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#982078 - 06/25/08 05:47 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2002
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under the Lone Star
 i may have gotten the scripts mixed up and OD'ed my hands and feet are swelling up so much!!!
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#982217 - 06/25/08 07:08 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2005
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Did I just get "MAW'd" by DQ?
(it was good for me)
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#982218 - 06/25/08 07:09 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
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under the Lone Star
when is it my turn??
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#982263 - 06/25/08 07:35 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
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under the Lone Star
IDK, its not the money I can tell ya!
it must be the shear pleasure of being the master, taking control over another's post and having the power of allowing a post to live or die!!!!!!!!
so, you wanna make my day dear???
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#982295 - 06/25/08 07:55 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
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Perhaps, but my Pa should see something first: sheer adjective, -er, -est, adverb, noun –adjective 1. transparently thin; diaphanous, as some fabrics: sheer stockings. 2. unmixed with anything else: We drilled a hundred feet through sheer rock. 3. unqualified; utter: sheer nonsense. 4. extending down or up very steeply; almost completely vertical: a sheer descent of rock. 5. British Obsolete. bright; shining. –adverb 6. clear; completely; quite: ran sheer into the thick of battle. 7. perpendicularly; vertically; down or up very steeply. –noun 8. a thin, diaphanous material, as chiffon or voile. shear verb, sheared, sheared or shorn, shear·ing, noun –verb (used with object) 1. to cut (something). 2. to remove by or as if by cutting or clipping with a sharp instrument: to shear wool from sheep. 3. to cut or clip the hair, fleece, wool, etc., from: to shear sheep. 4. to strip or deprive (usually fol. by of): to shear someone of power. 5. Chiefly Scot. to reap with a sickle. 6. to travel through by or as if by cutting: Chimney swifts sheared the air. –verb (used without object) 7. to cut or cut through something with a sharp instrument. 8. to progress by or as if by cutting: The cruiser sheared through the water. 9. Mechanics, Geology. to become fractured along a plane as a result of forces acting parallel to the plane. 10. Chiefly Scot. to reap crops with a sickle. Am I just being a punk today, or what?
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#982304 - 06/25/08 08:00 PM
Re: A Question....
Bacon Boy
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In the Snow :)
No, not just today.
Since when did you become the language police along with the math expert??
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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#982328 - 06/25/08 08:17 PM
Re: A Question....
Snow Bunny
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Since I took myself too seriously. But, seriously, I'm not very skilled in math (as you can tell by my lack of posting for kitten), interpersonal communication, anger management and...oh look! A puppy!!!
Do you think Pa took that Language Police post too personally?
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#982359 - 06/25/08 08:37 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
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Yeppers!! I think we should institute playtime in every day, nap time and smile at strangers as much as possible.
Wait, do you think I'd get myself in trouble smiling too much at strangers??
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#982361 - 06/25/08 08:38 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
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under the Lone Star
I take promises from my peeps seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...and I am gonna have to sheir that boy down to size one of these days!!!!
Nobody here takes this intranets stuff too serious, do they?
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#982364 - 06/25/08 08:40 PM
Re: A Question....
Pale Rider
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VERY seriously. 
Why...should I not?
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#982376 - 06/25/08 08:51 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
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under the Lone Star
funny how there are no posters from that part of the country, just thinking out loud..................
why yes Ms. B; you should take everything here as the truth
why do certain ladies on this site intimidate us verile men?
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#982517 - 06/26/08 12:58 AM
Re: A Question....
Pale Rider
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Cause it is easy!
Didn't I tell you not to use my real name in here ole man?
Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
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#982859 - 06/26/08 03:31 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 18,789
Too we all know and will use it against you. 
Is it just me or is everybody a lil' "edgy" today?
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#982914 - 06/26/08 04:01 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Sep 2006
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Only if they're the ones with peanut butter in them.
Do you remember how good those used to be??
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#982966 - 06/26/08 04:41 PM
Re: A Question....
Bacon Boy
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Joined: Sep 2004
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middle of the country
Not much better than peanut butter and chocolate together!
Have you had the dark chocolate M&M's?
Treading water in a hurricane
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