Red, welcome aboard. I think in my first post, and in Happy's post we were saying just that. Skepticism is fine, but the ALL or nothing is not. Not everything from Nigeria is bad, nor are all the people.
And Jeremy
we do see Nigerian fraud here in the north. Fraud is everywhere. We even have our own special set of counterfit money
But there isn't necessarily a need to spend time on 100% of these wires. Sure you look at the funky ones, and heck don't you do that will all transactions that appear odd, but some are just fine and NO time should be spent on them. Not all Nigerians quack like a duck
The ones I know hardly ever quack now that I think about it,
but perhaps we'll add that to their training (the old man hires Nigerians quite often for field work).
As to the "there's one race" geeze will you get away from your desk NOW and drive down to your local HUD office...oh and then hit the FFIEC. We have 8 race codes for HMDA reporting
If you can get it down to one, please do
I'm all for the theory!
As to the CRA credit, it would be rare community service that ya'll preform that would not have a "financial benefit" to either the consumer or small business market. A smart CRA officer could easily support that the most common targets of these frauds are those who are not financially sophisticated and/or do not have a network of support to protect them...most often the poor or worse elderly poor. ANy program focused on this should be tracked for CRA credit. I'd even take (and I do) "unique and innovative" credit (extra points at exam time) for the program if it were special (which these would be). A focus on small business fraud would also qualify.
Jeremy you know I've been around the block a few times
The tone of the comments was offensive, hence the remarks that ya'll should think about how that would sound. I know you're a good guy, and you do a great job, it was just the "all or always" stuff that really wasn't fair to the entire country, hence Happy and I mentioning the issue.