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#482249 - 02/17/06 05:27 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
10K Club
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Bloomington, IN
That guidance pretty well falls within the Board's interpretation.
The opinions expressed are mine and they are not to be taken as legal advice.
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#482250 - 02/17/06 08:38 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
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Further South than I wanna be.
I get this really strange tic in my left side every time I read this thread. I think I am beginning to suffer permanent brain damage.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
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#482251 - 02/17/06 08:49 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
10K Club
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The Swamp
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#482252 - 02/17/06 08:54 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
Diamond Poster
Joined: Sep 2005
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Our OCC Examiner-In-Charge is relying on Fed Guidance that was provided to Karen Tucker (OCC Compliance Specialist). It clearly says Spec Construction is not automatically exempted. To wit:
"Regarding the spec homes or investment properties -- The intent is not to exclude loans to purchase a home from the HMDA report where the borrower does not intend to live, such as a spec home or investment home. The institution needs to look at all the factors/information in the application or loan and determine whether it is temporary and not simply base the decision on the fact that the home is a spec home, investment home, or the borrower does not intend to live in it."
Given this Fed opinion, I can not see away aroud reporting these(sigh).
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#482253 - 02/17/06 09:29 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2002
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The Swamp
I can...that is clearly a contradiction of the wording loans are exempt.
The verbiage "spec home or investment home" can have different meanings...yes, most builder construction loans are "speculative"..however a "spec" loan could also refer to speculation on investment purchases which would not be exempt.
My opinion only. Not legal advice. Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour
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#482254 - 02/17/06 09:36 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
Power Poster
Joined: Mar 2004
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Further South than I wanna be.
Now the room is beginning to spinnnnnnn.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
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#482256 - 02/18/06 03:53 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
10K Club
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Galveston, TX
FWIW - I agree with Joker, I don't believe the OCC was referring to "spec" in the construction sense. I think is was in reference to a speculative investment loan, such as a "splash and dash".
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#482257 - 02/21/06 11:25 AM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
Platinum Poster
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 662
Okay, given all that has been said, how do you view the following scenario?
Bridge Loan: Client takes out a 1yr term equity loan, against property A to help them buy property B a new home for all cash. No permanent financing on prop B.
The source of repayment for the 1yr term bridge loan is the sale of property A.
My take is it is not reportable. Any feedback? Thanks!
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#482258 - 02/21/06 01:14 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2002
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Bloomington, IN
A "bridge loan" is specifically exempt under the regulation. Although the logic of the new Q&A (no permanent financing would disqualify it) I still think it qualifies for the bridge loan exemption.
The opinions expressed are mine and they are not to be taken as legal advice.
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#482260 - 02/22/06 06:34 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2002
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The Swamp
I also agree.
My opinion only. Not legal advice. Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour
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#482264 - 03/13/06 07:03 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
Power Poster
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 6,172
Further South than I wanna be.
Bonnie, Why would you consider "Splash and Dash" construction? If I do a gut rehab on my house or part of my house, it is home improvement. I would think the same would be true for these. We are lending to someone to do home improvement on a current dwelling. They are not tearing the place down and building something new.
Besides, since we are lending to purchase, the home improvement/construction part doesn't come into play. While I may not agree that they are not temporary financing, the argument that because they are paid from the ordinary income of the borrower (the sale of the house) does make some sense in not classifying them as temporary.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
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#482265 - 03/15/06 09:07 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
100 Club
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 233
I just got off the phone with my OCC's the scoop. The Fed Reserve should be putting something out very soon. Hopefully it will help but based on what I was told I doubt it.
Secnario 1: Interim Construction Loan - spec house - borrower is the builder- borrower sells the home at completion. Loan paid off by buyer's mortgage company. Loan is HMDA reportable as the sale of the home is income to the builder therefore it is NOT temporary financing.
Scenario 2: consumer interim construction loan - personal residence - funds used to payoff interim is permanent financing from outside source - temp financing not reportable. If paid from current bank loan then the perm would be HMDA reportable but the interim would be considered temp financing.
What a mess....hopefully we will have something from the Fed Reserve that will put us all on the same page instead of different pages...
Brenda W, CRCM
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#482267 - 03/15/06 10:45 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
Gold Star
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 315
I think the problem comes from misunderstanding what “construction” and “bridge” loans are. You see, a common misconception is that a loan where the funds are used to build a house is a construction loan. This is simply not true. You see, intrinsic to the definition of both “construction” and “bridge” is that they will be replaced by permanent financing. That’s why Reg. C uses “construction” and “bridge” loans as examples of temporary financing, because very clearly “These examples indicate that financing is temporary if it is designed to be replaced with financing of a much longer term.”
We silly bankers would be a lot less confused if we stopped clinging to ridiculous definitions that include any loan to construct a building as a construction loan, when this is clearly not the case.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go add a couple of shots of Jaeger Meister to my tea so that I can make it through the afternoon.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
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#482268 - 03/16/06 02:12 AM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2000
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Central City, NE
Jaeger: I don't agree. Reg C is NOT new. It's been around for over 15 years. We've been excluding construction loan (ALL of them) for over 15 years. No where have the regulators ever said that construction had to be followed by permanent financing to be excluded. What is says is construction and bridge loans are examples of temporary financing. They are excluded. There could be other types of temporary financing if the loan was followed by permanent financing. Quote:
Scenario 1: Interim Construction Loan - spec house - borrower is the builder- borrower sells the home at completion. Loan paid off by buyer's mortgage company. Loan is HMDA reportable as the sale of the home is income to the builder therefore it is NOT temporary financing.
This is not consistent with anything we have heard in the past. No where does Reg C say a loan is not temporary if it is repaid from ordinary income. I have said that it is a good rule of thumb, but not a requirement. I have talked with numerous examiners on Spec. Homes and (so far) haven't had one say they are covered.
I encourage you to fight this until something official is issued.
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#482270 - 03/16/06 02:39 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
Platinum Poster
Joined: Mar 2006
Posts: 784
a question in regards to the temporary financing. Does one collect the monitoring information if it's a home purchase loan (investment property) if it is temporary financing?
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#482271 - 03/16/06 03:16 PM
Re: HMDA Temporary Financing Cave In
Platinum Poster
Joined: Apr 2005
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Out there
So has this thought process been officially issed by the FED, or is this something that is being considered?
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