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#493117 - 02/03/06 05:00 PM 2006 Prayer List
waldensouth Offline
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 2-6-06 update - Another PTC drain...
The ultrasound showed that it was the 1st of the 3 theories, which I guess is a good thing. I only say that with hesitation because now Natalie is sporting another PTC drain sticking out of her tummy connected to a bag to drain the bile. This is the 4th time that we have done this, which has made everyone start asking the, "How many times can we keep doing this?" and "What is the long term plan?" questions.

The issue is this.
The site where Natalie's new liver's main bile duct is connected to the bowel (where it drains bile out of the liver) is becoming "elastic" (to use the Dr.'s term). That is not a good thing. They inserted a balloon (similar to an angioplasty) to open up the site, and it opened much easier that the doctors thought that it would. (while it sounds like it would be a good thing, it's not) The site should stay open at all times. When it narrows the "sludge" within the bile (everyone has this) is clogging up everything.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 12-30-05 update -Maintenance treatment completed at the end of November. CT Scan indicated no signs of lymphoma. In May a PET/CT Scan will be completed. If no lynmphoma at that time, another maintenance treatment will be given. Thanks for all of the prayers and good wishes.....I am truly blessed.

12-21-05 Lady LoisLane's friend - Please add Will to the prayer list. He is the best friend of a co-worker's son. Last Friday night in Norman, Oklahoma he was a stop light when a Semi hit his car. He is at Norman Regional Hospital. All prayers are really needed. Thank you for caring. 1-4-06 update - Update on Will (friend of my co-worker's son). She thanks all for your prayers. He can now move his arms and was using a wheel chair this past Monday to wheeled himself around the hospital. He is still having tingling in the lower extremities which is good. He is in good spirits right now and is receiving visitors, which is what he needs (he is doing better mentally as he is now picking at his friends). There is a long road ahead of him but he will make it….

12-30-05 blvsinangels and husband - please pray for my husband who was just told he has colon cancer. God grant us peace and courage.

12-30-05 annonymous - unspoken prayer request

1-17-06 Dawnie's Son Eljay - had surgical procedure 1-16-06 to determine what's wrong with him and his ability to eat or sleep. 2-6-06 update - We switched formulas again to a formula without corn, which we though was the answer. We had three days of a beautiful happy baby boy, curious, exploring his hands (he didn't know they were attached before that) smiling, looking around his world. It was wonderful, but unfortunately when we thought we'd nailed it he started rejecting the formula again. This had been our best three days since birth so dad and I were pretty dejected. We were rushed to the only ped's allergist in the state to see if we could get an answer and after much testing we now know he does not have any allergies (I was frankly hoping for a simple allergy but unfortunately that isn't it). So we're back to the gastroentinologist (I butchered that spelling) on Wednesday of this week to test for Cyliac Disease and a bowel disease I've forgotten the name of, as well as possible structural issues in his lower intestines that could be a problem.

Despite all of this he's grown to 10lbs, but unfortunately he didn't gain any weight last week so he's dropped from the 5th percentile, down to the third and now the 2nd, which is not a good thing for preemies hence the Wednesday appointment.

He's still not sleeping more than 15 mins or so but he has been able to sit in a boppy on the bed and will be patient with us for about half an hour if the ceiling fan is on for him to look at.

2-3-06 Dan Persfull - eldest daughter died suddenly last night - please keep Dan and his family in your prayers.

2-6-06 Princess Leia and her family - Her little girl has been very sick this week and just got home from the hospital after being admitted for dehydration.

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by the many natural disasters that have occurred recently; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the families of all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
Last edited by waldensouth; 02/06/06 01:34 PM.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#493118 - 02/06/06 08:21 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-7-06 update
waldensouth Offline
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 2-7-06 update - Home. Or in Natalie's words, "Nannie home."
We are home. We are stable. Bilirubin has come down to 2. Sigh...
We have a temporary fix.

Natalie got her PICC line placed yesterday and then a few hours later we were on our way out of the windy city for the calm that is home. Even with all the piles of laundry that await and the dishes that need to be done and the vacuuming and mopping that needs to be done after a week away, it is wonderful to be home.

We have a different sort of medication set up this time that's a bit tricky. Instead of self-infusing pumps like we've had in the past, now we have to spike an IV bag and prime the line ourselves prior to giving the med. Then we leave the IV medication to hang on a pretty IV pole for 1/2 an hour. It was tricky the first time to set the whole thing up, meds and all, last night, but this morning I think that I did OK. She'll be on these for another week or so. Next steps Not sure. We know that surgery is necessary to correct the problem. But we don't know when.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 12-30-05 update -Maintenance treatment completed at the end of November. CT Scan indicated no signs of lymphoma. In May a PET/CT Scan will be completed. If no lynmphoma at that time, another maintenance treatment will be given. Thanks for all of the prayers and good wishes.....I am truly blessed.

12-21-05 Lady LoisLane's friend - Please add Will to the prayer list. He is the best friend of a co-worker's son. Last Friday night in Norman, Oklahoma he was a stop light when a Semi hit his car. He is at Norman Regional Hospital. All prayers are really needed. Thank you for caring. 1-4-06 update - Update on Will (friend of my co-worker's son). She thanks all for your prayers. He can now move his arms and was using a wheel chair this past Monday to wheeled himself around the hospital. He is still having tingling in the lower extremities which is good. He is in good spirits right now and is receiving visitors, which is what he needs (he is doing better mentally as he is now picking at his friends). There is a long road ahead of him but he will make it….

12-30-05 blvsinangels and husband - please pray for my husband who was just told he has colon cancer. God grant us peace and courage.

12-30-05 annonymous - unspoken prayer request

1-17-06 Dawnie's Son Eljay - had surgical procedure 1-16-06 to determine what's wrong with him and his ability to eat or sleep. 2-6-06 update - We switched formulas again to a formula without corn, which we though was the answer. We had three days of a beautiful happy baby boy, curious, exploring his hands (he didn't know they were attached before that) smiling, looking around his world. It was wonderful, but unfortunately when we thought we'd nailed it he started rejecting the formula again. This had been our best three days since birth so dad and I were pretty dejected. We were rushed to the only ped's allergist in the state to see if we could get an answer and after much testing we now know he does not have any allergies (I was frankly hoping for a simple allergy but unfortunately that isn't it). So we're back to the gastroentinologist (I butchered that spelling) on Wednesday of this week to test for Cyliac Disease and a bowel disease I've forgotten the name of, as well as possible structural issues in his lower intestines that could be a problem.

Despite all of this he's grown to 10lbs, but unfortunately he didn't gain any weight last week so he's dropped from the 5th percentile, down to the third and now the 2nd, which is not a good thing for preemies hence the Wednesday appointment.

He's still not sleeping more than 15 mins or so but he has been able to sit in a boppy on the bed and will be patient with us for about half an hour if the ceiling fan is on for him to look at.

2-3-06 Dan Persfull - eldest daughter died suddenly last night - please keep Dan and his family in your prayers.

2-6-06 Princess Leia and her family - Her little girl has been very sick this week and just got home from the hospital after being admitted for dehydration.

8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will. 2-6-06 update - The cancer continues to spread and has now entered the bones. Every day that she remains with her family on earth is a gift.

Ecclesiastes 3 (King James Version) as quoted on

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

8-25-05 *pixiesprite*'s dad and step-mom - My Step-mom just found out she has ovarian cancer and my dad just got out of the hospital for apendisitis (sp?) So they are going through a lot and could use all the prayers they can get. 11-30-05Update, bad news. My step mom found out monday that it's terminal. Depending on how she responds to treatments, she may have a couple months or a couple years. She's taking it in good spirits, I'm worried about my dad, though. He's the kind of guy that needs a woman to take care of him. This is going to be tough on him. Please keep them in your prayers. 2-7-06 update - Answered Prayer - I have good news. My step mom emailed me over the weekend and told me, to her amazement, that the MRI she had last week did not show a tumor! which means that it is so small that it no longer shows up, not that it's gone, but that is still huge. So I guess for now she can come off the list.

Thank you all so much for your prayers.

2-7-06 MichelleDawn - Please pray for my friend, Katie's, father, Gene. He is in the end stages of leukemia and we are hoping he passes quickly.

12-21-05 Lady LoisLane's friend - Please add Will to the prayer list. He is the best friend of a co-worker's son. Last Friday night in Norman, Oklahoma he was a stop light when a Semi hit his car. He is at Norman Regional Hospital. All prayers are really needed. Thank you for caring. 1-4-06 update - Update on Will (friend of my co-worker's son). She thanks all for your prayers. He can now move his arms and was using a wheel chair this past Monday to wheeled himself around the hospital. He is still having tingling in the lower extremities which is good. He is in good spirits right now and is receiving visitors, which is what he needs (he is doing better mentally as he is now picking at his friends). There is a long road ahead of him but he will make it….
On 12-21 Will was added to the prayer list. Although he was making some improvement in January, he passed away yesterday (went into Cardiac Arrest). He was oly 24 years old. Will is survived by his mother and sister. The children of my co-worker (Jane) were childhood friends of his. Will’s mom hoped that he had as many friends in Heaven as he did here on Earth.

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by the many natural disasters that have occurred recently; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the families of all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
Last edited by waldensouth; 02/07/06 07:44 PM.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#493119 - 02/07/06 02:00 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-6-06 update
Reed Offline
Diamond Poster
Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 1,251
West Coast
I have good news. My step mom emailed me over the weekend and told me, to her amazement, that the MRI she had last week did not show a tumor! which means that it is so small that it no longer shows up, not that it's gone, but that is still huge. So I guess for now she can come off the list.

Thank you all so much for your prayers.

Bliss (used to be *pixiesprite*)

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#493120 - 02/07/06 02:51 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-6-06 update
MichelleDawn Offline
Power Poster
Joined: Feb 2005
Posts: 5,994
Please pray for my friend, Katie's, father, Gene. He is in the end stages of leukemia and we are hoping he passes quickly.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

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#493121 - 02/07/06 04:14 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-6-06 update
Happy Birthday LoisLane Offline
Diamond Poster
Joined: Oct 2001
Posts: 1,570
Wisteria Lane..
On 12-21 Will was added to the prayer list. Although he was making some improvement in January, he passed away yesterday (went into Cardiac Arrest). He was oly 24 years old. Will is survived by his mother and sister. The children of my co-worker (Jane) were childhood friends of his. Will’s mom hoped that he had as many friends in Heaven as he did here on Earth.
And where is Superman when I need him?

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#493122 - 02/13/06 01:33 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-13-06 update
waldensouth Offline
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 2-7-06 update - Home. Or in Natalie's words, "Nannie home."
We are home. We are stable. Bilirubin has come down to 2. Sigh...
We have a temporary fix.

Natalie got her PICC line placed yesterday and then a few hours later we were on our way out of the windy city for the calm that is home. Even with all the piles of laundry that await and the dishes that need to be done and the vacuuming and mopping that needs to be done after a week away, it is wonderful to be home.

We have a different sort of medication set up this time that's a bit tricky. Instead of self-infusing pumps like we've had in the past, now we have to spike an IV bag and prime the line ourselves prior to giving the med. Then we leave the IV medication to hang on a pretty IV pole for 1/2 an hour. It was tricky the first time to set the whole thing up, meds and all, last night, but this morning I think that I did OK. She'll be on these for another week or so. Next steps Not sure. We know that surgery is necessary to correct the problem. But we don't know when.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 12-30-05 update -Maintenance treatment completed at the end of November. CT Scan indicated no signs of lymphoma. In May a PET/CT Scan will be completed. If no lynmphoma at that time, another maintenance treatment will be given. Thanks for all of the prayers and good wishes.....I am truly blessed.

12-30-05 blvsinangels and husband - please pray for my husband who was just told he has colon cancer. God grant us peace and courage.

12-30-05 annonymous - unspoken prayer request

1-17-06 Dawnie's Son Eljay - had surgical procedure 1-16-06 to determine what's wrong with him and his ability to eat or sleep. 2-6-06 update - We switched formulas again to a formula without corn, which we though was the answer. We had three days of a beautiful happy baby boy, curious, exploring his hands (he didn't know they were attached before that) smiling, looking around his world. It was wonderful, but unfortunately when we thought we'd nailed it he started rejecting the formula again. This had been our best three days since birth so dad and I were pretty dejected. We were rushed to the only ped's allergist in the state to see if we could get an answer and after much testing we now know he does not have any allergies (I was frankly hoping for a simple allergy but unfortunately that isn't it). So we're back to the gastroentinologist (I butchered that spelling) on Wednesday of this week to test for Cyliac Disease and a bowel disease I've forgotten the name of, as well as possible structural issues in his lower intestines that could be a problem.

Despite all of this he's grown to 10lbs, but unfortunately he didn't gain any weight last week so he's dropped from the 5th percentile, down to the third and now the 2nd, which is not a good thing for preemies hence the Wednesday appointment.

He's still not sleeping more than 15 mins or so but he has been able to sit in a boppy on the bed and will be patient with us for about half an hour if the ceiling fan is on for him to look at.

2-6-06 Princess Leia and her family - Her little girl has been very sick this week and just got home from the hospital after being admitted for dehydration. 2-13-06 update - My daughter had a follow up appointment on Thursday and is doing much better. All of her blood levels were normal and her ear was clear!! It's been nice to spend time with a happy baby! Thank you for adding her to the prayer list. You can now remove her.

8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will. 2-6-06 update - The cancer continues to spread and has now entered the bones. Every day that she remains with her family on earth is a gift.

Ecclesiastes 3 (King James Version) as quoted on

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

2-7-06 MichelleDawn - Please pray for my friend, Katie's, father, Gene. He is in the end stages of leukemia and we are hoping he passes quickly.

2-13-06 KBlanchard's Dad - He is 82 and has small cell lung cancer that spread. He has had radiation and 2 rounds of chemo. The treatment has been very hard on him and he is now too weak to undergo more chemo. At this point all we can do is try to keep him as comfortable and peaceful as possible in his remaining time which is estimated at 1 to 6 months, with 6 months as an outside time frame. It is very hard but we don't want to cause suffering for him.

2-13-06 ssgblf - There are some rumors going around that the National Guard unit I am in will be going to Iraq or Afghanistan this summer. I have talked to some of the higher ranking and full time people and they have told me that we are being looked at to go, but it is not for certain. The unit is preparing to go. We have done some things that I have never had to do the eight years I have been in. We had to try on body armor last drill. I ask that you will pray that if we go it will be Gods will for us to go over there. Also will you pray for the leadership of the units and the families of every soldier that would be effected by the deployment.

2-13-06 blind guardian - My little brother, Sean, is over in Fallujah with the Army. He was first stationed in Baghdad and now is in Fallujah, which is alot worse. He just got word that he has to take mandatory leave in March. Keep him safe until then, so he can make it home. Thanks!

2-13-06 Deena - A dear friend and colleague of mine (we share an office) had a heart attack and died shoveling snow yesterday. I ask that you would keep his wife and family, as well as us here at the bank, in your prayers. He was a wonderful man and will be greatly missed.

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by the many natural disasters that have occurred recently; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the families of all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
Last edited by waldensouth; 02/13/06 08:52 PM.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#493123 - 02/13/06 05:34 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-13-06 update
ssgblf Offline
Junior Member
Joined: Dec 2005
Posts: 42
There are some rumors going around that the National Guard unit I am in will be going to Iraq or Afghanistan this summer. I have talked to some of the higher ranking and full time people and they have told me that we are being looked at to go, but it is not for certain. The unit is preparing to go. We have done some things that I have never had to do the eight years I have been in. We had to try on body armor last drill. I ask that you will pray that if we go it will be Gods will for us to go over there. Also will you pray for the leadership of the units and the families of every soldier that would be effected by the deployment.

Thank you

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#493124 - 02/13/06 05:54 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-13-06 update
waldensouth Offline
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
We will definitely keep you and your unit in our prayers.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#493125 - 02/13/06 06:13 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-13-06 update

My little brother, Sean, is over in Fallujah with the Army. He was first stationed in Baghdad and now is in Fallujah, which is alot worse. He just got word that he has to take mandatory leave in March. Keep him safe until then, so he can make it home. Thanks!

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#493126 - 02/13/06 08:02 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-13-06 update
Deena Offline
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,701
A dear friend and colleague of mine (we share an office) had a heart attack and died shoveling snow yesterday. I ask that you would keep his wife and family, as well as us here at the bank, in your prayers. He was a wonderful man and will be greatly missed.
Opinions expressed are mine and not necessarily those of my employer.

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#493127 - 02/13/06 09:19 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-13-06 update
Search_Me Offline
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Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 8,433
In my Strappy Heeled Sandals!
Wow, lots of prayer needed.. will put these on my list...
She who dies with the most shoes WINS! grin

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#493128 - 02/14/06 06:57 AM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-13-06 update
Citrus Offline
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,139
If you could include me in a few of your prayers, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

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#493129 - 02/14/06 12:39 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-13-06 update
Kathleen O. Blanchard Offline

10K Club
Kathleen O. Blanchard
Joined: Dec 2000
Posts: 21,293
My Dad passed away in his sleep this morning. We were praying that he would go in his sleep without any pain and he did that. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Kathleen O. Blanchard, CRCM "Kaybee"
HMDA/CRA Training/Consulting/Mapping
The HMDA Academy

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#493130 - 02/14/06 01:29 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-14-06 update
waldensouth Offline
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 2-7-06 update - Home. Or in Natalie's words, "Nannie home."
We are home. We are stable. Bilirubin has come down to 2. Sigh...
We have a temporary fix.

Natalie got her PICC line placed yesterday and then a few hours later we were on our way out of the windy city for the calm that is home. Even with all the piles of laundry that await and the dishes that need to be done and the vacuuming and mopping that needs to be done after a week away, it is wonderful to be home.

We have a different sort of medication set up this time that's a bit tricky. Instead of self-infusing pumps like we've had in the past, now we have to spike an IV bag and prime the line ourselves prior to giving the med. Then we leave the IV medication to hang on a pretty IV pole for 1/2 an hour. It was tricky the first time to set the whole thing up, meds and all, last night, but this morning I think that I did OK. She'll be on these for another week or so. Next steps Not sure. We know that surgery is necessary to correct the problem. But we don't know when.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 12-30-05 update -Maintenance treatment completed at the end of November. CT Scan indicated no signs of lymphoma. In May a PET/CT Scan will be completed. If no lynmphoma at that time, another maintenance treatment will be given. Thanks for all of the prayers and good wishes.....I am truly blessed.

12-30-05 blvsinangels and husband - please pray for my husband who was just told he has colon cancer. God grant us peace and courage.

12-30-05 annonymous - unspoken prayer request

1-17-06 Dawnie's Son Eljay - had surgical procedure 1-16-06 to determine what's wrong with him and his ability to eat or sleep. 2-6-06 update - We switched formulas again to a formula without corn, which we though was the answer. We had three days of a beautiful happy baby boy, curious, exploring his hands (he didn't know they were attached before that) smiling, looking around his world. It was wonderful, but unfortunately when we thought we'd nailed it he started rejecting the formula again. This had been our best three days since birth so dad and I were pretty dejected. We were rushed to the only ped's allergist in the state to see if we could get an answer and after much testing we now know he does not have any allergies (I was frankly hoping for a simple allergy but unfortunately that isn't it). So we're back to the gastroentinologist (I butchered that spelling) on Wednesday of this week to test for Cyliac Disease and a bowel disease I've forgotten the name of, as well as possible structural issues in his lower intestines that could be a problem.

Despite all of this he's grown to 10lbs, but unfortunately he didn't gain any weight last week so he's dropped from the 5th percentile, down to the third and now the 2nd, which is not a good thing for preemies hence the Wednesday appointment.

He's still not sleeping more than 15 mins or so but he has been able to sit in a boppy on the bed and will be patient with us for about half an hour if the ceiling fan is on for him to look at.

2-6-06 Princess Leia and her family - Her little girl has been very sick this week and just got home from the hospital after being admitted for dehydration. 2-13-06 update - My daughter had a follow up appointment on Thursday and is doing much better. All of her blood levels were normal and her ear was clear!! It's been nice to spend time with a happy baby! Thank you for adding her to the prayer list. You can now remove her.

8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will. 2-6-06 update - The cancer continues to spread and has now entered the bones. Every day that she remains with her family on earth is a gift.

Ecclesiastes 3 (King James Version) as quoted on

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

2-7-06 MichelleDawn - Please pray for my friend, Katie's, father, Gene. He is in the end stages of leukemia and we are hoping he passes quickly.

2-13-06 KBlanchard's Dad - He is 82 and has small cell lung cancer that spread. He has had radiation and 2 rounds of chemo. The treatment has been very hard on him and he is now too weak to undergo more chemo. At this point all we can do is try to keep him as comfortable and peaceful as possible in his remaining time which is estimated at 1 to 6 months, with 6 months as an outside time frame. It is very hard but we don't want to cause suffering for him. 2-14-06 update - My Dad passed away in his sleep this morning. We were praying that he would go in his sleep without any pain and he did that. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

2-13-06 ssgblf - There are some rumors going around that the National Guard unit I am in will be going to Iraq or Afghanistan this summer. I have talked to some of the higher ranking and full time people and they have told me that we are being looked at to go, but it is not for certain. The unit is preparing to go. We have done some things that I have never had to do the eight years I have been in. We had to try on body armor last drill. I ask that you will pray that if we go it will be Gods will for us to go over there. Also will you pray for the leadership of the units and the families of every soldier that would be effected by the deployment.

2-13-06 blind guardian - My little brother, Sean, is over in Fallujah with the Army. He was first stationed in Baghdad and now is in Fallujah, which is alot worse. He just got word that he has to take mandatory leave in March. Keep him safe until then, so he can make it home. Thanks!

2-13-06 Deena - A dear friend and colleague of mine (we share an office) had a heart attack and died shoveling snow yesterday. I ask that you would keep his wife and family, as well as us here at the bank, in your prayers. He was a wonderful man and will be greatly missed.

2-14-06 MTnFull -If you could include me in a few of your prayers, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by the many natural disasters that have occurred recently; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the families of all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#493131 - 02/14/06 01:30 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-14-06 update
waldensouth Offline
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Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
Kathleen, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm glad he was able to go in his sleep without pain. Know that you and your family are in my prayers.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#493132 - 02/14/06 02:05 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-14-06 update
QCL Offline
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Joined: May 2002
Posts: 6,259
MTnFull, et al., you have my prayers.

Kath - I PM'd you, and I am so sorry. May God comfort you.

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#493133 - 02/14/06 04:18 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-13-06 update
TTC Queen Offline
Diamond Poster
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,119
I am so sorry for your loss, but thankful for the painless passing. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.
Blessed are the cracked, for it is they who let in the light. (Boy is it bright around me!)

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#493134 - 02/14/06 04:29 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-13-06 update
Quadspapa Offline
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Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 3,275
Quadrupletville, Texas
Prayers going up for you guys who care enough to share your burdens and concerns withthe BOL family.
"Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall." Psalm 55:22
"I don''t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts." - - Will Rogers (still relevant today)

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#493135 - 02/14/06 06:19 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-13-06 update
Deena Offline
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Joined: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,701
Kathleen, I'm so very sorry about your dad - but glad that he didn't suffer. I know in time your pain will ease and I pray that you will find the strength you need to get through this.
Opinions expressed are mine and not necessarily those of my employer.

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#493136 - 02/17/06 02:50 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-14-06 update
cantley Offline
100 Club
Joined: Jul 2004
Posts: 103
Small Town, TX
Please add my brother, Jon, to the list. He was admitted to the hospital this morning for some kind of infection that has caused his face to swell and break out in blisters. He has many health problems and is on several medications, so getting his body regulated to the medicine is difficult. He his 21 years old and has many special needs so lives at home with my parents, who also need prayers while trying to work, worry, and take care of him. Thank you.

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#493137 - 02/17/06 03:28 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-14-06 update
annie 732 Offline
annie 732
Joined: Dec 2005
Posts: 97
Please pray for my boyfriend. I think we will be going through some very stressful and emotional times in the next few months. Thank you.
~*~ everything gets hotter when the sun goes down ~*~

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#493138 - 02/17/06 06:11 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-17-06 update
waldensouth Offline
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 2-7-06 update - Home. Or in Natalie's words, "Nannie home."
We are home. We are stable. Bilirubin has come down to 2. Sigh...
We have a temporary fix.

Natalie got her PICC line placed yesterday and then a few hours later we were on our way out of the windy city for the calm that is home. Even with all the piles of laundry that await and the dishes that need to be done and the vacuuming and mopping that needs to be done after a week away, it is wonderful to be home.

We have a different sort of medication set up this time that's a bit tricky. Instead of self-infusing pumps like we've had in the past, now we have to spike an IV bag and prime the line ourselves prior to giving the med. Then we leave the IV medication to hang on a pretty IV pole for 1/2 an hour. It was tricky the first time to set the whole thing up, meds and all, last night, but this morning I think that I did OK. She'll be on these for another week or so. Next steps Not sure. We know that surgery is necessary to correct the problem. But we don't know when.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 12-30-05 update -Maintenance treatment completed at the end of November. CT Scan indicated no signs of lymphoma. In May a PET/CT Scan will be completed. If no lynmphoma at that time, another maintenance treatment will be given. Thanks for all of the prayers and good wishes.....I am truly blessed.

12-30-05 blvsinangels and husband - please pray for my husband who was just told he has colon cancer. God grant us peace and courage.

12-30-05 annonymous - unspoken prayer request

1-17-06 Dawnie's Son Eljay - had surgical procedure 1-16-06 to determine what's wrong with him and his ability to eat or sleep. 2-6-06 update - We switched formulas again to a formula without corn, which we though was the answer. We had three days of a beautiful happy baby boy, curious, exploring his hands (he didn't know they were attached before that) smiling, looking around his world. It was wonderful, but unfortunately when we thought we'd nailed it he started rejecting the formula again. This had been our best three days since birth so dad and I were pretty dejected. We were rushed to the only ped's allergist in the state to see if we could get an answer and after much testing we now know he does not have any allergies (I was frankly hoping for a simple allergy but unfortunately that isn't it). So we're back to the gastroentinologist (I butchered that spelling) on Wednesday of this week to test for Cyliac Disease and a bowel disease I've forgotten the name of, as well as possible structural issues in his lower intestines that could be a problem.

Despite all of this he's grown to 10lbs, but unfortunately he didn't gain any weight last week so he's dropped from the 5th percentile, down to the third and now the 2nd, which is not a good thing for preemies hence the Wednesday appointment.

He's still not sleeping more than 15 mins or so but he has been able to sit in a boppy on the bed and will be patient with us for about half an hour if the ceiling fan is on for him to look at.

2-6-06 Princess Leia and her family - Her little girl has been very sick this week and just got home from the hospital after being admitted for dehydration. 2-13-06 update - My daughter had a follow up appointment on Thursday and is doing much better. All of her blood levels were normal and her ear was clear!! It's been nice to spend time with a happy baby! Thank you for adding her to the prayer list. You can now remove her.

8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will. 2-6-06 update - The cancer continues to spread and has now entered the bones. Every day that she remains with her family on earth is a gift.

Ecclesiastes 3 (King James Version) as quoted on

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

2-7-06 MichelleDawn - Please pray for my friend, Katie's, father, Gene. He is in the end stages of leukemia and we are hoping he passes quickly.

2-13-06 KBlanchard's Dad - He is 82 and has small cell lung cancer that spread. He has had radiation and 2 rounds of chemo. The treatment has been very hard on him and he is now too weak to undergo more chemo. At this point all we can do is try to keep him as comfortable and peaceful as possible in his remaining time which is estimated at 1 to 6 months, with 6 months as an outside time frame. It is very hard but we don't want to cause suffering for him. 2-14-06 update - My Dad passed away in his sleep this morning. We were praying that he would go in his sleep without any pain and he did that. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

2-13-06 ssgblf - There are some rumors going around that the National Guard unit I am in will be going to Iraq or Afghanistan this summer. I have talked to some of the higher ranking and full time people and they have told me that we are being looked at to go, but it is not for certain. The unit is preparing to go. We have done some things that I have never had to do the eight years I have been in. We had to try on body armor last drill. I ask that you will pray that if we go it will be Gods will for us to go over there. Also will you pray for the leadership of the units and the families of every soldier that would be effected by the deployment.

2-13-06 blind guardian - My little brother, Sean, is over in Fallujah with the Army. He was first stationed in Baghdad and now is in Fallujah, which is alot worse. He just got word that he has to take mandatory leave in March. Keep him safe until then, so he can make it home. Thanks!

2-13-06 Deena - A dear friend and colleague of mine (we share an office) had a heart attack and died shoveling snow yesterday. I ask that you would keep his wife and family, as well as us here at the bank, in your prayers. He was a wonderful man and will be greatly missed.

2-14-06 MTnFull -If you could include me in a few of your prayers, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

2-17-06 Texas Girl - Please add my brother, Jon, to the list. He was admitted to the hospital this morning for some kind of infection that has caused his face to swell and break out in blisters. He has many health problems and is on several medications, so getting his body regulated to the medicine is difficult. He his 21 years old and has many special needs so lives at home with my parents, who also need prayers while trying to work, worry, and take care of him. Thank you.

2-17-06 annie 732- Please pray for my boyfriend. I think we will be going through some very stressful and emotional times in the next few months. Thank you.

2-20-06 SoccerMomQueen - Had the first part of a stress test on Valentine's and ended up in the hospital same day. 3 days and 1 stint later and I am trying to get back on my feet. AND get the HMDA and CRA finished, examiners finished and did exit interview while I was out (including BSA) plus I am getting ready for a shareholders meeting. Like I said, all prayers appreciated, the next few days are going to be rough. Oh yea, then there's the lifestyle changes that will be implemented!!!

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by the many natural disasters that have occurred recently; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the families of all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
Last edited by waldensouth; 02/20/06 03:18 PM.
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#493139 - 02/21/06 02:17 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-17-06 update
Rainbow Girl Offline
Gold Star
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 259
Please say a prayer for "Nanny". She is elderly and has had some medical problems. Recently a mass (most likely cancer) was found around her breast/lung area. They are not doing a biopsy because of her age and health problems. They would not treat the cancer with chemo or radiation anyway. The Dr. says she could go at any time. please pray that she will have a painless, peaceful departure. She lived a full life and was one of the reasons we wear seat belts today because of an article she wrote back in the 70"s. Also please pray for her Daughter and Grand daughter.
5 more sleeps

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#493140 - 02/21/06 03:22 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-17-06 update
Buddy the Elf Offline
Platinum Poster
Buddy the Elf
Joined: May 2002
Posts: 975
first lily pad on the right
I would like to add a request for my niece Lauren. She's six months old and was admitted to the hospital yesterday with a severe kidney infection. She's doing better today, thank God. They will be running a bunch of tests over the next couple of days to determine what is causing such a young baby to get a kidney infection. Your thoughts and prayers for her, as well as my sister and brother-in-law would be so appreciated.
Last edited by Lady croak44; 02/21/06 03:23 PM.
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#493141 - 02/21/06 03:37 PM Re: 2006 Prayer List - 2-21-06 update
waldensouth Offline
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2001
Posts: 7,988
FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:18-20

1-4-05 Natalie Bear and Mom(Becca) - awaiting liver transplant Mom is a match for a living donor transplant to Natalie Bear. Liver transplant took place 2-9-05. 2-7-06 update - Home. Or in Natalie's words, "Nannie home."
We are home. We are stable. Bilirubin has come down to 2. Sigh...
We have a temporary fix.

Natalie got her PICC line placed yesterday and then a few hours later we were on our way out of the windy city for the calm that is home. Even with all the piles of laundry that await and the dishes that need to be done and the vacuuming and mopping that needs to be done after a week away, it is wonderful to be home.

We have a different sort of medication set up this time that's a bit tricky. Instead of self-infusing pumps like we've had in the past, now we have to spike an IV bag and prime the line ourselves prior to giving the med. Then we leave the IV medication to hang on a pretty IV pole for 1/2 an hour. It was tricky the first time to set the whole thing up, meds and all, last night, but this morning I think that I did OK. She'll be on these for another week or so. Next steps Not sure. We know that surgery is necessary to correct the problem. But we don't know when.

1-4-05 Go 4 It - diagnosed with lymphoma began treatment1-18-05. 12-30-05 update -Maintenance treatment completed at the end of November. CT Scan indicated no signs of lymphoma. In May a PET/CT Scan will be completed. If no lynmphoma at that time, another maintenance treatment will be given. Thanks for all of the prayers and good wishes.....I am truly blessed.

12-30-05 blvsinangels and husband - please pray for my husband who was just told he has colon cancer. God grant us peace and courage.

12-30-05 annonymous - unspoken prayer request

1-17-06 Dawnie's Son Eljay - had surgical procedure 1-16-06 to determine what's wrong with him and his ability to eat or sleep. 2-24-05 update - We are still testing and haven't found out what our problem is. ElJay is pretty much the same, but we have discovered recently that he has a malabsorbtion issue.Now we are testing to figure out what he isn't absorbing, which will lead us to what disease/syndrome, etc., we are facing. It can be as easy as lactase dificiency (you take a supliment for that) or back to celiac disease. Also inflamatory bowel disease is a concern, but again, we are just in a wait and see mode now for the results. If it's easy we'll hear soon, but they are telling us that the future testing must be done outside, so we're preparing to head to Minnesota Childrens Hospital for the balance of our testing soon either way. We still are worried that his grandma might not be able to hold on much longer and we want him to meet her.

8-28-05 Kansayaku - I just heard from my brother that his wife's younger sister has just been given approximately six months to live. She has cancer and will be leaving behind a husband and three daughters all under the teenage years. Please lift up your prayers for her and her family as they try to understand and accept God's will. 2-6-06 update - The cancer continues to spread and has now entered the bones. Every day that she remains with her family on earth is a gift.

Ecclesiastes 3 (King James Version) as quoted on

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

2-7-06 MichelleDawn - Please pray for my friend, Katie's, father, Gene. He is in the end stages of leukemia and we are hoping he passes quickly.

2-13-06 ssgblf - There are some rumors going around that the National Guard unit I am in will be going to Iraq or Afghanistan this summer. I have talked to some of the higher ranking and full time people and they have told me that we are being looked at to go, but it is not for certain. The unit is preparing to go. We have done some things that I have never had to do the eight years I have been in. We had to try on body armor last drill. I ask that you will pray that if we go it will be Gods will for us to go over there. Also will you pray for the leadership of the units and the families of every soldier that would be effected by the deployment.

2-13-06 blind guardian - My little brother, Sean, is over in Fallujah with the Army. He was first stationed in Baghdad and now is in Fallujah, which is alot worse. He just got word that he has to take mandatory leave in March. Keep him safe until then, so he can make it home. Thanks!

2-13-06 Deena - A dear friend and colleague of mine (we share an office) had a heart attack and died shoveling snow yesterday. I ask that you would keep his wife and family, as well as us here at the bank, in your prayers. He was a wonderful man and will be greatly missed.

2-14-06 MTnFull -If you could include me in a few of your prayers, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

2-17-06 Texas Girl - Please add my brother, Jon, to the list. He was admitted to the hospital this morning for some kind of infection that has caused his face to swell and break out in blisters. He has many health problems and is on several medications, so getting his body regulated to the medicine is difficult. He his 21 years old and has many special needs so lives at home with my parents, who also need prayers while trying to work, worry, and take care of him. Thank you.

2-17-06 annie 732- Please pray for my boyfriend. I think we will be going through some very stressful and emotional times in the next few months. Thank you.

2-20-06 SoccerMomQueen - Had the first part of a stress test on Valentine's and ended up in the hospital same day. 3 days and 1 stint later and I am trying to get back on my feet. AND get the HMDA and CRA finished, examiners finished and did exit interview while I was out (including BSA) plus I am getting ready for a shareholders meeting. Like I said, all prayers appreciated, the next few days are going to be rough. Oh yea, then there's the lifestyle changes that will be implemented!!!

2-21-06 Rainbow Girl - Please say a prayer for "Nanny". She is elderly and has had some medical problems. Recently a mass (most likely cancer) was found around her breast/lung area. They are not doing a biopsy because of her age and health problems. They would not treat the cancer with chemo or radiation anyway. The Dr. says she could go at any time. please pray that she will have a painless, peaceful departure. She lived a full life and was one of the reasons we wear seat belts today because of an article she wrote back in the 70"s. Also please pray for her Daughter and Grand daughter.

2-21-06 lady croak44 -I would like to add a request for my niece Lauren. She's six months old and was admitted to the hospital yesterday with a severe kidney infection. She's doing better today, thank God. They will be running a bunch of tests over the next couple of days to determine what is causing such a young baby to get a kidney infection. Your thoughts and prayers for her, as well as my sister and brother-in-law would be so appreciated.

Communal Requests:
Everyone affected by the many natural disasters that have occurred recently; those who have lost loved ones, who are homeless, who are without hope or resources.
All those grieving over the loss of a loved one.
All of those suffering from a chronic illness.
All of our military troops wherever they are serving our country.
All those who live with violence and poverty, without hope.
The children, and the families of all children, who are missing/kidnapped from their homes.
Last edited by waldensouth; 02/24/06 01:38 PM.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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