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#2030443 - 07/29/15 02:29 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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Soaring over Georgia
It's a Bill Belichick press conference, so I can assure you they're not saying anything. We're on to training camp.
Last edited by BeechFlyboy; 07/29/15 02:29 PM.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP My posts - my opinions
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#2030452 - 07/29/15 02:41 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
10K Club
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under the Lone Star
Can he plead the 5th since he destroyed his phone?
Man, Brady needs to turn in his Michigan ring, this is bad.
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#2030456 - 07/29/15 03:01 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
10K Club
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
For those who are protesting Brady's innocence in this entire issue, what, if anything, would be compelling evidence that would make you think otherwise? or, is there any evidence that would make you think he was guilty? or at least knowledgeable?
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#2030459 - 07/29/15 03:07 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
...My gut says there was something on that phone that would have been even more reputation damaging than the conclusions drawn. My gut also says that whatever it is, there is a good chance it has nothing to do with footballs. my gut says this is a simple process to remove said "suspicious, non-football stuff reputation damaging stuff" and share the texts with the NFL... my gut also says Brady knew and is lying my gut also says he didn't need to destroy his cell phone upon purchase of a new one, he could have held it and cleaned it up and left nothing but the "phantom" texts in the event he wanted to be up front my gut says Brady is doing damage control because he knows he is guilty my gut also tells me know one in this thread will change their mind about his guilt or innocence my gut also says it is time to eat a snack, as it is growling
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#2030460 - 07/29/15 03:16 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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I do not like the Patriots or Tom Brady but I have not seen anything but circumstantial evidence and have not yet seen anything that directly links him to the allegations. If this were being tried by the standards of our country's legal system, I don't think there is a chance he would be charged much less convicted.
I very much doubt that Brady was texting with these knucklehead locker room attendants or anyone else about this. I think he either did not feel that the league had the authority to go through his personal cell phone or he felt there was something on his phone that would damage his reputation much more than this scandal.
I think that the players union should take note of this and several other scandals that have hit the sport in the past few years and fight in the next contract to have these things decided by an arbitration committee of some sort rather than giving the commissioner all of this power. The questionable investigations and punishments are hurting the sport almost as much as the incidents themselves.
Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.
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#2030461 - 07/29/15 03:21 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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For those who are protesting Brady's innocence in this entire issue, what, if anything, would be compelling evidence that would make you think otherwise? or, is there any evidence that would make you think he was guilty? or at least knowledgeable? How about something that links him to the allegations? I have maintained from the beginning that if it is proven he knew and or directed the deflation, then he deserves the punishment. Until then I am not convinced.
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#2030462 - 07/29/15 03:22 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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Way, way south.
I think he did request to have the balls deflated to his tastes.
Did it allow him an advantage? Probably.
Did it cause enough of a difference to win the games where the balls were deflated? Maybe, but it's only one aspect of the game and not enough to make them into the winning franchise they have been since he's been QB'ing.
I have we heard enough about this subject? Absolutely. Do the suspension, monitor the balls going forward, and let's move on to something that actually matters.
Giddy up.
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#2030467 - 07/29/15 03:32 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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Somewhere in the middle
I don't see what he is being acused of as any different than, scuffing a baseball, spitting on a baseball, using too much pine tar, too tight a jersey, loosened stitches on a jersey, spraying non-stick on a jersey, faking an injury in basketball, or soccer, making your car 1/2 inch shorter in NASCAR. The punishment does not fit the crime.
Bottom line is Brady is making this worse on himself. The league agreed to give the Commish this authority, and now don't want to follow it by cooperating.
I can understand what may have been on Brady's phone that he did not want or trust the NFL to have it. May have been nothing related to NFL, but my guess it did. And if he did text the equipment guys, could they not obtain the equipment guys phones and see if they received text from Brady? Wouldn't need Tom's phone.
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#2030472 - 07/29/15 03:39 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
DD Regs
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Soaring over Georgia
And if he did text the equipment guys, could they not obtain the equipment guys phones and see if they received text from Brady? Wouldn't need Tom's phone. They did obtain their phones and there were no texts from Brady.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP My posts - my opinions
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#2030500 - 07/29/15 04:38 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
10K Club
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
if you look at my phone, I have no texts either, I delete them after I read them...doesn't everyone?
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#2030502 - 07/29/15 04:40 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
10K Club
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
And if he did text the equipment guys, could they not obtain the equipment guys phones and see if they received text from Brady? Wouldn't need Tom's phone. They did obtain their phones and there were no texts from Brady. well, circumstantial, at best...
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#2030511 - 07/29/15 04:56 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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under the Lone Star
This circumvention of the well known rules on ball inflation should result in more than a lousy 4 game suspension.
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#2030514 - 07/29/15 05:01 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
10K Club
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
from Brady's statetment, or, as Paul Harvey would say "and now, the rest of the story" "To try and reconcile the record and fully cooperate with the investigation after I was disciplined in May, we turned over detailed pages of cell phone records and all of the emails that Mr. Wells requested. We even contacted the phone company to see if there was any possible way we could retrieve any/all of the actual text messages from my old phone. In short, we exhausted every possibility to give the NFL everything we could and offered to go thru the identity for every text and phone call during the relevant time. Regardless, the NFL knows that Mr. Wells already had ALL relevant communications with Patriots personnel that either Mr. Wells saw or that I was questioned about in my appeal hearing. There is no "smoking gun" and this controversy is manufactured to distract from the fact they have zero evidence of wrongdoing. gee, AFTER he was disciplined he wanted to cooperate? may have saved all this headache if he did it before. and, to use his own words, if he was not "required" to do such during the investigation, why was he so willing to do so after the investigation was closed? because he knew no proof could be found on the "destroyed" phone? trying to make himself look good? or better, to portray himself a victim...
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#2030551 - 07/29/15 06:38 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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if you look at my phone, I have no texts either, I delete them after I read them...doesn't everyone? I don't but my ex-wife used to 
Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.
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#2030590 - 07/29/15 07:55 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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In the world of football, I despise all things New England, Kraft, Belichick, and Brady. I feel there's enough evidence (call it circumstantial all you'd like) and especicially the way with which Brady has handled himself speaks of guilt in my opinion (admittedly a biased opinion). But, as MB Guy said in an earlier post, the deflated footballs may have provided (probably did provide) an advantage; but not enough of an advantage to supply the butt-kicking they handed to Indy in the AFC Champ. Did it occur earlier in the season? Maybe, maybe not. All that said, Bill Belichick is a football genius and Brady is a top 5 QB all time. They're cheats and liars - talented cheats and liars - but still all the same. I don't understand why they felt the need to cheat when they were already in position to win. Hate them or love them (I despise them) their dominance in the NFL over the past decade and a half is irrefutable.
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#2030592 - 07/29/15 07:59 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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You are here
I don't understand why they felt the need to cheat when they were already in position to win
could be if not for cheating they would not have made it to the SB. Deflated balls are better in wet weather in a game they just barely won.
Opinions can be considered as coming from anywhere but my employer.
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#2030598 - 07/29/15 08:07 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
10K Club
Joined: Jun 2004
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
if you look at my phone, I have no texts either, I delete them after I read them...doesn't everyone? I don't but my ex-wife used to you just let your texts grow and grow? I get a text from my kid asking a question, I answer and delete. texts from others are the same way. email is same way, answer and delete...I hate clutter
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#2030599 - 07/29/15 08:10 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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email is same way, answer and delete...
I may or may not keep a copy on the private server in my home.
I thought getting old would take longer.
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#2030602 - 07/29/15 08:15 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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under the Lone Star
“My assistant Jack Daniels and I actually destroy a cellphone every four months or so. Usually just the screen but I get it,†Rams defensive end Chris Long tweeted Tuesday.
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#2030603 - 07/29/15 08:15 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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under the Lone Star
This same thing happens to me, but with my assistant, Tank Tangueray.
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#2030617 - 07/29/15 08:44 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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if you look at my phone, I have no texts either, I delete them after I read them...doesn't everyone? I don't but my ex-wife used to you just let your texts grow and grow? I get a text from my kid asking a question, I answer and delete. texts from others are the same way. email is same way, answer and delete...I hate clutter My text program deletes them after so long or so many - doesn't really bother me.
Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.
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#2030635 - 07/29/15 09:27 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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have not yet seen anything that directly links him to the allegations. If the NFL had subpoena power you would have much more than circumstantial evidence and you would have a ball boy testifying under oath. If this were being tried by the standards of our country's legal system, I don't think there is a chance he would be charged much less convicted. That is because you are not factoring into the fact that deflator and the texts would all be public record. If this were tried in the court of law the NE Patriots would be suspended as a team and probably have to give back every Super Bowl. Then, we will now have to factor in the criminal misconduct as it pertains to cheating and how it effects legal sports betting. I very much doubt that Brady was texting with these knucklehead locker room attendants or anyone else about this. I think he either did not feel that the league had the authority to go through his personal cell phone or he felt there was something on his phone that would damage his reputation much more than this scandal. He plays for the league, the league has the right to conduct their investigation. I am sure he DESTROYED (I keep saying this and I don't think people get it), evidence because he was innocent? Yeah right! I think that the players union should take note of this and several other scandals that have hit the sport in the past few years and fight in the next contract to have these things decided by an arbitration committee of some sort rather than giving the commissioner all of this power. The questionable investigations and punishments are hurting the sport almost as much as the incidents themselves. This I agree with you on. I think Goodell has ruined the sport. However, for the first time I think Goodell is right and everyone except for New England fans seems to know it. I have read opinion article after opinion article and no one is taking Brady's side except for NE fans. Or as I will now call both of them, cheat supporters.
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#2030637 - 07/29/15 09:31 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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Wonder if the NFL will make millions and millions next season over this scandal? Patriots versus the world will sell.
"The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it." --George Orwell
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#2030660 - 07/29/15 11:46 PM
Re: More Cheaters (really not the Patriots this time)
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Just saw the Kraft interview and I think it is funny he is mad about the headline but not about the part about destroying the evidence. Plus, Brady claims he did not destroy evidence.... no wait, lets change the wording.... he did not destroy the cellphone to destroy evidence.
This is laughable.
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