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#688982 - 02/16/07 11:06 PM
BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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New York City
I set the league up on yahoo. The League ID# is 27029. The password is bol. I hope to get at least 10 people to join, otherwise, no real point in doing it. We can also make changes to league settings once enough people joining if warranted.
"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#689080 - 02/18/07 06:39 AM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#689399 - 02/20/07 03:25 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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Good. I will check the league again today to see if any one else joined.
"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#689476 - 02/20/07 04:20 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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3 people in so far. Still a long way to go.
"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#689644 - 02/20/07 06:31 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
10K Club
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I'm in, fear the Skinny Microphones!
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#689777 - 02/20/07 07:40 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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I'm in, fear the Skinny Microphones! Best team name yet.
"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#689826 - 02/20/07 08:11 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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Tiger's Den!
I'm in
The last thing that blew my mind was the wind.
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#689980 - 02/20/07 09:48 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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Half way there. please take a look at the draft date and time and let me know if it is acceptable to everyone.
"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#690227 - 02/21/07 02:52 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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Draft Date is March 10th, lets recruit some people.
"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#690385 - 02/21/07 04:35 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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I just hope we get enough people to have a draft, lol.
"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#690998 - 02/22/07 01:21 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#691511 - 02/22/07 08:05 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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Yeah, the league isnt worth doing w/o 10 people. I hope we get some more people in here.
"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#691667 - 02/22/07 09:39 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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Tiger's Den!
being an avid baseball fan since I started to understand the game (about the time I have cognizant memory), I look forward to this...I hope enough teams are formed!
The last thing that blew my mind was the wind.
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#691974 - 02/23/07 02:32 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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do people think there's realy a lot of work involved? if we do roto, you need basically 15-20min/week. and non-favorite-team tv games are actually watchable if you have a guy playing. Thank you Ron. This will be fun a league assuming it fills up and stays active all year. You guys will have a great time battling it out for second place. 
"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#691994 - 02/23/07 02:40 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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New York City
I just checked, 7 teams now. Getting close.
"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#692036 - 02/23/07 03:07 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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10K Club
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do people think there's realy a lot of work involved? if we do roto, you need basically 15-20min/week. and non-favorite-team tv games are actually watchable if you have a guy playing. HA! You think I need 15-20 minutes to beat you. I'll need less time than it takes to eat a bag of pork rinds.
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#692639 - 02/23/07 08:51 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#692649 - 02/23/07 08:57 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
Diamond Poster
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I've never been in a fantasy league of any kind before, so I'm sure I'll get my butt kicked. I'll try to remember to sign up this weekend at home.
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#692655 - 02/23/07 09:02 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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New York City
Its for fun 12. Nothing more, nothing less. Yahoo,a long with MSN and fox sports, all have a number of articles on how to do a fantasy baseball draft.
All I care about is whopping my man Ron Mexico all over the internet.
"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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#692657 - 02/23/07 09:04 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
10K Club
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Somewhere vanilla
#12, don't worry about getting your butt kicked. if you know baseball at all you will be fine. the only people who get their butts kicked are the ones who stop following their team after the season starts. (although, i will kick everyones' butt but my comment is meant for those in the "race for second place"  )
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#692663 - 02/23/07 09:07 PM
Re: BOL Fantasy Baseball- League is up and running
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"100 victories in 100 battles isnt the most skillful. Subduing the other's military w/o battle is the most skillful." Sun-Tzu
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