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#90693 - 06/24/03 01:37 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?

Lucy Griffin at the ABA Compliance school in Okla.
Lucy Griffin at many Michigan Banker Assoc. seminars

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#90694 - 06/24/03 02:11 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
NotALawyer Offline
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Andy Z. was a speaker at a banker's compliance conference in Utah a coule years back. Great presentation, btw. It was the ONLY presentation that pulled in video clips..and he didn't even get out of PowerPoint. Signed on the next day!

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#90695 - 06/24/03 02:13 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
AnnRoy Offline
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Found this awesome site over 2 1/2 yrs. ago on a MSN search for "banking" or some related topic.

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#90696 - 06/24/03 02:18 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
homestar Offline
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BOL? What's BOL?
"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." ~ Oscar Wilde

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#90697 - 06/24/03 02:32 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Happy Birthday downstown Offline
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I discovered BOL ( from a reference on the MoneyPage forums.

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#90698 - 06/24/03 02:36 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Pale Rider Offline
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under the Lone Star
The monthly newsletter ComplianceAlert
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.

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#90699 - 06/24/03 02:38 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Mr. Clean Offline
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From a co-worker. I've since passed it on to all my employees !!
May you be in Heaven a half hour before the Devil knows you're gone!!

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#90700 - 06/24/03 02:41 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?

I defected from BAI's Online Exchange, after some BOL chatter there.


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#90701 - 06/24/03 02:45 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?

Heard about Bankers Hotline from a banker friend and I think I read about (I think that was the name)...from there came BankersOnline. Have been hooked since.
Can't get my day started without tunning in. My best resource.

PS Can someone tell me how to change my code name so I can log on as a registered member.
Can't log on with my registered name and have not been able to fix the problem.

Thanks BOL for making my job a little bit easier.

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#90702 - 06/24/03 02:49 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Andy_Z Offline
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If you have registered and there seems to be an error, try inquiring via e-mail to She is the Ph.D of BOL.
My opinions are not necessarily my employers.
Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell

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#90703 - 06/24/03 02:52 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
RVFlyboy Offline
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Eight people registered the next day. In order of registration, they were:

Andy Z
Al Miller
William J. Ludwig
John Burnett
Tonya Schomaker

How does this square up with the user numbers? Here is the list of users outside of BOL staff in user # order:

Richard Insley - 14
Tonya Schomaker - 15
SusanB - 16
John Burnett - 17
Andy Z - 18
MagicBanker - 19
William J. Ludwig - 20
Bartman - 21
Al Miller - 22

Wouldn't that have also been the registration order?
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP
My posts - my opinions

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#90704 - 06/24/03 03:03 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
zaibatsu Offline
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Marybeth--I can't remember how I heard about it, but I remember talking to you after you left and you told me you had a group of people and were going to do something, but weren't sure what it would be. I assumed you were just playing it close to the chest--I bet you knew exactly what you were going to do! Anyway, I registered early; then registered again under a new name. I remember you asking me how I thought you could get the word out, way back when. Of course, I recommended that you pay me lots of money and I will go from bank to bank dressed up as BOL-MAN, but I did not fit the costume.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#90705 - 06/24/03 03:06 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Andy_Z Offline
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With a mug like yours "Z", that could be a good thing for the success of BOL. (kidding, kidding)
My opinions are not necessarily my employers.
Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell

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#90706 - 06/24/03 03:18 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
GenerousLife Offline
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Heard about it from Mary Beth Guard at an Oklahoma Bankers Association seminar.
"No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking." ~ Voltaire
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#90707 - 06/24/03 03:21 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
111 Offline
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Google search.

I suggest that you turn this question into a forum as to what you should consider doing to expand the reach of BOL. Perhaps the posting group has some good ideas.

I recommend more attention to the use of search engines, e.g. for example: if you key in Bank Compliance at Google, BOL does not come up on the first page - BOL is listed on the second page at #10; if you key in Bank Human Resources - BOL is nowhere to be found! Therefore, if you have interest in "posters" and "customers" that may have an interest in Compliance, but possibly at it relates to HR - you need to firm up that need by re-positioning BOL on the search engines.

The bottomline is that it all depends on the goals of BOL. By the way, what are the goals? Are you looking to sign up all bankers or just Compliance people? You have a lot of posters that would be willing to assist you with those goals as payment for bringing together BOL. Use that resource.

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#90708 - 06/24/03 03:22 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Kansayaku Offline
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Ditto ABA Compliance School.

Me 3 (or I think maybe 4).

It looks like they are definitely teaching us something at compliance school. jj
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#90709 - 06/24/03 03:22 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Dave M_TCA Offline
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Dave M_TCA
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Member #28 reporting in that I heard it from Andy Z & Moneypage and have been grateful ever since.
David J Mulkerin, CRCM
All opinions expressed are mine and not those of my employer and are not to be taken as legal advice.

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#90710 - 06/24/03 04:04 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
BankerMama Offline
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I was just recently trying to remember and cannot, however, I have recommended BOL to many others after having the good fortune to stumble upon it.

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#90711 - 06/24/03 04:20 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
IUalum Offline
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Jack Holzknecht
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#90712 - 06/24/03 04:26 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?

Google search for some regulation-can't remember which. Came up with the Alphabet soup section.
I've since talked it up with several co-workers.
Made a few converts

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#90713 - 06/24/03 04:31 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Retired DQ Offline
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I know who #1 is! I know who #1 is! Actually I just stumbled across it by accident!
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#90714 - 06/24/03 04:33 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Rubaiyat Offline
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Lido Deck
I have told so many people here at my bank about BOL that there are now many co-workers of mine from Ops, the branches, legal counsel, etc., who are all using BOL. It makes me think a bit more than I used to when I make a post knowing that many of my co-workers are reading this too!
--A bad day at sea is better than a good day at work.

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#90715 - 06/24/03 04:41 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
LiL Bit Moore Offline
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LiL Bit Moore
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A previous co-worker provided me with several articles on various topics researched using BOL. When I was hired to implement the audit department for this institution, I had to rebuild many resources fairly quickly from scratch. I remembered BOL from those articles and found many valuable links, q&a's, and posters, that have allowed me to accumulate reference material in a short time period at vitually no cost! Thanks for all of the assistance!

Have you thought about a one time mailing of sample articles to different entities that could benefit from or provide info to BOL? Or have you already done that??
An error is not a mistake until you refuse to correct it

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#90716 - 06/24/03 04:58 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
zaibatsu Offline
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I would assume the reason to expand the number of users is to make more money to keep this valuable resource going. It seems to me that somehow you need more visibility with the folks who hold the purse strings, i.e., CEOs, Presidents, EVPs. We all know that the compliance officer is the most important person in the bank, but he/she does not always have $$ at his or her disposal and if his/her CEO/President does not know about BOL, he may be reluctant to send his employee to a BOL seminar. He may opt for an organization he knows. Thanks.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#90717 - 06/24/03 05:01 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Princess of Power Offline
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Compliance Action

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