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#1640872 - 12/20/11 01:50 PM
2012 Pushup Challenge
10K Club
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Some of the girls and I are doing this starting 1/1 and I thought some others might like to do it too. Basically, you start January 1 with 1 pushup and add one every day so that on December 31, you do 365. (Well, next year is a leap year, so it will be 366.) The idea came from someone else and this is what she said in her rules: What is the push up challenge?
•The push up challenge started as an idea on Twitter. If I started January 1 with 1 push up and continued to add one push up a day for the entire year, could I complete the year with 365?
Do you do push ups every day?
•No. I realized early on that doing hundreds of push ups every day at the end of the year would be both time consuming and exhausting. There are others who liked this idea and wanted to see if they were up for the challenge. I, along with my team members do push ups on odd numbered days (on the Julian calendar). Becca was with me from the beginning. She, along with her friends do push ups on even numbered days. Megan joined us mid year to give the option to do push ups every third day to those who need a little more recovery time.
What exactly counts as a push up?
•You can do a push up in any way the even closely resembles a push up. When I started this endeavor I could only do three knee push ups. As time has gone by I’ve been able to do push ups on my toes. I’ve done lots of research on the matter and have learned that doing push ups on the wall more closely match the toe push up. Wall push ups use the same muscles, doing them vertically takes some of the difficulty away. I was not a believer until I tried them. You can get a decent work out doing push ups on the wall or other elevated surface such as counter or table. Any given day I do almost every variation I can think of. Walls, tables, floor on my toes, knees. My goal is to be able to do one armed toe push ups, or a hand stand push up.
If you want to participate, just post along in here with your progress. I won't be keeping track of who does what. You maybe could start your own teams within your PMs too.  I will post in here the number for the day, with January being self explanatory. Good luck. And here's to a stronger healthier you in 2012. 
I shall call you Thunder Twonk. ~TfD
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#1640883 - 12/20/11 02:12 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
10K Club
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I know you aren't! *waggles eyebrows*  And? YAY!!
I shall call you Thunder Twonk. ~TfD
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#1640885 - 12/20/11 02:13 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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Sitting on the dock of the bay
I'm in too - think I'll see if my co-workers want to try!!!
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#1640891 - 12/20/11 02:24 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
What's a wall pushup?
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#1640894 - 12/20/11 02:25 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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I will have to do 79 pushups on my birthday!  I think that shall have to occur prior to any celebratory efforts! HArd to do with a martini in your hand! 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1640898 - 12/20/11 02:30 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
10K Club
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The good thing is you have all day to do them. Just get 'em done early and drink up!
I shall call you Thunder Twonk. ~TfD
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#1640899 - 12/20/11 02:30 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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I think I'll run a block every day for a week, then run two blocks every day for 2 weeks, etc. Do you think I can handle 52 blocks by the end of the year? I found a dog and took him for a walk through the neighborhood where I thought he lived, hoping his owners would be out looking for him. He took me for a jog. I lasted about two blocks. That 2nd/3rd block going uphill almost killed me. And to think I used to run miles every day. 
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#1640901 - 12/20/11 02:33 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
10K Club
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Good one, BoBa!!  That's how my uncle started running - he ran from 1 telephone pole to the next then walked, etc. He ended up able to run marathons.
I shall call you Thunder Twonk. ~TfD
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#1640913 - 12/20/11 03:05 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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I did part of the 100 push up challenge last year. I was amazed at how many I could do. 365 in a day though will be a lot...but I'm in. Even if my foot isnt 100% on 1/1 I can start with girly push ups for a while.
I don't need any more negativity in my positive and helpful people or I will kick you in the shins!!!
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#1640932 - 12/20/11 03:08 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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1 footed pushups......? Might be interesting! This is very doable. My dad, 78 years old, can still do 100. All at once, I might add. Ornery old f@rt! 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1640938 - 12/20/11 03:26 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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I could do 1...with one foot in the air. When we were doing the Jillian workout she had 'scorpion push ups' in there...on foot curled up like a scorpion tail. Those are tough!
I don't need any more negativity in my positive and helpful people or I will kick you in the shins!!!
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#1640949 - 12/20/11 03:22 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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I do the alternating foot pushups and yes, you are correct, I cant do near as many of those as plain old military style. But you are tough! 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1640955 - 12/20/11 03:27 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
RR Jen
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I could do 1...with one foot in the air. When we were doing the Jillian workout she had 'scorpion push ups' in there...on foot curled up like a scorpion tail. Those are tough! I LOVE THOSE THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!I was thinking I would start with those and see how far I could get!  I do them in TRX class with the supporting foot hanging in a strap 12" off the ground. some guy called me a show off after class the other day.  RAWR!
Last edited by bOatn Shasta; 12/20/11 03:35 PM.
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#1640965 - 12/20/11 03:33 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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I'd be in for it. I did the 100 earlier this year, kept it up for a while until I messed up my shoulder in an unrelated incident and ended up taking several weeks off. Still not entirely comfortable, but I can easily do 50 or so now. If I start with that and add 1 a day, that'd be pretty rough by the end of the year!
It's also a great core exercise for working on turning the 12-pack into a 6-pack!
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1640968 - 12/20/11 03:47 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
100 Club
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I like the 100 push-up challenge. I'm just thinking about how long they take...
Maybe, 10 a day in January, 20 in February, etc? I guess I'll see what works out next year! I definitely want to do something, even though I'm a weakling.
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#1640972 - 12/20/11 03:36 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
10K Club
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I'm a weakling too CAC. That's why I wanted to do it. Even with kayaking, I have no upper body strength. This is a judgement free zone! If you can only do 1, then do one. If you want to take the day off, do it. If you decide on March 23 to quit, do it. If it's day 324 and you can only do 10, that's fantastic! We're just the support for each other. 
I shall call you Thunder Twonk. ~TfD
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#1640992 - 12/20/11 03:46 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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Its a great challenge for any strength level! No matter where you start, you get better! And honestly, those that start at nothing will likely gain more and faster than those that are already doing some! Its great!
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1640994 - 12/20/11 03:47 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
10K Club
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I plan to take before and after photos.
I shall call you Thunder Twonk. ~TfD
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#1641002 - 12/20/11 03:51 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Junior Member
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The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
Me too! Before - Here's the floor After - Here's the floor closer! 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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