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#483653 - 08/14/06 09:05 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
waldensouth Offline
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Dawnie, wonderful to hear from you! So sorry you don't have a diagnosis to hang your hat on yet, but at least they've ruled out the bad stuff! Please know that you're not forgotten here. We all think of you and pray for you and yours. Take care and stay strong. (((HUGS!)))
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#483654 - 08/14/06 09:05 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
CubDave Offline
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Dawnie - keep focusing on getting that little one healthy; it'll all payoff and then you will be rewarded down the road in spades! Plus, maybe eventually you can get back to BOL Land and talk wine - there is no one else here to suggest freakishly unheard of "sit-by-the-fire/warm your coggles" beverages!

All my best.

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#483655 - 08/14/06 10:51 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
wavewatcher Offline
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Dawnie - so good to hear from you. Everyday is a new day - something good happens (even when something bad happens). You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

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#483656 - 08/15/06 02:59 AM Re: update on Dawnie and ElJay
Citrus Offline
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Hi Dawnie - it's good to hear from you and get an update on ElJay. We're here by your side and praying for the best outcome. I wish you continued strength.

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#483657 - 08/15/06 02:28 PM Re: update on Dawnie and ElJay

I just need a temporary mom. . . I have an extremely bad ear infection and no insurance for another week. Is there any over the counter medicine you might have tried before that works well for ear infections . . .

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#483658 - 08/15/06 02:38 PM Re: update on Dawnie and ElJay
Retired DQ Offline
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There is an OTC for ear infection pain... call the drugstore; I am sure they will remember the name of it.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#483659 - 08/15/06 03:10 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208


Hey, can I get an honorary membership? Of course, I'm not a woman, and no I haven't had to care for an extremely sick child, but caring for an extremely sick wife is no cup of roses either, ya know.

Or a parent, grandparent, etc.

I haven't seen an update on Lynn lately. How is she doing?

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#483660 - 08/15/06 04:04 PM Dawnie
Ice Man Offline
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I'm also so glad you posted. I think of you and your family constantly and contiue to keep you'all in my prayers.

Best wishes and continue to take good care of yourself, your husband, and the little man, Eljay. He is truly blessed to have such a wonderful mother like you.

Your friendly, neighborhood, BOL User

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#483661 - 08/15/06 04:15 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
Nanwa Offline
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Clintonville, WI, USA
Dawnie, it is good to hear from you. Prayers are coming your way from Wisconsin. I understand your frustration; doctors aren't gods and they are just giving an educated guess sometimes at what is wrong. That's why they have to continue to "practice", rather than have a doctor "business". Man, but you would think, with all the technology they have to use these days, they could figure this out.

Hang in there, Hon!
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#483662 - 08/15/06 08:21 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
LoisLane Offline
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Thanks for letting us know about EJ's progress. Hopefully, each time you post, you will be telling us he's doing better and better. Lois
And where is Superman when I need him?

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#483663 - 08/19/06 02:33 AM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
Glo Offline
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Dawnie, I am so happy to hear that you and your family may be getting some much needed rest and that your little guy is crawling. I am hoping and praying that he just keeps getting better and better. I also pray that the doctors will find an actual diagnosis to finally treat it correctly and successfully. You are always on my mind and my prayers.

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#483664 - 09/01/06 05:58 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
E.E.G.B Offline
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Chica, I think of you often. Hugs going out to y'all.

Jim, I think of y'all too!! Please give Lynn a gentle hug for me.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#483665 - 09/13/06 05:28 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
someone else Offline
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Anyone heard from Dawnie lately? I have been thinking about her and her little guy. I'm looking for an update.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. - Carl Sagan

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#483666 - 09/21/06 02:11 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
Dawniemous Offline
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Hello All,

I've been in hiding again because things went downhill with our little Jesse. We've been doing not much more than surviving (I have to choose...internet or sleep...sleep normally wins).

Anyhoo, I'd like to ask for another prayer from ya'll. Jesse is in hospital (Cincinnati Childrens) and having surgery today to hopefully help us find a diagnosis. Can you keep him in your thoughts? If all goes well, we may find the answer by next week and be able to move on with life in a better manner than we have been.

He's being evaluated for Eosiniphic Disorders (I know I killed that spelling!) By the top guy in the nation. We hold high hopes that this will finally be the answer!

If anyone wants to pop out a note to him you can at (there is apparently a link that you can send a note) and we'll add it to the baby book...if I ever make one

He's in room B545 (Jesse Mohrbacher). I do think of ya'll constantly, and miss you!!! Take care!!!


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#483667 - 09/21/06 02:12 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
P*Q Offline

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Dawnie, praying very strongly for you that you finally find a diagnosis. I think of you and your family often. Your BOL family is behind you, thanks for the update.

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#483668 - 09/21/06 02:30 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
Snowqueen Offline
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dreaming of a warm beach......
I think this may be what she means....thanks google!!

What Is an Eosinophilic Disorder?

This bone marrow is literally packed with virtually only eosinophils. This appearance is characteristic of hypereosinophilic syndrome.

Eosinophilic disorders occur when eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, are found in above-normal amounts in various parts of the body.

When the body wants to attack a substance, such as an allergy-triggering food or airborne allergen, eosinophils respond by moving into the area and releasing a variety of toxins. However, when the body produces too many eosinophils, they can cause chronic inflammation, resulting in tissue damage.

These rare diseases are diagnosed according to where the elevated levels of eosinophils are found:

Eosinophilic esophagitis (esophagus)
Eosinophilic gastritis (stomach)
Eosinophilic enteritis (small intestine)
Eosinophilic colitis (large intestine)
Hypereosinophilic syndrome (blood and any organ)

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#483669 - 09/21/06 02:34 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
someone else Offline
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Oh Dawnie - I am so sorry to hear the frustration in your voice. I was really hoping that no news was good news. You and your boy will be in my heart and thoughts.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. - Carl Sagan

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#483670 - 09/21/06 02:31 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
gone Offline
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I just sent my card Dawnie.
I'm sending your way prayers, good mojo, best wishes, and whatever else I can do for you. I think of you and little Jesse often. He will get better.

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#483671 - 09/21/06 02:59 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
Patsy Cline Offline
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Dawnie - Jesse, you and your husband are in my prayers.
Michelle CRCM

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" ~ unknown

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#483672 - 09/21/06 03:11 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
TTC Queen Offline
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You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Blessed are the cracked, for it is they who let in the light. (Boy is it bright around me!)

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#483673 - 09/21/06 03:07 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
Truffle Royale Offline

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Dang. First the Bear and now Jesse.

If you can, please let us know how the tests turn out.

You all are always in my heart and pop up in my mind regularly. And I'll ramp up those prayers for healing for Jesse and strength for you and Big J, Dawnie.


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#483674 - 09/21/06 03:11 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
Okie Dokie Offline
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Dawnie, I just said another prayer for you and little Jesse and I'm headed over to send a card. Please let us know how the tests turn out.
Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown

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#483675 - 09/21/06 03:29 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
Nanwa Offline
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Clintonville, WI, USA
Jesse is in my thoughts and prayers, as are you and your family, Dawnie. I hate doctors; I want them to be all-knowing and all-seeing, but they're not, they're only people like us. Well educated people, trying their best.
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#483676 - 09/21/06 03:29 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
Countess Kiwi Offline
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The little guy has been in my thoughts a lot lately. Praying that you find an answer soon and that Jesse is better real soon.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
~Theodore Roosevelt~

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#483677 - 09/21/06 04:02 PM Re: Word count on "Pray" = 208
cheekEE Offline
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I second Kiwi. I have been thinking about him too. I really hope that a diagnosis comes out of this hospital visit.

You are in my prayers.
Some days good karma isn't worth the hassle.

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