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#234792 - 08/26/04 01:37 PM Re: Teller name tags showing last names
Princess Leia Offline
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I agree. This is not the bank that I work at - my sister is a CSR there. Its a small branch of a larger institution so I'm not even sure if the security officer is there. I tried to encourage her to have the branch manager call the police - after the fact - but to no avail. When I said this nut could easily follow them home, she got really defensive and said, (and I quote) "stop playing expert".

Yeah, we are real close - NOT. But that's a different thread topic
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#234793 - 08/27/04 10:49 PM Re: Teller name tags showing last names
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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I worked at a very large bank when my problem happened, and the security staff were not located right in the branch, but when they learned of the problem they took immediate action to protect me. The same can be done for the people in this scenario.

In this case I'd call security myself if my manager wouldn't. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to a staff member because I kept the situation quiet. The manager will be mad, but hopefully corrected in their improper lack of regard for their staff.
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

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#234794 - 08/29/04 12:51 AM Re: Teller name tags showing last names
Fraudman CFCI Offline
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Thank you to everyone who has replied to this thread. Your comments are very important to me and I appreciate your input into what I believe is a serious safety and security issue.

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#234795 - 02/15/05 10:17 PM Re: Teller name tags showing last names
Starter Offline
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One of our branches was robbed a short time ago and the robbers asked who the head teller was - following the robbery, we immediately removed both the last names and the titles from our name tags on the teller stations - too much Security risk to tellers -

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#234796 - 02/17/05 04:18 PM Re: Teller name tags showing last names

Here's what happened at my very large bank in a very large metropolitan area several years ago. Last names were displayed for all, tellers and mgmt in the branches. Some kook got the last name of the manager, found out where he lived and kidnapped his wife and child. He demanded ransom from our banker. All turned out ok, but after that our bank decided that no last names would be used in the branches.

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#234797 - 02/17/05 05:41 PM Re: Teller name tags showing last names
HappyGilmore Offline
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Here's what happened at my very large bank in a very large metropolitan area several years ago. Last names were displayed for all, tellers and mgmt in the branches. Some kook got the last name of the manager, found out where he lived and kidnapped his wife and child. He demanded ransom from our banker. All turned out ok, but after that our bank decided that no last names would be used in the branches.

Yeah, I heard about it's a movie staring Bruce Willis!!! LOL
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#234798 - 02/17/05 06:04 PM Re: Teller name tags showing last names

Wow, thought I'd seen all the Bruce Willis movies, don't remember that one. But now thinking about the kidnapping, it happened long before Bruce was making movies, kind of dating my self but I think it happened in the late 70's or early 80's. But it really did happen.

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#234799 - 02/17/05 06:08 PM Re: Teller name tags showing last names
Skittles Offline
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The movie was Bandits starring Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton.
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#234800 - 02/22/05 02:11 AM Re: Teller name tags showing last names
8675309 Offline
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There have been 2 copycat incidents based on this movie in my area in the past 3 years. In one, the robber had the wrong address. In the other, they did hold our branch mgr. and her husband captive all night and then had her open the safe in the morning. They have since been caught thank goodness.

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#234801 - 02/22/05 03:01 PM Re: Teller name tags showing last names
GregS Offline
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I worked in a small town (900) when my wife & I were held hostage. Big town, small town when it's a whacko it's a whacko.
Security training for myself & wife (ex-banker) and my secretary paid off. Calm voice, calm face, nothing to get excited about. He left us tied up to go to the drop site where the sheriff waited.
Whacko specifically wanted $30,000 ransom which was the same amount as his loan request I had denied. Yeah, yeah my boss also said something about how much I was worth. The next bank I worked for knew about this and wanted me to be security officer. I lasted about 6 months and had scared the stuffing out of too many people.

The point is I would encourage very limited use of teller or even platform last names. Never keep family photos in public, etc. The less information the whacko has to work with the better.
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