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#985070 - 06/30/08 05:55 PM
Re: A Question....
Miss Chee
10K Club
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 40,766
Turnpike Exit 10
turkey and anything... makes me sleepy
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
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#985071 - 06/30/08 05:55 PM
Re: A Question....
Miss Chee
10K Club
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 40,766
Turnpike Exit 10
turkey and anything... makes me sleepy
What's your worst lunch?
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
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#985124 - 06/30/08 06:22 PM
Re: A Question....
Retired DQ
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Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 10,596
The psych ward
Semi-putrid pastrami sandwich. I thought it kinda smelled funky, but I was really hungry. Bad idea!
Did anyone get sunburned this weekend?
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.
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#985171 - 06/30/08 06:54 PM
Re: A Question....
Pale Rider
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 18,789
And your question would be........??????? (some people!)
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#985186 - 06/30/08 07:15 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 34,318
under the Lone Star
a question, oh yeah - hope Baconbutt didn't see my slip!
so how does one get lougin' and rowdy simultaneously? I just need to know for future reference--------------
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#985223 - 06/30/08 07:44 PM
Re: A Question....
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,558
my eyes went over this WAY too fast - thought it was getting BUSTIER!  well in any case - high five, excess!
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#985247 - 06/30/08 08:04 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
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Posts: 34,318
under the Lone Star
It's a drink...silly! Tried one for the first time this weekend...yummy.
How's the softball coaching comin' along? What's your win/loss record? ancestors on my father's side are white Russians, also known as Volga Russians, which are in fact Germans invited to tame the wild frontier by Katherine the Great..... this has nothing to do with an alcoholic beverage, but it is your history lesson of the day!!! so what is in a white russian, just in case I want to toast my ancestors?
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#985252 - 06/30/08 08:12 PM
Re: A Question....
Pale Rider
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 18,789
I believe it's Kahlua, Vodka, half-and-half (or milk).
Doesn't that sound yummy?
(btw...Bailey...don't think I didn't notice that you didn't play by the rules of this thread!) 
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#985255 - 06/30/08 08:15 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 34,318
under the Lone Star
gosh, that Ms. B is such a stickler for the rules, she is so uptight !!!!
who thinks Ms. B needs to show a more libertine attitude around here?
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#985259 - 06/30/08 08:19 PM
Re: A Question....
Pale Rider
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Joined: Jun 2006
Posts: 14,141
In the Snow :)
I think she does just fine PR; just fine as it is; now don't go encouraging her.
Anyone think we should call in the Mods on PR for encouraging Ms.B to get rowdier?
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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#985261 - 06/30/08 08:21 PM
Re: A Question....
Pale Rider
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Stuck w/Avatar
a question, oh yeah - hope Baconbutt didn't see my slip! Tisk, tisk. I suppose I should let this slide, since we are approaching a holiday. But I'm not that kind of person. So, in the interest of being a mucky-muck, I'll post the BB Rules of the Question Thread: Answer a question. Ask a question. Now, that's not too hard to remember, is it?
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#985267 - 06/30/08 08:28 PM
Re: A Question....
Power Poster
Joined: May 2007
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Basking in the Cool Weather
Not really....
Wouldnt it be sooooo funny to quote random and obsucre movies all day long?
I'll be in the hospital bar. Uh, you know there isn't a hospital bar, Mother. Well, this is why people hate hospitals.
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#985320 - 06/30/08 09:19 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 34,318
under the Lone Star
Patrice could have done that, she is fierce ya know?
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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