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#1775367 - 01/11/13 05:00 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,207
How much/far are you running right now, Quatro?
Last edited by manimal; 01/11/13 05:01 PM.
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#1775442 - 01/11/13 06:15 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 2004
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The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
Rest, eat right, dont skip runs. Understand that there will be days you dont want to run. Run anyway, because those will be the days that you will feel the best about you! Understand that you will have bad runs. But those are the runs that make the good ones feel so good! 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1775451 - 01/11/13 06:28 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Joined: Oct 2010
Posts: 94
Last year I did the C25K program, completed that...and then the holidays hit and I stopped running. Boo to me, I know. So to answer your question mani, I don't really know how much/far I am running right now. According to the 10K app calendar, if I run every other day, the very last run/workout will be the day of the actual race. Thought that was a pretty sweet coincidence. The app looks just like the C25K program with a gradual increase in time/distance.
Thanks, bbb! Making myself run when I don't want to will be the hardest part.
BTW, my Weimaraner is thrilled I am running again!
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#1775485 - 01/11/13 07:07 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 2004
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The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
Quatro, I got a great mental of the Weimeraner! ::Jumping up and down::...Lets go run!Lets go run!Lets go run!Lets go run!Lets go run!Lets go run!Lets go run!Lets go run! 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1775505 - 01/11/13 07:23 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,207
If you were able to complete the C25k program... I bet you'd be able to do this one. I was just curious if you were starting from nothing (as in, haven't run in 10 years) or were already running periodically on your own.
"Rest, eat right, dont skip runs." Yes. Make sure you have good shoes.
Best of luck to you!
We're all here 'cause we've lost control.
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#1775506 - 01/11/13 07:23 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,207
A wise man once told me: If you can run a 5k, you can run a marathon. It's all mental.
We're all here 'cause we've lost control.
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#1775512 - 01/11/13 07:26 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Bankbb1, PITA
Joined: Oct 2010
Posts: 94
Quatro, I got a great mental of the Weimeraner! ::Jumping up and down::...Lets go run!Lets go run!Lets go run!Lets go run!Lets go run!Lets go run!Lets go run!Lets go run!  its like you've met her before or something...
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#1775549 - 01/11/13 08:01 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Sep 2011
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A CU, Where Regs Don't Apply
A wise man once told me: If I can run a 5k, you can run a marathon. It's all age related. BBB? It's very much mental, though of course your joints etc. do need to stay together. Do it right and you can do anything though!
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1775828 - 01/14/13 02:39 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
100 Club
Joined: Apr 2007
Posts: 125
New sneaker weekend! I just got a fancy new pair of Brooks Glycerins (since the 8 miles I did yesterday made me want to tear my feet off, I figure the old Asics Cumulus' are overdue for the graveyard.) I'll break them in on some short runs (and trade off with my old Scotts, which survived so much better than the Asics.)
I have to really start working on my mileage, since the Shamrock run is in only 10 weeks... Half-marathon here I come!
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#1775838 - 01/14/13 02:51 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Junior Member
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The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
I wish I could run well in Newton's. Lots of the people that use them are getting 1500-1600 miles out of them! Thats 3 times what I get out of any of mine. <<<< Closet looks like a running shoe store. 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1775872 - 01/14/13 03:23 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Gold Star
Joined: Mar 2012
Posts: 305
Spartan Country!
I failed miserably this weekend... too much stress!
Waiting for the bandwagon to come along, so I can jump back on.....
Everyone should believe in something. I believe I will head for the beach!
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#1775873 - 01/14/13 03:24 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Platinum Poster
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Posts: 960
I received a FB message from a guy who has been a friend since early childhood. Like me, he's basically a lifelong non-athlete. He said learning that I ran a few 5K races last year inspired him. He's now training for his first 5K. He's up to 2.5 miles. It made it easier for me to get up early and run today.
I thought getting old would take longer.
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#1775927 - 01/14/13 04:12 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Sep 2011
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A CU, Where Regs Don't Apply
But her mom is what, 45? Not that old! You're working up your distances, and doing what you want to do. Not everybody's destined to do the long stuff, you have to want to get there before you ever start training to get there. If you want it, you can get it.
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1775928 - 01/14/13 04:14 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 13,994
This made me feel lazy: I have a girlfriend who just ran her first marathon, and this weekend I saw that her MOTHER just registered for her first half marathon! I was like, awww iFAIL. I just have some more Little Debbie snack cakes when I feel this way, it helps me cope.
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#1775929 - 01/14/13 04:15 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Feb 2008
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Try 60.
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#1775936 - 01/14/13 04:23 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Power Poster
Joined: Jul 2008
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You are here
But her mom is what, 45? Not that old! You're working up your distances, and doing what you want to do. Not everybody's destined to do the long stuff, you have to want to get there before you ever start training to get there. If you want it, you can get it. In other words you run well for your age 
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#1775937 - 01/14/13 04:24 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 2004
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The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
Brain, That is great!!! I always say that one of the best things about getting into shape is that you never know whose life you may influence. It may be one of the best parts!! For Basil and Mani, In a sense we all fall off the wagon after every run or every workout and after every meal. Each time is a new challenge to overcome. Just jump back on. It's sooo much better than beating yourself up. 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1775941 - 01/14/13 04:32 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
100 Club
Joined: Jan 2009
Posts: 108
What do you guys do when it's to cold/nasty to run outside and you don't have access to a treadmill? so far i've continued doing my stretches and the other exercises in my "routine" but the running is where i really need the help. i get winded so easily!!
Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them.
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#1775951 - 01/14/13 04:45 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 38
The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
I've been running outside (temps in the 20's, windchill single digits to teens), but its because I still have races going on and they are outside. Cold air is definitely tougher when breathing heavily. For me, its all about wearing the righ layers. I wear only tech cloth and its in layers (three up top, two below). Top - tech cloth, skin tight tee. Underarmour coldgear long sleeve and a New balance running jacket that just keeps wind out. Botton - nike compression shorts and underarmour coldgear running tights Hat - Livestrong fleece Gloves - New ablance running mittens feet - smartwool running socks
I also have other Nike and Hind running gear. I find a lot of my stuff at Marshall's for cheap! $10-$20 for the tights. $7-$10
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1775954 - 01/14/13 04:48 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
100 Club
Joined: Jan 2009
Posts: 108
lol- Good for you BB- But yea, it's been below freezing with windchills of 1. ;p I'm a big arse baby, so aint gonna happen. at least not yet.
Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them.
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#1775957 - 01/14/13 04:50 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,207
Are there any park district classes you could sign up for during the winter months? They are usually pretty well priced if you are in their district.
We're all here 'cause we've lost control.
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