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#587557 - 07/24/06 06:07 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven

I just think its no big deal. I don't want to fight about it. But, as far as I am concerned its a free market. If the station promotes that kind of behavior and you dont like it, then change it. Why do you think Sirus got Stern. He said stuff like that all the time about Shiavo.

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#587558 - 07/24/06 06:08 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
Mrs. Rizzo Offline
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Mrs. Rizzo
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I personally think an on air apology should be made and the DJ should be taken off air permanently with no chance of ever being broadcast again. I would most definitely call the station...I'm sure your call will not be the only one and the more the better.
Take responsibility for your life.

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#587559 - 07/24/06 06:08 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
Skittles Online
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There was a DJ in Louisville, KY that got fired a few years ago about making some derogatory comments about a TV personality he had dated.
My Opinions Only

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#587560 - 07/24/06 06:09 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven

There is something wrong about getting upset at everything, but even worse is a people who get upset at nothing.

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#587561 - 07/24/06 06:12 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
CRAatBOK Offline

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Further South than I wanna be.

I just think its no big deal. I don't want to fight about it. But, as far as I am concerned its a free market. If the station promotes that kind of behavior and you dont like it, then change it. Why do you think Sirus got Stern. He said stuff like that all the time about Shiavo.

However, if this is a station that he regularly listens to and there is never this kind of sick "humor" then how can he be expected to know to change the station. Once he's heard it then he has been exposed. Do we really want to teach our youth that it is ok to make fun of disable people?
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

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#587562 - 07/24/06 06:18 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to vent!
°X° Offline
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Get a life - who cares, it's a free country - right?

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#587563 - 07/24/06 06:19 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven

First Amendment, people. Complain if you like, change the channel, but don't think you can demand someone behave the way you want them to.

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#587564 - 07/24/06 06:22 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to vent!

KC, after reading Bimmers original post I do not see that. He did not state that people do not crack jokes or try to go over the line.

I can take two issues. If the manager does not like it then the kid is going to get in trouble.

But if the manager thiks its OK, well then, its a free country. The FCC has been pushing it a little bit too far as of late. I can't even watch my Stern on E anymore.

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#587565 - 07/24/06 06:22 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven

Bimmer- You aren't making a big deal of it. It is disrepectful and it is tasteless. People need to show some respect nowadays. Not everything is funny especially when it is disrespectful and tasteless. patrice

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#587566 - 07/24/06 06:23 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to vent!
blvsinangels Offline
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If this station normally does not broadcast this kind of crass humor and had a guest on that did, I would demand an apology from the station and the DJ. If I did not get a response I would hit them where it hurts, their pocket book, call their sponsers and advertisers and let them know you will not support their product if they are going to support a station that promotes or finds funny, the abuse of disabled persons. You are right to be outraged, who, if not you, will speak up for injustice. If you let things like this slide and then the next thing slide, before you know it you are at the bottom of the pit wondering what happened to the 'good ole days' when people respected one another.

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#587567 - 07/24/06 06:25 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to vent!

Does anyone watch Southpark? Probably not given the responses here. But a lot of people on here are acting like Kyle's mom. She gets in an uproar over everything.

What, What, What?

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#587568 - 07/24/06 06:29 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to vent!
MB Guy Offline
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Way, way south.
I understand free speech and all, but where is the line of decency?

Do we need to allow ALL denegrating of society? Why can't someone speak out when they feel that someone has gone over the line?

There needs to be people on both sides to achieve a balance.
Giddy up.

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#587569 - 07/24/06 06:30 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to vent!

"I don't want to sound like some whiney person with no sense of humor. I am never one to complain about anything, but as I said, this was wrong in so many different levels, that I can't let it go without saying something. "

If more people had your attitude, Bimmer, maybe the type of so-called humor that is becoming both more prevalent and more accepted, would stop.

Just because everybody does it is no excuse. And by the way, everybody DOESN'T do it as evidenced by the posts here today.


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#587570 - 07/24/06 06:32 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to vent!

I noticed that SP posted and attempted to tell me what was appropriate or inappropriate by using an incorrect abbreviation. Good job SP.

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#587571 - 07/24/06 06:32 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to vent!


"I don't want to sound like some whiney person with no sense of humor. I am never one to complain about anything, but as I said, this was wrong in so many different levels, that I can't let it go without saying something. "

If more people had your attitude, Bimmer, maybe the type of so-called humor that is becoming both more prevalent and more accepted, would stop.

Just because everybody does it is no excuse. And by the way, everybody DOESN'T do it as evidenced by the posts here today.


Yeah, it's sure shocking that a mostly conservative group of people don't like this type of humor. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean we have to banish it from society. Turn the channel.

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#587572 - 07/24/06 06:36 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to vent!
straw Offline
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I understand free speech and all, but where is the line of decency?

Do we need to allow ALL denegrating of society? Why can't someone speak out when they feel that someone has gone over the line?

There needs to be people on both sides to achieve a balance.

I don't think Bimmer is overreacting, as this was in extremely poor taste and not very funny. But I don't see this as an FCC issue. I don't want the government regulating what is good taste, politically correct, insulting, etc.

Call the station and complain and hope that management disciplines the employee. If they do not satisfy you, stop listening and encourage others to stop listening. If enough stop listening, station's management and programming will change soon enough.

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#587573 - 07/24/06 06:37 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to vent!
P*Q Offline

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Complain Bimmer, I would. There were 2 ex-local DJ's who were fired from one of the most popular radio stations in Boston a few years ago (Opie and Anthony ring a bell to anyone???) On April Fools Day, they spread an on air rumor that the Mayor of Boston has been killed. Created a big time controversy for a few hours. Needless to say, they were fired within a week I believe. Not in as bad taste as what Bimmer heard, but not cool regardless.

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#587574 - 07/24/06 06:38 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven


There is something wrong about getting upset at everything, but even worse is a people who get upset at nothing.

Well said. If you don't like something on radio or TV, call and complain. I would assume that direct communication is the best input that TV and radio has on what they broadcast. And they probably get very little of it. However, remember that the input they usually get is likely when someone doesn't like something. Just play fair, and if you particularly enjoy something, tell them about that too.

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#587575 - 07/24/06 06:40 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven



I understand free speech and all, but where is the line of decency?

Do we need to allow ALL denegrating of society? Why can't someone speak out when they feel that someone has gone over the line?

There needs to be people on both sides to achieve a balance.

I don't think Bimmer is overreacting, as this was in extremely poor taste and not very funny. But I don't see this as an FCC issue. I don't want the government regulating what is good taste, politically correct, insulting, etc.

Call the station and complain and hope that management disciplines the employee. If they do not satisfy you, stop listening and encourage others to stop listening. If enough stop listening, station's management and programming will change soon enough.

I don't think it is an FCC issue either, but the FCC does take public input when they review a stations renewal. I only said to mention it because it does get their attention.

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#587576 - 07/24/06 06:44 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to vent!
Smilzsomuch Offline
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Despite anyone's personal thoughts on this particular topic and what occurred, I am curious to know if everyone feels the same way I do about what I heard over the weekend.

This past Saturday evening, I was in my car and had on one of my favorite radio stations out of Orlando. Apparently they had one of their interns filling in for the normal radio personality in that time slot.

Now, I must first say that I am a very easy going person and can normally deal with someone trying to make light of a controversial issue, but I feel that this was way over the top and wrong on so many levels.

This intern on Saturday night thought that it would be funny to describe what it would be like for him to have "Hot, sweaty sex" with Terri Schaivo. Now I immediately reached over to change the station, but could not get to it before hearing what he thought would be the sounds out of Terri Schaivo, while performing this act.

I have no idea why he would even bring up Terri Schaivo at this point, but does anyone else think that this is just sick, or is it just me?

I know that some of you on here are quite immature and would find this funny, but I don't.

Thank you for letting me vent.

Someone should report the guy.
Ice Cream has no bones

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#587577 - 07/24/06 06:45 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven

This is how freedom of speech can get you killed.

Why don't you guys have the gall to joke about Muslim, Koran, or the Prophet - aren't they all game. You sickos only pick on those who can't defend themselves like the disabled and call it freedom of speech.

Pick on the muslims and find out what it feels like exercising your freedom of speech -

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#587578 - 07/24/06 06:48 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven

Again we get back to SouthPark. They tried to do an episode on Muhammed and the Koran and Comedy Central nixed the episode. Sad, Sad, Sad.

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#587579 - 07/24/06 06:50 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
Bimmer Offline
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This is not the type of humor that is normal on this particular radio station. If this is what I can expect from them now, I won't listen anymore.

This is something that I would expect to hear from Stern, which is why I never listened to Stern.
My silence doesn't mean that I agree with you. It's just that your level of ignorance has rendered me speechless.

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#587580 - 07/24/06 06:51 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
HappyGilmore Offline
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Does anyone watch Southpark? Probably not given the responses here. But a lot of people on here are acting like Kyle's mom. She gets in an uproar over everything.

Love that anaology, using a cartoon to compare to real world. As far as Opie and Anthony, they do things that get them national coverage (anyone remember sex in St Patrick's Cathedral in NYC?).

While joking about Terry Schaivo is definitely in poor taste (considering she was brain dead and now deceased), I wonder how many think it would be in poor taste if it was about Brittney Spears or Pamela Anderson, who are both alive, and rather prone to...
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#587581 - 07/24/06 06:59 PM Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to vent!
GuitarDude Offline
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Get a life - who cares, it's a free country - right?

I agree, it IS a free country. BUT it is also an inconsistent country. Whenever a person makes a public derogatory comment about race, gender, or sexual preference, whether as a joke or not, they usually lose their job and/or are forced to make a public apology. Why not apply the same standard here?

On that note, I also agree with most that this "joke" was completely out of line.
I've just writed a wrong.

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