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#2017718 - 06/02/15 07:13 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
MB Guy
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Posts: 2,025
I don't get the offense? A person with XY chromosomes is a male. That's all there is to it.
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#2017724 - 06/02/15 07:20 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
Power Poster
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I don't get the offense? A person with XY chromosomes is a male. That's all there is to it. Agree that I don't see what is appalling here. That^^^ is what I took DD to mean - can see room for disagreement but not for suggesting cruel intent.
...not only will I do it for you, I... I... I... yes, yes, I'll do it for you.
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#2017727 - 06/02/15 07:23 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
Bobby Boucher
Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 50
I don't get the offense? A person with XY chromosomes is a male. That's all there is to it. Agree that I don't see what is appalling here. That^^^ is what I took DD to mean - can see room for disagreement but not for suggesting cruel intent. I can see it's not worth trying to explain why I found it offensive. I deleted my original post and wish to consider this matter closed.
-- Kati (President)
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#2017729 - 06/02/15 07:26 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
MB Guy
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We are talking about a former Kardashian. Who even knows if this is not a set up for ratings on a new fakealty show? ( and he may not be transgender at all).
If I was from any group I surly would not wish anyone from that family to be a spokes person for me.
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#2017733 - 06/02/15 07:34 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
MB Guy
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under the Lone Star
yeah, but you know they are laughing all the way to the bank...
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#2017734 - 06/02/15 07:35 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
Pale Rider
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yeah, but you know they are laughing all the way to the bank... Are you sure that they (Kardashians and not Bruce specific)have not been de-risked?
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#2017737 - 06/02/15 07:36 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
MB Guy
10K Club
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
gender identity issues are certainly real...most people go through this in a very private manner...often suffering through years of self-doubt and ostracizing from others...when one chooses to take it to the level that Jenner has, that's another issue...and MTV is about to debut a show where the Dad is going through the same conversion, and I think a daughter of his is going through the opposite (sorry, just saw a snippet of a commercial when flipping channels)...I could not imagine if I were in this situation wanting to be on national TV showing the process, regardless of the money offered to me...but some will take their 15 minutes however they can
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#2017743 - 06/02/15 07:44 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
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I can see it's not worth trying to explain why I found it offensive. I deleted my original post and wish to consider this matter closed. I don't think that was necessary at all. I apologize if I came off as saying you were wrong, that was certainly not my intent. Just offering that I didn't see it the same, and more importantly that I didn't think there was any intent to offend. Only speaking for myself here, but I would be interested to hear your perspective on what offended. But I certainly respect if you don't wish to. Again, sorry if I added negativity...
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#2017770 - 06/02/15 08:35 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
Power Poster
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Somewhere in the middle
I don't get the offense? A person with XY chromosomes is a male. That's all there is to it. Agree that I don't see what is appalling here. That^^^ is what I took DD to mean - can see room for disagreement but not for suggesting cruel intent. I can see it's not worth trying to explain why I found it offensive. I deleted my original post and wish to consider this matter closed. Janelle, sorry if I offended you somehow. Matt, you got my point, the radio this morning kept referring to and correcting everyone who referred to "Caitlyn" as He or Him, saying that He is now She. And I found my self yelling at the radio that He is Still a HE unless HE had a chromo change. 
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#2017771 - 06/02/15 08:35 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
Power Poster
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Somewhere in the middle
brave new world. Sexual orientation is immutable, gender is mutable. I would say it is FUBAR 
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#2017812 - 06/02/15 09:51 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
MB Guy
Joined: Mar 2012
Posts: 69
Down South
To quote Ron Burgundy. Boy (or should it be girl?), that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast!
My opinions are simply that, my opinion.
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#2017892 - 06/03/15 01:43 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
DD Regs
Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 50
I don't get the offense? A person with XY chromosomes is a male. That's all there is to it. Agree that I don't see what is appalling here. That^^^ is what I took DD to mean - can see room for disagreement but not for suggesting cruel intent. I can see it's not worth trying to explain why I found it offensive. I deleted my original post and wish to consider this matter closed. Janelle, sorry if I offended you somehow. Matt, you got my point, the radio this morning kept referring to and correcting everyone who referred to "Caitlyn" as He or Him, saying that He is now She. And I found my self yelling at the radio that He is Still a HE unless HE had a chromo change. Okay, that sounds good, BUT transgender people want to be referred to as the gender and name they have transitioned to, NOT the gender that they are biologically. It's very offensive to do otherwise, because it invalidates their identity in a huge way. That is what I took offense at -- my wife is biologically/chromosomally male and will remain so all her life, but she IS a woman in her day to day life and wants to referred to as such.
-- Kati (President)
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#2017901 - 06/03/15 01:57 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
MB Guy
10K Club
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Way, way south.
In my humble opinion, there's way too much "offense" being taken in this country/world when people are presented with things that are factual and that do not agree with their "feelings." And that applies to almost every situation these days, and certainly not just Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner.
As an aside, the most interesting comment about the whole Jenner ordeal is a tweet by one of his kids that essentially said, "...I hope he makes a better mom than he did a dad" so something tells me there are other issues aflame there as well.
Giddy up.
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#2017902 - 06/03/15 02:03 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
10K Club
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
...transgender people want to be referred to as the gender and name they have transitioned to, NOT the gender that they are biologically. It's very offensive to do otherwise, because it invalidates their identity in a huge way. That is what I took offense at -- my wife is biologically/chromosomally male and will remain so all her life, but she IS a woman in her day to day life and wants to referred to as such. I hope you have petitioned President Obama for the same humanitarian award that he provided to Jenner...unless, of course, someone thinks Obama did it solely for political purposes (nah, that would never happen). come to NO, we have our share of transgender people living here, most just go about their business and lives as other people do. If we all spend our lives looking to be offended because someone doesn't understand us, or labels us differently than we consider ourselves, I would imagine that would be a pretty miserable life. Every time I use a drive through - regardless if it is a bank coffee shop, fast food, whatever - they call me "ma'am". I suppose I could get all worked up about it, but in the end it doesn't really doesn't make me a ma'am because someone else says it to me...
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#2017907 - 06/03/15 02:12 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
MB Guy
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Why are we giving Jenner an award in the first place?
Do we consider texting on a cellphone (allegedly)and killing someone in February of this year award worthy?
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#2017911 - 06/03/15 02:25 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
MB Guy
100 Club
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One has to wonder how low society will go in its efforts to redefine what is properly considered aberrant behavior.
Jenner is no hero to be celebrated. He is contemptible.
My opinion only.
"The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it." --George Orwell
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#2017913 - 06/03/15 02:26 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
MB Guy
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A person with XY chromosomes is a male. He is Still a HE unless HE had a chromo change. my wife is biologically/chromosomally male and will remain so all her life Am I the only having trouble determining what makes these three statements significantly different enough that two are considered offensive while one is not?
...not only will I do it for you, I... I... I... yes, yes, I'll do it for you.
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#2017914 - 06/03/15 02:27 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
MB Guy
Joined: Mar 2012
Posts: 69
Down South
Nope, they say the same thing...
My opinions are simply that, my opinion.
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#2017940 - 06/03/15 03:09 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
MB Guy
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one state over
I figure that there are some things that I don't understand and things that I don't need to understand.
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#2017944 - 06/03/15 03:17 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
MB Guy
Joined: Mar 2013
Posts: 58
Mid West
This whole thing makes me wonder why we have his and hers bathrooms to start with. O_o
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#2017945 - 06/03/15 03:18 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
Bobby Boucher
Diamond Poster
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Yinzerville, PA
A person with XY chromosomes is a male. He is Still a HE unless HE had a chromo change. my wife is biologically/chromosomally male and will remain so all her life Am I the only having trouble determining what makes these three statements significantly different enough that two are considered offensive while one is not? You are confused. Actually two statements are true in that the person is a male. The one that is offensive is the statement that uses a label (He), and not a fact (male). It is offensive as the person no longer identifies as a male. If for example you were a dwarf, but didn't like being called a dwarf, and instead wanted to be called Bob, but I kept calling you dwarf, wouldn't it be OK for you to be offended, even though you are actually a dwarf?
Last edited by GoBucs; 06/03/15 03:22 PM.
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#2017950 - 06/03/15 03:22 PM
Re: So, you mean to tell me that....
MB Guy
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Reminds me of a scene in the movie "Elf"
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