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#297806 - 07/06/05 10:51 PM Re: Prayer List updated 6-30-05
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 7,353
Anchorage Alaska
A little good news on the power of prayer. My friend had more texts in mid June and we were told that she should prepare for less than nine months to live. As you can guess everyone who loves her was devistated. She's been such a fighter and so dang strong we just didn't want to hear the news, even if we knew it was a possability eventually.

I didn't post because I was away sick and frankly it was hard to write without being too upset. But she's been on the list and I know those prayers still go out

So this week, because the results were so very very bad, they brought her down for more testing. She just found out that the results that frightened us all were an absolute fluke. The doctor is shocked and ran these tests more than once because they were so much better. While she is still battling luekemia and will until a transplant is found, she's not looking at a short six to nine months anymore. They are fully confident that these results are very accurate, and basically put her back at her earlier level, which means a few years to fight or find that transplant. We're very relieved, and I'm sure the prayer and support that has gone out on her behalf has helped in what looked to be a hopeless situation. Thank you all!!!!
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#297807 - 07/07/05 01:09 PM Re: Prayer List updated 6-30-05
E.E.G.B Offline
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Joined: Jul 2002
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the sandy shore
Let's also keep the people of London in our thoughts.....
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#297808 - 07/07/05 02:08 PM Re: Prayer List updated 7-7-05
waldensouth Online
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Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Jim and Lynne Bedsole - Lynne admitted to the hospital Christmas Day. After a lot of ups and downs and 81 days in the hospital - she was able to go home.
For those of you who don't believe in the miraculous power of prayer, let this experience serve as a testimony that God is real and that he does desire a relationship with us. It is our sin that separates us from God, but that separation can be bridged through the person of Jesus Christ. He is faithful to His word in all things. And in all things, He is in control. It was only through an abiding faith in these tenets and the uplifted prayers of all our wonderful friends and family that we were able to make it through this long ordeal. 5-17-05 update - Lynne is continuing to improve. She is doing more and more self-sufficiency-wise. She still tires easily. Her hemoglobin level is low and she is currently working through some tests and treatments with a Hematologist to try to improve that which should in turn improve her strength and stamina.

Her mental processes are working fine now, and she doesn't seem to have any long-term effect from the watershed stroke she had. Her kidney functions are perfectly fine. All the systems that were shutting down in December and January are functioning fine.

She is pretty well recovered from the emergency surgery that was performed in January, but they are anticipating another surgery in the early fall to reverse the iliostomy they had to do as part of the surgery in January.

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 7-7-05 update - The labs from Sunday look terrific!! Bili is steady, AST and ALT are normal, GGT is up a bit...and drum-roll please...hemoglobin is actually up to 10!!!!!!!!!!!!

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 6-23-05 update - The right lung showed PET positive and the left lung was PET tive.........However, my oncologist still thinks these are due to spores. He has scheduled another CAT Scan for July 22nd....We will probably continue CTs once a month for awhile....If there is any activity, we will be on top of it......I will begin radiation next week and maintenance Chemo in early November. Thanks for the prayers.

1-4-05 David Dickenson - thyroid illness I'm currently on 2 medications to keep my system in balance. They are working wonderfully. On Feb 2nd I take another radio-active pill to try and kill my thyroid again. It will then be 6-8 weeks before I know if it was successful. I would like to remain on your prayer list. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. 3-18-05 update - It’s DEAD! I barely crawled out of bed this morning. On Wednesday, I had a blood test as I knew that I was slowing down and my 6 weeks was due on Thursday. Today I felt like I was sick, tired or simply sick & tired. I went to the Dr. after lunch. I’m not sick. This is all just symptoms of a dead thyroid (freezing cold, sore muscles, memory loss – huh?, etc.). The bad news is that it takes 6 weeks or more to see any improvement! I’m going to be like this for a while. My doctor had me take 7 pills today (a little unconventional he said) to jump start the system, but he assured me there was no down side to this. Unfortunately, I may not be worth a hoot for a few weeks. After 6 weeks, I will go in to have a blood test and see where I’m at. Then they starting tweaking the synthroid to get it perfect for me. Thanks for all of the prayers! Have a great weekend, everyone. 4-7-05 update - Doing great. Thanks to all of your for your concerns and prayers. On Wednesday of last week it was like someone threw a switch: I had my energy back! I still run down about 8 pm each night, but my days are much better.

1-5-05 Little Sister's niece - cancer returned

1-5-05 Fraud pup's friend's son, Zakery - almost drowned, still recovering

1-5-05 Skittles' Mom - triple bypass and valve replacement surgery recovering at home now Thanks so much for remembering my mother on the list. It's been just over a month since her surgery. She's recovering, but very slowly. She's still not eating and has lost 10 pounds, so her strength is coming back very slowly. She'll be 80 in 3 weeks, but is still a tough old bird. The visiting nurse thinks her slowness is possibly due to the fact that they had to go back in the next day due to her internal bleeding.

1-5-05 obx nut's Mom - stroke, unable to walk, in nursing home

1-5-05 Deena's Mom and Family - Mom battling lung cancer, family grieving over loss of Dad last October 6-23-05 update - I am once again asking for prayers for my family. As you may remember, I lost my father to lung cancer last October and my mother has been battling the same horrible disease for 3 1/2 years. She is not at all well but is not ready to give up. In addition (as if that wasn't enough), my uncle (father's brother) died very unexpectedly last weekend. We are all in shock. He was nearly 87 years old, but he seemed to be in excellent health. Please keep us in your prayers.

1-6-05 Boomermom's co-worker - diagnosed with cancer/fell and broke her hip - had partial hip replacement 2-3-05 update - Is losing lots of weight. (7 pounds in last 2 weeks and had lost lots since becoming ill.) Doctors do not know why food is not digesting. Goes back to doctor for tests next week. 2-23-05 update - My co-worker came back to work part-time yesterday after her hip surgery. She cannot drive for six months so employees are picking her up and taking her home. She has to use a cane and others are helping her out so she doesn't have to walk any more than necessary. She is still not able to eat and has lost so much weight. Hopefully they will figure something out soon there.

1-7-05 Bear Collector's Dad - Hospitalized with Heart Attack

1-11-05 Princess ene - facing surgury that will result in her inability to bear a child. 3-25-05 update - Update - went to my appt and walked away with what I came...nothing. It was quite upsetting. The Dr said he didn't agree with my Dr about my condition because my symptoms didn't "sound" right. Additionally he said he didn't think he could help me and was sorry he didn't have better news. I felt like saying, Just because I'm not text book? Anyhow...please continue to pray, I have no idea where to turn to now. Thanks!

1-12-05 Melissa Ann's Husband - possible skin cancer

1-14-05 LadyLuck's Friend and her husband - he has been diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and has cancerous cells in his lymph nodes. Undergoing chemotheraphy. 6/13/05 UPDATE: My friend's husband's cancer is very aggressive and spreading. He had surgery last week to remove part of his stomach, colon, pancreas and the 3rd vertabrae in his spine. He got through the surgery but it is still too early to know the outcome. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

1-31-05 - Little Sister's Friend -A good friend of our family developed a virus and it settled around his heart. The sack around his heart has been filling up with fluid. They transported him to Rochester this weekend and yesterday they drew off 2 liters of fluid in the morning and more in the afternoon. This gave him instant relief but today we just found out that there was blood in the second fluid draw and have discovered that he has a hole in his aorta. He's being prepped right now for an 8 hour surgery and is considered very high risk. Please keep him in your prayers!!! Thanks! 2-2-05 update - Update on our friend...his surgery was successful. They also discovered an anurism on his aorta that they were able to repair. He'll be in the hospital for 7 to 10 days and then will be off work for 4 months. Thanks for your prayers and please keep remembering him as he has a long road of recovery.

2-17-05 MT-n-Full's Friend - I just now received a call about one of my best friends from my former bank in DC. She was in a head on collision, suffered a stroke,has blot clots in her brain, and a lot more. She is one of the finest bank managers I have known. She is paralyzed also. Please place her on the prayer list asap. Thank you. (I am so upset. ) 3-2-05 update - On 2-17 I posted about my friend who was in an accident just over 2 weeks ago. The human body is so amazing when accompanied by prayers! My friend is now home recuperating. She is expected to fully recover from the stroke and makes progress everyday. The blood clots are better. Although her foot is in a cast, she can get around with a walker now by herself!!! She is having a little problem with math, telling time, searching the phone book - takes a little longer - but with her therapy she has greatly improved --- and she may be ready to return to work in as little as 8 weeks!!! Thank you for the prayers - it has truly been a miracle what she has accomplished so far!

2-21-05 Princess Ene's Father - Please add my father to the list. My mom just sent an email that my father had a TIA (mini stroke) last night. She said his arm and face went numb for about 15 minutes. It was pretty scary for them. They are running an MRI and Ultrasound today. My father has probably been ill a total of 2 times in his life time so we are puzzled. I'm going on the internet right now to read up on them. I'll update as I learn more. 3-8-05 update - my father was told he has two blood clots on either side of his brain. They are continuing tests but are puzzled. They say these type of brain clots are usually caused by head trauma, he's had none. Thank you for your continued prayers.

2-23-05 Dawnie's Friend - If we could add Sondra to the list I'd appreciate it. She's flying down to Portland for a bone marrow test to see what her lukemia numbers are looking like after the stem cell harvest of a few months ago. This is her 11th bone marrow draw, and every one of them is quite painful and carry risk. 6-9-05 update - My friend Sondra received her first set of results back. They are not good. It appears we're turning the corner towards a darker side of the disease. Without a donor, she has just a few years to live at most. 7-7-05 update This week, because the results were so very very bad, they brought her down for more testing. She just found out that the results that frightened us all were an absolute fluke. The doctor is shocked and ran these tests more than once because they were so much better. While she is still battling luekemia and will until a transplant is found, she's not looking at a short six to nine months anymore. They are fully confident that these results are very accurate, and basically put her back at her earlier level, which means a few years to fight or find that transplant. We're very relieved, and I'm sure the prayer and support that has gone out on her behalf has helped in what looked to be a hopeless situation. Thank you all!!!!

2-23-05 Jim Bedsole's Brother-in-law - It just keeps piling on. Lynne's sister Debbie has been very close to us, especially during Lynne's recent illness. She has been down here from NC numerous times to cheer Lynne up. Well last Friday we just found out that Debbie's husband has leukemia. He is currently in Duke Medical Center undergoing heavy chemotherapy and some other type of therapy. They are also doing some tests that take up to 10 days to develop. After those tests they'll have a clearer picture of his status and prognosis.

3-10-05 Boomer's Wife - My wife and I have recently been told she has Lymphoma Cancer and she is undergoing chemo treatments. 3-31-05 update - As an update on my wife she is continuing her Chemo treatments, once every 3 weeks and seems to be handling them pretty good except for being very tired. She is now dealing with the mental feelings she has in dealing with her cancer. We are taking a day at a time.

3-18-05 - Anonymous - I've been part of and seen the power of prayer on BOL. I am asking you for your prayers. I am at a point in my marriage where I am trying to determine if possible to save. Please pray that my heart is open to His will and that I make the right decisions moving forward.

4-7-05 Skittles' uncle - I'd like to add my uncle to the list. He has liver cancer and it's apparently in the final stages. He's 85 years old and the family is going to visit him to basically say good bye. He only found out he had this about a week ago (long story), and it's been extremely sad. He and my aunt have been married for almost 64 years (May 24th) and they may not make it to 65.

4-18-05 wacokid - I spent 1/2 day Saturday at the emergency room because I broke a weight bearing bone in my left foot. I will be on crutches and a cast for about 3 months as it will be a slow healing process. Since I am used to moving around sorta fast, please pray that I can be patient and outta these crutches soon. Thanks, the wacokid. UPDATE 6-15-05 WOW, it seems like a long time from 4-15-05 and my broken foot bone, but I am now off crutches and the boot. I am trying to walk straight today. That's the good news, the bad is that after a midnight trip to the ER,I just got rid of 3 kidney stones in right kidney after some surgery, but still have 1 in the left kidney...ouch! Thank goodness for narcotics! I only missed 2 days of work and now I'm back at compliance and waiting for the "precious stone" to make an appearance.

5-10-05 Jennifer's son - Please add my son to your prayer list. He will be 2 on the 18th. We have gotten word that we will be scheduling his open heart surgery for this summer, to have two holes in his heart repaired. I will let you know more once I have a date in hand. 5-12-05 update - surgery scheduled for August 9th.

5-19-05 silentvalley's granddaughter - Please keep my granddaughter, Makenzie, in your prayers. She is not quite 5 months old & she was rushed to the hospital last night with an internal infection that the doctors have not yet decided on the cause.

5-23-05 Kiwi's Friend is pregnant and will be having a Nuchal Translucency test next week. Her husband is not able to go to the appt with her and she could use our thoughts and prayers during this time.

5-23-05 Ed's wife & sister-in-law - Please add my wife Rhonda, her sister Rita and her 13 year old daughter Roberta Roseman to your prayer list. Rita and Roberta were in a car accident last night (5/20/05) and Roberta died at the scene and Rita is in ICU at UMASS Memorial, Worcester Ma.- thank you, Ed Belloli (pale writer)

5-23-05 - Princess Ene's Family - Please pray for my family. My brother's little girl, Kaitlyn is still born. They did an emergency C-section last night. They are having funeral services later in the week. My brother is only 22 and his wife is 21...they are asking for strength. Your prayers are coveted. Thank you!

5-27-05 Anonymous - I wanted to ask for any prayers that might be out there. I have no option but to post anymously due to my job position. I am just returing from disability leave and my husband just lost his job. I am feeling lost and need some support from anyone. Please help if you can.

6-1-05 Swimware - Going through a divorce. Just moved out this weekend. I miss her horribly.

6-2-05 Pizzaz - I'd like to ask you to keep me and my family in your thoughts. My grandmother passed away very unexpectedly yesterday, we were all in shock. I was extremely close to her and was fortunate enough to have spent Mother's Day with her last month. Anyway, very sad day so thanks for your positive thoughts.

6-2-05 DKARBS -Please add our family to your prayer list. My sister was killed in a car accident on May 7th. My brother, sister-in-law and niece witnessed the accident. My sisters' son and my brother's son were in the car, but not seriously injured. A woman went "left of center" and hit my sister. My brother was able to save that woman's son, but couldn't get the woman out before the car went up in flames. My brother is suffering terribly, as are my sister's husband, son and my mother and rest of the family.

6-3-05 Walleye Woman's Dad - Please say a prayer for my 79 year old dad who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. A bone scan showed clear but on a scale of 1 - 5 with the 5 the worst he is a 4. He has decided to have surgery, he's amazingly healthy otherwise. We are optimistic but I myself am having trouble getting through this. I have been the local Relay for Life chairman for 2 years and this year's event takes on a whole new meaning for me. 6-22-05 Update on my dad - he had surgery last Tuesday. The cancer was very aggressive and had already spread to the lymph glands but the doctor was confident that he had gotten it all. He will begin hormone treatments and as long as his PSA stays at 0 he will be cancer free. He came through the surgery amazingly well and recovered quickly. Both my parents were so appreciative that I could be there with them - it's amazing when roles reverse and you become the authority figure. Anyway, thanks for all your prayers. They helped me on those long days in the hospital.

6-6-05 ExGovtBabe's Friend Mindy - Would y'all please keep my friend Mindy in your thoughts - Mindy is newly pregnant with their first baby and ended up in the hospital with internal bleeding from 2 large ovarian cysts. She is now on bed rest and fears being put on hospital bedrest. Naturally she is frightened and quite worried about the viability of this much-wanted baby. UPDATE - Talked to Mindy yesterday, she saw the dr and got a very clear, very steady heartbeat on the ultrasound. She's still under orders to take it easy but things are looking up!!

6-20-05 Anonymous - I have an unspoken request. And my prayers and thoughts go to everyone on this post. Thank you.

6-20-05 CEW - Please add my Aunt Marilyn to the prayer list. She fell while out for her morning walk yesterday morning. Unsure if she suffered a stroke, but has not yet gained consciousness. Had bleeding in the brain and a hole was drilled in her skull to relieve the pressure. We are waiting to hear from my cousin this morning to find out if she has suffered any brain damage and what the prognosis is. Thank you.

6-20-05 juliad's uncle - Please add my Uncle Jerry to the list. He was just diagnosed with lung cancer that has spread to his spine and his liver. The prognosis isn't hopeful.

6-20-05 violetRose's friend - Could you all please pray for my friend Summer, she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. Please also pray for her husband Cal, who is her rock at this time. They are in the process of deciding treatment. 6-22-05 update - Further tests revealed bad news. Cancer was found in her Kidneys, Liver and possibly her bones. Surgery will be scheduled for July followed by kemo. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

6-23-05 CorkyGirl's In-laws - Prayers for my mother-in-law please. My father-in-law died in April and my mother-in-law has been in the hospital for nearly a week now with cellulitis (spelling???). They are moving her to a nursing facility today, one of the same ones her husband was in before he died. She won't take care of her self properly at home so they will keep her there for about a week to give her more time to heal. Coming so close to my father-in-laws death, this is hard on all my inlaws. Thanks

6-28-05 Plain Scared - I've just learned that I have a nodule in my breast and have scheduled an appointment with a surgeon for further treatment. (I have to wait a long two weeks for the appointment) Please say a prayer for me that this nodule is of the non-cancerous type or if it is cancer, please pray that I have the strength and courage necessary for the ordeal. I've survived a couple of bouts with melenoma and an wondering how many times I can "dodge the bullet." Right now I'm just plain scared.

Communal Requests:
All of those affected by the terrorist attack in London.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the Families all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#297809 - 07/12/05 05:16 PM Re: Prayer List updated 6-30-05
corkygirl Offline
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Joined: Sep 2004
Posts: 4,241
middle of the country
Update on my mother-in-law - thanks for your prayers. She is home from the hospital and nursing center and better I guess. We were back for 4th of July weekend and if what I saw of her leg is "better" I'm glad I didn't see it at its worse!! I am sure they will have to remove her leg before the end of the year, she has been battling this type of infection for a number of years now and it just never gets "all better". I don't know what she will do when that time comes, it will force some hard choices on her.
Treading water in a hurricane

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#297810 - 07/12/05 05:53 PM Re: Prayer List updated 7-12-05
waldensouth Online
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Jim and Lynne Bedsole - Lynne admitted to the hospital Christmas Day. After a lot of ups and downs and 81 days in the hospital - she was able to go home.
For those of you who don't believe in the miraculous power of prayer, let this experience serve as a testimony that God is real and that he does desire a relationship with us. It is our sin that separates us from God, but that separation can be bridged through the person of Jesus Christ. He is faithful to His word in all things. And in all things, He is in control. It was only through an abiding faith in these tenets and the uplifted prayers of all our wonderful friends and family that we were able to make it through this long ordeal. 5-17-05 update - Lynne is continuing to improve. She is doing more and more self-sufficiency-wise. She still tires easily. Her hemoglobin level is low and she is currently working through some tests and treatments with a Hematologist to try to improve that which should in turn improve her strength and stamina.

Her mental processes are working fine now, and she doesn't seem to have any long-term effect from the watershed stroke she had. Her kidney functions are perfectly fine. All the systems that were shutting down in December and January are functioning fine.

She is pretty well recovered from the emergency surgery that was performed in January, but they are anticipating another surgery in the early fall to reverse the iliostomy they had to do as part of the surgery in January.

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 7-7-05 update - The labs from Sunday look terrific!! Bili is steady, AST and ALT are normal, GGT is up a bit...and drum-roll please...hemoglobin is actually up to 10!!!!!!!!!!!!

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 6-23-05 update - The right lung showed PET positive and the left lung was PET tive.........However, my oncologist still thinks these are due to spores. He has scheduled another CAT Scan for July 22nd....We will probably continue CTs once a month for awhile....If there is any activity, we will be on top of it......I will begin radiation next week and maintenance Chemo in early November. Thanks for the prayers.

1-4-05 David Dickenson - thyroid illness I'm currently on 2 medications to keep my system in balance. They are working wonderfully. On Feb 2nd I take another radio-active pill to try and kill my thyroid again. It will then be 6-8 weeks before I know if it was successful. I would like to remain on your prayer list. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. 3-18-05 update - It’s DEAD! I barely crawled out of bed this morning. On Wednesday, I had a blood test as I knew that I was slowing down and my 6 weeks was due on Thursday. Today I felt like I was sick, tired or simply sick & tired. I went to the Dr. after lunch. I’m not sick. This is all just symptoms of a dead thyroid (freezing cold, sore muscles, memory loss – huh?, etc.). The bad news is that it takes 6 weeks or more to see any improvement! I’m going to be like this for a while. My doctor had me take 7 pills today (a little unconventional he said) to jump start the system, but he assured me there was no down side to this. Unfortunately, I may not be worth a hoot for a few weeks. After 6 weeks, I will go in to have a blood test and see where I’m at. Then they starting tweaking the synthroid to get it perfect for me. Thanks for all of the prayers! Have a great weekend, everyone. 4-7-05 update - Doing great. Thanks to all of your for your concerns and prayers. On Wednesday of last week it was like someone threw a switch: I had my energy back! I still run down about 8 pm each night, but my days are much better.

1-5-05 Little Sister's niece - cancer returned

1-5-05 Fraud pup's friend's son, Zakery - almost drowned, still recovering

1-5-05 Skittles' Mom - triple bypass and valve replacement surgery recovering at home now Thanks so much for remembering my mother on the list. It's been just over a month since her surgery. She's recovering, but very slowly. She's still not eating and has lost 10 pounds, so her strength is coming back very slowly. She'll be 80 in 3 weeks, but is still a tough old bird. The visiting nurse thinks her slowness is possibly due to the fact that they had to go back in the next day due to her internal bleeding.

1-5-05 obx nut's Mom - stroke, unable to walk, in nursing home

1-5-05 Deena's Mom and Family - Mom battling lung cancer, family grieving over loss of Dad last October 6-23-05 update - I am once again asking for prayers for my family. As you may remember, I lost my father to lung cancer last October and my mother has been battling the same horrible disease for 3 1/2 years. She is not at all well but is not ready to give up. In addition (as if that wasn't enough), my uncle (father's brother) died very unexpectedly last weekend. We are all in shock. He was nearly 87 years old, but he seemed to be in excellent health. Please keep us in your prayers.

1-6-05 Boomermom's co-worker - diagnosed with cancer/fell and broke her hip - had partial hip replacement 2-3-05 update - Is losing lots of weight. (7 pounds in last 2 weeks and had lost lots since becoming ill.) Doctors do not know why food is not digesting. Goes back to doctor for tests next week. 2-23-05 update - My co-worker came back to work part-time yesterday after her hip surgery. She cannot drive for six months so employees are picking her up and taking her home. She has to use a cane and others are helping her out so she doesn't have to walk any more than necessary. She is still not able to eat and has lost so much weight. Hopefully they will figure something out soon there.

1-7-05 Bear Collector's Dad - Hospitalized with Heart Attack

1-11-05 Princess ene - facing surgury that will result in her inability to bear a child. 3-25-05 update - Update - went to my appt and walked away with what I came...nothing. It was quite upsetting. The Dr said he didn't agree with my Dr about my condition because my symptoms didn't "sound" right. Additionally he said he didn't think he could help me and was sorry he didn't have better news. I felt like saying, Just because I'm not text book? Anyhow...please continue to pray, I have no idea where to turn to now. Thanks!

1-12-05 Melissa Ann's Husband - possible skin cancer

1-14-05 LadyLuck's Friend and her husband - he has been diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and has cancerous cells in his lymph nodes. Undergoing chemotheraphy. 6/13/05 UPDATE: My friend's husband's cancer is very aggressive and spreading. He had surgery last week to remove part of his stomach, colon, pancreas and the 3rd vertabrae in his spine. He got through the surgery but it is still too early to know the outcome. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

1-31-05 - Little Sister's Friend -A good friend of our family developed a virus and it settled around his heart. The sack around his heart has been filling up with fluid. They transported him to Rochester this weekend and yesterday they drew off 2 liters of fluid in the morning and more in the afternoon. This gave him instant relief but today we just found out that there was blood in the second fluid draw and have discovered that he has a hole in his aorta. He's being prepped right now for an 8 hour surgery and is considered very high risk. Please keep him in your prayers!!! Thanks! 2-2-05 update - Update on our friend...his surgery was successful. They also discovered an anurism on his aorta that they were able to repair. He'll be in the hospital for 7 to 10 days and then will be off work for 4 months. Thanks for your prayers and please keep remembering him as he has a long road of recovery.

2-17-05 MT-n-Full's Friend - I just now received a call about one of my best friends from my former bank in DC. She was in a head on collision, suffered a stroke,has blot clots in her brain, and a lot more. She is one of the finest bank managers I have known. She is paralyzed also. Please place her on the prayer list asap. Thank you. (I am so upset. ) 3-2-05 update - On 2-17 I posted about my friend who was in an accident just over 2 weeks ago. The human body is so amazing when accompanied by prayers! My friend is now home recuperating. She is expected to fully recover from the stroke and makes progress everyday. The blood clots are better. Although her foot is in a cast, she can get around with a walker now by herself!!! She is having a little problem with math, telling time, searching the phone book - takes a little longer - but with her therapy she has greatly improved --- and she may be ready to return to work in as little as 8 weeks!!! Thank you for the prayers - it has truly been a miracle what she has accomplished so far!

2-21-05 Princess Ene's Father - Please add my father to the list. My mom just sent an email that my father had a TIA (mini stroke) last night. She said his arm and face went numb for about 15 minutes. It was pretty scary for them. They are running an MRI and Ultrasound today. My father has probably been ill a total of 2 times in his life time so we are puzzled. I'm going on the internet right now to read up on them. I'll update as I learn more. 3-8-05 update - my father was told he has two blood clots on either side of his brain. They are continuing tests but are puzzled. They say these type of brain clots are usually caused by head trauma, he's had none. Thank you for your continued prayers.

2-23-05 Dawnie's Friend - If we could add Sondra to the list I'd appreciate it. She's flying down to Portland for a bone marrow test to see what her lukemia numbers are looking like after the stem cell harvest of a few months ago. This is her 11th bone marrow draw, and every one of them is quite painful and carry risk. 6-9-05 update - My friend Sondra received her first set of results back. They are not good. It appears we're turning the corner towards a darker side of the disease. Without a donor, she has just a few years to live at most. 7-7-05 update This week, because the results were so very very bad, they brought her down for more testing. She just found out that the results that frightened us all were an absolute fluke. The doctor is shocked and ran these tests more than once because they were so much better. While she is still battling luekemia and will until a transplant is found, she's not looking at a short six to nine months anymore. They are fully confident that these results are very accurate, and basically put her back at her earlier level, which means a few years to fight or find that transplant. We're very relieved, and I'm sure the prayer and support that has gone out on her behalf has helped in what looked to be a hopeless situation. Thank you all!!!!

2-23-05 Jim Bedsole's Brother-in-law - It just keeps piling on. Lynne's sister Debbie has been very close to us, especially during Lynne's recent illness. She has been down here from NC numerous times to cheer Lynne up. Well last Friday we just found out that Debbie's husband has leukemia. He is currently in Duke Medical Center undergoing heavy chemotherapy and some other type of therapy. They are also doing some tests that take up to 10 days to develop. After those tests they'll have a clearer picture of his status and prognosis.

3-10-05 Boomer's Wife - My wife and I have recently been told she has Lymphoma Cancer and she is undergoing chemo treatments. 3-31-05 update - As an update on my wife she is continuing her Chemo treatments, once every 3 weeks and seems to be handling them pretty good except for being very tired. She is now dealing with the mental feelings she has in dealing with her cancer. We are taking a day at a time.

3-18-05 - Anonymous - I've been part of and seen the power of prayer on BOL. I am asking you for your prayers. I am at a point in my marriage where I am trying to determine if possible to save. Please pray that my heart is open to His will and that I make the right decisions moving forward.

4-7-05 Skittles' uncle - I'd like to add my uncle to the list. He has liver cancer and it's apparently in the final stages. He's 85 years old and the family is going to visit him to basically say good bye. He only found out he had this about a week ago (long story), and it's been extremely sad. He and my aunt have been married for almost 64 years (May 24th) and they may not make it to 65.

4-18-05 wacokid - I spent 1/2 day Saturday at the emergency room because I broke a weight bearing bone in my left foot. I will be on crutches and a cast for about 3 months as it will be a slow healing process. Since I am used to moving around sorta fast, please pray that I can be patient and outta these crutches soon. Thanks, the wacokid. UPDATE 6-15-05 WOW, it seems like a long time from 4-15-05 and my broken foot bone, but I am now off crutches and the boot. I am trying to walk straight today. That's the good news, the bad is that after a midnight trip to the ER,I just got rid of 3 kidney stones in right kidney after some surgery, but still have 1 in the left kidney...ouch! Thank goodness for narcotics! I only missed 2 days of work and now I'm back at compliance and waiting for the "precious stone" to make an appearance.

5-10-05 Jennifer's son - Please add my son to your prayer list. He will be 2 on the 18th. We have gotten word that we will be scheduling his open heart surgery for this summer, to have two holes in his heart repaired. I will let you know more once I have a date in hand. 5-12-05 update - surgery scheduled for August 9th.

5-19-05 silentvalley's granddaughter - Please keep my granddaughter, Makenzie, in your prayers. She is not quite 5 months old & she was rushed to the hospital last night with an internal infection that the doctors have not yet decided on the cause.

5-23-05 Kiwi's Friend is pregnant and will be having a Nuchal Translucency test next week. Her husband is not able to go to the appt with her and she could use our thoughts and prayers during this time.

5-23-05 Ed's wife & sister-in-law - Please add my wife Rhonda, her sister Rita and her 13 year old daughter Roberta Roseman to your prayer list. Rita and Roberta were in a car accident last night (5/20/05) and Roberta died at the scene and Rita is in ICU at UMASS Memorial, Worcester Ma.- thank you, Ed Belloli (pale writer)

5-23-05 - Princess Ene's Family - Please pray for my family. My brother's little girl, Kaitlyn is still born. They did an emergency C-section last night. They are having funeral services later in the week. My brother is only 22 and his wife is 21...they are asking for strength. Your prayers are coveted. Thank you!

5-27-05 Anonymous - I wanted to ask for any prayers that might be out there. I have no option but to post anymously due to my job position. I am just returing from disability leave and my husband just lost his job. I am feeling lost and need some support from anyone. Please help if you can.

6-1-05 Swimware - Going through a divorce. Just moved out this weekend. I miss her horribly.

6-2-05 Pizzaz - I'd like to ask you to keep me and my family in your thoughts. My grandmother passed away very unexpectedly yesterday, we were all in shock. I was extremely close to her and was fortunate enough to have spent Mother's Day with her last month. Anyway, very sad day so thanks for your positive thoughts.

6-2-05 DKARBS -Please add our family to your prayer list. My sister was killed in a car accident on May 7th. My brother, sister-in-law and niece witnessed the accident. My sisters' son and my brother's son were in the car, but not seriously injured. A woman went "left of center" and hit my sister. My brother was able to save that woman's son, but couldn't get the woman out before the car went up in flames. My brother is suffering terribly, as are my sister's husband, son and my mother and rest of the family.

6-3-05 Walleye Woman's Dad - Please say a prayer for my 79 year old dad who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. A bone scan showed clear but on a scale of 1 - 5 with the 5 the worst he is a 4. He has decided to have surgery, he's amazingly healthy otherwise. We are optimistic but I myself am having trouble getting through this. I have been the local Relay for Life chairman for 2 years and this year's event takes on a whole new meaning for me. 6-22-05 Update on my dad - he had surgery last Tuesday. The cancer was very aggressive and had already spread to the lymph glands but the doctor was confident that he had gotten it all. He will begin hormone treatments and as long as his PSA stays at 0 he will be cancer free. He came through the surgery amazingly well and recovered quickly. Both my parents were so appreciative that I could be there with them - it's amazing when roles reverse and you become the authority figure. Anyway, thanks for all your prayers. They helped me on those long days in the hospital.

6-6-05 ExGovtBabe's Friend Mindy - Would y'all please keep my friend Mindy in your thoughts - Mindy is newly pregnant with their first baby and ended up in the hospital with internal bleeding from 2 large ovarian cysts. She is now on bed rest and fears being put on hospital bedrest. Naturally she is frightened and quite worried about the viability of this much-wanted baby. UPDATE - Talked to Mindy yesterday, she saw the dr and got a very clear, very steady heartbeat on the ultrasound. She's still under orders to take it easy but things are looking up!!

6-20-05 Anonymous - I have an unspoken request. And my prayers and thoughts go to everyone on this post. Thank you.

6-20-05 CEW - Please add my Aunt Marilyn to the prayer list. She fell while out for her morning walk yesterday morning. Unsure if she suffered a stroke, but has not yet gained consciousness. Had bleeding in the brain and a hole was drilled in her skull to relieve the pressure. We are waiting to hear from my cousin this morning to find out if she has suffered any brain damage and what the prognosis is. Thank you.

6-20-05 juliad's uncle - Please add my Uncle Jerry to the list. He was just diagnosed with lung cancer that has spread to his spine and his liver. The prognosis isn't hopeful.

6-20-05 violetRose's friend - Could you all please pray for my friend Summer, she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. Please also pray for her husband Cal, who is her rock at this time. They are in the process of deciding treatment. 6-22-05 update - Further tests revealed bad news. Cancer was found in her Kidneys, Liver and possibly her bones. Surgery will be scheduled for July followed by kemo. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

6-23-05 CorkyGirl's In-laws - 7-11-05 Update on my mother-in-law - thanks for your prayers. She is home from the hospital and nursing center and better I guess. We were back for 4th of July weekend and if what I saw of her leg is "better" I'm glad I didn't see it at its worse!! I am sure they will have to remove her leg before the end of the year, she has been battling this type of infection for a number of years now and it just never gets "all better". I don't know what she will do when that time comes, it will force some hard choices on her.

6-28-05 Plain Scared - I've just learned that I have a nodule in my breast and have scheduled an appointment with a surgeon for further treatment. (I have to wait a long two weeks for the appointment) Please say a prayer for me that this nodule is of the non-cancerous type or if it is cancer, please pray that I have the strength and courage necessary for the ordeal. I've survived a couple of bouts with melenoma and an wondering how many times I can "dodge the bullet." Right now I'm just plain scared.

Communal Requests:
All of those affected by the terrorist attack in London.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the Families all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#297811 - 07/15/05 02:33 PM Re: Prayer List updated 6-9-05
juliad Offline
Gold Star
Joined: Sep 2002
Posts: 445
Dallas, TX

Please add my Uncle Jerry to the list. He was just diagnosed with lung cancer that has spread to his spine and his liver. The prognosis isn't hopeful.

I know and have seen the power of prayer through my friends at BOL. I lift all the requests posted here in prayer, and want to send some of the strength we have to my uncle and his family.

Thank you all for your prayers for my uncle Jerry. Sadly for us, he passed away yesterday afternoon. At least he is at peace and no longer suffering.

Opinions expressed are mine and do not represent the views of my employer.

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#297812 - 07/15/05 02:40 PM Re: Prayer List updated 6-9-05
Happy Birthday ABrown Offline
Gold Star
Joined: May 2001
Posts: 279
I would like to request prayers for my Mother-in-law. She has beaten lung cancer twice and we have been told now that she may either have pneumonia (treatable) OR a wide spread cancer that they can do nothing for.

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#297813 - 07/15/05 04:06 PM Re: Prayer List updated 7-15-05
waldensouth Online
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Jim and Lynne Bedsole - Lynne admitted to the hospital Christmas Day. After a lot of ups and downs and 81 days in the hospital - she was able to go home.
For those of you who don't believe in the miraculous power of prayer, let this experience serve as a testimony that God is real and that he does desire a relationship with us. It is our sin that separates us from God, but that separation can be bridged through the person of Jesus Christ. He is faithful to His word in all things. And in all things, He is in control. It was only through an abiding faith in these tenets and the uplifted prayers of all our wonderful friends and family that we were able to make it through this long ordeal. 5-17-05 update - Lynne is continuing to improve. She is doing more and more self-sufficiency-wise. She still tires easily. Her hemoglobin level is low and she is currently working through some tests and treatments with a Hematologist to try to improve that which should in turn improve her strength and stamina.

Her mental processes are working fine now, and she doesn't seem to have any long-term effect from the watershed stroke she had. Her kidney functions are perfectly fine. All the systems that were shutting down in December and January are functioning fine.

She is pretty well recovered from the emergency surgery that was performed in January, but they are anticipating another surgery in the early fall to reverse the iliostomy they had to do as part of the surgery in January.

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 7-7-05 update - The labs from Sunday look terrific!! Bili is steady, AST and ALT are normal, GGT is up a bit...and drum-roll please...hemoglobin is actually up to 10!!!!!!!!!!!!

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 6-23-05 update - The right lung showed PET positive and the left lung was PET tive.........However, my oncologist still thinks these are due to spores. He has scheduled another CAT Scan for July 22nd....We will probably continue CTs once a month for awhile....If there is any activity, we will be on top of it......I will begin radiation next week and maintenance Chemo in early November. Thanks for the prayers.

1-4-05 David Dickenson - thyroid illness I'm currently on 2 medications to keep my system in balance. They are working wonderfully. On Feb 2nd I take another radio-active pill to try and kill my thyroid again. It will then be 6-8 weeks before I know if it was successful. I would like to remain on your prayer list. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. 3-18-05 update - It’s DEAD! I barely crawled out of bed this morning. On Wednesday, I had a blood test as I knew that I was slowing down and my 6 weeks was due on Thursday. Today I felt like I was sick, tired or simply sick & tired. I went to the Dr. after lunch. I’m not sick. This is all just symptoms of a dead thyroid (freezing cold, sore muscles, memory loss – huh?, etc.). The bad news is that it takes 6 weeks or more to see any improvement! I’m going to be like this for a while. My doctor had me take 7 pills today (a little unconventional he said) to jump start the system, but he assured me there was no down side to this. Unfortunately, I may not be worth a hoot for a few weeks. After 6 weeks, I will go in to have a blood test and see where I’m at. Then they starting tweaking the synthroid to get it perfect for me. Thanks for all of the prayers! Have a great weekend, everyone. 4-7-05 update - Doing great. Thanks to all of your for your concerns and prayers. On Wednesday of last week it was like someone threw a switch: I had my energy back! I still run down about 8 pm each night, but my days are much better.

1-5-05 Little Sister's niece - cancer returned

1-5-05 Fraud pup's friend's son, Zakery - almost drowned, still recovering

1-5-05 Skittles' Mom - triple bypass and valve replacement surgery recovering at home now Thanks so much for remembering my mother on the list. 7-15-05 My mother is on the list from by-pass surgery in December. I'm happy to report that it's been almost 7 months since mom's surgery and she's now doing great. She's feeling good - doing work around the house inside and out - lost 30 pounds (now only weighs 110) and said she's glad she had the surgery. For several months afterwards she made comments that she wish she hadn't done it. Mom turned 80 in February and hopefully has many more years to come. She also found out the doctor said if she hadn't had the surgery she may have only had 2 years or less.

1-5-05 obx nut's Mom - stroke, unable to walk, in nursing home

1-5-05 Deena's Mom and Family - Mom battling lung cancer, family grieving over loss of Dad last October 6-23-05 7-18-05 update -Many thanks to all of you who have kept me and my family in your prayers over these past months. My mother passed away peacefully last Thursday and, although we are sad, we are thankful that she has gone to be with God and are grateful that she is no longer ill.

1-6-05 Boomermom's co-worker - diagnosed with cancer/fell and broke her hip - had partial hip replacement 2-3-05 update - Is losing lots of weight. (7 pounds in last 2 weeks and had lost lots since becoming ill.) Doctors do not know why food is not digesting. Goes back to doctor for tests next week. 2-23-05 update - My co-worker came back to work part-time yesterday after her hip surgery. She cannot drive for six months so employees are picking her up and taking her home. She has to use a cane and others are helping her out so she doesn't have to walk any more than necessary. She is still not able to eat and has lost so much weight. Hopefully they will figure something out soon there.

1-7-05 Bear Collector's Dad - Hospitalized with Heart Attack

1-11-05 Princess ene - facing surgury that will result in her inability to bear a child. 3-25-05 update - Update - went to my appt and walked away with what I came...nothing. It was quite upsetting. The Dr said he didn't agree with my Dr about my condition because my symptoms didn't "sound" right. Additionally he said he didn't think he could help me and was sorry he didn't have better news. I felt like saying, Just because I'm not text book? Anyhow...please continue to pray, I have no idea where to turn to now. Thanks!

1-12-05 Melissa Ann's Husband - possible skin cancer

1-14-05 LadyLuck's Friend and her husband - he has been diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and has cancerous cells in his lymph nodes. Undergoing chemotheraphy. 6/13/05 UPDATE: My friend's husband's cancer is very aggressive and spreading. He had surgery last week to remove part of his stomach, colon, pancreas and the 3rd vertabrae in his spine. He got through the surgery but it is still too early to know the outcome. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

1-31-05 - Little Sister's Friend -A good friend of our family developed a virus and it settled around his heart. The sack around his heart has been filling up with fluid. They transported him to Rochester this weekend and yesterday they drew off 2 liters of fluid in the morning and more in the afternoon. This gave him instant relief but today we just found out that there was blood in the second fluid draw and have discovered that he has a hole in his aorta. He's being prepped right now for an 8 hour surgery and is considered very high risk. Please keep him in your prayers!!! Thanks! 2-2-05 update - Update on our friend...his surgery was successful. They also discovered an anurism on his aorta that they were able to repair. He'll be in the hospital for 7 to 10 days and then will be off work for 4 months. Thanks for your prayers and please keep remembering him as he has a long road of recovery.

2-17-05 MT-n-Full's Friend - I just now received a call about one of my best friends from my former bank in DC. She was in a head on collision, suffered a stroke,has blot clots in her brain, and a lot more. She is one of the finest bank managers I have known. She is paralyzed also. Please place her on the prayer list asap. Thank you. (I am so upset. ) 3-2-05 update - On 2-17 I posted about my friend who was in an accident just over 2 weeks ago. The human body is so amazing when accompanied by prayers! My friend is now home recuperating. She is expected to fully recover from the stroke and makes progress everyday. The blood clots are better. Although her foot is in a cast, she can get around with a walker now by herself!!! She is having a little problem with math, telling time, searching the phone book - takes a little longer - but with her therapy she has greatly improved --- and she may be ready to return to work in as little as 8 weeks!!! Thank you for the prayers - it has truly been a miracle what she has accomplished so far!

2-21-05 Princess Ene's Father - Please add my father to the list. My mom just sent an email that my father had a TIA (mini stroke) last night. She said his arm and face went numb for about 15 minutes. It was pretty scary for them. They are running an MRI and Ultrasound today. My father has probably been ill a total of 2 times in his life time so we are puzzled. I'm going on the internet right now to read up on them. I'll update as I learn more. 3-8-05 update - my father was told he has two blood clots on either side of his brain. They are continuing tests but are puzzled. They say these type of brain clots are usually caused by head trauma, he's had none. Thank you for your continued prayers.

2-23-05 Dawnie's Friend - If we could add Sondra to the list I'd appreciate it. She's flying down to Portland for a bone marrow test to see what her lukemia numbers are looking like after the stem cell harvest of a few months ago. This is her 11th bone marrow draw, and every one of them is quite painful and carry risk. 6-9-05 update - My friend Sondra received her first set of results back. They are not good. It appears we're turning the corner towards a darker side of the disease. Without a donor, she has just a few years to live at most. 7-7-05 update This week, because the results were so very very bad, they brought her down for more testing. She just found out that the results that frightened us all were an absolute fluke. The doctor is shocked and ran these tests more than once because they were so much better. While she is still battling luekemia and will until a transplant is found, she's not looking at a short six to nine months anymore. They are fully confident that these results are very accurate, and basically put her back at her earlier level, which means a few years to fight or find that transplant. We're very relieved, and I'm sure the prayer and support that has gone out on her behalf has helped in what looked to be a hopeless situation. Thank you all!!!!

2-23-05 Jim Bedsole's Brother-in-law - It just keeps piling on. Lynne's sister Debbie has been very close to us, especially during Lynne's recent illness. She has been down here from NC numerous times to cheer Lynne up. Well last Friday we just found out that Debbie's husband has leukemia. He is currently in Duke Medical Center undergoing heavy chemotherapy and some other type of therapy. They are also doing some tests that take up to 10 days to develop. After those tests they'll have a clearer picture of his status and prognosis.

3-10-05 Boomer's Wife - My wife and I have recently been told she has Lymphoma Cancer and she is undergoing chemo treatments. 3-31-05 update - As an update on my wife she is continuing her Chemo treatments, once every 3 weeks and seems to be handling them pretty good except for being very tired. She is now dealing with the mental feelings she has in dealing with her cancer. We are taking a day at a time.

3-18-05 - Anonymous - I've been part of and seen the power of prayer on BOL. I am asking you for your prayers. I am at a point in my marriage where I am trying to determine if possible to save. Please pray that my heart is open to His will and that I make the right decisions moving forward.

4-7-05 Skittles' uncle - I'd like to add my uncle to the list. He has liver cancer and it's apparently in the final stages. He's 85 years old and the family is going to visit him to basically say good bye. He only found out he had this about a week ago (long story), and it's been extremely sad. He and my aunt have been married for almost 64 years (May 24th) and they may not make it to 65.

4-18-05 wacokid - I spent 1/2 day Saturday at the emergency room because I broke a weight bearing bone in my left foot. I will be on crutches and a cast for about 3 months as it will be a slow healing process. Since I am used to moving around sorta fast, please pray that I can be patient and outta these crutches soon. Thanks, the wacokid. UPDATE 6-15-05 WOW, it seems like a long time from 4-15-05 and my broken foot bone, but I am now off crutches and the boot. I am trying to walk straight today. That's the good news, the bad is that after a midnight trip to the ER,I just got rid of 3 kidney stones in right kidney after some surgery, but still have 1 in the left kidney...ouch! Thank goodness for narcotics! I only missed 2 days of work and now I'm back at compliance and waiting for the "precious stone" to make an appearance.

5-10-05 Jennifer's son - Please add my son to your prayer list. He will be 2 on the 18th. We have gotten word that we will be scheduling his open heart surgery for this summer, to have two holes in his heart repaired. I will let you know more once I have a date in hand. 5-12-05 update - surgery scheduled for August 9th.

5-19-05 silentvalley's granddaughter - Please keep my granddaughter, Makenzie, in your prayers. She is not quite 5 months old & she was rushed to the hospital last night with an internal infection that the doctors have not yet decided on the cause.

5-23-05 Kiwi's Friend is pregnant and will be having a Nuchal Translucency test next week. Her husband is not able to go to the appt with her and she could use our thoughts and prayers during this time.

5-23-05 Ed's wife & sister-in-law - Please add my wife Rhonda, her sister Rita and her 13 year old daughter Roberta Roseman to your prayer list. Rita and Roberta were in a car accident last night (5/20/05) and Roberta died at the scene and Rita is in ICU at UMASS Memorial, Worcester Ma.- thank you, Ed Belloli (pale writer)

5-23-05 - Princess Ene's Family - Please pray for my family. My brother's little girl, Kaitlyn is still born. They did an emergency C-section last night. They are having funeral services later in the week. My brother is only 22 and his wife is 21...they are asking for strength. Your prayers are coveted. Thank you!

5-27-05 Anonymous - I wanted to ask for any prayers that might be out there. I have no option but to post anymously due to my job position. I am just returing from disability leave and my husband just lost his job. I am feeling lost and need some support from anyone. Please help if you can.

6-1-05 Swimware - Going through a divorce. Just moved out this weekend. I miss her horribly.

6-2-05 Pizzaz - I'd like to ask you to keep me and my family in your thoughts. My grandmother passed away very unexpectedly yesterday, we were all in shock. I was extremely close to her and was fortunate enough to have spent Mother's Day with her last month. Anyway, very sad day so thanks for your positive thoughts.

6-2-05 DKARBS -Please add our family to your prayer list. My sister was killed in a car accident on May 7th. My brother, sister-in-law and niece witnessed the accident. My sisters' son and my brother's son were in the car, but not seriously injured. A woman went "left of center" and hit my sister. My brother was able to save that woman's son, but couldn't get the woman out before the car went up in flames. My brother is suffering terribly, as are my sister's husband, son and my mother and rest of the family.

6-3-05 Walleye Woman's Dad - Please say a prayer for my 79 year old dad who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. A bone scan showed clear but on a scale of 1 - 5 with the 5 the worst he is a 4. He has decided to have surgery, he's amazingly healthy otherwise. We are optimistic but I myself am having trouble getting through this. I have been the local Relay for Life chairman for 2 years and this year's event takes on a whole new meaning for me. 6-22-05 Update on my dad - he had surgery last Tuesday. The cancer was very aggressive and had already spread to the lymph glands but the doctor was confident that he had gotten it all. He will begin hormone treatments and as long as his PSA stays at 0 he will be cancer free. He came through the surgery amazingly well and recovered quickly. Both my parents were so appreciative that I could be there with them - it's amazing when roles reverse and you become the authority figure. Anyway, thanks for all your prayers. They helped me on those long days in the hospital.

6-6-05 ExGovtBabe's Friend Mindy - Would y'all please keep my friend Mindy in your thoughts - Mindy is newly pregnant with their first baby and ended up in the hospital with internal bleeding from 2 large ovarian cysts. She is now on bed rest and fears being put on hospital bedrest. Naturally she is frightened and quite worried about the viability of this much-wanted baby. UPDATE - Talked to Mindy yesterday, she saw the dr and got a very clear, very steady heartbeat on the ultrasound. She's still under orders to take it easy but things are looking up!!

6-20-05 Anonymous - I have an unspoken request. And my prayers and thoughts go to everyone on this post. Thank you.

6-20-05 CEW - Please add my Aunt Marilyn to the prayer list. She fell while out for her morning walk yesterday morning. Unsure if she suffered a stroke, but has not yet gained consciousness. Had bleeding in the brain and a hole was drilled in her skull to relieve the pressure. We are waiting to hear from my cousin this morning to find out if she has suffered any brain damage and what the prognosis is. Thank you.

6-20-05 juliad's uncle - Please add my Uncle Jerry to the list. He was just diagnosed with lung cancer that has spread to his spine and his liver. The prognosis isn't hopeful. 7-15-05 Thank you all for your prayers for my uncle Jerry. Sadly for us, he passed away yesterday afternoon. At least he is at peace and no longer suffering.

6-20-05 violetRose's friend - Could you all please pray for my friend Summer, she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. Please also pray for her husband Cal, who is her rock at this time. They are in the process of deciding treatment. 6-22-05 update - Further tests revealed bad news. Cancer was found in her Kidneys, Liver and possibly her bones. Surgery will be scheduled for July followed by kemo. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

6-23-05 CorkyGirl's In-laws - 7-11-05 Update on my mother-in-law - thanks for your prayers. She is home from the hospital and nursing center and better I guess. We were back for 4th of July weekend and if what I saw of her leg is "better" I'm glad I didn't see it at its worse!! I am sure they will have to remove her leg before the end of the year, she has been battling this type of infection for a number of years now and it just never gets "all better". I don't know what she will do when that time comes, it will force some hard choices on her.

6-28-05 Plain Scared - I've just learned that I have a nodule in my breast and have scheduled an appointment with a surgeon for further treatment. (I have to wait a long two weeks for the appointment) Please say a prayer for me that this nodule is of the non-cancerous type or if it is cancer, please pray that I have the strength and courage necessary for the ordeal. I've survived a couple of bouts with melenoma and an wondering how many times I can "dodge the bullet." Right now I'm just plain scared.

7-15-05 ABrown's Mother-in-law - I would like to request prayers for my Mother-in-law. She has beaten lung cancer twice and we have been told now that she may either have pneumonia (treatable) OR a wide spread cancer that they can do nothing for.

Communal Requests:
All of those affected by the terrorist attack in London.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the Families all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
Last edited by waldensouth; 07/18/05 07:33 PM.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#297814 - 07/15/05 04:15 PM Re: Prayer List updated 7-15-05
Skittles Online
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Posts: 13,965
Thanks for keeping us updated. My mother is on the list from by-pass surgery in December. I'm happy to report that it's been almost 7 months since mom's surgery and she's now doing great. She's feeling good - doing work around the house inside and out - lost 30 pounds (now only weighs 110) and said she's glad she had the surgery. For several months afterwards she made comments that she wish she hadn't done it. Mom turned 80 in February and hopefully has many more years to come. She also found out the doctor said if she hadn't had the surgery she may have only had 2 years or less.
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#297815 - 07/15/05 07:41 PM Re: Prayer List updated 7-15-05
GreatBlue Offline
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Julia, I'm sure sorry to hear about your uncle. Your family will be in my prayers.
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#297816 - 07/18/05 03:28 PM Re: Prayer List updated 7-15-05
Deena Offline
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Many thanks to all of you who have kept me and my family in your prayers over these past months. My mother passed away peacefully last Thursday and, although we are sad, we are thankful that she has gone to be with God and are grateful that she is no longer ill.
Opinions expressed are mine and not necessarily those of my employer.

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#297817 - 07/18/05 10:28 PM Re: Prayer List updated 7-15-05
CEW Offline
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Posts: 122
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

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#297818 - 07/21/05 09:02 PM Re: Prayer List updated 7-15-05
Cat Woman Offline
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Cat Woman
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New England
Can we add my mom to the prayer list? She is going thru a really stressful time at work. She had found out she has MS a couple of years ago, and I'm very afraid that the stress she is under will cause an attack.

Thank you.

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#297819 - 07/22/05 04:54 PM Re: Prayer List updated 7-22-05
waldensouth Online
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Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Jim and Lynne Bedsole - Lynne admitted to the hospital Christmas Day. After a lot of ups and downs and 81 days in the hospital - she was able to go home.
For those of you who don't believe in the miraculous power of prayer, let this experience serve as a testimony that God is real and that he does desire a relationship with us. It is our sin that separates us from God, but that separation can be bridged through the person of Jesus Christ. He is faithful to His word in all things. And in all things, He is in control. It was only through an abiding faith in these tenets and the uplifted prayers of all our wonderful friends and family that we were able to make it through this long ordeal. 5-17-05 update - Lynne is continuing to improve. She is doing more and more self-sufficiency-wise. She still tires easily. Her hemoglobin level is low and she is currently working through some tests and treatments with a Hematologist to try to improve that which should in turn improve her strength and stamina.

Her mental processes are working fine now, and she doesn't seem to have any long-term effect from the watershed stroke she had. Her kidney functions are perfectly fine. All the systems that were shutting down in December and January are functioning fine.

She is pretty well recovered from the emergency surgery that was performed in January, but they are anticipating another surgery in the early fall to reverse the iliostomy they had to do as part of the surgery in January.

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 7-27-05 update - Here is the plan for the next 3 days...we'll be staying 3 days and 2 nights in lovely Chicago !!!!
Today Natalie is scheduled to be admitted to CMH for a blood transfusion. (As of right now, it's room 686.) Her hemoglobin dropped again to 6.7. But it took a week and a half to drop this much - so I guess that is an improvement . Tomorrow, we will do an angioplasty of her portal vein and put a stent in it. The procedure can last several hours. She will be under general anesthesia. As of now, she's scheduled for about 1100 tomorrow. We've been planning this for a while now, so it will be good to see if it makes a difference.

She will be required to stay overnight on 6 West for observation after the procedure (bleeding is the most common complication). She'll get an ultrasound the next morning (Friday) to make sure the vein is open. If she's doing well, she'll be discharged.

While it is a procedure with risk, it is fairly simple and routine compared to the other things that she's gone through. But prayers are appreciated, nonetheless.

And while you're at it, could you also pray for my uncle (Natalie's great-uncle) Dennis? He is going to Madison to start chemo on Friday, in preparation for his stem cell transplant on August 5.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 6-23-05 update - The right lung showed PET positive and the left lung was PET tive.........However, my oncologist still thinks these are due to spores. He has scheduled another CAT Scan for July 22nd....We will probably continue CTs once a month for awhile....If there is any activity, we will be on top of it......I will begin radiation next week and maintenance Chemo in early November. Thanks for the prayers.

1-4-05 David Dickenson - thyroid illness I'm currently on 2 medications to keep my system in balance. They are working wonderfully. On Feb 2nd I take another radio-active pill to try and kill my thyroid again. It will then be 6-8 weeks before I know if it was successful. I would like to remain on your prayer list. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. 3-18-05 update - It’s DEAD! I barely crawled out of bed this morning. On Wednesday, I had a blood test as I knew that I was slowing down and my 6 weeks was due on Thursday. Today I felt like I was sick, tired or simply sick & tired. I went to the Dr. after lunch. I’m not sick. This is all just symptoms of a dead thyroid (freezing cold, sore muscles, memory loss – huh?, etc.). The bad news is that it takes 6 weeks or more to see any improvement! I’m going to be like this for a while. My doctor had me take 7 pills today (a little unconventional he said) to jump start the system, but he assured me there was no down side to this. Unfortunately, I may not be worth a hoot for a few weeks. After 6 weeks, I will go in to have a blood test and see where I’m at. Then they starting tweaking the synthroid to get it perfect for me. Thanks for all of the prayers! Have a great weekend, everyone. 4-7-05 update - Doing great. Thanks to all of your for your concerns and prayers. On Wednesday of last week it was like someone threw a switch: I had my energy back! I still run down about 8 pm each night, but my days are much better.

1-5-05 Little Sister's niece - cancer returned

1-5-05 Fraud pup's friend's son, Zakery - almost drowned, still recovering

1-5-05 Skittles' Mom - triple bypass and valve replacement surgery recovering at home now Thanks so much for remembering my mother on the list. 7-15-05 My mother is on the list from by-pass surgery in December. I'm happy to report that it's been almost 7 months since mom's surgery and she's now doing great. She's feeling good - doing work around the house inside and out - lost 30 pounds (now only weighs 110) and said she's glad she had the surgery. For several months afterwards she made comments that she wish she hadn't done it. Mom turned 80 in February and hopefully has many more years to come. She also found out the doctor said if she hadn't had the surgery she may have only had 2 years or less.

1-5-05 obx nut's Mom - stroke, unable to walk, in nursing home

1-5-05 Deena's Mom and Family - Mom battling lung cancer, family grieving over loss of Dad last October 6-23-05 7-18-05 update -Many thanks to all of you who have kept me and my family in your prayers over these past months. My mother passed away peacefully last Thursday and, although we are sad, we are thankful that she has gone to be with God and are grateful that she is no longer ill.

1-6-05 Boomermom's co-worker - diagnosed with cancer/fell and broke her hip - had partial hip replacement 2-3-05 update - Is losing lots of weight. (7 pounds in last 2 weeks and had lost lots since becoming ill.) Doctors do not know why food is not digesting. Goes back to doctor for tests next week. 2-23-05 update - My co-worker came back to work part-time yesterday after her hip surgery. She cannot drive for six months so employees are picking her up and taking her home. She has to use a cane and others are helping her out so she doesn't have to walk any more than necessary. She is still not able to eat and has lost so much weight. Hopefully they will figure something out soon there.

1-7-05 Bear Collector's Dad - Hospitalized with Heart Attack

1-11-05 Princess ene - facing surgury that will result in her inability to bear a child. 3-25-05 update - Update - went to my appt and walked away with what I came...nothing. It was quite upsetting. The Dr said he didn't agree with my Dr about my condition because my symptoms didn't "sound" right. Additionally he said he didn't think he could help me and was sorry he didn't have better news. I felt like saying, Just because I'm not text book? Anyhow...please continue to pray, I have no idea where to turn to now. Thanks!

1-12-05 Melissa Ann's Husband - possible skin cancer

1-14-05 LadyLuck's Friend and her husband - he has been diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and has cancerous cells in his lymph nodes. Undergoing chemotheraphy. 6/13/05 UPDATE: My friend's husband's cancer is very aggressive and spreading. He had surgery last week to remove part of his stomach, colon, pancreas and the 3rd vertabrae in his spine. He got through the surgery but it is still too early to know the outcome. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

1-31-05 - Little Sister's Friend -A good friend of our family developed a virus and it settled around his heart. The sack around his heart has been filling up with fluid. They transported him to Rochester this weekend and yesterday they drew off 2 liters of fluid in the morning and more in the afternoon. This gave him instant relief but today we just found out that there was blood in the second fluid draw and have discovered that he has a hole in his aorta. He's being prepped right now for an 8 hour surgery and is considered very high risk. Please keep him in your prayers!!! Thanks! 2-2-05 update - Update on our friend...his surgery was successful. They also discovered an anurism on his aorta that they were able to repair. He'll be in the hospital for 7 to 10 days and then will be off work for 4 months. Thanks for your prayers and please keep remembering him as he has a long road of recovery.

2-17-05 MT-n-Full's Friend - I just now received a call about one of my best friends from my former bank in DC. She was in a head on collision, suffered a stroke,has blot clots in her brain, and a lot more. She is one of the finest bank managers I have known. She is paralyzed also. Please place her on the prayer list asap. Thank you. (I am so upset. ) 3-2-05 update - On 2-17 I posted about my friend who was in an accident just over 2 weeks ago. The human body is so amazing when accompanied by prayers! My friend is now home recuperating. She is expected to fully recover from the stroke and makes progress everyday. The blood clots are better. Although her foot is in a cast, she can get around with a walker now by herself!!! She is having a little problem with math, telling time, searching the phone book - takes a little longer - but with her therapy she has greatly improved --- and she may be ready to return to work in as little as 8 weeks!!! Thank you for the prayers - it has truly been a miracle what she has accomplished so far!

2-21-05 Princess Ene's Father - Please add my father to the list. My mom just sent an email that my father had a TIA (mini stroke) last night. She said his arm and face went numb for about 15 minutes. It was pretty scary for them. They are running an MRI and Ultrasound today. My father has probably been ill a total of 2 times in his life time so we are puzzled. I'm going on the internet right now to read up on them. I'll update as I learn more. 3-8-05 update - my father was told he has two blood clots on either side of his brain. They are continuing tests but are puzzled. They say these type of brain clots are usually caused by head trauma, he's had none. Thank you for your continued prayers.

2-23-05 Dawnie's Friend - If we could add Sondra to the list I'd appreciate it. She's flying down to Portland for a bone marrow test to see what her lukemia numbers are looking like after the stem cell harvest of a few months ago. This is her 11th bone marrow draw, and every one of them is quite painful and carry risk. 6-9-05 update - My friend Sondra received her first set of results back. They are not good. It appears we're turning the corner towards a darker side of the disease. Without a donor, she has just a few years to live at most. 7-7-05 update This week, because the results were so very very bad, they brought her down for more testing. She just found out that the results that frightened us all were an absolute fluke. The doctor is shocked and ran these tests more than once because they were so much better. While she is still battling luekemia and will until a transplant is found, she's not looking at a short six to nine months anymore. They are fully confident that these results are very accurate, and basically put her back at her earlier level, which means a few years to fight or find that transplant. We're very relieved, and I'm sure the prayer and support that has gone out on her behalf has helped in what looked to be a hopeless situation. Thank you all!!!!

2-23-05 Jim Bedsole's Brother-in-law - It just keeps piling on. Lynne's sister Debbie has been very close to us, especially during Lynne's recent illness. She has been down here from NC numerous times to cheer Lynne up. Well last Friday we just found out that Debbie's husband has leukemia. He is currently in Duke Medical Center undergoing heavy chemotherapy and some other type of therapy. They are also doing some tests that take up to 10 days to develop. After those tests they'll have a clearer picture of his status and prognosis.

3-10-05 Boomer's Wife - My wife and I have recently been told she has Lymphoma Cancer and she is undergoing chemo treatments. 3-31-05 update - As an update on my wife she is continuing her Chemo treatments, once every 3 weeks and seems to be handling them pretty good except for being very tired. She is now dealing with the mental feelings she has in dealing with her cancer. We are taking a day at a time.

3-18-05 - Anonymous - I've been part of and seen the power of prayer on BOL. I am asking you for your prayers. I am at a point in my marriage where I am trying to determine if possible to save. Please pray that my heart is open to His will and that I make the right decisions moving forward.

4-7-05 Skittles' uncle - I'd like to add my uncle to the list. He has liver cancer and it's apparently in the final stages. He's 85 years old and the family is going to visit him to basically say good bye. He only found out he had this about a week ago (long story), and it's been extremely sad. He and my aunt have been married for almost 64 years (May 24th) and they may not make it to 65.

4-18-05 wacokid - I spent 1/2 day Saturday at the emergency room because I broke a weight bearing bone in my left foot. I will be on crutches and a cast for about 3 months as it will be a slow healing process. Since I am used to moving around sorta fast, please pray that I can be patient and outta these crutches soon. Thanks, the wacokid. UPDATE 6-15-05 WOW, it seems like a long time from 4-15-05 and my broken foot bone, but I am now off crutches and the boot. I am trying to walk straight today. That's the good news, the bad is that after a midnight trip to the ER,I just got rid of 3 kidney stones in right kidney after some surgery, but still have 1 in the left kidney...ouch! Thank goodness for narcotics! I only missed 2 days of work and now I'm back at compliance and waiting for the "precious stone" to make an appearance.

5-10-05 Jennifer's son - Please add my son to your prayer list. He will be 2 on the 18th. We have gotten word that we will be scheduling his open heart surgery for this summer, to have two holes in his heart repaired. I will let you know more once I have a date in hand. 5-12-05 update - surgery scheduled for August 9th.

5-19-05 silentvalley's granddaughter - Please keep my granddaughter, Makenzie, in your prayers. She is not quite 5 months old & she was rushed to the hospital last night with an internal infection that the doctors have not yet decided on the cause.

5-23-05 Kiwi's Friend is pregnant and will be having a Nuchal Translucency test next week. Her husband is not able to go to the appt with her and she could use our thoughts and prayers during this time.

5-23-05 Ed's wife & sister-in-law - Please add my wife Rhonda, her sister Rita and her 13 year old daughter Roberta Roseman to your prayer list. Rita and Roberta were in a car accident last night (5/20/05) and Roberta died at the scene and Rita is in ICU at UMASS Memorial, Worcester Ma.- thank you, Ed Belloli (pale writer)

5-23-05 - Princess Ene's Family - Please pray for my family. My brother's little girl, Kaitlyn is still born. They did an emergency C-section last night. They are having funeral services later in the week. My brother is only 22 and his wife is 21...they are asking for strength. Your prayers are coveted. Thank you!

5-27-05 Anonymous - I wanted to ask for any prayers that might be out there. I have no option but to post anymously due to my job position. I am just returing from disability leave and my husband just lost his job. I am feeling lost and need some support from anyone. Please help if you can.

6-1-05 Swimware - Going through a divorce. Just moved out this weekend. I miss her horribly.

6-2-05 Pizzaz - I'd like to ask you to keep me and my family in your thoughts. My grandmother passed away very unexpectedly yesterday, we were all in shock. I was extremely close to her and was fortunate enough to have spent Mother's Day with her last month. Anyway, very sad day so thanks for your positive thoughts.

6-2-05 DKARBS -Please add our family to your prayer list. My sister was killed in a car accident on May 7th. My brother, sister-in-law and niece witnessed the accident. My sisters' son and my brother's son were in the car, but not seriously injured. A woman went "left of center" and hit my sister. My brother was able to save that woman's son, but couldn't get the woman out before the car went up in flames. My brother is suffering terribly, as are my sister's husband, son and my mother and rest of the family.

6-3-05 Walleye Woman's Dad - Please say a prayer for my 79 year old dad who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. A bone scan showed clear but on a scale of 1 - 5 with the 5 the worst he is a 4. He has decided to have surgery, he's amazingly healthy otherwise. We are optimistic but I myself am having trouble getting through this. I have been the local Relay for Life chairman for 2 years and this year's event takes on a whole new meaning for me. 6-22-05 Update on my dad - he had surgery last Tuesday. The cancer was very aggressive and had already spread to the lymph glands but the doctor was confident that he had gotten it all. He will begin hormone treatments and as long as his PSA stays at 0 he will be cancer free. He came through the surgery amazingly well and recovered quickly. Both my parents were so appreciative that I could be there with them - it's amazing when roles reverse and you become the authority figure. Anyway, thanks for all your prayers. They helped me on those long days in the hospital.

6-6-05 ExGovtBabe's Friend Mindy - Would y'all please keep my friend Mindy in your thoughts - Mindy is newly pregnant with their first baby and ended up in the hospital with internal bleeding from 2 large ovarian cysts. She is now on bed rest and fears being put on hospital bedrest. Naturally she is frightened and quite worried about the viability of this much-wanted baby. UPDATE - Talked to Mindy yesterday, she saw the dr and got a very clear, very steady heartbeat on the ultrasound. She's still under orders to take it easy but things are looking up!!

6-20-05 Anonymous - I have an unspoken request. And my prayers and thoughts go to everyone on this post. Thank you.

6-20-05 CEW - Please add my Aunt Marilyn to the prayer list. She fell while out for her morning walk yesterday morning. Unsure if she suffered a stroke, but has not yet gained consciousness. Had bleeding in the brain and a hole was drilled in her skull to relieve the pressure. We are waiting to hear from my cousin this morning to find out if she has suffered any brain damage and what the prognosis is. Thank you.

6-20-05 juliad's uncle - Please add my Uncle Jerry to the list. He was just diagnosed with lung cancer that has spread to his spine and his liver. The prognosis isn't hopeful. 7-15-05 Thank you all for your prayers for my uncle Jerry. Sadly for us, he passed away yesterday afternoon. At least he is at peace and no longer suffering.

6-20-05 violetRose's friend - Could you all please pray for my friend Summer, she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. Please also pray for her husband Cal, who is her rock at this time. They are in the process of deciding treatment. 6-22-05 update - Further tests revealed bad news. Cancer was found in her Kidneys, Liver and possibly her bones. Surgery will be scheduled for July followed by kemo. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

6-23-05 CorkyGirl's In-laws - 7-11-05 Update on my mother-in-law - thanks for your prayers. She is home from the hospital and nursing center and better I guess. We were back for 4th of July weekend and if what I saw of her leg is "better" I'm glad I didn't see it at its worse!! I am sure they will have to remove her leg before the end of the year, she has been battling this type of infection for a number of years now and it just never gets "all better". I don't know what she will do when that time comes, it will force some hard choices on her.

6-28-05 Plain Scared - I've just learned that I have a nodule in my breast and have scheduled an appointment with a surgeon for further treatment. (I have to wait a long two weeks for the appointment) Please say a prayer for me that this nodule is of the non-cancerous type or if it is cancer, please pray that I have the strength and courage necessary for the ordeal. I've survived a couple of bouts with melenoma and an wondering how many times I can "dodge the bullet." Right now I'm just plain scared.

7-15-05 ABrown's Mother-in-law - I would like to request prayers for my Mother-in-law. She has beaten lung cancer twice and we have been told now that she may either have pneumonia (treatable) OR a wide spread cancer that they can do nothing for.

7-22-05 Cat Woman's Mom - She is going thru a really stressful time at work. She had found out she has MS a couple of years ago, and I'm very afraid that the stress she is under will cause an attack.

Communal Requests:
All of those affected by the terrorist attack in London.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the Families all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
Last edited by waldensouth; 07/27/05 03:59 PM.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#297820 - 07/27/05 04:05 PM Re: Prayer List updated 8-1-05
waldensouth Online
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Jim and Lynne Bedsole - Lynne admitted to the hospital Christmas Day. After a lot of ups and downs and 81 days in the hospital - she was able to go home.
For those of you who don't believe in the miraculous power of prayer, let this experience serve as a testimony that God is real and that he does desire a relationship with us. It is our sin that separates us from God, but that separation can be bridged through the person of Jesus Christ. He is faithful to His word in all things. And in all things, He is in control. It was only through an abiding faith in these tenets and the uplifted prayers of all our wonderful friends and family that we were able to make it through this long ordeal. 5-17-05 update - Lynne is continuing to improve. She is doing more and more self-sufficiency-wise. She still tires easily. Her hemoglobin level is low and she is currently working through some tests and treatments with a Hematologist to try to improve that which should in turn improve her strength and stamina.

Her mental processes are working fine now, and she doesn't seem to have any long-term effect from the watershed stroke she had. Her kidney functions are perfectly fine. All the systems that were shutting down in December and January are functioning fine.

She is pretty well recovered from the emergency surgery that was performed in January, but they are anticipating another surgery in the early fall to reverse the iliostomy they had to do as part of the surgery in January.

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 7-27-05 update - Here is the plan for the next 3 days...we'll be staying 3 days and 2 nights in lovely Chicago !!!!
Today Natalie is scheduled to be admitted to CMH for a blood transfusion. (As of right now, it's room 686.) Her hemoglobin dropped again to 6.7. But it took a week and a half to drop this much - so I guess that is an improvement . Tomorrow, we will do an angioplasty of her portal vein and put a stent in it. The procedure can last several hours. She will be under general anesthesia. As of now, she's scheduled for about 1100 tomorrow. We've been planning this for a while now, so it will be good to see if it makes a difference.

She will be required to stay overnight on 6 West for observation after the procedure (bleeding is the most common complication). She'll get an ultrasound the next morning (Friday) to make sure the vein is open. If she's doing well, she'll be discharged.

While it is a procedure with risk, it is fairly simple and routine compared to the other things that she's gone through. But prayers are appreciated, nonetheless.

And while you're at it, could you also pray for my uncle (Natalie's great-uncle) Dennis? He is going to Madison to start chemo on Friday, in preparation for his stem cell transplant on August 5.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 6-23-05 update - The right lung showed PET positive and the left lung was PET tive.........However, my oncologist still thinks these are due to spores. He has scheduled another CAT Scan for July 22nd....We will probably continue CTs once a month for awhile....If there is any activity, we will be on top of it......I will begin radiation next week and maintenance Chemo in early November. Thanks for the prayers.

1-4-05 David Dickenson - thyroid illness I'm currently on 2 medications to keep my system in balance. They are working wonderfully. On Feb 2nd I take another radio-active pill to try and kill my thyroid again. It will then be 6-8 weeks before I know if it was successful. I would like to remain on your prayer list. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. 3-18-05 update - It’s DEAD! I barely crawled out of bed this morning. On Wednesday, I had a blood test as I knew that I was slowing down and my 6 weeks was due on Thursday. Today I felt like I was sick, tired or simply sick & tired. I went to the Dr. after lunch. I’m not sick. This is all just symptoms of a dead thyroid (freezing cold, sore muscles, memory loss – huh?, etc.). The bad news is that it takes 6 weeks or more to see any improvement! I’m going to be like this for a while. My doctor had me take 7 pills today (a little unconventional he said) to jump start the system, but he assured me there was no down side to this. Unfortunately, I may not be worth a hoot for a few weeks. After 6 weeks, I will go in to have a blood test and see where I’m at. Then they starting tweaking the synthroid to get it perfect for me. Thanks for all of the prayers! Have a great weekend, everyone. 4-7-05 update - Doing great. Thanks to all of your for your concerns and prayers. On Wednesday of last week it was like someone threw a switch: I had my energy back! I still run down about 8 pm each night, but my days are much better.

1-5-05 Little Sister's niece - cancer returned

1-5-05 Fraud pup's friend's son, Zakery - almost drowned, still recovering

1-5-05 Skittles' Mom - triple bypass and valve replacement surgery recovering at home now Thanks so much for remembering my mother on the list. 7-15-05 My mother is on the list from by-pass surgery in December. I'm happy to report that it's been almost 7 months since mom's surgery and she's now doing great. She's feeling good - doing work around the house inside and out - lost 30 pounds (now only weighs 110) and said she's glad she had the surgery. For several months afterwards she made comments that she wish she hadn't done it. Mom turned 80 in February and hopefully has many more years to come. She also found out the doctor said if she hadn't had the surgery she may have only had 2 years or less.

1-5-05 obx nut's Mom - stroke, unable to walk, in nursing home

1-6-05 Boomermom's co-worker - diagnosed with cancer/fell and broke her hip - had partial hip replacement 2-3-05 update - Is losing lots of weight. (7 pounds in last 2 weeks and had lost lots since becoming ill.) Doctors do not know why food is not digesting. Goes back to doctor for tests next week. 2-23-05 update - My co-worker came back to work part-time yesterday after her hip surgery. She cannot drive for six months so employees are picking her up and taking her home. She has to use a cane and others are helping her out so she doesn't have to walk any more than necessary. She is still not able to eat and has lost so much weight. Hopefully they will figure something out soon there.

1-7-05 Bear Collector's Dad - Hospitalized with Heart Attack

1-11-05 Princess ene - facing surgury that will result in her inability to bear a child. 3-25-05 update - Update - went to my appt and walked away with what I came...nothing. It was quite upsetting. The Dr said he didn't agree with my Dr about my condition because my symptoms didn't "sound" right. Additionally he said he didn't think he could help me and was sorry he didn't have better news. I felt like saying, Just because I'm not text book? Anyhow...please continue to pray, I have no idea where to turn to now. Thanks!

1-12-05 Melissa Ann's Husband - possible skin cancer

1-14-05 LadyLuck's Friend and her husband - he has been diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and has cancerous cells in his lymph nodes. Undergoing chemotheraphy. 6/13/05 UPDATE: My friend's husband's cancer is very aggressive and spreading. He had surgery last week to remove part of his stomach, colon, pancreas and the 3rd vertabrae in his spine. He got through the surgery but it is still too early to know the outcome. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

1-31-05 - Little Sister's Friend -A good friend of our family developed a virus and it settled around his heart. The sack around his heart has been filling up with fluid. They transported him to Rochester this weekend and yesterday they drew off 2 liters of fluid in the morning and more in the afternoon. This gave him instant relief but today we just found out that there was blood in the second fluid draw and have discovered that he has a hole in his aorta. He's being prepped right now for an 8 hour surgery and is considered very high risk. Please keep him in your prayers!!! Thanks! 2-2-05 update - Update on our friend...his surgery was successful. They also discovered an anurism on his aorta that they were able to repair. He'll be in the hospital for 7 to 10 days and then will be off work for 4 months. Thanks for your prayers and please keep remembering him as he has a long road of recovery.

2-17-05 MT-n-Full's Friend - I just now received a call about one of my best friends from my former bank in DC. She was in a head on collision, suffered a stroke,has blot clots in her brain, and a lot more. She is one of the finest bank managers I have known. She is paralyzed also. Please place her on the prayer list asap. Thank you. (I am so upset. ) 3-2-05 update - On 2-17 I posted about my friend who was in an accident just over 2 weeks ago. The human body is so amazing when accompanied by prayers! My friend is now home recuperating. She is expected to fully recover from the stroke and makes progress everyday. The blood clots are better. Although her foot is in a cast, she can get around with a walker now by herself!!! She is having a little problem with math, telling time, searching the phone book - takes a little longer - but with her therapy she has greatly improved --- and she may be ready to return to work in as little as 8 weeks!!! Thank you for the prayers - it has truly been a miracle what she has accomplished so far!

2-21-05 Princess Ene's Father - Please add my father to the list. My mom just sent an email that my father had a TIA (mini stroke) last night. She said his arm and face went numb for about 15 minutes. It was pretty scary for them. They are running an MRI and Ultrasound today. My father has probably been ill a total of 2 times in his life time so we are puzzled. I'm going on the internet right now to read up on them. I'll update as I learn more. 3-8-05 update - my father was told he has two blood clots on either side of his brain. They are continuing tests but are puzzled. They say these type of brain clots are usually caused by head trauma, he's had none. Thank you for your continued prayers.

2-23-05 Dawnie's Friend - If we could add Sondra to the list I'd appreciate it. She's flying down to Portland for a bone marrow test to see what her lukemia numbers are looking like after the stem cell harvest of a few months ago. This is her 11th bone marrow draw, and every one of them is quite painful and carry risk. 6-9-05 update - My friend Sondra received her first set of results back. They are not good. It appears we're turning the corner towards a darker side of the disease. Without a donor, she has just a few years to live at most. 7-7-05 update This week, because the results were so very very bad, they brought her down for more testing. She just found out that the results that frightened us all were an absolute fluke. The doctor is shocked and ran these tests more than once because they were so much better. While she is still battling luekemia and will until a transplant is found, she's not looking at a short six to nine months anymore. They are fully confident that these results are very accurate, and basically put her back at her earlier level, which means a few years to fight or find that transplant. We're very relieved, and I'm sure the prayer and support that has gone out on her behalf has helped in what looked to be a hopeless situation. Thank you all!!!!

2-23-05 Jim Bedsole's Brother-in-law - It just keeps piling on. Lynne's sister Debbie has been very close to us, especially during Lynne's recent illness. She has been down here from NC numerous times to cheer Lynne up. Well last Friday we just found out that Debbie's husband has leukemia. He is currently in Duke Medical Center undergoing heavy chemotherapy and some other type of therapy. They are also doing some tests that take up to 10 days to develop. After those tests they'll have a clearer picture of his status and prognosis.

3-10-05 Boomer's Wife - My wife and I have recently been told she has Lymphoma Cancer and she is undergoing chemo treatments. 3-31-05 update - As an update on my wife she is continuing her Chemo treatments, once every 3 weeks and seems to be handling them pretty good except for being very tired. She is now dealing with the mental feelings she has in dealing with her cancer. We are taking a day at a time.

3-18-05 - Anonymous - I've been part of and seen the power of prayer on BOL. I am asking you for your prayers. I am at a point in my marriage where I am trying to determine if possible to save. Please pray that my heart is open to His will and that I make the right decisions moving forward.

4-7-05 Skittles' uncle - I'd like to add my uncle to the list. He has liver cancer and it's apparently in the final stages. He's 85 years old and the family is going to visit him to basically say good bye. He only found out he had this about a week ago (long story), and it's been extremely sad. He and my aunt have been married for almost 64 years (May 24th) and they may not make it to 65.

4-18-05 wacokid - I spent 1/2 day Saturday at the emergency room because I broke a weight bearing bone in my left foot. I will be on crutches and a cast for about 3 months as it will be a slow healing process. Since I am used to moving around sorta fast, please pray that I can be patient and outta these crutches soon. Thanks, the wacokid. UPDATE 6-15-05 WOW, it seems like a long time from 4-15-05 and my broken foot bone, but I am now off crutches and the boot. I am trying to walk straight today. That's the good news, the bad is that after a midnight trip to the ER,I just got rid of 3 kidney stones in right kidney after some surgery, but still have 1 in the left kidney...ouch! Thank goodness for narcotics! I only missed 2 days of work and now I'm back at compliance and waiting for the "precious stone" to make an appearance.

5-10-05 Jennifer's son - Please add my son to your prayer list. He will be 2 on the 18th. We have gotten word that we will be scheduling his open heart surgery for this summer, to have two holes in his heart repaired. I will let you know more once I have a date in hand. 5-12-05 update - surgery scheduled for August 9th.

5-19-05 silentvalley's granddaughter - Please keep my granddaughter, Makenzie, in your prayers. She is not quite 5 months old & she was rushed to the hospital last night with an internal infection that the doctors have not yet decided on the cause.

5-23-05 Kiwi's Friend is pregnant and will be having a Nuchal Translucency test next week. Her husband is not able to go to the appt with her and she could use our thoughts and prayers during this time.

5-23-05 Ed's wife & sister-in-law - Please add my wife Rhonda, her sister Rita and her 13 year old daughter Roberta Roseman to your prayer list. Rita and Roberta were in a car accident last night (5/20/05) and Roberta died at the scene and Rita is in ICU at UMASS Memorial, Worcester Ma.- thank you, Ed Belloli (pale writer)

5-27-05 Anonymous - I wanted to ask for any prayers that might be out there. I have no option but to post anymously due to my job position. I am just returing from disability leave and my husband just lost his job. I am feeling lost and need some support from anyone. Please help if you can.

6-1-05 Swimware - Going through a divorce. Just moved out this weekend. I miss her horribly.

6-3-05 Walleye Woman's Dad - Please say a prayer for my 79 year old dad who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. A bone scan showed clear but on a scale of 1 - 5 with the 5 the worst he is a 4. He has decided to have surgery, he's amazingly healthy otherwise. We are optimistic but I myself am having trouble getting through this. I have been the local Relay for Life chairman for 2 years and this year's event takes on a whole new meaning for me. 6-22-05 Update on my dad - he had surgery last Tuesday. The cancer was very aggressive and had already spread to the lymph glands but the doctor was confident that he had gotten it all. He will begin hormone treatments and as long as his PSA stays at 0 he will be cancer free. He came through the surgery amazingly well and recovered quickly. Both my parents were so appreciative that I could be there with them - it's amazing when roles reverse and you become the authority figure. Anyway, thanks for all your prayers. They helped me on those long days in the hospital.

6-6-05 ExGovtBabe's Friend Mindy - Would y'all please keep my friend Mindy in your thoughts - Mindy is newly pregnant with their first baby and ended up in the hospital with internal bleeding from 2 large ovarian cysts. She is now on bed rest and fears being put on hospital bedrest. Naturally she is frightened and quite worried about the viability of this much-wanted baby. UPDATE - Talked to Mindy yesterday, she saw the dr and got a very clear, very steady heartbeat on the ultrasound. She's still under orders to take it easy but things are looking up!!

6-20-05 Anonymous - I have an unspoken request. And my prayers and thoughts go to everyone on this post. Thank you.

6-20-05 CEW - Please add my Aunt Marilyn to the prayer list. She fell while out for her morning walk yesterday morning. Unsure if she suffered a stroke, but has not yet gained consciousness. Had bleeding in the brain and a hole was drilled in her skull to relieve the pressure. We are waiting to hear from my cousin this morning to find out if she has suffered any brain damage and what the prognosis is. Thank you.

6-20-05 violetRose's friend - Could you all please pray for my friend Summer, she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. Please also pray for her husband Cal, who is her rock at this time. They are in the process of deciding treatment. 6-22-05 update - Further tests revealed bad news. Cancer was found in her Kidneys, Liver and possibly her bones. Surgery will be scheduled for July followed by kemo. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

6-23-05 CorkyGirl's In-laws - 7-11-05 Update on my mother-in-law - thanks for your prayers. She is home from the hospital and nursing center and better I guess. We were back for 4th of July weekend and if what I saw of her leg is "better" I'm glad I didn't see it at its worse!! I am sure they will have to remove her leg before the end of the year, she has been battling this type of infection for a number of years now and it just never gets "all better". I don't know what she will do when that time comes, it will force some hard choices on her.

6-28-05 Plain Scared - I've just learned that I have a nodule in my breast and have scheduled an appointment with a surgeon for further treatment. (I have to wait a long two weeks for the appointment) Please say a prayer for me that this nodule is of the non-cancerous type or if it is cancer, please pray that I have the strength and courage necessary for the ordeal. I've survived a couple of bouts with melenoma and an wondering how many times I can "dodge the bullet." Right now I'm just plain scared.

7-15-05 ABrown's Mother-in-law - I would like to request prayers for my Mother-in-law. She has beaten lung cancer twice and we have been told now that she may either have pneumonia (treatable) OR a wide spread cancer that they can do nothing for.

7-22-05 Cat Woman's Mom - She is going thru a really stressful time at work. She had found out she has MS a couple of years ago, and I'm very afraid that the stress she is under will cause an attack.

7-29-05 The boy scouts and their families who lost loved ones at the Jamboree.

8-1-05 deppfan's customer - Please pray for one of our customers. She lost her husband a little less than a year ago, and a little after midnight, her 19 yr. old son was killed in a car accident. She is a wonderful woman with two daughters still at home, one of whom had tick fever as a young child and is severely handicapped as a result. Please hold her up in prayer.

Communal Requests:
All of those affected by the terrorist attack in London.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the Families all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
Last edited by waldensouth; 08/01/05 01:27 PM.
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#297821 - 07/30/05 03:11 PM Re: Prayer List updated 7-27-05
deppfan Offline
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Joined: Dec 2000
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All over the map.
Please pray for one of our customers. She lost her husband a little less than a year ago, and a little after midnight, her 19 yr. old son was killed in a car accident. She is a wonderful woman with two daughters still at home, one of whom had tick fever as a young child and is severely handicapped as a result. Please hold her up in prayer.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#297822 - 08/03/05 02:31 PM Re: Prayer List updated 7-27-05
Beagles22 Offline
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Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 3,626
State of confusion
I could use some prayers. The doctor has found a large tumor in my mother's bladder. It shows every sign of malignancy. They are doing a cat scan today to see if it spread outside of the bladder before surgery. Surgery will be set up ASAP according to the doctor. Please pray for her, for it not being what they think and if it is for her quick and full recovery. I am just scared to death. Thanks to you all!!
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.

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#297823 - 08/03/05 04:33 PM Re: Prayer List updated 08-04-05
waldensouth Online
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Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Jim and Lynne Bedsole - Lynne admitted to the hospital Christmas Day. After a lot of ups and downs and 81 days in the hospital - she was able to go home.
For those of you who don't believe in the miraculous power of prayer, let this experience serve as a testimony that God is real and that he does desire a relationship with us. It is our sin that separates us from God, but that separation can be bridged through the person of Jesus Christ. He is faithful to His word in all things. And in all things, He is in control. It was only through an abiding faith in these tenets and the uplifted prayers of all our wonderful friends and family that we were able to make it through this long ordeal. 5-17-05 update - Lynne is continuing to improve. She is doing more and more self-sufficiency-wise. She still tires easily. Her hemoglobin level is low and she is currently working through some tests and treatments with a Hematologist to try to improve that which should in turn improve her strength and stamina.

Her mental processes are working fine now, and she doesn't seem to have any long-term effect from the watershed stroke she had. Her kidney functions are perfectly fine. All the systems that were shutting down in December and January are functioning fine.

She is pretty well recovered from the emergency surgery that was performed in January, but they are anticipating another surgery in the early fall to reverse the iliostomy they had to do as part of the surgery in January.

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 8-5-05 Hemoglobin is 8.7 (down almost a gram since last draw, but not as steep a drop as before)- platelets and white count are better.
Now the problem is a GGT level that is up in the range where they think she needs a biopsy. This could mean rejection. GGT is 277 (normal is around 50, her's is up from 70). Could also be a recurrence of the biliary problem, let's hope she doesn't need another PTC tube.

In order to be safe- we'll do an ultrasound at 2 pm Monday, then admit her, give her a transfusion, and biopsy her on Tuesday am. We would have results of the biopsy by that afternoon, per the hospital.

8-5-05 Nataliebear's great-uncle Dennis - He is going to Madison to start chemo on Friday, in preparation for his stem cell transplant on August 5.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 6-23-05 update - The right lung showed PET positive and the left lung was PET tive.........However, my oncologist still thinks these are due to spores. He has scheduled another CAT Scan for July 22nd....We will probably continue CTs once a month for awhile....If there is any activity, we will be on top of it......I will begin radiation next week and maintenance Chemo in early November. Thanks for the prayers.

1-4-05 David Dickenson - thyroid illness I'm currently on 2 medications to keep my system in balance. They are working wonderfully. On Feb 2nd I take another radio-active pill to try and kill my thyroid again. It will then be 6-8 weeks before I know if it was successful. I would like to remain on your prayer list. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. 3-18-05 update - It’s DEAD! I barely crawled out of bed this morning. On Wednesday, I had a blood test as I knew that I was slowing down and my 6 weeks was due on Thursday. Today I felt like I was sick, tired or simply sick & tired. I went to the Dr. after lunch. I’m not sick. This is all just symptoms of a dead thyroid (freezing cold, sore muscles, memory loss – huh?, etc.). The bad news is that it takes 6 weeks or more to see any improvement! I’m going to be like this for a while. My doctor had me take 7 pills today (a little unconventional he said) to jump start the system, but he assured me there was no down side to this. Unfortunately, I may not be worth a hoot for a few weeks. After 6 weeks, I will go in to have a blood test and see where I’m at. Then they starting tweaking the synthroid to get it perfect for me. Thanks for all of the prayers! Have a great weekend, everyone. 4-7-05 update - Doing great. Thanks to all of your for your concerns and prayers. On Wednesday of last week it was like someone threw a switch: I had my energy back! I still run down about 8 pm each night, but my days are much better.

1-5-05 Little Sister's niece - cancer returned

1-5-05 Fraud pup's friend's son, Zakery - almost drowned, still recovering

1-5-05 Skittles' Mom - triple bypass and valve replacement surgery recovering at home now Thanks so much for remembering my mother on the list. 7-15-05 My mother is on the list from by-pass surgery in December. I'm happy to report that it's been almost 7 months since mom's surgery and she's now doing great. She's feeling good - doing work around the house inside and out - lost 30 pounds (now only weighs 110) and said she's glad she had the surgery. For several months afterwards she made comments that she wish she hadn't done it. Mom turned 80 in February and hopefully has many more years to come. She also found out the doctor said if she hadn't had the surgery she may have only had 2 years or less.

1-5-05 obx nut's Mom - stroke, unable to walk, in nursing home

1-6-05 Boomermom's co-worker - diagnosed with cancer/fell and broke her hip - had partial hip replacement 2-3-05 update - Is losing lots of weight. (7 pounds in last 2 weeks and had lost lots since becoming ill.) Doctors do not know why food is not digesting. Goes back to doctor for tests next week. 2-23-05 update - My co-worker came back to work part-time yesterday after her hip surgery. She cannot drive for six months so employees are picking her up and taking her home. She has to use a cane and others are helping her out so she doesn't have to walk any more than necessary. She is still not able to eat and has lost so much weight. Hopefully they will figure something out soon there.

1-7-05 Bear Collector's Dad - Hospitalized with Heart Attack

1-11-05 Princess ene - facing surgury that will result in her inability to bear a child. 3-25-05 update - Update - went to my appt and walked away with what I came...nothing. It was quite upsetting. The Dr said he didn't agree with my Dr about my condition because my symptoms didn't "sound" right. Additionally he said he didn't think he could help me and was sorry he didn't have better news. I felt like saying, Just because I'm not text book? Anyhow...please continue to pray, I have no idea where to turn to now. Thanks!

1-12-05 Melissa Ann's Husband - possible skin cancer

1-14-05 LadyLuck's Friend and her husband - he has been diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and has cancerous cells in his lymph nodes. Undergoing chemotheraphy. 6/13/05 UPDATE: My friend's husband's cancer is very aggressive and spreading. He had surgery last week to remove part of his stomach, colon, pancreas and the 3rd vertabrae in his spine. He got through the surgery but it is still too early to know the outcome. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

1-31-05 - Little Sister's Friend -A good friend of our family developed a virus and it settled around his heart. The sack around his heart has been filling up with fluid. They transported him to Rochester this weekend and yesterday they drew off 2 liters of fluid in the morning and more in the afternoon. This gave him instant relief but today we just found out that there was blood in the second fluid draw and have discovered that he has a hole in his aorta. He's being prepped right now for an 8 hour surgery and is considered very high risk. Please keep him in your prayers!!! Thanks! 2-2-05 update - Update on our friend...his surgery was successful. They also discovered an anurism on his aorta that they were able to repair. He'll be in the hospital for 7 to 10 days and then will be off work for 4 months. Thanks for your prayers and please keep remembering him as he has a long road of recovery.

2-17-05 MT-n-Full's Friend - I just now received a call about one of my best friends from my former bank in DC. She was in a head on collision, suffered a stroke,has blot clots in her brain, and a lot more. She is one of the finest bank managers I have known. She is paralyzed also. Please place her on the prayer list asap. Thank you. (I am so upset. ) 3-2-05 update - On 2-17 I posted about my friend who was in an accident just over 2 weeks ago. The human body is so amazing when accompanied by prayers! My friend is now home recuperating. She is expected to fully recover from the stroke and makes progress everyday. The blood clots are better. Although her foot is in a cast, she can get around with a walker now by herself!!! She is having a little problem with math, telling time, searching the phone book - takes a little longer - but with her therapy she has greatly improved --- and she may be ready to return to work in as little as 8 weeks!!! Thank you for the prayers - it has truly been a miracle what she has accomplished so far!

2-21-05 Princess Ene's Father - Please add my father to the list. My mom just sent an email that my father had a TIA (mini stroke) last night. She said his arm and face went numb for about 15 minutes. It was pretty scary for them. They are running an MRI and Ultrasound today. My father has probably been ill a total of 2 times in his life time so we are puzzled. I'm going on the internet right now to read up on them. I'll update as I learn more. 3-8-05 update - my father was told he has two blood clots on either side of his brain. They are continuing tests but are puzzled. They say these type of brain clots are usually caused by head trauma, he's had none. Thank you for your continued prayers.

2-23-05 Dawnie's Friend - If we could add Sondra to the list I'd appreciate it. She's flying down to Portland for a bone marrow test to see what her lukemia numbers are looking like after the stem cell harvest of a few months ago. This is her 11th bone marrow draw, and every one of them is quite painful and carry risk. 6-9-05 update - My friend Sondra received her first set of results back. They are not good. It appears we're turning the corner towards a darker side of the disease. Without a donor, she has just a few years to live at most. 7-7-05 update This week, because the results were so very very bad, they brought her down for more testing. She just found out that the results that frightened us all were an absolute fluke. The doctor is shocked and ran these tests more than once because they were so much better. While she is still battling luekemia and will until a transplant is found, she's not looking at a short six to nine months anymore. They are fully confident that these results are very accurate, and basically put her back at her earlier level, which means a few years to fight or find that transplant. We're very relieved, and I'm sure the prayer and support that has gone out on her behalf has helped in what looked to be a hopeless situation. Thank you all!!!!

2-23-05 Jim Bedsole's Brother-in-law - It just keeps piling on. Lynne's sister Debbie has been very close to us, especially during Lynne's recent illness. She has been down here from NC numerous times to cheer Lynne up. Well last Friday we just found out that Debbie's husband has leukemia. He is currently in Duke Medical Center undergoing heavy chemotherapy and some other type of therapy. They are also doing some tests that take up to 10 days to develop. After those tests they'll have a clearer picture of his status and prognosis.

3-10-05 Boomer's Wife - My wife and I have recently been told she has Lymphoma Cancer and she is undergoing chemo treatments. 3-31-05 update - As an update on my wife she is continuing her Chemo treatments, once every 3 weeks and seems to be handling them pretty good except for being very tired. She is now dealing with the mental feelings she has in dealing with her cancer. We are taking a day at a time.

3-18-05 - Anonymous - I've been part of and seen the power of prayer on BOL. I am asking you for your prayers. I am at a point in my marriage where I am trying to determine if possible to save. Please pray that my heart is open to His will and that I make the right decisions moving forward.

4-7-05 Skittles' uncle - I'd like to add my uncle to the list. He has liver cancer and it's apparently in the final stages. He's 85 years old and the family is going to visit him to basically say good bye. He only found out he had this about a week ago (long story), and it's been extremely sad. He and my aunt have been married for almost 64 years (May 24th) and they may not make it to 65.

4-18-05 wacokid - I spent 1/2 day Saturday at the emergency room because I broke a weight bearing bone in my left foot. I will be on crutches and a cast for about 3 months as it will be a slow healing process. Since I am used to moving around sorta fast, please pray that I can be patient and outta these crutches soon. Thanks, the wacokid. UPDATE 6-15-05 WOW, it seems like a long time from 4-15-05 and my broken foot bone, but I am now off crutches and the boot. I am trying to walk straight today. That's the good news, the bad is that after a midnight trip to the ER,I just got rid of 3 kidney stones in right kidney after some surgery, but still have 1 in the left kidney...ouch! Thank goodness for narcotics! I only missed 2 days of work and now I'm back at compliance and waiting for the "precious stone" to make an appearance.

5-10-05 Jennifer's son - Please add my son to your prayer list. He will be 2 on the 18th. We have gotten word that his open heart surgery to have two holes in his heart repaired is scheduled for August 9th.

5-19-05 silentvalley's granddaughter - Please keep my granddaughter, Makenzie, in your prayers. She is not quite 5 months old & she was rushed to the hospital last night with an internal infection that the doctors have not yet decided on the cause.

5-23-05 Kiwi's Friend is pregnant and will be having a Nuchal Translucency test next week. Her husband is not able to go to the appt with her and she could use our thoughts and prayers during this time.

5-23-05 Ed's wife & sister-in-law - Please add my wife Rhonda, her sister Rita and her 13 year old daughter Roberta Roseman to your prayer list. Rita and Roberta were in a car accident last night (5/20/05) and Roberta died at the scene and Rita is in ICU at UMASS Memorial, Worcester Ma.- thank you, Ed Belloli (pale writer)

5-27-05 Anonymous - I wanted to ask for any prayers that might be out there. I have no option but to post anymously due to my job position. I am just returing from disability leave and my husband just lost his job. I am feeling lost and need some support from anyone. Please help if you can.

6-1-05 Swimware - Going through a divorce. Just moved out this weekend. I miss her horribly.

6-3-05 Walleye Woman's Dad - Please say a prayer for my 79 year old dad who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. A bone scan showed clear but on a scale of 1 - 5 with the 5 the worst he is a 4. He has decided to have surgery, he's amazingly healthy otherwise. We are optimistic but I myself am having trouble getting through this. I have been the local Relay for Life chairman for 2 years and this year's event takes on a whole new meaning for me. 6-22-05 Update on my dad - he had surgery last Tuesday. The cancer was very aggressive and had already spread to the lymph glands but the doctor was confident that he had gotten it all. He will begin hormone treatments and as long as his PSA stays at 0 he will be cancer free. He came through the surgery amazingly well and recovered quickly. Both my parents were so appreciative that I could be there with them - it's amazing when roles reverse and you become the authority figure. Anyway, thanks for all your prayers. They helped me on those long days in the hospital.

6-6-05 ExGovtBabe's Friend Mindy - Would y'all please keep my friend Mindy in your thoughts - Mindy is newly pregnant with their first baby and ended up in the hospital with internal bleeding from 2 large ovarian cysts. She is now on bed rest and fears being put on hospital bedrest. Naturally she is frightened and quite worried about the viability of this much-wanted baby. UPDATE - Talked to Mindy yesterday, she saw the dr and got a very clear, very steady heartbeat on the ultrasound. She's still under orders to take it easy but things are looking up!!

6-20-05 Anonymous - I have an unspoken request. And my prayers and thoughts go to everyone on this post. Thank you.

6-20-05 CEW - Please add my Aunt Marilyn to the prayer list. She fell while out for her morning walk yesterday morning. Unsure if she suffered a stroke, but has not yet gained consciousness. Had bleeding in the brain and a hole was drilled in her skull to relieve the pressure. We are waiting to hear from my cousin this morning to find out if she has suffered any brain damage and what the prognosis is. Thank you.

6-20-05 violetRose's friend - Could you all please pray for my friend Summer, she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. Please also pray for her husband Cal, who is her rock at this time. They are in the process of deciding treatment. 6-22-05 update - Further tests revealed bad news. Cancer was found in her Kidneys, Liver and possibly her bones. Surgery will be scheduled for July followed by kemo. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

6-23-05 CorkyGirl's In-laws - 7-11-05 Update on my mother-in-law - thanks for your prayers. She is home from the hospital and nursing center and better I guess. We were back for 4th of July weekend and if what I saw of her leg is "better" I'm glad I didn't see it at its worse!! I am sure they will have to remove her leg before the end of the year, she has been battling this type of infection for a number of years now and it just never gets "all better". I don't know what she will do when that time comes, it will force some hard choices on her.

6-28-05 Plain Scared - I've just learned that I have a nodule in my breast and have scheduled an appointment with a surgeon for further treatment. (I have to wait a long two weeks for the appointment) Please say a prayer for me that this nodule is of the non-cancerous type or if it is cancer, please pray that I have the strength and courage necessary for the ordeal. I've survived a couple of bouts with melenoma and an wondering how many times I can "dodge the bullet." Right now I'm just plain scared.

7-15-05 ABrown's Mother-in-law - I would like to request prayers for my Mother-in-law. She has beaten lung cancer twice and we have been told now that she may either have pneumonia (treatable) OR a wide spread cancer that they can do nothing for.

7-22-05 Cat Woman's Mom - She is going thru a really stressful time at work. She had found out she has MS a couple of years ago, and I'm very afraid that the stress she is under will cause an attack.

7-29-05 The boy scouts and their families who lost loved ones at the Jamboree.

8-1-05 deppfan's customer - Please pray for one of our customers. She lost her husband a little less than a year ago, and a little after midnight, her 19 yr. old son was killed in a car accident. She is a wonderful woman with two daughters still at home, one of whom had tick fever as a young child and is severely handicapped as a result. Please hold her up in prayer.

8-3-05 Beagle Queen and Mom- I could use some prayers. The doctor has found a large tumor in my mother's bladder. It shows every sign of malignancy. They are doing a cat scan today to see if it spread outside of the bladder before surgery. Surgery is scheduled for next Thursday, August 11th. The scope showed a tangurine sized tumor and most likely is cancer. Please pray for her, for it not being what they think and if it is for her quick and full recovery. I am just scared to death. Thanks to you all!!

08-03-05 Our bank received word that a former accounting officer who resigned a few weeks ago has liver failure. She is in her early fifties, has a 2 year old grandson and another grandbaby to be born in Dec.- - - but, our Ruthie has been placed in hospice care and doctors have given only 1 month left. Her husband, also early fifties, passed away about 3 months ago. Your prayers for her family would be appreciated. wacokid

Nanwa's family - Please include my mother-in-law and my husband and our family on the prayer list. The doctors think Ma may be bleeding internally. She is scheduled for a colonoscopy and endoscopy sometime this morning. She has dropped from a normal 120 pounds to 95, and her iron, potasium and hemoglobin are dangerously low. She is 79 years old with advance stages of altzheimer's.

MOML is out in Montana on a fishing trip and cannot be reached. My sister-in-law is really stressed out, (very understandable).

Communal Requests:
All of those affected by the terrorist attack in London.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the Families all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
Last edited by waldensouth; 08/05/05 07:16 PM.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#297824 - 08/03/05 04:36 PM Re: Prayer List updated 08-03-05
slick Offline
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somewhere out there
Prayers coming your way BQ.
it ain't over til it's over...

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#297825 - 08/03/05 07:36 PM Re: Prayer List updated 08-03-05
Quadspapa Offline
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Quadrupletville, Texas
08-03-05 Our bank received word that a former accounting officer who resigned a few weeks ago has liver failure. She is in her early fifties, has a 2 year old grandson and another grandbaby to be born in Dec.- - - but, our Ruthie has been placed in hospice care and doctors have given only 1 month left. Her husband, also early fifties, passed away about 3 months ago. Your prayers for her family would be appreciated. wacokid
"I don''t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts." - - Will Rogers (still relevant today)

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#297826 - 08/04/05 12:45 PM Re: Prayer List updated 08-03-05
Beagles22 Offline
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State of confusion
The prayer:
Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. In Jesus' precious name.
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.

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#297827 - 08/04/05 01:59 PM Re: Prayer List updated 08-03-05
Nanwa Offline
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Clintonville, WI, USA
Please include my mother-in-law and my husband and our family on the prayer list. The doctors think Ma may be bleeding internally. She is scheduled for a colonoscopy and endoscopy sometime this morning. She has dropped from a normal 120 pounds to 95, and her iron, potasium and hemoglobin are dangerously low. She is 79 years old with advance stages of altzheimer's.

MOML is out in Montana on a fishing trip and cannot be reached. I pray he calls in today, so I don't have to drop this bomb of news on him when I pick him up at the airport Friday night.

My sister-in-law is really stressed out, (very understandable), and is ballistic that her brother does not have a cell phone with him. I tried to explain that, even if he owned one, he couldn't get a signal in the canyons where he fishes and camps, but she will hear none of it.

I feel bad for his sister, because she believes that her family is Ma, Dad, her brother and her. She lets no one else in that circle. And, at a time like this, she should take advantage of her own husband, her daughter and son, and me, who want to be there for her.
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#297828 - 08/04/05 05:13 PM Re: Prayer List updated 08-03-05
Viking Princess Offline
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Viking Princess
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Stockton, California
You are all in my prayers - may God bless you and strengthen you.
"For with God NOTHING shall be impossible."

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#297829 - 08/04/05 06:12 PM Re: Prayer List updated 7-27-05
Beagles22 Offline
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State of confusion

I could use some prayers. The doctor has found a large tumor in my mother's bladder. It shows every sign of malignancy. They are doing a cat scan today to see if it spread outside of the bladder before surgery. Surgery will be set up ASAP according to the doctor. Please pray for her, for it not being what they think and if it is for her quick and full recovery. I am just scared to death. Thanks to you all!!

Surgery is scheduled for next Thursday. The scope showed a tangurine sized tumor and most likely is cancer. Cat scan results aren't back yet to see if it has spread further than that. Thanks for including me and my mom in your prayers!!
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.

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#297830 - 08/04/05 07:10 PM Re: Prayer List updated 7-27-05
Nanwa Offline
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Clintonville, WI, USA
An update: Ma has a malignent tumor almost completely blocking her colon. Surgery is scheduled for tommorrow, to be followed by 7 days in intensive care. And the doctor finally made the decision for my sister-in-law and my husband: she said, no matter the outcome of the surgery, those two (Ma and Dad) can no longer live alone.

We have been trying for years to persuade them, first into assisted living, then later, into a nursing home, but they were adamant they would not leave their home. The kids couldn't do anything short of wrapping their parents in straight jackets and hauling them out physically. (Which is what I would have done, but my parents and I had a different relationship.) Well, now the decision has been made, and we can get things in motion.

I always thought it would come to this, one of them getting hurt or sick before we could move them in where they can get 24/7 care. But I always figured it would be Dad falling down. He is the more frail, and very unsure on his feet anymore.

Again, thank you for your prayers and thoughts. The next days/weeks/months are going to be rough.
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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