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#498107 - 02/16/06 10:08 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
AML did what any republican would have done with the idiot who claimed more people died in PA. How can you raise this guy up like a hero, he is an absolute tool.
New rules. Posters here think "hello" is rude. They'll cry if you use the word "idiot." You must be more sensitive to everyone's feelings.
seriously, let's drop the semantics here. it is SO boring. can't we at least stick to substantive stuff like arguing the merits and prosecution of the war or are you other anons incapable?
Name calling won't help things. Calling me boring and incapable is just rude! Next, you'll say hello to me. 
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#498108 - 02/16/06 10:08 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
10K Club
Joined: Jun 2005
Posts: 10,395
Jersey Shore
more people probably died of violence in pa last year than in all of iraq.
OK, the total for murder and non-negligent homicide in PA in 2005 was roughly 640. In comparison, for 2005 (in Iraq) 897 US military and coalition casualties 310 contractor casualties 2822 Iraqi police/military casualties 6434 Iraqi civilians for a grand total of...... 10463
Even in the 'new' math that's more than 640.
Woops your number of violent deaths in Pennsylvania last year is a bit off. There were over 35,000 violent attacks that resulted in a death in Pennsylvania last year.
I used the Pennsylvania State Police Uniform Crime Reporting System. Where did you get your data? (just asking not challenging....)
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#498109 - 02/16/06 10:10 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Diamond Poster
Joined: Mar 2002
Posts: 2,355
The O.C., California
Woops your number of violent deaths in Pennsylvania last year is a bit off. There were over 35,000 violent attacks that resulted in a death in Pennsylvania last year. ==============================================
35,000??? That's a lot. That's even more than Compton, CA!
I can explain it to you. I can't understand it for you.
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#498110 - 02/16/06 10:16 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
BF, I can't find any correlating numbers to the 35,000. Where did you get that figure?
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#498111 - 02/16/06 10:16 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
The Hate-Bush/Cheney Media Thursday, February 16, 2006 By Bill O'Reilly PHOTOS VIDEO Click image to enlarge ARCHIVE SHOW INFO •The Hate-Bush/Cheney Media
Hi. I'm Bill O'Reilly, reporting tonight from South Florida. Why? Because there's two feet of snow in New York! Thanks for watching us.
The hate-Bush/Cheney media, that is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo."
What began as a regrettable hunting accident has now evolved into a major media story. The press in America is so angry with the Bush-Cheney administration, they have lost all perspective. And, as a result, you are not getting the truth.
So, here it is.
Vice President Cheney should be more accessible to the press. He is too secretive, no question about it. Mr. Cheney should have released a statement about the hunting accident shortly after it happened. If the Secret Service immediately told the local sheriff what happened, Cheney's office should have briefed the press at the same time.
OK, that's the Cheney responsibility.
More truth — a hunting accident itself is not a big deal, even for a vice president. But if a man dies or is disabled in the accident, it becomes a big deal. That hasn't happened yet. And Harry Whittington is improving, the doctors say.
The press is making a big deal out of this because they despise Dick Cheney. Generally speaking, the media feels Cheney is arrogant and distant. But this hatred has gone too far. And here's the best example I can give you.
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd is a notorious Bush-Cheney basher. Ms. Dowd can be amusing, but, she, like many at The New York Times, has gone completely off the rails. Writing about the Cheney hunting accident today, Ms. Dowd brings in the following, soldiers dying in Iraq, Cheney's Vietnam deferment, Halliburton, Katrina, oil prices, Medicare, corrupt lobbyists, Usama, Tora Bora, and a possible grand jury investigation.
You think I'm kidding? Check out her column. Every American should read it. Ms. Dowd describes Cheney's hunting hobby as — quote — "his macho kicks gunning down little birds" — unquote.
She also claims the White House is blaming the guy who got shot. I mean, I have never seen a column like this. Today, Mr. Cheney discussed that charge with Brit Hume.
RICHARD B. CHENEY, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Ultimately, I'm the guy who pulled the trigger that fired the round that hit Harry. And you can talk about all of the other conditions that existed at the time, but that's the bottom line. And there's no — it was not Harry's fault. You can't blame anybody else. I'm the guy who pulled the trigger and shot my friend. And, as I say, that is something I'll never forget.
Now, like Cheney or not, once critical thinking degenerates into hatred, there's no value.
This incident is the best illustration I have seen in years of a media out of control.
And that's "The Memo."
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#498112 - 02/16/06 10:49 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
That O'Reilly article is really helpful. Very germane to the discussion at hand.  Suzy
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#498113 - 02/17/06 12:47 AM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
That's great. As if you need to quote O'Reilly to repeat this mindless nonsense about "hatred". That is such a transparent political ploy. The fact is that every administration in the history of this country has been criticized by those that think they are doing a poor job. Yet anytime this administration is criticized, they trot out this "hatred" claim.
The fact is that, judging from the polls, many people believe that Bush and Cheney have done poorly, and there is more than enough evidence to support such a belief.
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#498114 - 02/17/06 01:16 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
That's great. As if you need to quote O'Reilly to repeat this mindless nonsense about "hatred". That is such a transparent political ploy. The fact is that every administration in the history of this country has been criticized by those that think they are doing a poor job. Yet anytime this administration is criticized, they trot out this "hatred" claim.
The fact is that, judging from the polls, many people believe that Bush and Cheney have done poorly, and there is more than enough evidence to support such a belief.
Amen. Seems like the Republicans can dish it out, but they certainly don't like taking it.
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#498115 - 02/17/06 01:35 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
10K Club
Joined: Jun 2005
Posts: 10,395
Jersey Shore
Woops your number of violent deaths in Pennsylvania last year is a bit off. There were over 35,000 violent attacks that resulted in a death in Pennsylvania last year.
Just to put the number in context; Pennsylvania has a population of about 12.6 million people. In 2004, 129,000 people died in Pennsylvania (all causes). If 35,000 of them died as a result of homicide or violent attack, then 1 out of every 4 deaths in Pennsylvania is a homicide. Which doesn't seem reasonable to me.
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#498116 - 02/17/06 01:48 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
I am not arguing that the administration and its military advisors were well prepared for defeating an army only to have murderous fanatics continue to fight on. If they knew this would likely happen, they certainly did not prepare the American people for it by telling them to expect it. This is something new for us. I am not sure how you "control" a country that is full of countrymen and outsiders who are murderous and fanatical. They main targets are likely Americans, but, as you can see from the numbers, they really don't care if they are killing Americans or Iraqis.
I don't think we have handled this well, but I am at a loss as to what they could do differently. Some suggest a capture and kill policy. If you are caught planning or executing terror, you are shot on the spot. Doesn't sound like a very good way to start a new government, but it might be the only way to stop it. We may just have to endure the fanatics while the government develops.
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#498117 - 02/17/06 01:49 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Woops your number of violent deaths in Pennsylvania last year is a bit off. There were over 35,000 violent attacks that resulted in a death in Pennsylvania last year.
Just to put the number in context; Pennsylvania has a population of about 12.6 million people. In 2004, 129,000 people died in Pennsylvania (all causes). If 35,000 of them died as a result of homicide or violent attack, then 1 out of every 4 deaths in Pennsylvania is a homicide. Which doesn't seem reasonable to me.
How dare you question BF's source. He knows everything - about everything. 
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#498118 - 02/17/06 01:49 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
i am the idiot who posted the pa number. i knew it was likely wrong, but that never stopped anyone here. i'm really surprised by the overanalysis of it though. i guess it spawned decent conversation.
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#498119 - 02/17/06 01:51 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Woops your number of violent deaths in Pennsylvania last year is a bit off. There were over 35,000 violent attacks that resulted in a death in Pennsylvania last year.
Just to put the number in context; Pennsylvania has a population of about 12.6 million people. In 2004, 129,000 people died in Pennsylvania (all causes). If 35,000 of them died as a result of homicide or violent attack, then 1 out of every 4 deaths in Pennsylvania is a homicide. Which doesn't seem reasonable to me.
would it help if chuck norris was known to reside in pa? (actually, if that were the case, 1 in 4 would seem low)
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#498120 - 02/17/06 01:54 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
10K Club
Joined: Jun 2005
Posts: 10,395
Jersey Shore
Woops your number of violent deaths in Pennsylvania last year is a bit off. There were over 35,000 violent attacks that resulted in a death in Pennsylvania last year.
Just to put the number in context; Pennsylvania has a population of about 12.6 million people. In 2004, 129,000 people died in Pennsylvania (all causes). If 35,000 of them died as a result of homicide or violent attack, then 1 out of every 4 deaths in Pennsylvania is a homicide. Which doesn't seem reasonable to me.
would it help if chuck norris was known to reside in pa? (actually, if that were the case, 1 in 4 would seem low)
Exactly! I mean, what if Bengals Fan had info that Chuck Norris had moved to Bala Cynwyd in 2005, and that the Pennsylvania State Police had agreed not to count any 'death by roundhouse kick or spinning back kick' in their crime statistics. That's the kind of thing that can really throw the numbers off.
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#498121 - 02/17/06 01:55 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
That O'Reilly article is really helpful. Very germane to the discussion at hand. 
translation: I guess I just start posting where everyone else leaves off and forget what a thread is about.
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#498122 - 02/17/06 01:57 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
That O'Reilly article is really helpful. Very germane to the discussion at hand. 
translation: I guess I just start posting where everyone else leaves off and forget what a thread is about.
i guess i should be flattered you stole my schtick.... flattered and MAD ::ron morphs into the hulk::
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#498124 - 02/17/06 02:47 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
LOL Glad to see I got everyone's attention and an admission that the first numbers were faked.
As for my numbers, there are no 2005 data reports, so I have to go with 2004 data.
Homicides reported to the police: 607 Homicides allowed by law in the form of abortion 36,030
Give it a rest.
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#498125 - 02/17/06 02:48 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
LOL Glad to see I got everyone's attention and an admission that the first numbers were faked.
As for my numbers, there are no 2005 data reports, so I have to go with 2004 data.
Homicides reported to the police: 607 Homicides allowed by law in the form of abortion 36,030
were those 36,000 blown up by car bombs?
this was a discussion spawned from a claim that we were "in control" in iraq. thanks for the hidden agenda.
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#498126 - 02/17/06 02:50 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
We own Iraq. Not to make it sound simple, but if the media would leave, we would be in total control. You KNOW what I mean. In WW2 the Germans had control of almost the entire middle east. How? Because they were willing to kill everything.
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#498127 - 02/17/06 02:51 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
LOL Glad to see I got everyone's attention and an admission that the first numbers were faked.
As for my numbers, there are no 2005 data reports, so I have to go with 2004 data.
Homicides reported to the police: 607 Homicides allowed by law in the form of abortion 36,030
were those 36,000 blown up by car bombs?
this was a discussion spawned from a claim that we were "in control" in iraq. thanks for the hidden agenda.
BF's agenda is never really hidden.
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#498128 - 02/17/06 02:59 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
We own Iraq. Not to make it sound simple, but if the media would leave, we would be in total control. You KNOW what I mean. In WW2 the Germans had control of almost the entire middle east. How? Because they were willing to kill everything.
i forgot the insurgency really only cared about the press. i am happy you also advocate us doing what the germans did in ww2! that's rich. x advocated the same thing. in some circles (oh wait, i mean ALL) they call that genocide.
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#498129 - 02/17/06 03:14 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
LOL Glad to see I got everyone's attention and an admission that the first numbers were faked.
As for my numbers, there are no 2005 data reports, so I have to go with 2004 data.
Homicides reported to the police: 607 Homicides allowed by law in the form of abortion 36,030

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#498130 - 02/17/06 03:23 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Homicides allowed by law in the form of abortion 36,030
like it or not, this number is related to CONTROL of society, not the unilateral political will of a small minority.
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#498131 - 02/17/06 04:02 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
We own Iraq. Not to make it sound simple, but if the media would leave, we would be in total control. You KNOW what I mean. In WW2 the Germans had control of almost the entire middle east. How? Because they were willing to kill everything.
i forgot the insurgency really only cared about the press. i am happy you also advocate us doing what the germans did in ww2! that's rich. x advocated the same thing. in some circles (oh wait, i mean ALL) they call that genocide.
You misunderstood my post, much like you misunderstand the news when you watch it. I was not calling for genocide. I was calling for a brutal crackdown. If we went on the offensive against these cowards the innocent would be caught in the middle. It would be sad, but necessary. Collateral damage happens and as far as I am concerned the insurgency brought it on.
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