What Is Required for Vacations by the FDIC?
What is required for vacations by the FDIC?
You can reach Kathleen via email at kblanchard@keycomplianceservices.com,
What is required for vacations by the FDIC?
Can employees in the credit department have customer contact?
Is an unsecured loan for an above ground swimming pool, to replace an existing pool damaged by weather considered HMDA? I know it would be if a pool had not already been in it's place, but being as there was once one existing there, I am little hazy on it.
If we originate a reportable loan and subsequently sell it, servicing released, is it reportable on our HMDA LAR?
Can SAR information be given to internal auditors? I have always been told to keep these strictly confidential.
Can SAR information be given to internal auditors? I have always been told to keep these strictly confidential.
Can an ambulance association have a NOW account. Is an ambulance association considered a public fund account?
We do a lot of investment (rental) property financing as commercial loans. They are 1st lien, 1-4 family dwellings. We do not have an official commercial application. Trying to determine if we need to send or give the customer the Appraisal Notice, and if so, 3 days from what date since there is no application?
We have an executive officer that currently has a 1st lien mortgage and a home equity on the same property. He also wants to purchase a lot to build a new house, this lot loan would become financed into one construction perm loan. He will eventually move into this home once the other is sold. Is this possible under Reg-O or would it be best to have this individual finance the construction of his new home at another institution? I am worried about the rule of only having one 1st lien at a time, even though this will be temporary.
Customer is refinancing a commercial real estate mortgage secured by commercial real estate. Is this HMDA or must ALL refinances (whether consumer or commercial) be secured with a dwelling?