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#633505 - 11/07/06 08:12 PM Re: Crystal Ball 2006: THE PREDICTIONS
Non Ron anon Offline
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how do you know who is right when it comes to the situation in Iraq?

It is a matter of opinion and of view point, don't you agree?

They didn't ask about anything as general as "the situation in Iraq", they asked about three very specific facts: Whether evidence of links between Iraq and al Qaeda have been found, whether weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq, and whether world public opinion favored the US going to war with Iraq.

No links between Iraq and al Qaeda have been found, as confirmed by the recent report of the Senate Intelligence Commitee Senate Intelligence Committee , even Bush admits that WMDs were not found, and the opposition of world opinion can be easily shown by the polls that were taken at the time.

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#633506 - 11/07/06 08:22 PM Re: Crystal Ball 2006: THE PREDICTIONS
Sound Tactic Offline
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Sound Tactic
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NRA (Ted) I once saw a report that claimed that every news agency was using the terms liberal and conservative. It found, that with the exception of Fox news the term conservative was used negatively over 70% of the time. The same report claimed that Fox did not use the term Liberal as a negative term. I don't remember the source and it could be bias. But I remember thinking it was pretty clean at the time.

My predictions: Republicans retain control in all. Why do I think this? I am basing my assumptions on the 2004 elections. In 2004 the media told me that Kerry was so far ahead that a Republican should not even go out and vote. I think the swing was about 15% off.

Was the media attempting to influence the elections? I don't know. I am one of those that thinks the media will go after everything. However, I did just read a report of the editor for the LA Times who claimed he was bias and did try to influence attitudes toward the Democrats. I am not going to try and find this source, but I heard it from BOR (yes I know everyone hates him).

I only know the issues of my area, and don't pretend to know every issue with every candidate. But I think its amazing that since Bush has been in office the R's have controlled the House, Senate, Govoners, President and now IMO the Supreme Court.

I also am in total agreement with J. Many of you seem to not know the issues of your officials and just vote the party line. Good Job America. And you wonder why we have people who live here like ......... i'll stop now.
If your tagline references disclaimers regarding the nature of political posts, then you should just hit notify.

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#633507 - 11/07/06 09:44 PM Re: Crystal Ball 2006: THE PREDICTIONS
Hated By Some Offline
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Somewhere vanilla

The same report claimed that Fox did not use the term Liberal as a negative term.


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#633508 - 11/07/06 09:56 PM Re: Crystal Ball 2006: THE PREDICTIONS
pjs Offline
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say goodnite folks.

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#633509 - 11/07/06 09:58 PM Re: Crystal Ball 2006: THE PREDICTIONS
Becka Marr Offline
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Becka Marr
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Many of you seem to not know the issues of your officials and just vote the party line. Good Job America. And you wonder why we have people who live here like ......... i'll stop now.

I had an argument with my mom the other night about just voting the party line. There was one local race in particular that was so ugly (nothing but attack ads on both sides) that neither candidate ever made themselves clear where they stood on the issues. Even the debate between them showed very little substance, and the review of the debate had nothing to focus on except the mudslinging. Fortunately, I'm in a different district and they weren't on my ballot.
To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. ~Elbert Hubbard

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#633510 - 11/08/06 05:37 PM Re: Crystal Ball 2006: THE PREDICTIONS
Clown Boy Offline
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here and there

You heard it first here - I've already voted and as I go so goes the country - republicans retain control of both houses, losing no seats in either house.

Sanity has prevailed. God Bless America!

I could make a joke here, but the republicans have made me laugh enough already today.
I am the ringmaster of my domain!

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