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#483453 - 02/24/06 03:52 AM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
Countess Kiwi Offline
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Prayers from Idaho...soon to be MN. I still have some little boy stuff and would be more than willing to help you out when you are at Children's.

Princess will know our information as soon as it is determined and it is a small drive to Mpls from where we will be. If you need a place to stay...we will make some room for you and the family.

Take care of yourself and we are all thinking of and praying for ElJay and his parents.
Last edited by Countess Kiwi; 02/24/06 03:54 AM.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
~Theodore Roosevelt~

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#483454 - 02/24/06 01:27 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
P*Q Offline

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Dawnie, prayers are with you always. So sorry you have to go through this, my heart goes out to you. I wish I could help but I'm on the East Coast but the BOL folks are fantastic, always helping when needed, whether it's to offer a prayer or positive thought or to actually babysit so you can rest.

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#483455 - 02/24/06 01:56 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
Rie A Offline
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Rie A
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Prayers from the East Coast.

I only wish I was closer to offer babysitting so you could sleep.
God made the world in only 7 days... but he didn't have any paperwork.

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#483456 - 02/24/06 02:03 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
gone Offline
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Dawnie, I will continue praying for Eljay, you and Jesse.
He is such a little fighter, just like his momma.

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#483457 - 02/24/06 02:23 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
Okie Dokie Offline
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Okie Dokie
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My prayers continue for you and little Eljay too.
Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown

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#483458 - 02/24/06 03:25 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
Angel Eyes Offline
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Angel Eyes
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I am in WI, and am also willing to help in any way I can. Take care and best of luck with everything. Of course we will continue to pray for Eljay and his family.

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#483459 - 02/24/06 03:40 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
Beagles22 Offline
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State of confusion
In Wisconsin as well and prayers are right with you. There is power in numbers and you certainly have that!! Any help we can give, just let us know.
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.

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#483460 - 02/24/06 04:42 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06

All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

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#483461 - 02/24/06 05:13 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
SMQ, CRCM Offline
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Between the lines
Dawnie, Mississippi is checking in with lots and lots of prayers for all of you. Keep us posted.
NOLA is my Beach!

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#483462 - 02/24/06 05:21 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
Retired DQ Offline
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Turnpike Exit 10
NJ here, with hopes and thoughts that your baby is diagnosed and cured quickly. Hang in there.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#483463 - 02/24/06 05:42 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
BBoyd Offline
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Prayers from Michigan as well. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight." (Prov. 3:5) We don't always understand the whys of situations like this, but I do know that God is in control. May He continue to hold you in the palm of His hand and guide the doctors - and you - in your decisions.
Opinions are mine and never to be taken as legal advice!

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#483464 - 02/24/06 05:59 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
cheekEE Offline
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Easy Street
I hope that you find an answer on this trip. I think about you guys often. I wish there was somthing I could do for you.
Some days good karma isn't worth the hassle.

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#483465 - 02/24/06 07:44 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
TTC Queen Offline
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More prayers from Oklahoma.
Blessed are the cracked, for it is they who let in the light. (Boy is it bright around me!)

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#483466 - 02/24/06 09:04 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
CubDave Offline
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It's certainly time for you to get some good breaks Dawnie - I hope that the great state of Minnesota brings you some comfort.

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#483467 - 02/24/06 10:43 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
CRAatBOK Offline

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Further South than I wanna be.
Dawnie, I think of you guys often. I hope you get your answers soon, not knowing is the hardest part. Hang in there and know we are all pulling for you.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

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#483468 - 02/25/06 02:38 AM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
E.E.G.B Offline
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the sandy shore
Dawnie, if you end up coming to TX for any reason, give me a call. I think of y'all often and send you many prayers and good wishes.

Ryan's not *quite* 20 pounds, thank you very much. He's about 14.5, as of Monday. But has bronchiolitis. At least I've been through this one before so I know how to treat it. (With medical advice and dr's visits, of course.)
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#483469 - 02/27/06 06:12 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
Cat Woman Offline
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Prayers coming from MA.... Stay strong!

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#483470 - 02/27/06 06:17 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
Skittles Offline
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Dawnie - you and your family are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Even though I'm not on BOL much any more, I think of you often. Take care of yourself and your family.
My Opinions Only

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#483471 - 02/27/06 08:36 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
deppfan Offline
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All over the map.
Hang in there sweetie. If you end up in Oklahoma for any reason (though I can't imagine why....) please let me know how I can help. For now, know you have my thoughts and prayers!
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#483472 - 02/28/06 02:46 PM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
QCL Offline
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I'm still praying here in IL. I hope and pray for safe travels for you and for you to get the answers you need.

If you need ANYTHING - even if it's just to vent - my email is on the bear's webpage. Much love to you all!!!

BTW - one of my little liver buddies (from the same hospital in Chicago) is making the move to Alaska!!

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#483473 - 03/02/06 02:09 AM Re: Eljay & Dawnie update - 2/23/06
Princess Romeo Offline

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Where the heart is
Dawnie - prayers continue from California. Stay strong and well for you and your little one.
Regulations are a poor substitute for ethics.
Just sayin'

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#483474 - 03/07/06 03:07 PM Re: Hello and a small request
Bankerette Offline
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South of Canadian Border


My grandson (9 months old now) was diagnosed with hydrocephalus (water head) when he was 6 weeks old. He did not sleep and he didn't eat much. Thank God they had a wonderful doctor, who measured his head weekly. Those are 3 of the signs of a hydrocephalus baby. At 6 weeks, she referred him to a Neurousurgeon at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, TN. He is the best in the country for this type of surgery. Bryce had 3 surgeries by the time he was 3 months old, but he is now a happy, intellegent "chubby monkey". He'll need brain surgeries throughout his life to replace the shunt they implanted to releive the fluid from his brain. A friend of mine "Joey's Mom" asked that I fill you in on Bryce and his illness as there were some similarities between your precious son and my precious grandson.

Please know prayers are going out for your son and your family continually from Michigan. Take Care

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#483475 - 03/12/06 04:58 AM Re: Hello and a small request
Glo Offline
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Oh Dawnie....THAT'S why I haven't seen you online lately. I am so sorry to hear about your little boy. I pray, pray, pray so hard that he will get better really soon. You take care and be strong for him. I know you can! Keep us posted on his condition.

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#483476 - 03/24/06 03:41 PM Re: Hello and a small request
slick Offline
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somewhere out there
Just wondering how the little guy was doing.....has anyone heard from Dawnie???
it ain't over til it's over...

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#483477 - 03/24/06 05:19 PM Re: Hello and a small request
Truffle Royale Offline

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Slick, I emailed Dawnie after her 2/23 post but have not heard anything back yet. I'll try again this weekend...and keep praying that no news is good news.

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