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#2032216 - 08/06/15 08:04 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Skittles, hoping to hear news that the procedure went well for your dad.  fun_grandma, I don't have any words of advice, but prayers to you and your family to find the answers that you need. 
Nothing changes, if nothing changes. (from a good friend of mine)
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#2032241 - 08/06/15 08:39 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Posts: 960
fun_grandma, You may want to see if one of the nursing homes in your area has a staff member to talk to. When my mom went from an independent living center to nursing care, the center's social worker called me and discussed their evaluation of her. Perhaps a home in your area has a social worker or counselor that could give you some guidelines.
Praying for you and Skittles and Busy Bee. These are really difficult times.
My dad has been gone 15 years (unbelieveable) and mom for 9, and I see them frequently in my dreams. Whenever I do, it's always the mom and dad I remember back when they were healthy and happy.
I thought getting old would take longer.
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#2032296 - 08/07/15 01:13 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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What Brain said. Talk to the pros. Brain, how nice!  . Lucky you!
My opinion only. Not legal advice. Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour
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#2032559 - 08/08/15 07:13 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Dad did well - and then that afternoon he had to have a pacemaker. His heart did not have natural rhythm. He's getting out of cardiovascular ICU today and put in a 'regular' room. He may get out tomorrow or Monday - and then off to rehab.
fun grandma - while I don't have any advice for you - you do have my prayers.
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#2032594 - 08/10/15 02:19 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
so glad to hear that your dad is doing better, Skittles.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free." - Frederick Douglass
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#2032618 - 08/10/15 03:36 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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back home again
I hope your dad continues doing well, Skittles...
Deep breath in...cleansing breath out...
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#2032628 - 08/10/15 03:56 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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under the Lone Star
Amazing, just amazing that someone that old can pull through and get to rehab. Gives us hope when the day comes we are there.
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#2032640 - 08/10/15 04:42 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Thanks for everyone's kind words. Not in rehab yet. He's not eating - nothing sounds good. I told him over the phone this morning that if he wanted to get out of the hospital he needed to eat. The surgery was a HUGE success, but dad is down in the dumps right now. Hopefully he'll improve enough in the next day or two to get to rehab.
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#2032645 - 08/10/15 04:54 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
fun grandma
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Prayers skittles. Keep being diligent. And get him moving. My mom has Alzheimer's, in the somewhat earlier stages yet. ...
My question is how do you know when it is time for them to go into a nursing home with an Alzheimer's unit? I realize everyone's situation, etc are different. But are there some guidelines, or somewhere you can call and ask questions?
fun grandma, You will just know. There was a day when grandma left the house to go for a walk and we lost her for 4 hours. She could not remember how to get back. And she told us it wouldn't happen again. And then it did. (This time an uncle that lives close by was watching for it.) The next week she called 911 because of an intruder - it was my grandpa - she didn't know him anymore. The next day, the same thing, she called the police, my grandpa called my dad and my dad called the nursing home. The next week we moved her in. And soon after, she tried to stage an escape with the other residents.  (She was a feisty one.)
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#2032701 - 08/10/15 06:53 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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The Swamp
Dementia in any form can be horrible and entertaining all at the same time. Try to find the humor as often as possible.
My opinion only. Not legal advice. Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour
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#2033659 - 08/13/15 09:19 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Got a call from my mom this morning and she said that they were sure today would be the day that my grandpa was going to pass away. He was telling my mom and grandma that he was dying and then was talking about being with the Lord in Heaven. But...he rallied again and actually ate some breakfast today. What an emotional rollercoaster this has been! He was talking in his sleep when I visited at lunch. Kept talking about rebar and metal bearings. Then, in his sleep, he was pointing his finger and said, "If you go two miles an hour slower, then you wouldn't have a problem and it will be much better." We figured one of his kids or grandkids was getting a lecture about speeding!  As difficult as this end-of-life process has been, we are grateful for the positive memories that are being made.
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#2033956 - 08/17/15 02:37 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Tiger's Den!
How's your grandpa today Busy?
The last thing that blew my mind was the wind.
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#2034299 - 08/18/15 06:03 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Sadly, grandpa passed on Sunday morning. What a blessing it is to know he's no longer suffering and to know where he is! And we had time to say our goodbyes to him. He was ready to go.
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#2034324 - 08/18/15 07:06 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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I'm so sorry, Busy.
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#2034372 - 08/18/15 08:20 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Joined: Feb 2010
Posts: 960
Very sorry, Busy Bee, and wishing you many happy memories of your grandpa.
I thought getting old would take longer.
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#2034487 - 08/19/15 02:09 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Tiger's Den!
My deepest condolences Busy.
The last thing that blew my mind was the wind.
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#2034505 - 08/19/15 02:43 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Sorry for your loss, Busy.
Nothing changes, if nothing changes. (from a good friend of mine)
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#2034534 - 08/19/15 04:17 PM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
Oh Busy, I know you and your family will miss him even as you are glad he is no longer suffering. My deepest sympathies with your loss..
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free." - Frederick Douglass
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#2036763 - 09/02/15 02:34 AM
Re: Caring for our parents
Truffle Royale
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Just saw your post Busy. I am sorry for your loss. Sending prayers to your family.
Can I ask if anyone has a recommendation for an auto-ship, discrete, diaper company? My mom is so embarrassed to purchase them and hates to ask anyone to help her get them. I live two hours away, so maybe an auto-mail? I am going to see her this weekend and have 7 dzn in my car for her so she should be set up for a while.
Just working here until I get my letter from Hogwarts.
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