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#2051671 - 11/30/15 06:04 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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And we know who said "help" on the walkie talkie.
I couldn't believe Carol got body slammed!
Nevermind tomorrow, TODAY is the day. -unknown
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#2051730 - 11/30/15 09:55 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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Land of Oz
Episode just wasn't as intense as I expected. I thought we would see something from Daryl's group too. Can't wait to see if/how Glenn saves the day. We did. But they "hid" that additional scene during a commercial break of the new Badlands show. I watched it online about an hour after it was shown. I thought the show was a bit of a let down also. I wish it had been more shocking. The next episode, on Valentine's Day, surely will, but I didn't feel like they had me hanging on the edge of my seat like I thought a "mid-season finale" should.
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#2051798 - 12/01/15 04:09 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
Pale Rider
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Almost lost that mom to be! Everybody was soooooo slow responding to the walkers coming in once the church steeple took a portion of the wall down. Falling down all over the place, cheeze, get up and run! Loved how the episode ended with the boy having a question that couldn't wait!! Should have duct-taped his mouth shut prior to leaving the house!
Sorry, did I just use my outside voice?
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#2051800 - 12/01/15 04:11 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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Episode just wasn't as intense as I expected. I thought we would see something from Daryl's group too. Can't wait to see if/how Glenn saves the day. We did. But they "hid" that additional scene during a commercial break of the new Badlands show. I watched it online about an hour after it was shown. I thought the show was a bit of a let down also. I wish it had been more shocking. The next episode, on Valentine's Day, surely will, but I didn't feel like they had me hanging on the edge of my seat like I thought a "mid-season finale" should. I missed the additional scene (ticks me off that they try to get viewers for their stupid Badlands show by trying to keep viewers hanging on after "The Dead"). What additional info did it reveal please?
Sorry, did I just use my outside voice?
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#2051822 - 12/01/15 05:10 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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Added info on Darrel - The 3 amigos are stopped out on a country road by a band of bad biker dudes, maybe 6 of them, all heavily armed. The head biker informs the group that they no longer own anything, guns, truck, nothing.....
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#2051989 - 12/02/15 02:21 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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The additional scene/sneak peak from the second half of the season was also shown on the Talking Dead. The Talking Dead always has "special" sneak peaks from the next episode.
I overstand.
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#2051994 - 12/02/15 02:33 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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Is Negan in the comic book? (I'm sure Google could answer that for me but again...I'm lazy. You should all know this by now.)
Some days good karma isn't worth the hassle.
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#2052099 - 12/02/15 07:39 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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Easy Street
OoooOOOOooo goodie!
Maybe I need to read the comic.
Some days good karma isn't worth the hassle.
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#2052160 - 12/02/15 09:35 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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one state over
Yes. And from what I hear, he is worse than The Governor. If he stays course with the comics, then he will make his debut in a very shocking way. that's the truth ... I can't believe the TV show would do that though
"Strip the Flesh, Salt the Wound" - Krieg
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#2052192 - 12/02/15 10:35 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
100 Club
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Land of Oz
Yes. And from what I hear, he is worse than The Governor. If he stays course with the comics, then he will make his debut in a very shocking way. that's the truth ... I can't believe the TV show would do that though I think something will happen, but I don't think it will be the same one. A different beloved. Maybe one who doesn't have a storyline paved already?
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#2052864 - 12/07/15 07:24 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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Symptoms of WD mid-season fan withdrawal are starting to set in...blank/vacant stare, moaning, occasional snarls, stiffness in the joints, a disheveled appearance, gray skin, low core temperature...either that or I'm turning into one!
Sorry, did I just use my outside voice?
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#2052870 - 12/07/15 07:53 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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Posts: 37
Too busy with Christmas stuff to notice yet, but after Jan. withdrawal until it comes back. Will have to go back and watch old ones.
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#2052874 - 12/07/15 08:10 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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I can't imagine they will carry on with 2 babies in a zombie apocolypse. I think Maggie & Glen will live but somewhere along the way she will lose the unborn baby and they will "take in" enid. I also don't see them killing off Daryl but I think either Carol or Morgan need to go ..... They cannot co-exist.
In my neck of the woods we have four distinct seasons...Winter,Spring,Summer and FOOTBALL
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#2052880 - 12/07/15 08:37 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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My vote is to get rid of Morgan...just can't get on board with his character...his stance on things is too PC in a world where PC has largely fallen by the wayside...
Sorry, did I just use my outside voice?
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#2052938 - 12/08/15 01:47 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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OoooOOOOooo goodie!
Maybe I need to read the comic. Get the omnibus.
I overstand.
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#2052955 - 12/08/15 02:32 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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What is the timeline from the initial outbreak until present day in this season? How long have the walking dead been dead? Seems like a max of one and a half to two years has passed for the characters on the show? I wonder what the "shelf life" is on a walking dead person? Are they decaying (in which case you just wait them out), or does the virus put their flesh into some sort of state where decay does not take place?
Sorry, did I just use my outside voice?
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#2052985 - 12/08/15 03:31 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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Down South
His introduction in the book actually impacts 2 important characters; everyone focuses on just the one Negan personally meets. I agree that they may change who it is. HUGE BOOK SPOILERS BELOW (seriously, do NOT read if you haven't read all three compendiums and the most recent issues): If they do I think it will be Darryl. Dwight has already been introduced and his signature weapon is the crossbow he took from Darryl in the show. When they introduce Jesus (Paul) they no longer have need for a "Darryl" character. They have developed Carol to be the Andrea of the show so it won't be her and Morgan would not be nearly impactful enough. There is no way it will be Michonne as her role is significant in the story to come. I hope they keep it as it is in the books as his death changes Rick's perspective on everything. His entire hope had rested on Glenn and Maggie and that was shattered. I also wouldn't put it past Scott to make people feel his loss, the joy of his return, and then take him away again. It seems like a move they would do.
They will likely have Negan's men kill Abraham just like in the books (he is who I was referencing above) and that will solidify Eugene on his path. His character on the show so far has been very accurate to the source material and his long term impact on the story is significant so I hope they stay true.
So, for the second half of the season, what all do you think it covers? I can't imagine it goes beyond introducing Hilltop and maybe The Kingdom but that seems like a stretch. They haven't given themselves time to get anywhere this season.
My opinions are simply that, my opinion.
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#2053182 - 12/08/15 10:50 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
Need Coffee
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Land of Oz
His introduction in the book actually impacts 2 important characters; everyone focuses on just the one Negan personally meets. I agree that they may change who it is. HUGE BOOK SPOILERS BELOW (seriously, do NOT read if you haven't read all three compendiums and the most recent issues): If they do I think it will be Darryl. Dwight has already been introduced and his signature weapon is the crossbow he took from Darryl in the show. When they introduce Jesus (Paul) they no longer have need for a "Darryl" character. They have developed Carol to be the Andrea of the show so it won't be her and Morgan would not be nearly impactful enough. There is no way it will be Michonne as her role is significant in the story to come. I hope they keep it as it is in the books as his death changes Rick's perspective on everything. His entire hope had rested on Glenn and Maggie and that was shattered. I also wouldn't put it past Scott to make people feel his loss, the joy of his return, and then take him away again. It seems like a move they would do.
They will likely have Negan's men kill Abraham just like in the books (he is who I was referencing above) and that will solidify Eugene on his path. His character on the show so far has been very accurate to the source material and his long term impact on the story is significant so I hope they stay true.
So, for the second half of the season, what all do you think it covers? I can't imagine it goes beyond introducing Hilltop and maybe The Kingdom but that seems like a stretch. They haven't given themselves time to get anywhere this season. My thoughts on the spoilers..... I also think it will be Daryl. I have not read the comics, but I follow the spoilers pretty closely. I saw that Abe will not last much longer either. From what I heard on filming, Negan does not show up until the season finale. So looks like they'll be laying more paths to lead up to the big events.
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#2053272 - 12/09/15 03:51 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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Followers of the TV show only will be up in arms in they kill of !
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#2053274 - 12/09/15 03:51 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
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* ....if they kill off.....
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#2053329 - 12/09/15 05:42 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
Pale Rider
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* ....if they kill off..... Hey Pale, which zombie character are you? Just kidding!
Sorry, did I just use my outside voice?
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#2053355 - 12/09/15 06:58 PM
Re: The Walking Dead Latest Season
10K Club
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Hey Sam, I am the walking dead that cannot decay or die! I don't need to eat or drink, or even breathe air for that matter!
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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