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#297881 - 09/08/05 06:25 PM Re: Prayer List 9-8-05
Angel Eyes Offline
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Angel Eyes
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Thank you all for all the prayers for my son as he went through and recovered from open heart surgery. He is doing well and can be removed from the prayer list.

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#297882 - 09/08/05 07:01 PM Re: Prayer List 9-8-05
slick Offline
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somewhere out there
Good news jennifer. I am glad to hear it. But I will still continue to pray for him to always be a happy, healthy, energetic little boy.
it ain't over til it's over...

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#297883 - 09/08/05 07:53 PM Re: Prayer List 9-8-05
E.E.G.B Offline
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the sandy shore
Jennifer, great news!!!


((KIWI'S FRIEND)) I cannot even imagine.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#297884 - 09/09/05 12:58 AM Re: Prayer List 9-8-05
Princess Leia Offline
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Kiwi, I can't imagine either. Prayers to them.

Jennifer - thanks for the update! It's so wonderful to hear when our prayers are answered.
Duct tape is like the force: It has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together.

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#297885 - 09/09/05 03:49 AM Re: Prayer List 9-8-05
Countess Kiwi Offline
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I know, I can't imagine either what it would be like. A few of us have went in on a stone that will have his name and a picture of a lamb on it to place under the tree we are going to get after he is born.

I was a little leery in posting the request due to all the soon to be mommy's. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and I know the family thanks you too.

Jennifer - awesome news!!!
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
~Theodore Roosevelt~

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#297886 - 09/09/05 02:11 PM Re: Prayer List 9-8-05
Skittles Online
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Posts: 13,965
As in Waldensouth's list, my mother had heart surgery last December (at almost 80 years old). She's doing great now but it was a long road. My uncle was diagnosed with cancer in April, but passed away May 1st.

Now my father has been diagnosed with emphysema (spelling?), arythmia and tacticardia within the last several weeks. He has no energy because oxygen is not getting to his muscles and organs. He's only 83 (his father lived to be 96) and I always thought he would follow suit. This is very difficult on me, especially since I moved 500+ miles away in April.

Please add my father to your prayer list. It would mean so much to me.

Kiwi - I had cousins who went through the same thing. My prayers are with them. I cannot phathom what that would be like.
My Opinions Only

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#297887 - 09/09/05 06:39 PM Re: Prayer List 9-8-05
Nanwa Offline
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Clintonville, WI, USA
Oh Kiwi, my heart goes out to them, and prayers for strength to get through this.
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#297888 - 09/09/05 07:58 PM Re: Prayer List
AnnL Offline
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Western PA
Please add prayers for Paul. He is the 2year old son of a friend who has aplastic anemia. His uncle died of this when we were all friends as teenagers so of course the family is just devasted at the thought of going through this again with little Paul!
"The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts."

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#297889 - 09/09/05 09:27 PM Re: Prayer List 9-8-05
Search_Me Offline
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In my Strappy Heeled Sandals!

I know, I can't imagine either what it would be like. A few of us have went in on a stone that will have his name and a picture of a lamb on it to place under the tree we are going to get after he is born.

I was a little leery in posting the request due to all the soon to be mommy's. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and I know the family thanks you too.

Jennifer - awesome news!!!

So sad.. tears streaming down face.. many thoughts and prayers for this co-worker and her family.
She who dies with the most shoes WINS! grin

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#297890 - 09/21/05 05:16 PM Re: Prayer List 9-9-05
waldensouth Online
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FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
AngelinaLM, Hope your Mom's surgery went well on September 15th. We're keeping her in our prayers.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#297891 - 09/22/05 01:12 PM Re: Prayer List 9-22-05
waldensouth Online
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Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Jim and Lynne Bedsole - Lynne admitted to the hospital Christmas Day. After a lot of ups and downs and 81 days in the hospital - she was able to go home.
For those of you who don't believe in the miraculous power of prayer, let this experience serve as a testimony that God is real and that he does desire a relationship with us. It is our sin that separates us from God, but that separation can be bridged through the person of Jesus Christ. He is faithful to His word in all things. And in all things, He is in control. It was only through an abiding faith in these tenets and the uplifted prayers of all our wonderful friends and family that we were able to make it through this long ordeal. 9-11-05 update - Lynne got to come home from the hospital yesterday. She is doing pretty good, but pain from the surgery is still a big issue for her. We really appreciate all the prayers that have been said already for her.

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05.
9-9-05 update - Natalie home for at least two weeks and doing well!

8-5-05 Nataliebear's great-uncle Dennis - He is going to Madison to start chemo on Friday, in preparation for his stem cell transplant on August 5.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 6-23-05 update - The right lung showed PET positive and the left lung was PET tive.........However, my oncologist still thinks these are due to spores. He has scheduled another CAT Scan for July 22nd....We will probably continue CTs once a month for awhile....If there is any activity, we will be on top of it......I will begin radiation next week and maintenance Chemo in early November. Thanks for the prayers.

1-5-05 Little Sister's niece - cancer returned

1-5-05 Fraud pup's friend's son, Zakery - almost drowned, still recovering

1-5-05 obx nut's Mom - stroke, unable to walk, in nursing home

1-6-05 Boomermom's co-worker - diagnosed with cancer/fell and broke her hip - had partial hip replacement 2-3-05 update - Is losing lots of weight. (7 pounds in last 2 weeks and had lost lots since becoming ill.) Doctors do not know why food is not digesting. Goes back to doctor for tests next week. 2-23-05 update - My co-worker came back to work part-time yesterday after her hip surgery. She cannot drive for six months so employees are picking her up and taking her home. She has to use a cane and others are helping her out so she doesn't have to walk any more than necessary. She is still not able to eat and has lost so much weight. Hopefully they will figure something out soon there.

1-7-05 Bear Collector's Dad - Hospitalized with Heart Attack

1-11-05 Princess ene - facing surgury that will result in her inability to bear a child. 3-25-05 update - Update - went to my appt and walked away with what I came...nothing. It was quite upsetting. The Dr said he didn't agree with my Dr about my condition because my symptoms didn't "sound" right. Please continue to pray, I don't know where to turn to now.

1-14-05 LadyLuck's Friend and her husband - he has been diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and has cancerous cells in his lymph nodes. Undergoing chemotheraphy. 6/13/05 UPDATE: My friend's husband's cancer is very aggressive and spreading. He had surgery last week to remove part of his stomach, colon, pancreas and the 3rd vertabrae in his spine. He got through the surgery but it is still too early to know the outcome. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

2-21-05 Princess Ene's Father - Please add my father to the list. My mom just sent an email that my father had a TIA (mini stroke) last night. She said his arm and face went numb for about 15 minutes. It was pretty scary for them. They are running an MRI and Ultrasound today. My father has probably been ill a total of 2 times in his life time so we are puzzled. I'm going on the internet right now to read up on them. I'll update as I learn more. 3-8-05 update - my father was told he has two blood clots on either side of his brain. They are continuing tests but are puzzled. They say these type of brain clots are usually caused by head trauma, he's had none. Thank you for your continued prayers.

2-23-05 Dawnie's Friend - If we could add Sondra to the list I'd appreciate it. She's flying down to Portland for a bone marrow test to see what her lukemia numbers are looking like after the stem cell harvest of a few months ago. This is her 11th bone marrow draw, and every one of them is quite painful and carry risk. 6-9-05 update - My friend Sondra received her first set of results back. They are not good. It appears we're turning the corner towards a darker side of the disease. Without a donor, she has just a few years to live at most. 7-7-05 update This week, because the results were so very very bad, they brought her down for more testing. She just found out that the results that frightened us all were an absolute fluke. The doctor is shocked and ran these tests more than once because they were so much better. While she is still battling luekemia and will until a transplant is found, she's not looking at a short six to nine months anymore. They are fully confident that these results are very accurate, and basically put her back at her earlier level, which means a few years to fight or find that transplant. We're very relieved, and I'm sure the prayer and support that has gone out on her behalf has helped in what looked to be a hopeless situation. Thank you all!!!!

2-23-05 Jim Bedsole's Brother-in-law - It just keeps piling on. Lynne's sister Debbie has been very close to us, especially during Lynne's recent illness. She has been down here from NC numerous times to cheer Lynne up. Well last Friday we just found out that Debbie's husband has leukemia. He is currently in Duke Medical Center undergoing heavy chemotherapy and some other type of therapy. They are also doing some tests that take up to 10 days to develop. After those tests they'll have a clearer picture of his status and prognosis.

3-10-05 Boomer's Wife - My wife and I have recently been told she has Lymphoma Cancer and she is undergoing chemo treatments. 3-31-05 update - As an update on my wife she is continuing her Chemo treatments, once every 3 weeks and seems to be handling them pretty good except for being very tired. She is now dealing with the mental feelings she has in dealing with her cancer. We are taking a day at a time.

5-19-05 silentvalley's granddaughter - Please keep my granddaughter, Makenzie, in your prayers. She is not quite 5 months old & she was rushed to the hospital last night with an internal infection that the doctors have not yet decided on the cause.

6-20-05 CEW - Please add my Aunt Marilyn to the prayer list. She fell while out for her morning walk yesterday morning. Unsure if she suffered a stroke, but has not yet gained consciousness. Had bleeding in the brain and a hole was drilled in her skull to relieve the pressure. We are waiting to hear from my cousin this morning to find out if she has suffered any brain damage and what the prognosis is. Thank you.

6-20-05 violetRose's friend - Could you all please pray for my friend Summer, she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. Please also pray for her husband Cal, who is her rock at this time. They are in the process of deciding treatment. 6-22-05 update - Further tests revealed bad news. Cancer was found in her Kidneys, Liver and possibly her bones. Surgery will be scheduled for July followed by kemo. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

7-15-05 ABrown's Mother-in-law - I would like to request prayers for my Mother-in-law. She has beaten lung cancer twice and we have been told now that she may either have pneumonia (treatable) OR a wide spread cancer that they can do nothing for.

8-3-05 Beagle Queen and Mom- I could use some prayers. The doctor has found a large tumor in my mother's bladder. 8-12-05 update Happy news, my mom is out of surgery and they feel that they got it all. The tumor will go for tests, but it looks like cancer. Happy news is they don't think it has spread outside of the bladder. She is up and talking and will go home soon if everything goes well. YYIIPPEEEE

08-03-05 Our bank received word that a former accounting officer who resigned a few weeks ago has liver failure. She is in her early fifties, has a 2 year old grandson and another grandbaby to be born in Dec.- - - but, our Ruthie has been placed in hospice care and doctors have given only 1 month left. Her husband, also early fifties, passed away about 3 months ago. Your prayers for her family would be appreciated. wacokid

Nanwa's family - Please include my mother-in-law and my husband and our family on the prayer list. 8-24-05 update - Ma had the colon cancer surgery two weeks ago. She is starting to do better. 8-29-05 Dad passed away - please remember the family.

8-8-05 Dawnie's MIL - If you'd add Jesse Sr's mother to the list I'd appreciate it. She's had a very bad year and we thought things were getting better but her blood pressure is dangerously low (80/45). She's lived a good life, and we don't wish her to suffer, but she also wants to live long enough to see the baby, so if ya'll could pray for her stregnth for a few more months I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks

8-19-05 AngelinaLM's Mom - Her mother has been diagnosed with cancer. She'll have an operation September 15th as this is her second bout with it. Please keep AngelinaLM, her mother and their entire family in your prayers.

8-25-05 *pixiesprite*'s dad and step-mom - My Step-mom just found out she has ovarian cancer and my dad just got out of the hospital for apendisitis (sp?) So they are going through a lot and could use all the prayers they can get. Thanks. 8-30-05 update - She is out of the hospital after having surjury. They were unable to remove the tumor so she will be starting Chemo and ratiation therapy soon. I may have to go out to Portland to be with her as they have no family out there, not sure yet.

8-28-05 anonymous’s twin sister - Please pray for my twin sister who as bone and lung cancer. Pray for the doctors to do the best they can to rid her of the cancer cells and pray for her strenght and determination to fight.

8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will.

9-8-05 Kiwi's Friend - I would like to add a co-worker and friend to the prayer list. She has known since her first ultrasound that her little baby boy will not survive after he is born. He has a disorder that did not allow his brain to develop correctly from the beginning, so there is not much they can do. Please keep them in your thoughts in the coming weeks.

9-9-05 Skittle's Father - My father has been diagnosed with emphysema (spelling?), arythmia and tacticardia within the last several weeks. He has no energy because oxygen is not getting to his muscles and organs. He's only 83 (his father lived to be 96) and I always thought he would follow suit. This is very difficult on me, especially since I moved 500+ miles away in April.

9-9-05 AnnL's friend Paul - Please add prayers for Paul. He is the 2year old son of a friend who has aplastic anemia. His uncle died of this when we were all friends as teenagers so of course the family is just devasted at the thought of going through this again with little Paul!

9-21-05 David Dickenson's daughter Amanda - senior in high school diagnosed with Chron's disease.

9-22-05 Everyone in the path of Hurricane Rita.

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by Hurricane Katrina; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the Families all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#297892 - 10/04/05 08:16 PM Re: Prayer List 10-05-05
waldensouth Online
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Jim and Lynne Bedsole - Lynne admitted to the hospital Christmas Day. After a lot of ups and downs and 81 days in the hospital - she was able to go home.
For those of you who don't believe in the miraculous power of prayer, let this experience serve as a testimony that God is real and that he does desire a relationship with us. It is our sin that separates us from God, but that separation can be bridged through the person of Jesus Christ. He is faithful to His word in all things. And in all things, He is in control. It was only through an abiding faith in these tenets and the uplifted prayers of all our wonderful friends and family that we were able to make it through this long ordeal. 9-11-05 update - Lynne got to come home from the hospital yesterday. She is doing pretty good, but pain from the surgery is still a big issue for her. We really appreciate all the prayers that have been said already for her.

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05.
9-9-05 update - Natalie home for at least two weeks and doing well! 10-11-05 update - Natalie today is doing really well. Her labs from last week are steady, she still has the PTC tube in her belly, and she continues to take her 7 medications like a champ. We will go back to Children's on October 13 for a clinic visit.

8-5-05 Nataliebear's great-uncle Dennis - He is going to Madison to start chemo on Friday, in preparation for his stem cell transplant on August 5.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 6-23-05 update - The right lung showed PET positive and the left lung was PET tive.........However, my oncologist still thinks these are due to spores. He has scheduled another CAT Scan for July 22nd....We will probably continue CTs once a month for awhile....If there is any activity, we will be on top of it......I will begin radiation next week and maintenance Chemo in early November. Thanks for the prayers.

1-5-05 Little Sister's niece - cancer returned

1-5-05 Fraud pup's friend's son, Zakery - almost drowned, still recovering

1-5-05 obx nut's Mom - stroke, unable to walk, in nursing home

1-6-05 Boomermom's co-worker - diagnosed with cancer/fell and broke her hip - had partial hip replacement 2-3-05 update - Is losing lots of weight. (7 pounds in last 2 weeks and had lost lots since becoming ill.) Doctors do not know why food is not digesting. Goes back to doctor for tests next week. 2-23-05 update - My co-worker came back to work part-time yesterday after her hip surgery. She cannot drive for six months so employees are picking her up and taking her home. She has to use a cane and others are helping her out so she doesn't have to walk any more than necessary. She is still not able to eat and has lost so much weight. Hopefully they will figure something out soon there.

1-7-05 Bear Collector's Dad - Hospitalized with Heart Attack

1-11-05 Princess ene - facing surgury that will result in her inability to bear a child. 3-25-05 update - Update - went to my appt and walked away with what I came...nothing. It was quite upsetting. The Dr said he didn't agree with my Dr about my condition because my symptoms didn't "sound" right. Please continue to pray, I don't know where to turn to now.

1-14-05 LadyLuck's Friend and her husband - he has been diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and has cancerous cells in his lymph nodes. Undergoing chemotheraphy. 6/13/05 UPDATE: My friend's husband's cancer is very aggressive and spreading. He had surgery last week to remove part of his stomach, colon, pancreas and the 3rd vertabrae in his spine. He got through the surgery but it is still too early to know the outcome. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

2-21-05 Princess Ene's Father - Please add my father to the list. My mom just sent an email that my father had a TIA (mini stroke) last night. She said his arm and face went numb for about 15 minutes. It was pretty scary for them. They are running an MRI and Ultrasound today. My father has probably been ill a total of 2 times in his life time so we are puzzled. I'm going on the internet right now to read up on them. I'll update as I learn more. 3-8-05 update - my father was told he has two blood clots on either side of his brain. They are continuing tests but are puzzled. They say these type of brain clots are usually caused by head trauma, he's had none. Thank you for your continued prayers.

2-23-05 Dawnie's Friend - If we could add Sondra to the list I'd appreciate it. She's flying down to Portland for a bone marrow test to see what her lukemia numbers are looking like after the stem cell harvest of a few months ago. This is her 11th bone marrow draw, and every one of them is quite painful and carry risk. 6-9-05 update - My friend Sondra received her first set of results back. They are not good. It appears we're turning the corner towards a darker side of the disease. Without a donor, she has just a few years to live at most. 7-7-05 update This week, because the results were so very very bad, they brought her down for more testing. She just found out that the results that frightened us all were an absolute fluke. The doctor is shocked and ran these tests more than once because they were so much better. While she is still battling luekemia and will until a transplant is found, she's not looking at a short six to nine months anymore. They are fully confident that these results are very accurate, and basically put her back at her earlier level, which means a few years to fight or find that transplant. We're very relieved, and I'm sure the prayer and support that has gone out on her behalf has helped in what looked to be a hopeless situation. Thank you all!!!!

2-23-05 Jim Bedsole's Brother-in-law - It just keeps piling on. Lynne's sister Debbie has been very close to us, especially during Lynne's recent illness. She has been down here from NC numerous times to cheer Lynne up. Well last Friday we just found out that Debbie's husband has leukemia. He is currently in Duke Medical Center undergoing heavy chemotherapy and some other type of therapy. They are also doing some tests that take up to 10 days to develop. After those tests they'll have a clearer picture of his status and prognosis.

3-10-05 Boomer's Wife - My wife and I have recently been told she has Lymphoma Cancer and she is undergoing chemo treatments. 3-31-05 update - As an update on my wife she is continuing her Chemo treatments, once every 3 weeks and seems to be handling them pretty good except for being very tired. She is now dealing with the mental feelings she has in dealing with her cancer. We are taking a day at a time.

5-19-05 silentvalley's granddaughter - Please keep my granddaughter, Makenzie, in your prayers. She is not quite 5 months old & she was rushed to the hospital last night with an internal infection that the doctors have not yet decided on the cause.

6-20-05 CEW - Please add my Aunt Marilyn to the prayer list. She fell while out for her morning walk yesterday morning. Unsure if she suffered a stroke, but has not yet gained consciousness. Had bleeding in the brain and a hole was drilled in her skull to relieve the pressure. We are waiting to hear from my cousin this morning to find out if she has suffered any brain damage and what the prognosis is. Thank you.

6-20-05 violetRose's friend - Could you all please pray for my friend Summer, she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. Please also pray for her husband Cal, who is her rock at this time. They are in the process of deciding treatment. 6-22-05 update - Further tests revealed bad news. Cancer was found in her Kidneys, Liver and possibly her bones. Surgery will be scheduled for July followed by kemo. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

7-15-05 ABrown's Mother-in-law - I would like to request prayers for my Mother-in-law. She has beaten lung cancer twice and we have been told now that she may either have pneumonia (treatable) OR a wide spread cancer that they can do nothing for.

8-3-05 Beagle Queen and Mom- I could use some prayers. The doctor has found a large tumor in my mother's bladder. 8-12-05 update Happy news, my mom is out of surgery and they feel that they got it all. The tumor will go for tests, but it looks like cancer. Happy news is they don't think it has spread outside of the bladder. She is up and talking and will go home soon if everything goes well. YYIIPPEEEE

08-03-05 Our bank received word that a former accounting officer who resigned a few weeks ago has liver failure. She is in her early fifties, has a 2 year old grandson and another grandbaby to be born in Dec.- - - but, our Ruthie has been placed in hospice care and doctors have given only 1 month left. Her husband, also early fifties, passed away about 3 months ago. Your prayers for her family would be appreciated. wacokid

Nanwa's family - Please include my mother-in-law and my husband and our family on the prayer list. 8-24-05 update - Ma had the colon cancer surgery two weeks ago. She is starting to do better. 8-29-05 Dad passed away - please remember the family.

8-8-05 Dawnie's MIL - If you'd add Jesse Sr's mother to the list I'd appreciate it. She's had a very bad year and we thought things were getting better but her blood pressure is dangerously low (80/45). She's lived a good life, and we don't wish her to suffer, but she also wants to live long enough to see the baby, so if ya'll could pray for her stregnth for a few more months I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks

8-19-05 AngelinaLM's Mom - Her mother has been diagnosed with cancer. She'll have an operation September 15th as this is her second bout with it. Please keep AngelinaLM, her mother and their entire family in your prayers. 10-4-05 update - Update from me. Mom is doing great. Everything came back from pathology NEGATIVE!!! WOO HOO. Unfortunately, and know that she wouldnt like me telling everyone this, she has loss use of her bladder. They are working on that now

8-25-05 *pixiesprite*'s dad and step-mom - My Step-mom just found out she has ovarian cancer and my dad just got out of the hospital for apendisitis (sp?) So they are going through a lot and could use all the prayers they can get. Thanks. 10-4-05 update - Mom is in good spirits after her first two chemo's, she just took the plunge and shaved her sparce head. A bunch of friends from her church threw her a hat and scarf party. She got more than 40 head coverings, some funny, some practicle. She is on pain meds and sleeps most of the time, but she still has her sence of humor, which is good.

8-28-05 anonymous’s twin sister - Please pray for my twin sister who as bone and lung cancer. Pray for the doctors to do the best they can to rid her of the cancer cells and pray for her strenght and determination to fight.

8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will.

9-8-05 Kiwi's Friend - I would like to add a co-worker and friend to the prayer list. She has known since her first ultrasound that her little baby boy will not survive after he is born. He has a disorder that did not allow his brain to develop correctly from the beginning, so there is not much they can do. Please keep them in your thoughts in the coming weeks.

9-9-05 Skittle's Father - My father has been diagnosed with emphysema (spelling?), arythmia and tacticardia within the last several weeks. He has no energy because oxygen is not getting to his muscles and organs. He's only 83 (his father lived to be 96) and I always thought he would follow suit. This is very difficult on me, especially since I moved 500+ miles away in April.

9-9-05 AnnL's friend Paul - Please add prayers for Paul. He is the 2year old son of a friend who has aplastic anemia. His uncle died of this when we were all friends as teenagers so of course the family is just devasted at the thought of going through this again with little Paul!

9-21-05 David Dickenson's daughter Amanda - senior in high school diagnosed with Crohn's disease. 10-3-05 update - home from hospital, struggling to regain strength and get caught up with school. Getting used to the medication and its side affects.

10-05-05 Go 4 It Granny's Friend Rita and family - She was diagnosed with cancer in late July. She was admitted into the hospital the day of Katrina and has not been released. I received a call last night from her daughter.....she is dying. Her organs are beginning to shut down. She ca lled her children and husband to her bedside, telling them t! hat she enjoyed her life with all of them, she loved them, she was not afraid to die, and she was ready. please, please pray for her, for the salvation of her soul, and comfort for her family.....

10-7-05 Waco Kid - Well, the Waco Kid is at it again, stress fractures in 2 bones in the old left foot. As the podiatrist said, "Bummer". So I am partially on crutches and back in boot again. Please help me to have patience, one more time....

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by Hurricanes Katrina & Rita; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the Families all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
Last edited by waldensouth; 10/11/05 12:26 PM.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#297893 - 10/04/05 08:36 PM Re: Prayer List 10-03-05

a little update

Mom is in good spirits after her first two chemo's, she just took the plunge and shaved her sparce head. A bunch of friends from her church threw her a hat and scarf party. She got more than 40 head coverings, some funny, some practicle. She is on pain meds and sleeps most of the time, but she still has her sence of humor, which is good.

thank you all for your prayers.


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#297894 - 10/04/05 08:54 PM Re: Prayer List 10-03-05
AngelinaLM Offline
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Update from me. Mom is doing great. Everything came back from pathology NEGATIVE!!! WOO HOO. Unfortunately, and know that she wouldnt like me telling everyone this, she has loss use of her bladder. They are working on that now. Thank you everyone for your prayers
I was wondering if you would like to join me in my quarters this night... for some toast.

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#297895 - 10/05/05 01:51 PM Re: Prayer List 10-03-05
La. Lady Offline
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La. Lady
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Please add my friend, Rita, to the prayer list. In late July she was diagnosed with Cancer.

She and I worked together for many years. After I left that job, we remained friends as well as our spouses. Time marched on. Her children were older than mine and in sports. My child followed some years later. We slowly drifted apart, though we live in a very small town. I certainly regret that.

One day in July, I received a card from her, wishing me well and saying that she hoped things were better. (I thought that she was referring to my treatments, but she was referring to the problems in my personal life) By that I had already completed the treatments, but I had not seen or spoken to her in 2 years. The week after I received her card, she received her diagnois. Another friend of mine called to tell me. I struggled not knowing what to do. I FELT that I needed to visit with her but I was afraid that I would not find the words. Yet, something forced me to her front door. I brought a statue of St. Peregrin, holy water, along with encouragement and support. We had a nice visit...she asking questions about what to expect. We laughed alot, discussed our increased faith since diagnosis, and made promises to get together again. That didn't happen.

Through the last month and a half, I've called weekly to see how she was doing and brought more Water from Lourdes. But, I spoke to her only once. The other times she was just too ill. She was admitted into the hospital the day of Katrina and has not been released.

I received a call last night from her daughter.....she is dying. Her organs are beginning to shut down. She called her children and husband to her bedside, telling them that she enjoyed her life with all of them, she loved them, she was not afraid to die, and she was ready.

I am debating as to whether to go to see her or not. I regret the opportunities I've missed to speak to people in my life that I've lost, yet I'm again afraid that the words won't come. I think mostly I'm afraid that I'll cry, because that is all I've done since last night. I will pray to reach the right solution.

IN the meantime, please, please pray for her, for the salvation of her soul, and comfort for her family.....


Riding the waves of change.....2014

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#297896 - 10/07/05 07:15 PM Re: Prayer List 10-03-05
Quadspapa Offline
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4-18-05 wacokid - I spent 1/2 day Saturday at the emergency room because I broke a weight bearing bone in my left foot. I will be on crutches and a cast for about 3 months as it will be a slow healing process. Since I am used to moving around sorta fast, please pray that I can be patient and outta these crutches soon. Thanks, the wacokid.

10-5-05 Well, the Waco Kid is at it again, stress fractures in 2 bones in the old left foot. As the podiatrist said, "Bummer". So I am partially on crutches and back in boot again. Please help me to have patience, one more time....
Thanks, the Waco Kid
"I don''t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts." - - Will Rogers (still relevant today)

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#297897 - 10/11/05 02:32 PM Re: Prayer List 10-03-05
Nanwa Offline
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Update from Nanwa's family - when it rains, it pours! MOML's cousin passed away Sunday. He was only 47. Massive heart attack. He was a heavy drinker, heavy smoker, overweight and with high blood pressure, which he took medicine for. MOML and he were very close; he had the most wonderful sense of humor. He leaves behind a fiance, mom and dad, and brother and sister. No children from his previous marriages.

MOML called to tell his sister. An hour later, she called back, saying Ma needed to speak to him. It seems, with her altzheimer's, she could not tell MOML or the cousin apart in her mind, and wanted to be sure MOML wasn't dead.

So please pray for MOML, that he doesn't let himself fall into depression. With Ma's altzheimer's, colon cancer, his dad's passing and now cousin's passing, he has had more bad news to deal with than ever before.

Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#297898 - 10/11/05 02:44 PM Re: Prayer List 10-13-05
waldensouth Online
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FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Jim and Lynne Bedsole - Lynne admitted to the hospital Christmas Day. After a lot of ups and downs and 81 days in the hospital - she was able to go home.
For those of you who don't believe in the miraculous power of prayer, let this experience serve as a testimony that God is real and that he does desire a relationship with us. It is our sin that separates us from God, but that separation can be bridged through the person of Jesus Christ. He is faithful to His word in all things. And in all things, He is in control. It was only through an abiding faith in these tenets and the uplifted prayers of all our wonderful friends and family that we were able to make it through this long ordeal. 9-11-05 update - Lynne got to come home from the hospital yesterday. She is doing pretty good, but pain from the surgery is still a big issue for her. We really appreciate all the prayers that have been said already for her.

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05.
9-9-05 update - Natalie home for at least two weeks and doing well! 10-11-05 update - Natalie today is doing really well. Her labs from last week are steady, she still has the PTC tube in her belly, and she continues to take her 7 medications like a champ. We will go back to Children's on October 13 for a clinic visit. 10-13-05 update - In addition to going to our clinic appointment tomorrow, we have now been scheduled for a 7:30 am procedure. Last night I noticed that Natallie's PTC tube (this is the tube that's keeping her main bile duct open and clear) was leaking AGAIN...grrr! So we need to arrive at CMH in Chicago by 6:30 am - WOOHOO that means leaving home at 4:30am! Then they will start an IV, sedate her, and wisk her away to check the tube. I know I don't need to ask - but can you please say a little prayer. It's probably nothing but a tube blockage, but I always worry.

8-5-05 Nataliebear's great-uncle Dennis - He is going to Madison to start chemo on Friday, in preparation for his stem cell transplant on August 5.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 6-23-05 update - The right lung showed PET positive and the left lung was PET tive.........However, my oncologist still thinks these are due to spores. He has scheduled another CAT Scan for July 22nd....We will probably continue CTs once a month for awhile....If there is any activity, we will be on top of it......I will begin radiation next week and maintenance Chemo in early November. Thanks for the prayers.

1-5-05 Little Sister's niece - cancer returned

1-5-05 Fraud pup's friend's son, Zakery - almost drowned, still recovering

1-5-05 obx nut's Mom - stroke, unable to walk, in nursing home

1-6-05 Boomermom's co-worker - diagnosed with cancer/fell and broke her hip - had partial hip replacement 2-3-05 update - Is losing lots of weight. (7 pounds in last 2 weeks and had lost lots since becoming ill.) Doctors do not know why food is not digesting. Goes back to doctor for tests next week. 2-23-05 update - My co-worker came back to work part-time yesterday after her hip surgery. She cannot drive for six months so employees are picking her up and taking her home. She has to use a cane and others are helping her out so she doesn't have to walk any more than necessary. She is still not able to eat and has lost so much weight. Hopefully they will figure something out soon there.

1-7-05 Bear Collector's Dad - Hospitalized with Heart Attack

1-11-05 Princess ene - facing surgury that will result in her inability to bear a child. 3-25-05 update - Update - went to my appt and walked away with what I came...nothing. It was quite upsetting. The Dr said he didn't agree with my Dr about my condition because my symptoms didn't "sound" right. Please continue to pray, I don't know where to turn to now.

1-14-05 LadyLuck's Friend and her husband - he has been diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and has cancerous cells in his lymph nodes. Undergoing chemotheraphy. 6/13/05 UPDATE: My friend's husband's cancer is very aggressive and spreading. He had surgery last week to remove part of his stomach, colon, pancreas and the 3rd vertabrae in his spine. He got through the surgery but it is still too early to know the outcome. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

2-21-05 Princess Ene's Father - Please add my father to the list. My mom just sent an email that my father had a TIA (mini stroke) last night. She said his arm and face went numb for about 15 minutes. It was pretty scary for them. They are running an MRI and Ultrasound today. My father has probably been ill a total of 2 times in his life time so we are puzzled. I'm going on the internet right now to read up on them. I'll update as I learn more. 3-8-05 update - my father was told he has two blood clots on either side of his brain. They are continuing tests but are puzzled. They say these type of brain clots are usually caused by head trauma, he's had none. Thank you for your continued prayers.

2-23-05 Dawnie's Friend - If we could add Sondra to the list I'd appreciate it. She's flying down to Portland for a bone marrow test to see what her lukemia numbers are looking like after the stem cell harvest of a few months ago. This is her 11th bone marrow draw, and every one of them is quite painful and carry risk. 6-9-05 update - My friend Sondra received her first set of results back. They are not good. It appears we're turning the corner towards a darker side of the disease. Without a donor, she has just a few years to live at most. 7-7-05 update This week, because the results were so very very bad, they brought her down for more testing. She just found out that the results that frightened us all were an absolute fluke. The doctor is shocked and ran these tests more than once because they were so much better. While she is still battling luekemia and will until a transplant is found, she's not looking at a short six to nine months anymore. They are fully confident that these results are very accurate, and basically put her back at her earlier level, which means a few years to fight or find that transplant. We're very relieved, and I'm sure the prayer and support that has gone out on her behalf has helped in what looked to be a hopeless situation. Thank you all!!!!

2-23-05 Jim Bedsole's Brother-in-law - It just keeps piling on. Lynne's sister Debbie has been very close to us, especially during Lynne's recent illness. She has been down here from NC numerous times to cheer Lynne up. Well last Friday we just found out that Debbie's husband has leukemia. He is currently in Duke Medical Center undergoing heavy chemotherapy and some other type of therapy. They are also doing some tests that take up to 10 days to develop. After those tests they'll have a clearer picture of his status and prognosis.

3-10-05 Boomer's Wife - My wife and I have recently been told she has Lymphoma Cancer and she is undergoing chemo treatments. 3-31-05 update - As an update on my wife she is continuing her Chemo treatments, once every 3 weeks and seems to be handling them pretty good except for being very tired. She is now dealing with the mental feelings she has in dealing with her cancer. We are taking a day at a time.

5-19-05 silentvalley's granddaughter - Please keep my granddaughter, Makenzie, in your prayers. She is not quite 5 months old & she was rushed to the hospital last night with an internal infection that the doctors have not yet decided on the cause.

6-20-05 CEW - Please add my Aunt Marilyn to the prayer list. She fell while out for her morning walk yesterday morning. Unsure if she suffered a stroke, but has not yet gained consciousness. Had bleeding in the brain and a hole was drilled in her skull to relieve the pressure. We are waiting to hear from my cousin this morning to find out if she has suffered any brain damage and what the prognosis is. Thank you.

6-20-05 violetRose's friend - Could you all please pray for my friend Summer, she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. Please also pray for her husband Cal, who is her rock at this time. They are in the process of deciding treatment. 6-22-05 update - Further tests revealed bad news. Cancer was found in her Kidneys, Liver and possibly her bones. Surgery will be scheduled for July followed by kemo. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

7-15-05 ABrown's Mother-in-law - I would like to request prayers for my Mother-in-law. She has beaten lung cancer twice and we have been told now that she may either have pneumonia (treatable) OR a wide spread cancer that they can do nothing for.

8-3-05 Beagle Queen and Mom- I could use some prayers. The doctor has found a large tumor in my mother's bladder. 8-12-05 update Happy news, my mom is out of surgery and they feel that they got it all. The tumor will go for tests, but it looks like cancer. Happy news is they don't think it has spread outside of the bladder. She is up and talking and will go home soon if everything goes well. YYIIPPEEEE

08-03-05 Our bank received word that a former accounting officer who resigned a few weeks ago has liver failure. She is in her early fifties, has a 2 year old grandson and another grandbaby to be born in Dec.- - - but, our Ruthie has been placed in hospice care and doctors have given only 1 month left. Her husband, also early fifties, passed away about 3 months ago. Your prayers for her family would be appreciated. wacokid

Nanwa's family - Please include my mother-in-law and my husband and our family on the prayer list. 8-24-05 update - Ma had the colon cancer surgery two weeks ago. She is starting to do better. 8-29-05 Dad passed away - please remember the family.

8-8-05 Dawnie's MIL - If you'd add Jesse Sr's mother to the list I'd appreciate it. She's had a very bad year and we thought things were getting better but her blood pressure is dangerously low (80/45). She's lived a good life, and we don't wish her to suffer, but she also wants to live long enough to see the baby, so if ya'll could pray for her stregnth for a few more months I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks

8-19-05 AngelinaLM's Mom - Her mother has been diagnosed with cancer. She'll have an operation September 15th as this is her second bout with it. Please keep AngelinaLM, her mother and their entire family in your prayers. 10-4-05 update - Update from me. Mom is doing great. Everything came back from pathology NEGATIVE!!! WOO HOO. Unfortunately, and know that she wouldnt like me telling everyone this, she has loss use of her bladder. They are working on that now

8-25-05 *pixiesprite*'s dad and step-mom - My Step-mom just found out she has ovarian cancer and my dad just got out of the hospital for apendisitis (sp?) So they are going through a lot and could use all the prayers they can get. Thanks. 10-4-05 update - Mom is in good spirits after her first two chemo's, she just took the plunge and shaved her sparce head. A bunch of friends from her church threw her a hat and scarf party. She got more than 40 head coverings, some funny, some practicle. She is on pain meds and sleeps most of the time, but she still has her sence of humor, which is good.

8-28-05 anonymous’s twin sister - Please pray for my twin sister who as bone and lung cancer. Pray for the doctors to do the best they can to rid her of the cancer cells and pray for her strenght and determination to fight.

8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will.

9-8-05 Kiwi's Friend - I would like to add a co-worker and friend to the prayer list. She has known since her first ultrasound that her little baby boy will not survive after he is born. He has a disorder that did not allow his brain to develop correctly from the beginning, so there is not much they can do. Please keep them in your thoughts in the coming weeks.

9-9-05 Skittle's Father - My father has been diagnosed with emphysema (spelling?), arythmia and tacticardia within the last several weeks. He has no energy because oxygen is not getting to his muscles and organs. He's only 83 (his father lived to be 96) and I always thought he would follow suit. This is very difficult on me, especially since I moved 500+ miles away in April. 10-13-05 update - My father's health is continuing to deteriorate. He can barely shuffle across a parking lot and only 3 years ago no one (and I mean no one) could keep up with him. They found an irregularity on a stress test last week and next Monday he goes to a cardiologist and on Tuesday he goes to a lung doctor (Pulmonologist?). Keep your fingers crossed that they determine what his problem is and can help him regain his strength.

9-9-05 AnnL's friend Paul - Please add prayers for Paul. He is the 2year old son of a friend who has aplastic anemia. His uncle died of this when we were all friends as teenagers so of course the family is just devasted at the thought of going through this again with little Paul!

9-21-05 David Dickenson's daughter Amanda - senior in high school diagnosed with Crohn's disease. 10-3-05 update - home from hospital, struggling to regain strength and get caught up with school. Getting used to the medication and its side affects.

10-05-05 Go 4 It Granny's Friend Rita and family - She was diagnosed with cancer in late July. She was admitted into the hospital the day of Katrina and has not been released. I received a call last night from her daughter.....she is dying. Her organs are beginning to shut down. She ca lled her children and husband to her bedside, telling them t! hat she enjoyed her life with all of them, she loved them, she was not afraid to die, and she was ready. please, please pray for her, for the salvation of her soul, and comfort for her family.....

10-7-05 Waco Kid - Well, the Waco Kid is at it again, stress fractures in 2 bones in the old left foot. As the podiatrist said, "Bummer". So I am partially on crutches and back in boot again. Please help me to have patience, one more time....

10-11-05 Nanwa's Husband - MOML's cousin passed away Sunday. He was only 47. Massive heart attack. He was a heavy drinker, heavy smoker, overweight and with high blood pressure, which he took medicine for. MOML and he were very close; he had the most wonderful sense of humor. He leaves behind a fiance, mom and dad, and brother and sister. No children from his previous marriages. So please pray for MOML, that he doesn't let himself fall into depression. With Ma's altzheimer's, colon cancer, his dad's passing and now cousin's passing, he has had more bad news to deal with than ever before.

10-13-05 waldensouth's family - My cousin died this morning. He was only 52. His mom, my aunt, is scheduled for surgery to remove a tumor from her lungs today at 11:00. He was his parents only child and they are destroyed. Please remember them in your prayers.

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by Hurricanes Katrina & Rita; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the Families all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes
Last edited by waldensouth; 10/13/05 07:37 PM.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#297899 - 10/11/05 02:53 PM Re: Prayer List 10-03-05
Princess Leia Offline
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Nanwa, I'm so sorry. I wish I had the magic comforting words that would take away all the pain for you & MOML. Just know that your family is still in my prayers.
Duct tape is like the force: It has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together.

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#297900 - 10/12/05 08:18 PM Re: Prayer List 10-03-05
La. Lady Offline
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La. Lady
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So much pain. Reading this prayer list reminds me that so many people are suffering.

It is said that if we are to walk with Christ, we must suffer with Him. We must bear the cross before we wear the crown.

My hope is that all who suffer will one day wear the crown and enjoy unimaginable happiness with Him.
Riding the waves of change.....2014

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#297901 - 10/13/05 07:21 PM Re: Prayer List 10-03-05
Skittles Online
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My father's health is continuing to deteriorate. He can barely shuffle across a parking lot and only 3 years ago no one (and I mean no one) could keep up with him. They found an irregularity on a stress test last week and next Monday he goes to a cardiologist and on Tuesday he goes to a lung doctor (Pulmonologist?). Keep your fingers crossed that they determine what his problem is and can help him regain his strength.
My Opinions Only

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#297902 - 10/13/05 07:54 PM Re: Prayer List 10-03-05
La. Lady Offline
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La. Lady
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Ok Skittles....not only are my fingers crossed, but my prayers are with him and his doctors......Good luck!
Riding the waves of change.....2014

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#297903 - 10/21/05 07:53 PM Re: Prayer List 10-03-05
slick Offline
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somewhere out there
I was going to try to keep it together and not ask for any prayer, but it is getting to be too much. This year has to be the worst year ever. 2006 can get here any time. I just found out my grandpa - the center of my universe - has congestive heart failure. I have had to deal with a suicide in March and now, this past weekend my 27 year old cousin was murdered by his girlfriend. He left behind so many loved ones and his 1 1/2 yr old son, Cadence. Jeramy and I shared a birthday and now for the rest of my life that day will never be the same. Please pray for me and my family. This is so hard. His parents are not handling this well and in all honesty, his sister will most likely need professional help to get through this. May he rest in peace and may justice be served.
it ain't over til it's over...

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#297904 - 10/21/05 08:13 PM Re: Prayer List 10-03-05
Nanwa Offline
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Clintonville, WI, USA
Hang in there Slick. People with congestive heart failure can live a long time, provided they take care of themselves and the Lord allows them to. My mom was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and lived 7 more good years.

But don't wait to let him know how much he means to you.

As for the murder and suicide, I pray God brings the guilty to justice and that you may find peace and closure. As time passes, you will always remember that day, but the saddness will become easier to bear as your life continues and adds more positive events to your memories. And there will be more positive times.
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#297905 - 10/21/05 09:01 PM Re: Prayer List 10-21-05
waldensouth Online
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FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Jim and Lynne Bedsole - Lynne admitted to the hospital Christmas Day. After a lot of ups and downs and 81 days in the hospital - she was able to go home.
For those of you who don't believe in the miraculous power of prayer, let this experience serve as a testimony that God is real and that he does desire a relationship with us. It is our sin that separates us from God, but that separation can be bridged through the person of Jesus Christ. He is faithful to His word in all things. And in all things, He is in control. It was only through an abiding faith in these tenets and the uplifted prayers of all our wonderful friends and family that we were able to make it through this long ordeal. 9-11-05 update - Lynne got to come home from the hospital yesterday. She is doing pretty good, but pain from the surgery is still a big issue for her. We really appreciate all the prayers that have been said already for her.

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05.
9-9-05 update - Natalie home for at least two weeks and doing well! 10-11-05 update - Natalie today is doing really well. Her labs from last week are steady, she still has the PTC tube in her belly, and she continues to take her 7 medications like a champ. We will go back to Children's on October 13 for a clinic visit. 10-13-05 update - In addition to going to our clinic appointment tomorrow, we have now been scheduled for a 7:30 am procedure. Last night I noticed that Natallie's PTC tube (this is the tube that's keeping her main bile duct open and clear) was leaking AGAIN...grrr! So we need to arrive at CMH in Chicago by 6:30 am - WOOHOO that means leaving home at 4:30am! Then they will start an IV, sedate her, and wisk her away to check the tube. I know I don't need to ask - but can you please say a little prayer. It's probably nothing but a tube blockage, but I always worry.

8-5-05 Nataliebear's great-uncle Dennis - He is going to Madison to start chemo on Friday, in preparation for his stem cell transplant on August 5.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 6-23-05 update - The right lung showed PET positive and the left lung was PET tive.........However, my oncologist still thinks these are due to spores. He has scheduled another CAT Scan for July 22nd....We will probably continue CTs once a month for awhile....If there is any activity, we will be on top of it......I will begin radiation next week and maintenance Chemo in early November. Thanks for the prayers.

1-5-05 Little Sister's niece - cancer returned

1-5-05 Fraud pup's friend's son, Zakery - almost drowned, still recovering

1-5-05 obx nut's Mom - stroke, unable to walk, in nursing home

1-6-05 Boomermom's co-worker - diagnosed with cancer/fell and broke her hip - had partial hip replacement 2-3-05 update - Is losing lots of weight. (7 pounds in last 2 weeks and had lost lots since becoming ill.) Doctors do not know why food is not digesting. Goes back to doctor for tests next week. 2-23-05 update - My co-worker came back to work part-time yesterday after her hip surgery. She cannot drive for six months so employees are picking her up and taking her home. She has to use a cane and others are helping her out so she doesn't have to walk any more than necessary. She is still not able to eat and has lost so much weight. Hopefully they will figure something out soon there.

1-7-05 Bear Collector's Dad - Hospitalized with Heart Attack

1-11-05 Princess ene - facing surgury that will result in her inability to bear a child. 3-25-05 update - Update - went to my appt and walked away with what I came...nothing. It was quite upsetting. The Dr said he didn't agree with my Dr about my condition because my symptoms didn't "sound" right. Please continue to pray, I don't know where to turn to now.

1-14-05 LadyLuck's Friend and her husband - he has been diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia and has cancerous cells in his lymph nodes. Undergoing chemotheraphy. 6/13/05 UPDATE: My friend's husband's cancer is very aggressive and spreading. He had surgery last week to remove part of his stomach, colon, pancreas and the 3rd vertabrae in his spine. He got through the surgery but it is still too early to know the outcome. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

2-21-05 Princess Ene's Father - Please add my father to the list. My mom just sent an email that my father had a TIA (mini stroke) last night. She said his arm and face went numb for about 15 minutes. It was pretty scary for them. They are running an MRI and Ultrasound today. My father has probably been ill a total of 2 times in his life time so we are puzzled. I'm going on the internet right now to read up on them. I'll update as I learn more. 3-8-05 update - my father was told he has two blood clots on either side of his brain. They are continuing tests but are puzzled. They say these type of brain clots are usually caused by head trauma, he's had none. Thank you for your continued prayers.

2-23-05 Dawnie's Friend - If we could add Sondra to the list I'd appreciate it. She's flying down to Portland for a bone marrow test to see what her lukemia numbers are looking like after the stem cell harvest of a few months ago. This is her 11th bone marrow draw, and every one of them is quite painful and carry risk. 6-9-05 update - My friend Sondra received her first set of results back. They are not good. It appears we're turning the corner towards a darker side of the disease. Without a donor, she has just a few years to live at most. 7-7-05 update This week, because the results were so very very bad, they brought her down for more testing. She just found out that the results that frightened us all were an absolute fluke. The doctor is shocked and ran these tests more than once because they were so much better. While she is still battling luekemia and will until a transplant is found, she's not looking at a short six to nine months anymore. They are fully confident that these results are very accurate, and basically put her back at her earlier level, which means a few years to fight or find that transplant. We're very relieved, and I'm sure the prayer and support that has gone out on her behalf has helped in what looked to be a hopeless situation. Thank you all!!!!

2-23-05 Jim Bedsole's Brother-in-law - It just keeps piling on. Lynne's sister Debbie has been very close to us, especially during Lynne's recent illness. She has been down here from NC numerous times to cheer Lynne up. Well last Friday we just found out that Debbie's husband has leukemia. He is currently in Duke Medical Center undergoing heavy chemotherapy and some other type of therapy. They are also doing some tests that take up to 10 days to develop. After those tests they'll have a clearer picture of his status and prognosis.

3-10-05 Boomer's Wife - My wife and I have recently been told she has Lymphoma Cancer and she is undergoing chemo treatments. 3-31-05 update - As an update on my wife she is continuing her Chemo treatments, once every 3 weeks and seems to be handling them pretty good except for being very tired. She is now dealing with the mental feelings she has in dealing with her cancer. We are taking a day at a time.

5-19-05 silentvalley's granddaughter - Please keep my granddaughter, Makenzie, in your prayers. She is not quite 5 months old & she was rushed to the hospital last night with an internal infection that the doctors have not yet decided on the cause.

6-20-05 CEW - Please add my Aunt Marilyn to the prayer list. She fell while out for her morning walk yesterday morning. Unsure if she suffered a stroke, but has not yet gained consciousness. Had bleeding in the brain and a hole was drilled in her skull to relieve the pressure. We are waiting to hear from my cousin this morning to find out if she has suffered any brain damage and what the prognosis is. Thank you.

6-20-05 violetRose's friend - Could you all please pray for my friend Summer, she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. Please also pray for her husband Cal, who is her rock at this time. They are in the process of deciding treatment. 6-22-05 update - Further tests revealed bad news. Cancer was found in her Kidneys, Liver and possibly her bones. Surgery will be scheduled for July followed by kemo. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

7-15-05 ABrown's Mother-in-law - I would like to request prayers for my Mother-in-law. She has beaten lung cancer twice and we have been told now that she may either have pneumonia (treatable) OR a wide spread cancer that they can do nothing for.

8-3-05 Beagle Queen and Mom- I could use some prayers. The doctor has found a large tumor in my mother's bladder. 8-12-05 update Happy news, my mom is out of surgery and they feel that they got it all. The tumor will go for tests, but it looks like cancer. Happy news is they don't think it has spread outside of the bladder. She is up and talking and will go home soon if everything goes well. YYIIPPEEEE

08-03-05 Our bank received word that a former accounting officer who resigned a few weeks ago has liver failure. She is in her early fifties, has a 2 year old grandson and another grandbaby to be born in Dec.- - - but, our Ruthie has been placed in hospice care and doctors have given only 1 month left. Her husband, also early fifties, passed away about 3 months ago. Your prayers for her family would be appreciated. wacokid

Nanwa's family - Please include my mother-in-law and my husband and our family on the prayer list. 8-24-05 update - Ma had the colon cancer surgery two weeks ago. She is starting to do better. 8-29-05 Dad passed away - please remember the family.

8-8-05 Dawnie's MIL - If you'd add Jesse Sr's mother to the list I'd appreciate it. She's had a very bad year and we thought things were getting better but her blood pressure is dangerously low (80/45). She's lived a good life, and we don't wish her to suffer, but she also wants to live long enough to see the baby, so if ya'll could pray for her stregnth for a few more months I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks

8-19-05 AngelinaLM's Mom - Her mother has been diagnosed with cancer. She'll have an operation September 15th as this is her second bout with it. Please keep AngelinaLM, her mother and their entire family in your prayers. 10-4-05 update - Update from me. Mom is doing great. Everything came back from pathology NEGATIVE!!! WOO HOO. Unfortunately, and know that she wouldnt like me telling everyone this, she has loss use of her bladder. They are working on that now

8-25-05 *pixiesprite*'s dad and step-mom - My Step-mom just found out she has ovarian cancer and my dad just got out of the hospital for apendisitis (sp?) So they are going through a lot and could use all the prayers they can get. Thanks. 10-4-05 update - Mom is in good spirits after her first two chemo's, she just took the plunge and shaved her sparce head. A bunch of friends from her church threw her a hat and scarf party. She got more than 40 head coverings, some funny, some practicle. She is on pain meds and sleeps most of the time, but she still has her sence of humor, which is good.

8-28-05 anonymous’s twin sister - Please pray for my twin sister who as bone and lung cancer. Pray for the doctors to do the best they can to rid her of the cancer cells and pray for her strenght and determination to fight.

8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will.

9-8-05 Kiwi's Friend - I would like to add a co-worker and friend to the prayer list. She has known since her first ultrasound that her little baby boy will not survive after he is born. He has a disorder that did not allow his brain to develop correctly from the beginning, so there is not much they can do. Please keep them in your thoughts in the coming weeks.

9-9-05 Skittle's Father - My father has been diagnosed with emphysema (spelling?), arythmia and tacticardia within the last several weeks. He has no energy because oxygen is not getting to his muscles and organs. He's only 83 (his father lived to be 96) and I always thought he would follow suit. This is very difficult on me, especially since I moved 500+ miles away in April. 10-13-05 update - My father's health is continuing to deteriorate. He can barely shuffle across a parking lot and only 3 years ago no one (and I mean no one) could keep up with him. They found an irregularity on a stress test last week and next Monday he goes to a cardiologist and on Tuesday he goes to a lung doctor (Pulmonologist?). Keep your fingers crossed that they determine what his problem is and can help him regain his strength.

9-9-05 AnnL's friend Paul - Please add prayers for Paul. He is the 2year old son of a friend who has aplastic anemia. His uncle died of this when we were all friends as teenagers so of course the family is just devasted at the thought of going through this again with little Paul!

9-21-05 David Dickenson's daughter Amanda - senior in high school diagnosed with Crohn's disease. 10-3-05 update - home from hospital, struggling to regain strength and get caught up with school. Getting used to the medication and its side affects.

10-05-05 Go 4 It Granny's Friend Rita and family - She was diagnosed with cancer in late July. She was admitted into the hospital the day of Katrina and has not been released. I received a call last night from her daughter.....she is dying. Her organs are beginning to shut down. She ca lled her children and husband to her bedside, telling them t! hat she enjoyed her life with all of them, she loved them, she was not afraid to die, and she was ready. please, please pray for her, for the salvation of her soul, and comfort for her family.....

10-7-05 Waco Kid - Well, the Waco Kid is at it again, stress fractures in 2 bones in the old left foot. As the podiatrist said, "Bummer". So I am partially on crutches and back in boot again. Please help me to have patience, one more time....

10-11-05 Nanwa's Husband - MOML's cousin passed away Sunday. He was only 47. Massive heart attack. He was a heavy drinker, heavy smoker, overweight and with high blood pressure, which he took medicine for. MOML and he were very close; he had the most wonderful sense of humor. He leaves behind a fiance, mom and dad, and brother and sister. No children from his previous marriages. So please pray for MOML, that he doesn't let himself fall into depression. With Ma's altzheimer's, colon cancer, his dad's passing and now cousin's passing, he has had more bad news to deal with than ever before.

10-13-05 waldensouth's family - My cousin died this morning. He was only 52. His mom, my aunt, is scheduled for surgery to remove a tumor from her lungs today at 11:00. He was his parents only child and they are destroyed. Please remember them in your prayers.

10-21-05 Slick -I just found out my grandpa - the center of my universe - has congestive heart failure. I have had to deal with a suicide in March and now, this past weekend my 27 year old cousin was murdered by his girlfriend. He left behind so many loved ones and his 1 1/2 yr old son, Cadence. Jeramy and I shared a birthday and now for the rest of my life that day will never be the same. Please pray for me and my family. This is so hard. His parents are not handling this well and in all honesty, his sister will most likely need professional help to get through this. May he rest in peace and may justice be served.

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by Hurricanes Katrina & Rita; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the Families all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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