I've had a couple of requests for an update...so here goes.
Life is good!!!
We're doing "normal" kid stuff. Like potty training (whereby I think the parent is really the one that gets trained) and running all over the house and watching cartoons and laughing because you realize that the cartoon characters are funny – she just did that this week, by the way, watching "Brother Bear" of all things, and dancing and singing. And loving every single second of it.
So like I said, life is good.
She still has to get poked every once in a while for lab (blood) draws and for now her levels are stable. Stable. I love that word.
We still have to be careful with this being a germy season (she's at a high risk for pneumonia, etc.) but in all things are stable.
We will return on February 9 (the one year liver transplant anniversary - already) for a CAT scan of her lymph nodes to check for any reoccurrence of the PTLD (cancer of the lymph system) and we're praying that we'll get the "all clear."
Another thanks to all of you that have come along for the ride. It was bumpy there for a while...
(If you want to check it out, I posted new pictures on the front page of the webpage. Not for the squeamish.)