Our bank has a business continuity plan. Are we covered?
Rayleen M. Pirnie, AAP, CERP, is the founder and owner of RP Payments Risk Consulting Services, LLC. based in Missouri. She is a nationally recognized payments risk and fraud expert who offers specialized consulting services, procedural and risk management reviews, and payments education. Rayleen’s specialized skill is delving into the world beyond the payment rules; areas where organizations often find themselves in positions of liability or loss with little to no clear guidance. Her programs help organizations identify and mitigate risk and exposure.
She is an Accredited ACH Professional (AAP) and a Certified Enterprise Risk Professional (CERP) who has worked with all payment systems for over 20 years. Rayleen also holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration.
Our bank has a business continuity plan. Are we covered?
Do the Regulators require a cyber incident response plan?
Isn’t cyber incident response an I.T. function?
We have a cyber rider as part of our bank’s insurance policy. Won’t that cover any losses we have due to wire transfer fraud?
Do we need to confirm that our commercial wire transfer clients have controls in place to prevent wire transfer fraud?
Can information-sharing help prevent wire-transfer losses?
Our bank has received several benefit reclamations and demands for funds recently for the same customer. Do we handle them all the same way?
We recently learned that our customer died. We’ve returned the SSA payments that have posted to the account. Do we return the Tax Refund too?
Family members of one of our customers came in to let us know our customer (sole-owner account) passed away; we now have a copy of the death certificate. The day after this happened, an SSI payment came into the account. Do we wait for the Government to reclaim the payment or should we return it?
We just learned our customer is deceased; he passed 4 months ago. It’s a sole-owner account. The account has a small balance, but we’ve been contacted by an insurance company saying that we have to return the last 3 payments because payments should have ceased when the customer died. Returning these will overdraw the account, and we likely will have to return funds for SSI payments too. Do we have to comply with the insurance company?