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#1889098 - 01/22/14 06:55 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
10K Club
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The psych ward
When I was doing PT, my feet would sometimes hurt because I was doing all these balancing/stabilization exercises in running shoes. So I'll second your instructor's recommendation, Freak.
Permission to buy shooz, granted. SWOON!
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.
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#1889102 - 01/22/14 07:05 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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I took my new (Brooks) Glycerin 11s for a run this morning. (the blue and silver version, for Freak's benefit) I'm not sure how I feel about them yet. I got persuaded to try them, and told them they should work better for me than the Ghosts, but change is hard, and my feet were a little sore by the end, mostly on the outer edges. Might have to get used to it, or might not be able to. I hate new shoes, for that reason. I love my Brooks Pureflow2's!! They dont last very long (200 miles) but they are great! I cant wait to try a pair of the Pureflow3's!! But for running in cold and on snow, nothing beats my Hoka's!
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1889103 - 01/22/14 07:05 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
'Lil Freak!
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When I was doing PT, my feet would sometimes hurt because I was doing all these balancing/stabilization exercises in running shoes. So I'll second your instructor's recommendation, Freak.
Permission to buy shooz, granted. SWOON! My PT and I also endorse this recommendation. New SHOOZ for EVERYONE!!!
I don't need any more negativity in my positive and helpful people or I will kick you in the shins!!!
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#1889104 - 01/22/14 07:06 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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I'm missing more days than I'm doing pushups....but I am able to do 10 "real" ones in a row now. I need to get with the program.
I don't need any more negativity in my positive and helpful people or I will kick you in the shins!!!
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#1889301 - 01/22/14 10:30 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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10 for real pushups isnt bad for someone that claims to have no upper body strength. I'm on a shoe buying hiatus for a while. I actually have 3 unopened boxes sitting in the back of the closet, waiting for something else to wear out. And I had to downloan an app to keep up with the miles on each pair. You are addicted to soda, I'm addicted to shoes.
I'm still at 50 a day on the pushups. THis year I think I will stick with sets of no more than 50 once get past that threshold. My shoulders have taken a beating the last couple of years with the the longer sets. All the swimming is actually making the shoulders feel better.
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1889313 - 01/22/14 10:49 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
Bankbb1, PITA
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I love my Brooks Pureflow2's!! They dont last very long (200 miles) but they are great! I cant wait to try a pair of the Pureflow3's!! But for running in cold and on snow, nothing beats my Hoka's! I tried on some Pureflows too actually. If I were the type to have specific "race shoes", I'd try them out. Crazy light. I needs me support and cushion though, for the pushin' you see. The dang Mortons demands I try at least a little bit to get the feet to cooperate.
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1889382 - 01/23/14 02:48 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
I've still got a pair GTS's in the line up too. I really like them. Haven't run in the Glycerines though. But over all I'm really happy with Brooks. I find the sizes to be really consistant. I'm a 10 in every shoe the make. I also like the new Adidas Energy Boosts. I havent liked an Adidas shoe in years, but these are really nice!
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1889437 - 01/23/14 03:54 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
100 Club
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Posts: 221
Recently, all my running shoes have come from TJ Maxx or Marshall's (where they've had some nice bargains)
I have a pair of PureFlow (probably Mod 1) that I've only run 3 times in. More cushioning than I'm used to, but not bad.
Also from TJ's and Marshall's; I have an embarrassing number of pairs of Merrells, which I do love. Mostly Trail Gloves, one pair of Flux Gloves. I'm intrigued by the Vapor Glove, maybe I'll see that on sale sometime.
Most unusual shoe I run in (although not in winter) isn't really a shoe at all; Xero running sandals.
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#1889501 - 01/23/14 04:45 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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I saw the Xero's when I was in Denver (they are based in Boulder as I recall). I was intrigued, but they a little too minimal for me. I am a natural heel striker and can only to minimal shoes for shorter runs on a soft natural surface. I use my 5 fingers for those types of runs.
Seems like they designed after the foot ware that the Tarahumara indians wear....but I might be wrong on that.
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1889535 - 01/23/14 05:07 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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^^ That'd be my assumption as well BBB. There've been quite a few running sandals I've seen in various places over the past year.
I'm not curious enough to try it out, but I am curious!
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1889559 - 01/23/14 05:28 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
100 Club
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BBB, if you're a heel striker, I understand completely. I'm not a heel-striker, so I don't have the same issue.
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#1889585 - 01/23/14 06:13 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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Ed, we saw a lot of people in last years OKC Marathon running in various forms of minimals and two guys running completely barefoot. Both were strong, forefoot runners. I can run forefoot for shrter periods and it does force me into more foot speed. But I really have to concentrate in order to do it. The ones that really amaze me are the few people that I see that are complete toe runners. I mean "Lon Chaney in the Wolfman" toe runners!
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1889600 - 01/23/14 06:46 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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Does she ever "break stride"? (Sorry, standardbred humor that only horse racing degenerates like me will get.)
I'm fixin' to fix that.
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#1889614 - 01/23/14 07:03 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
100 Club
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A running version of Prancercise? Ha Ha. I was at a Pose running clinic where one of the coaches said, If you think it's Prancercise, you're watching the wrong videos.
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#1889659 - 01/23/14 07:47 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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For how good she looks, I may just start.
We're all here 'cause we've lost control.
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#1889677 - 01/23/14 08:05 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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#1889692 - 01/23/14 08:38 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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Creeper...following around good looking female runners. Sheesh, at least don't publicly announce it! Also, dont offer her a medal....JS.
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1889987 - 01/24/14 03:33 PM
Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge
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But you did 'em anyway, because you're a man!
Someone's about to get horned!
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