We got good news! The blood is flowing, around the blockage!
I should explain a bit. See N's Portal Vein is blocked - 100% by all estimations. Like a heart blockage, we first sought to remedy this by angiogram/angioplasty. But it failed. The next solution is a shunt (some call it a stent). But she's not done growing yet, and it would have to be replaced year after year after year. Not ideal.
The next solution is a "shunt" using her own veins and vessels.
A procedure developed by her own surgeon!
http://www.portal-hypertension.com/the-rex-shunt-procedure-for-portal-hypertension/ http://www.childrensmemorial.org/depts/conditions.aspx?cID=1888 But in a living donor situation, the failure rate is HIGH (according to the same surgeon). And that's not an option.
And so, now that we know that blood is still flowing, we will continue to wait it out. Praying that her body's own by-pass continues to hold and thanking God, that now is not the time to act.