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#2272563 - 07/08/22 02:19 PM Is this going to be the worst summer ever?
raitchjay Online
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Only early July and we've already been over 100 about 15 times. Heat index value today expected to be 110-112 (actual temperature around 105). 15 day forecast has 12 days of 100 plus (the "easy" days show a high of 99). August is typically our hottest month. Not out of the question for 100 degree days to linger into September (i remember a summer in the early 2000s when it was 100 plus for the first 14 days of September....105-110). Not a "dry" heat around here either. Yuck.
I'm fixin' to fix that.

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#2272564 - 07/08/22 02:34 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
HappyGilmore Offline
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i blame al gore, who flies all over the place in his giant private plane, driving to functions with a fleet of suburbans, to complain about our causing global warming
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#2272566 - 07/08/22 03:07 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
SmallBankBSA Offline
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is it sad that I enjoy that type of weather? Of course I don't get that many days in a row where I am so I may think differently if I lived it daily.

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#2272567 - 07/08/22 03:17 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
raitchjay Online
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I honestly didn't mind it as much before becoming the owner of multiple (6) dogs. I worry about keeping them cool in it.
I'm fixin' to fix that.

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#2272572 - 07/08/22 04:27 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
i run 5 miles every south 90+ degree heat with 85%+ humidity. yesterday was only 87 with 58% humidity, it felt like winter!
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#2272762 - 07/13/22 03:56 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
raitchjay Online
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Forecast highs for the next 14 days: 103,101,102,102,102,104,105,104,104,103,105,106,104,106.
I'm fixin' to fix that.

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#2272776 - 07/13/22 05:51 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
my sister is in AZ and when we talked at 10:00 AM her time monday it was already 114. i reminded her that she moved there on purpose. she then told me she hated me! grin
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#2272784 - 07/13/22 06:38 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
raitchjay Online
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The thing is....we get actual winter here too (not Minnesota winter...but definitely worse than most other places in this country that consistently get over 100 degrees)......i'd be more ok with our summers if we got Phoenix winters.
I'm fixin' to fix that.

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#2272797 - 07/13/22 08:31 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
CompliantOkie Offline
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It's so hot, I can't even cool off in the pool. The water is over 100 degrees unless the sun is down.

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#2272799 - 07/13/22 09:01 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
one deer Offline
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Any where but work
Triple digits temps expected here in SW KS for next 14 days, with no rain. My kids in Texas are over the triple digit temps too. Heading to Hartsel CO 75 day temps and 55 night temps, thinking about refusing to come home until September. LOL

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#2272802 - 07/13/22 09:37 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
raitchjay Online
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We've gotten about 1/10 of an inch of rain in the last 30 days, which is about 3% of what it is supposed to be this time of year, according to our weatherman.
I'm fixin' to fix that.

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#2272829 - 07/14/22 04:26 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
SteveDave Offline
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80's and a little 90's here in MI. If it hits above 99 I don't see the sunlight till its over.

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#2272837 - 07/14/22 04:55 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
TINKerBell Offline
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SteveDave is spot on for here in MI. Today it's sunny and temp high should be 81 in SE MI. The dog days of summer are fast approaching, but normally that puts us in the low to mid 90's. I truly love the 4 seasons here and wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
The last thing that blew my mind was the wind.

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#2272844 - 07/14/22 05:58 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
raitchjay Online
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I don't complain about the heat until the temperature or heat index reaches 100. I'd kill for some 90 degree days right now.
I'm fixin' to fix that.

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#2272861 - 07/14/22 07:56 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
oh man, our heat index has been 100 or greater since early June, and that is early even for us.
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#2272866 - 07/14/22 08:32 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
raitchjay Online
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Same here. We set a record in 1980 with 69 days over 100 degrees. I think that record is in danger this year. I don't have an official count, but i think we're probably in the 25 range already....possibly more than that. I looked at and their extended summer forecast....we're in the "much warmer than average" category for August too.
I'm fixin' to fix that.

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#2272892 - 07/15/22 01:14 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
HappyGilmore Offline
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some goober here turned off the AC in our building yesterday evening. Walked in to a sweltering 83 this morning. I'm glad i get here early, i cranked that puppy down to 68 and got some fans running, took about an hour but finally a tolerable 73...and i also just reprogrammed the AC controllers so they can no longer shut off.
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#2272893 - 07/15/22 01:55 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
CompliantOkie Offline
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I just started working from home this week and my office is on the 2nd floor of my house. I've got an extra portable AC and a couple fans to keep it tolerable in the afternoon.
Our extended forecast has NO high temps under 105.
I usually love the summer but this is a bit much!

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#2272894 - 07/15/22 02:01 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
raitchjay Online
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Yes, i noticed they updated the temps for next week......a 109 showing up next week.
I'm fixin' to fix that.

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#2273005 - 07/18/22 07:36 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
raitchjay Online
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Updated 15 day forecast highs: 106, 112, 109, 102, 105, 104, 106, 107, 107, 104, 104, 102, 102, 102, 103.
I'm fixin' to fix that.

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#2273047 - 07/19/22 04:19 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
SmallBankBSA Offline
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I'm not used to those do you get anything done outside? or do you go from your car to the building or car inside the house? Can you even enjoy a pool with temps like those?

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#2273049 - 07/19/22 04:27 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
raitchjay Online
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When it's like today, high expected to be just try to stay indoors as much as possible. I typically have some outdoor work i have to do in the evenings around 6:00 (not super strenuous stuff, and typically takes 30 minutes or so) and i'm completely drenched in sweat when i'm done. Never been more ready for fall.
I'm fixin' to fix that.

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#2273052 - 07/19/22 04:38 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
hey, but it's a dry heat, right?
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#2273116 - 07/20/22 04:37 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
raitchjay Online
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Forecasters are calling for a one-day reprieve tomorrow, before the 100 degree plus train returns. Crazy how excited i am for 97 degrees.
I'm fixin' to fix that.

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#2273154 - 07/20/22 07:54 PM Re: Is this going to be the worst summer ever? raitchjay
JWills, CRCM Offline
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The Mitten State
90's here in Michigan this week, just had to go to the basement here at work due to a tornado warning.
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