If your bank has more than $10 billion in total assets, you should be taking a preliminary look at the CFPB's new final rule (
announced yesterday) on overdraft fees. It is very much like the proposal the Bureau published in February 2024. FIs with total assets over $10B will have the choice to:
- Cap their OD fee at $5
- Cap their fee at an amount that covers costs and losses
- Disclose the terms of their OD loan just like other open-end credit, treating OD fees as finance charges
The new rule is scheduled to become effective October 1, 2025. There is likely to be litigation that could nullify or alter the rule, given the changes in administration and Congress in 2025.
I am working on posting the rule's changes to the BOL Regulations pages for Regs E and Z, but they can be undone easily if the rule is nullified.