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#1893467 - 02/04/14 06:36 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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Actually 1/2 pushups are a valid form of workout. Try doing 10 bottom half pushups (from the ground to halfway up), 10 top half pushups (From full, straight arms to half way down) and 10 full pushups all with out stopping. Then work up from there.
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#1893471 - 02/04/14 06:44 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
RR Joker Offline
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The Swamp just made me dizzy.
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#1893582 - 02/04/14 08:41 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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You iz welcome!! Fun, aint it!?!? grin
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#1893666 - 02/05/14 12:35 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge RR Joker
Purple Pride Offline
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Originally Posted By: RR Joker just made me dizzydizzier.

Fixed for accuracy. laugh
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#1893673 - 02/05/14 01:48 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
RR Joker Offline
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Can't argue that one PP. crazy
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#1894020 - 02/05/14 08:41 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge Bankbb1, PITA
BurntSienna Offline
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Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Originally Posted By: 'Lil Freak!
Originally Posted By: Mulberry
my heart rate (at rest, here at my desk) as 999 this morning

Perhaps you are a hummingbird.

Its not upside down is it?!?!::holds up a cross::

Great suggestions, but... As far as I know, I am not a hummingbird nor the Anti-Christ. laugh Hahaha. laugh Don't worry about my heart rate being too high, though, cuz now it's flashing 0's. So this afternoon, I'm dead, apparently. It's a little cheap entertainment to glance at my malfunctioning watch while fielding questions from Examiners (the bank is crawling with them - 4 exams at once started this week: Safety & Soundness, IT, BSA, and Trust. CRA and Compliance and something else later in the month. Ugh.

Off to the gym as soon as I can escape the bank tonight to exchange the watch, program the new one, and work out.
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melody Beattie

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#1894021 - 02/05/14 08:42 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge Bankbb1, PITA
BurntSienna Offline
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Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Actually 1/2 pushups are a valid form of workout. Try doing 10 bottom half pushups (from the ground to halfway up), 10 top half pushups (From full, straight arms to half way down) and 10 full pushups all with out stopping. Then work up from there.

Pretty sure I'd fall flat on my face if I tried this! This morning, my trainer had me walking backwards on the treadmill and then sort of skipping/galloping sideways on the treadmill. I was pretty sure I was going to wipe out but I didn't! smile laugh
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melody Beattie

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#1894022 - 02/05/14 08:44 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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Mberry, you are sounding more and more like a zombie.
Rule #1 everyone....CARDIO!!

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#1894034 - 02/05/14 09:03 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge BurntSienna
Xian Ngyuen Offline
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Originally Posted By: Mulberry

Pretty sure I'd fall flat on my face if I tried this! This morning, my trainer had me walking backwards on the treadmill and then sort of skipping/galloping sideways on the treadmill. I was pretty sure I was going to wipe out but I didn't! smile laugh

Is your trainer the choreographer for OK Go!?

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#1894066 - 02/05/14 09:25 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
RR Joker Offline
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Have done the skipping/galloping sideways in didn't help my issue, but it was interesting!
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#1894106 - 02/05/14 10:02 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
BurntSienna Offline
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I'm not sure what my trainer is, but she's a riot; she'd probably make a good choreographer. On Day 1 when I met her she looked over my self-evaluation and said, "hmmm, knee injury, so lots of running and jumping then!" She has a good sense of humor and makes me laugh.

She likes to tell me, "Different is not always scary!" in response to the odd looks I give her when she tells me to skip or gallop or turn around backward on a machine or whatnot. Hahaha. I'm not so much scared, I just think she's a bit of a goof.

To see if my heart rate is too high, she often says, "tell me a story" (to see if I can still talk, I guess) and so I enjoy telling her short anecdotes about my insane coworkers and/or Examiners. Then I get to laughing too hard and can't breathe. Who says fitness training at 6am can't be fun!?!?
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melody Beattie

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#1894109 - 02/05/14 10:03 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge Bankbb1, PITA
BurntSienna Offline
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Originally Posted By: Bankbb1, PITA
Mberry, you are sounding more and more like a zombie.

Mmmmm brains (staggers around slowly).
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melody Beattie

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#1894114 - 02/05/14 10:10 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge BurntSienna
edAudit Online
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Originally Posted By: Mulberry
I'm not sure what my trainer is, but she's a riot; she'd probably make a good choreographer. On Day 1 when I met her she looked over my self-evaluation and said, "hmmm, knee injury, so lots of running and jumping then!" She has a good sense of humor and makes me laugh.

She likes to tell me, "Different is not always scary!" in response to the odd looks I give her when she tells me to skip or gallop or turn around backward on a machine or whatnot. Hahaha. I'm not so much scared, I just think she's a bit of a goof.

To see if my heart rate is too high, she often says, "tell me a story" (to see if I can still talk, I guess) and so I enjoy telling her short anecdotes about my insane coworkers and/or Examiners. Then I get to laughing too hard and can't breathe. Who says fitness training at 6am can't be fun!?!?

Is this the same trainer who recommended the 666 watch?
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#1894618 - 02/06/14 10:10 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge edAudit
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Originally Posted By: EdAudit

Is this the same trainer who recommended the 666 watch?

Why yes, yes it is! She's clearly the devil's spawn... the number of the beast! laugh laugh laugh

Replaced the watch, now I just have to reprogram everything in. Much like Mani, I fell asleep on the couch last night at a ridiculously early time and was back at the bank at 7am for more examiner fun. Maybe tonight I can stay up past 8pm. smile
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melody Beattie

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#1894698 - 02/07/14 02:06 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
manimal Offline
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::high five:: grin
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#1894714 - 02/07/14 02:19 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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38 diamond pushups, 50 regular pushups! Welcome to day 38 Heathens!!
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#1894717 - 02/07/14 02:21 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
RR Joker Offline
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Ya'll know too many variations of pushups. crazy
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#1894721 - 02/07/14 02:25 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
edAudit Online
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Have you tried the Scorpion push-up?
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#1894725 - 02/07/14 02:29 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
RR Joker Offline
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I don't even know what ya'll are talking about...BUT, I did just drop and give 19 to the cause. wink
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Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour

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#1894730 - 02/07/14 02:32 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge RR Joker
Xian Ngyuen Offline
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Originally Posted By: RR Joker
Ya'll know too many variations of pushups. crazy

Ya think?
Here's yesterday:
Wall-Supported Handstand push-ups: 7,6,5,5,5
Lever Push-ups (1 hand on the ground, the other on a med-ball arms length off to the side) 10L/10R, 10L/10R, 9L/9R, 9L/9R, 7L/7R
Finger-tip push-ups (from knees): 5, 5, 5

Yes, I'm familiar with scorpion push-ups, but I didn't do any yesterday.

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#1894731 - 02/07/14 02:32 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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Yup! I'm a fan! I also like medicine ball pushups!
Get a medicine ball (or a basketball) and put both your hands on the ball and do pushups! Simple! laugh
You can also do a version where one hand is on the ball and th other is one the ground and you alternate which hand is on the ball.
Others -
traveling pushups
Dragon crawls
chest slap
feet elevated

No need to get bored, try them all!
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity. wink

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#1894813 - 02/07/14 03:43 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
Matt_B Offline
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I was doing traveling pushups on the Bosu thing this morning. It burned a lot more than I expected! Start on the left side with both hands on the floor, move to right hand on the bosu, left on the floor, both on the bosu, left bosu right floor, both floor. Move back and forth, one complete circuit is 10 push-ups. Strain on the wrist a bit, but felt good!
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#1894995 - 02/07/14 06:44 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
Bankbb1, PITA Offline
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Thats a good idea Matt. That forces all those acillary muscles to try to stabilze you. Should cause a burn pretty quick. I'll stand on the Bosu and do curls or military presses sometimes and it makes them way harder!!
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity. wink

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#1895006 - 02/07/14 07:01 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge kitten
Matt_B Offline
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I stand on it for other exercises as well. It's great for your leg's stabilizing muscles and helps a lot if you're dealing with uneven terrain when running.

Everything is to make my running better!

Speaking of running, quick rant. Mostly born of jealousy. One of our maintenance guys is upper 40's, just started running in the last 9 months, and is up to doing 11 miles on the treadmill with a pace in the low 8's. He has cheap $40 shoes, wears cotton shirt/shorts, has a diet that I'm pretty sure is made of Natural Ice and goldfish, and is sporting a beer gut. It doesn't even make sense that he can do what he's doing! UGH! I just wish that worked for me. He's not a former star athlete who's returning or anything. Never ran before this past year! Not fair. laugh
Someone's about to get horned!

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#1895051 - 02/07/14 07:32 PM Re: 2012 Pushup Challenge Matt_B
RR Joker Offline
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Natural Ice and goldfish
This is key! grin
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