year.

PCI is holding theirs in Florida in November by the way. I suppose that should be taken into consideration
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#148325 - 01/12/04 09:31 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference


I am working as if we will continue to be at least 250 million as of 12-31-04. This of course means collecting data as of 1-1-05 and reporting in 2006.

Its never to early to train and set up data collecton processes. This is not an easy task to understand and implement. It all starts with a good understanding of what needs to be done and the FRB conference give some great insight into that.

Plus you will be able to sample a new generation of products and services not seen before, that are designed to help you gather and analyze data.

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#148326 - 01/12/04 09:32 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
Don_Narup Offline

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The anonymouse post was me. For some reason I was logged out and did't realize it
Compliance Analysis and Research - Software for your CRA/HMDA analysis needs

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#148327 - 01/14/04 04:16 AM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
CEB Offline
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 67
Does anyone have the link to the SF Fed to get the details of the conference?

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#148328 - 01/14/04 05:44 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
Princess Romeo Offline

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Princess Romeo
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Regulations are a poor substitute for ethics.
Just sayin'

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#148329 - 01/14/04 07:46 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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Anchorage Alaska
Detailed information is going to go out this week. They just finished booking the speakers for the brochure. (I have a conference call on my portion in about 3 mins) I'll check with my contact, but I think they're to be mailed next week or so with class information etc.
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#148330 - 01/15/04 06:05 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
COMPLIcated Offline
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I found the info on their website and linked to the hotel it is being held at and they are already saying that they have no available rooms during that time period!

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#148331 - 01/15/04 06:59 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
Don_Narup Offline

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I just spoke with Bruce Ito and Scott Turner at FRB and they are checking with the hotel to see why they they are telling us no rooms are available.

Will post the answer as soon as they call me back.
Compliance Analysis and Research - Software for your CRA/HMDA analysis needs

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#148332 - 01/15/04 07:48 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
Don_Narup Offline

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For room reservations ask for the Community Reinvestment Conference.

The hotel does not currently list the conference under Federal Reserve. The block rate was $149.00 per night
Compliance Analysis and Research - Software for your CRA/HMDA analysis needs

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#148333 - 01/15/04 11:32 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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Anchorage Alaska
I've seen the draft agenda on the CRA track. It's pretty well stocked with good programs. I'd share it with you, but I'm told I'd have to kill you after you saw it and ya'll live too far away for me to visit it will be out in a couple of weeks at most on the net. I'll post the link as soon as Craig sends it to me
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#148334 - 01/16/04 11:05 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
RFitzpatrick Offline
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Do you have an estimate of the expected cost of the conference yet? I'm trying to figure a estimate to submit.
Liability for taking my advice is limited to the amount you paid for it.

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#148335 - 01/17/04 06:10 AM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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I don't have a clue (I didn't end up paying for myself last time I went because I spoke) BUT I can get the information by Tuesday afternoon.

I'll call my contact and give you an idea then. I'm racking my brain, but I just can't remember what price range it was in. Anyhoo, instead of guessing I'll check with Craig and follow up. I hope ya'll can make it.
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#148336 - 01/18/04 02:26 AM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
wavewatcher Offline
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Thanks for the heads-up. I'm still pretty new to the bank - just made one year. This will be good for my education. I'll keep looking at the site for updates.

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#148337 - 01/21/04 12:11 AM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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Anchorage Alaska
This years conference will be $495 (banks and other for profits) and $395 if you're with the feds.

I hope that's in the budget! Dinner tickets to the Don and Dawnie party will be an additional ummmm (Don what do you think? $395 if you're with a bank and $495 if you're name is Ray?)
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#148338 - 01/21/04 05:12 AM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
Don_Narup Offline

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Actually I'd buy Ray a drink if he showed up. Now how do I keep you from doing a Mickey Finn on him.

I'll come up with a place we can partake of good cheer and have a splended repast affordable to all. If the waitress brings one check it goes to you.
Compliance Analysis and Research - Software for your CRA/HMDA analysis needs

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#148339 - 01/21/04 08:41 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
CEB Offline
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 67
Don, I don't think that Dawnie knows what a Mickey Finn is. She is much too young!

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#148340 - 01/23/04 12:48 AM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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Anchorage Alaska
LOL I actually don't. I know what a six pack is...but I don't think Ray could handle that
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#148341 - 01/23/04 08:11 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
Don_Narup Offline

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Mickey Finn was a waterfront bar owner in San Francisco durning the California gold rush. Sailors would jump ship and head for the gold fields leaving the ships short handed.

Being a enterprising fellow he would slip "knock out drops" (a Mickey Finn or "Mickey" )in customer drinks and "Shanghi" them. Ship captains would pay a fee for each hand he delivered. Shanghi being a term used as many of the ships left San Francisco and headed for the China trade. Many saliors woke up with a bad hangover on a "Slow Boat to China" (thats a song)

Richard Henry Dana wrote a classic titled "TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST" A Personal Narrative of his life at sea after a Mickey Finn event
Compliance Analysis and Research - Software for your CRA/HMDA analysis needs

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#148342 - 01/23/04 09:57 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
CEB Offline
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 67
Don, for only being 29, you really had to research this. I would guess that you can do the Sunday New York Times crossword over a single cup of coffee.
There y'all go, if you have a question contact Don. He is the man that knows!
But really did you know Mr.Finn?

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#148343 - 01/24/04 12:42 AM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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(Mr. Finn is probably Don's cousin)

I did know the term "slipping someone a mickey" but I never knew where it came from.

This would be a fun new trick at bankers conferences...heh heh KIDDING!!!
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#148344 - 01/26/04 03:55 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference

Where (what city in Florida) will the PCi conference be held?

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#148345 - 01/26/04 07:41 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference

The 2004 CRA & Fair Lending Colloquium will be in Orlando Florida.

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#148346 - 01/28/04 09:03 PM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference

Has anyone seen the registration brochure for the conference? I asked to be added to the mailing list but I have not yet seen anything. Thanks!

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#148347 - 01/29/04 12:52 AM Re: San Francisco Fed Reserves CRA Conference
RFitzpatrick Offline
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I've been checking the SF Fed website and it looks like it just came out. It takes a few seconds to load.

SF Fed CRA Conference
Liability for taking my advice is limited to the amount you paid for it.

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