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#2285621 - 06/16/23 03:14 PM Method of applicant's permission to pull credit
Compliance Nut Offline
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Posts: 246
Are lenders required under FCRA to document the method in which an applicant authorized the lender to pull their credit in connection with an application for credit?

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#2285622 - 06/16/23 03:30 PM Re: Method of applicant's permission to pull credit Compliance Nut
Inherent_Risk Offline
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If it's in connection with an application for credit, then you don't need the applicant to authorize the pull under FCRA. You have a permissible purpose.

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#2285625 - 06/16/23 04:02 PM Re: Method of applicant's permission to pull credit Compliance Nut
Compliance Nut Offline
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We had an auditor cite this as an issue because we didn't "collect the method in which the applicant gave their authorization".

I don't think that would be required under ECOA, right? I just can't imagine a scenario in which it would be required.

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#2285636 - 06/16/23 06:40 PM Re: Method of applicant's permission to pull credit Compliance Nut
Dan Persfull Offline
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Dan Persfull
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the method in which the applicant gave their authorization

That would be the consumer's oral or written request for credit.

I just can't imagine a scenario in which it would be required.

It could possibly be a state law requirement.
The opinions expressed are mine and they are not to be taken as legal advice.

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#2285647 - 06/16/23 09:43 PM Re: Method of applicant's permission to pull credit Compliance Nut
Andy_Z Offline
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Ask the auditor for the cite so you can look it up. That'll shut them up or otherwise resolve the issue. There should be an app, an existing loan with a problem or some valid reason that is obvious, otherwise I'd ask "why?"

I used to get the credit bureau bill and contact different departments where the terminals were and ask to see the app, AAN, employment reason, etc. to justify getting the report. But there is no requirement that it be documents or signed off. That is why we audit and impose these controls.
My opinions are not necessarily my employers.
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#2288114 - 08/28/23 08:44 PM Re: Method of applicant's permission to pull credit Compliance Nut
dutchbltz Offline
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@ Compliance Nut this didn't happen to be an Equifax Permissible Purpose audit did it?```````````

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