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#2037484 - 09/08/15 02:12 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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My parents appear to be going downhill rapidly. Dad is back in the hospital and his mind is slipping. He won't eat much of anything or drink and he's dehydrated. I think he's giving up. Mom's BP is all over the place and sometimes she can barely walk she's so dizzy. She has a lady that comes in and sits with her during the day and fixes her lunch and does some work around the house (feeding the birds, etc.). Very sad.
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#2037499 - 09/08/15 03:19 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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I am so sorry to hear that Skittles. {{{HUGS}}}
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#2037501 - 09/08/15 03:24 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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So sorry, Skittles! Lifting you all up in prayer!
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#2037511 - 09/08/15 03:48 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Thanks. I'm really glad we cancelled our Colorado trip and went up to see them instead. My husband worked like a horse (moved a deep freeze from the basement to the back porch so mom could get to it - he did have a little help from me), took dad for a wheelchair ride around the outside of the facility, had tons of patience with my mom, etc.
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#2037512 - 09/08/15 03:49 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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under the Lone Star
Very sorry for all this stress over your parents. Hang in there and do your best, it's all we can do.
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#2037524 - 09/08/15 04:19 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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the sandy shore
I'm sorry to hear this, Skittles.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#2037557 - 09/08/15 06:45 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Thinking of you and your parents Skittles.
Just working here until I get my letter from Hogwarts.
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#2037598 - 09/08/15 09:24 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Prayers coming your way.
The longer you look back the shorter your time to look forward
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#2037643 - 09/09/15 01:42 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Sorry to hear about your parents, Skittles. 
Nothing changes, if nothing changes. (from a good friend of mine)
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#2038560 - 09/15/15 04:38 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
well, just spent 5 days at my parents, doing simple chores like changing light bulbs since they have high ceilings and neither can get on a ladder, replacing the globe on a light fixture, moving some landscaping rocks that had shifted, replacing the water filter in the refrigerator, trimming tree branches, and other things us young whippersnappers take for granted...
as my stepmom said yesterday "it's hades getting old..."
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#2038693 - 09/16/15 12:32 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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You're a good man, HappyGilmore. My mother says it's awful when you can't do things for yourself any more and have to rely on others.
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#2038702 - 09/16/15 12:50 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
I will not grow old gracefully, I have no patience and will be very unhappy if i'm unable to perform simple chores...
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#2038796 - 09/16/15 02:59 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Happy - you sound like my husband, although he's a lot older than you are (63).
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#2038916 - 09/16/15 06:23 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
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under the Lone Star
Happy - you sound like my husband, although he's a lot older than you are (63). Gee, thanks Skittles.... a LOT older is 63.....ugh.....
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#2038929 - 09/16/15 07:17 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Pale Rider
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You are here
Happy - you sound like my husband, although he's a lot older than you are (63). Gee, thanks Skittles.... a LOT older is 63.....ugh..... she got that right and when I am 62, 63 would still be a lot older.
Opinions can be considered as coming from anywhere but my employer.
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#2039359 - 09/18/15 03:55 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
Pale remembers when his waist was 63, but not his age...that was too long ago, for both!
Providing alternative truths since the invention of time
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#2039419 - 09/18/15 05:14 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
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My parents appear to be going downhill rapidly. Dad is back in the hospital and his mind is slipping. He won't eat much of anything or drink and he's dehydrated. I think he's giving up. Mom's BP is all over the place and sometimes she can barely walk she's so dizzy. She has a lady that comes in and sits with her during the day and fixes her lunch and does some work around the house (feeding the birds, etc.). Very sad. My dad's declined significantly over the summer. He was still hale and hearty in late spring but as he approaches his 89th birthday Christmas eve, it seems a perfect storm of health issues are felling him. Could there be some hope, Skittles in a review of prescriptions and an evaluation of their benefits and side effects? My dad was prescribed Amiodarone for heart arrhythmia. It destroyed his equilibrium almost immediately and he began falling, sometimes more than once a day. In recent weeks his mind began slipping at an alarming rate. A separate medical emergency landed him in the hospital on Monday a week ago with failing kidneys. The family had suspected this Amiodarone was a problem with his balance and his confusion so I embarked on a crusade to get to the bottom of it. Sure enough, all interviewed, RNs and other physicians, except for the doctor who prescribed the medication, said it was evil stuff with wretched side effects, especially on the aged. He was taken off of it and within a day he showed signs of improvement. By last weekend he was completely in his right mind and as steady as an old fellow can be with a bad back. I had to fight both the heart doctor and my mother, who embraces any medication ever prescribed them as required miracle cures, in order to get my dad off the medicine. He is unable to have the extensive back surgery required to correct several different issues which cause great pain but he's at least clear-minded and mobile again. It's hard to determine which is worse. The possible outcome of untreated arrhythmia or the possible outcome of falling with resultant bashed heads and broken hips due to side effects of treating a condition. Either could kill a person.
"The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it." --George Orwell
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#2039703 - 09/21/15 07:27 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Went up on Saturday and saw my parents. Mom is doing OK and is feeling better. Dad actually sounded and looked a little stronger - and has started to eat a little bit. Don't know what to expect, but every little improvement helps. Took mom up to see dad and to the grocery.
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#2040460 - 09/24/15 08:36 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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the sandy shore
And after all that, my SIL is going to move my inlaws back to their home (no it didn't sell the year it was on the market, mostly because she placed it with an inept, nonlocal realtor and then insisted she had to be there to 'help' show it, but wasn't ever available.) $24,000 down the drain, not to mention all the time and energy and confusion for my inlaws. I have no idea what she is planning to do about their ongoing care, feeding, or the expenses she will incur moving their stuff back home and making the house habitable. Supposedly she is in the process of building on to her house to move them in with her, but again - they really do need qualified care. I am just speechless.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#2040464 - 09/24/15 08:46 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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I'm so sorry, EGB. Sounds like your SIL isn't in touch with reality.
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#2040468 - 09/24/15 09:00 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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the sandy shore
THAT'S an understatement. About 3 of my 4 SILs, in fact........
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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