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#41624 - 11/08/02 02:21 PM Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half


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#41625 - 11/08/02 02:26 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Richard Insley Offline
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Richard Insley
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...a procedure which should be performed on the CFR continuously.
...gone fishing.

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#41626 - 11/08/02 02:30 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
skinnyminny Offline
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Heaven in comparison to my pri...
Being kissed by a toilet bowl plunger.

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#41627 - 11/08/02 02:52 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half

Prostate exam or bank exam? Which is more pleasant?

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#41628 - 11/08/02 02:54 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
DawgFan Offline
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Are they really all that different?
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#41629 - 11/08/02 02:55 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Dan Persfull Offline
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Dan Persfull
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What's the difference? They both got someone trying to stick it up your _ _ _!
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#41630 - 11/08/02 03:03 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
c.a.r Offline
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There will be no crises next week. My schedule is already full...

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#41631 - 11/08/02 03:14 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
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While health insurance plans have long been cut back drastically all over the country, the self-funded insurance of the county employees of Niagara County, N.Y., reimbursed more than $1.25 million since 1999 for its workers' purely cosmetic face peels, breast implants and liposuction; taxpayers finally realized what was going on when property taxes shot up by 20 percent this year.

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#41632 - 11/08/02 03:16 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
SkyDiver Offline
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Opposite of HIPAAsuction

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#41633 - 11/08/02 03:26 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
D2Xs Offline
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You HOEPA they do a good job on your HIPAAsuction so you can go home and RESPA!
Beauty is only skin deep...but ugly goes all the way to the bone!

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#41634 - 11/08/02 03:46 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
mmason Offline
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Ha ha ha. A few members of my family are big on puns, I wish I could share this one but no one else would see the humor in it. It's just no fun to be the only one laughing at a joke you told. This place is great.

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#41635 - 11/08/02 04:03 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Nanwa Offline
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I know what you mean. I come home with tons of banker jokes, and the Old Man just doesn't get 'em.
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#41636 - 11/08/02 04:08 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
rlcarey Offline
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Maybe you should catch yourself a "younger" one!!
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#41637 - 11/08/02 04:11 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Nanwa Offline
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Clintonville, WI, USA
I don't want to have to break another one in. This one has lasted me 23 years, and I almost got him just right!
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#41638 - 11/08/02 04:15 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
John Burnett Offline
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Women are eternal optimists. (Isn't that someone who cannot see clearly?)
John S. Burnett
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#41639 - 11/08/02 04:16 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Buddy the Elf Offline
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Buddy the Elf
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first lily pad on the right
It's been 23 years and he's only ALMOST broken in right?? Holy cow, I have a long ways to go- I'm only on 3 years.

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#41640 - 11/08/02 04:20 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
rlcarey Offline
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I pity my poor wife of 11 months - think of time it's going to take her - plus she needs to retrain me after several other trainers that I have had in the past have failed.
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#41641 - 11/08/02 04:24 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Michelle M Offline
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Michelle M
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They don't have an instant graemlin for sleepy. I woke up at 8:20 this morning. (I leave the house at 8:30) Dang alarms. Yes I have two and neither one went off this morning.
Michelle M Opinions do not necessarily reflect those of my employer nor are they legal advice

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#41642 - 11/08/02 04:34 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Lestie G Offline

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I've got you beat! I've got three alarms set. I'm really good at hitting snooze on all of them and going right back to sleep!
Opinions my own.

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#41643 - 11/08/02 04:42 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Bville Offline
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You guys are really opening my eyes!!! My 16 year old regularly sleeps through his alarm - now I know one isn't enough! Shopping for him for Christmas just got easier!

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#41644 - 11/08/02 04:46 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Michelle M Offline
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Michelle M
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Also you've got to keep them on the other side of the room so that you actually have to get out of bed to hit snooze. Not that that helps me, I can still go right back to sleep. I usually hit snooze about 10 to 15 times before I actually get up.
Michelle M Opinions do not necessarily reflect those of my employer nor are they legal advice

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#41645 - 11/08/02 04:51 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Andy_Z Offline
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I always wondered about those "alarm" clocks that are lights. The light gets brighter minute by minute to simulate the sunrise and wake you up more peacefully. A "kinder and gentler" clock. Yea, right. That'll get me up.
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Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell

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#41646 - 11/08/02 04:53 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
D2Xs Offline
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I keep pushing the snooze on my alarm but since she is only 7 months old it seems to make her louder.
Beauty is only skin deep...but ugly goes all the way to the bone!

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#41647 - 11/08/02 05:10 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Andy_Z Offline
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The proper snooze button for this is an elbow to someone laying next to you followed either by "your turn" or "oh, please do this one for me, I'll get you anything you want in the morning".
My opinions are not necessarily my employers.
Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell

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#41648 - 11/08/02 05:14 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
RGS Offline
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Home of the 8 time NCAA Champ ...
I have three alarms that are similar to the 7 month old, but not quite as important (but close). A 2 1/2 year old beagle, a 1 1/2 year old airedale, and a 1 year old dachshund mix. There have been many mornings that I'll hit the snooze on the alarm clock, only to have one dog barking and one more licking me three minutes later. Meanwhile, my wife (who insists on having the dogs in the house) sleeps peacefully through the ruckus. She has me trained fairly well after only 1 1/2 years.
Kentucky basketball isn't a matter of life and death, it's much more important than that.

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