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#90668 - 06/23/03 08:15 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
JSD Offline
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Compliance Action Newsletter and Banker's Hotline.

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#90669 - 06/23/03 08:22 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?

It was either from yahoo or a link on another compliance related website.

Thanks Mary Beth!

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#90670 - 06/23/03 08:55 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
QCL Offline
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A google search 2 years ago led me here!

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#90671 - 06/23/03 09:03 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Bear Collector, CRCM Offline
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I had been a "Lucy groupie" since she came here to speak to our bank in 1997 about the FCRA changes. My (then) boss was a big fan as well, and got me hooked on Compliance Action. One day I had a question that no one could answer, so I called Compliance Action magazine to see if there was any way I could speak with Lucy directly. That was in November of 2000 - the magazine staff told me about this site and the rest,as they say, is history!
Being kind is more important than being important.

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#90672 - 06/23/03 09:05 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
RGS Offline
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Home of the 8 time NCAA Champ ...

Ditto ABA Compliance School.

Me 3 (or I think maybe 4).
Last edited by RGS; 06/23/03 09:07 PM.
Kentucky basketball isn't a matter of life and death, it's much more important than that.

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#90673 - 06/23/03 09:13 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Walleye Woman Offline
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Bankers Hotline - the print version.
Marilyn, CRCM

I'd rather be fishing.

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#90674 - 06/23/03 09:25 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?

Banker's hotline, and I was a fan of

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#90675 - 06/23/03 09:30 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
MaryH Offline
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#90676 - 06/23/03 09:34 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Richard Insley Offline
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Richard Insley
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From you...before BOL went "public." I am user #14.
...gone fishing.

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#90677 - 06/23/03 09:37 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Lestie G Offline

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From an OCC examiner. Then from a co-worker who forwarded a news brief to me.
Opinions my own.

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#90678 - 06/23/03 09:38 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
D C Offline
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NRCC Washington DC June 2001 -- Andy Z "Compliance E-Tools"

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#90679 - 06/23/03 09:45 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Andy_Z Offline
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From you...before BOL went "public." I am user #14.

I was a late-bloomer being all the way back at #19. MBG is #10. Michele Petry is #2 and I assume she flipped the switch on the server.

Not to get off-topic, but who is #1?
My opinions are not necessarily my employers.
Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell

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#90680 - 06/23/03 09:54 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Kara S Offline
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From you...before BOL went "public." I am user #14.

I was a late-bloomer being all the way back at #19. MBG is #10. Michele Petry is #2 and I assume she flipped the switch on the server.

Not to get off-topic, but who is #1?

Didn't we try to figure this out in a different thread? I don't think we ever did figure it out!
My opinions are not to be construed as legal advice.

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#90681 - 06/23/03 09:56 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?

We did try and never did find out. Good memory.

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#90682 - 06/23/03 10:03 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Andy_Z Offline
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I think someone has the answer. They want to post it for number 100,000.
My opinions are not necessarily my employers.
Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell

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#90683 - 06/23/03 10:04 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?


Not to get off-topic, but who is #1?

The user name is what was registered first. There are several other BOL staff and admin registrations.

The very first "outsider" registration, according to the Admin stats is Richard Insley. He registered on 10/26/00 -- the day the site launched.

Eight people registered the next day. In order of registration, they were:

Andy Z
Al Miller
William J. Ludwig
John Burnett
Tonya Schomaker

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#90684 - 06/23/03 10:05 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
gone Offline
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Lestie G.

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#90685 - 06/23/03 10:11 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
SMQ, CRCM Offline
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I wish I could remember. (CRS is acting up.) I can tell you though that it is one of my top 5 resources. I hear about BOL at every conference, users meeting, seminar, etc. that I attend.

BTW, MB they handed out a copy of our 314, 326, etc. Cheat Sheet at a meeting a couple of weeks ago. You would have loved hearing the participants there, "Oh, good, I aways get these confused", "Great someone did this for us!" etc.
NOLA is my Beach!

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#90686 - 06/23/03 10:19 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
SMQ, CRCM Offline
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Between the lines

I was a late-bloomer being all the way back at #19.

Andy, I guess somebody left, you're #18. But what I don't understand is this from MB

The very first "outsider" registration, according to the Admin stats is Richard Insley. He registered on 10/26/00 -- the day the site launched.

Eight people registered the next day. In order of registration, they were: Andy Z

Richard is #14 and Andy's next, but he' #18 -----or was #19 we're not sure.
NOLA is my Beach!

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#90687 - 06/23/03 11:55 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
cbinder63 Offline

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Barb Hurst at a BSA Seminar in Denver.
Opinions expressed are my own.

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#90688 - 06/24/03 03:54 AM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Bob McComas Offline
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Bob McComas
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From Gib Blackman, editor of

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#90689 - 06/24/03 11:43 AM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
DebNP Offline
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Well said MagicBanker. I too followed the to Privacy Head. to BOL path. Mary Beth has done an excellent job with BOL, and I have to think that some of that past experience built the foundation. When I first looked at my purpose was as a learning tool for me. And now looking at BOL, that hasn't changed, almost every day I learn something - even if it is only a sense of what others are doing. It's great!

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#90690 - 06/24/03 12:42 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
AnonRegulator Offline
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NRCC Washington DC June 2001 -- Andy Z "Compliance E-Tools"

This is where I, too, learned of BOL. And I noticed that from that date forward, the traffic on The MoneyPage Forum really tailed off with it eventually becoming irrlevant. AR.

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#90691 - 06/24/03 12:48 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Bballfanofhld Offline
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Our compliance officer sent the web address when he read something about availability. I am in check processing as well as Information systems.
My mind not only wanders....sometimes it leaves completely....Onward thru the fog

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#90692 - 06/24/03 01:17 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
P*Q Offline

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Lucy Griffin told us about it 3 years ago at the ACB Compliance School in Stamford, CT. I would be lost without BOL!!!!!

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