Source of sanctions designations
What is the origin of most international sanction designations?
Timothy R. White, CAMS is a BSA & OFAC Automation Specialist for Banker's Toolbox, Inc., a leading provider of BSA & OFAC automation to the financial institution marketplace. Tim has licensed BSA and OFAC compliance software to over a 1,400 financial institutions since 1994 when he started working in the OFAC compliance arena.
Tim is an expert on OFAC and has addressed OFAC and BSA issues at conferences throughout the United States including BOL's BSA Top Gun Conference. Tim has published articles in the ABA Bank Compliance magazine, ACAMS Today and Western Banking magazine. In 2011 Tim was a member of ACAMS' certification exam re-write task force. In 2008 he was a member of a working group formed by the United Nation's Al-Qaida Taliban Sanctions monitoring team pursuant to UNSCR 1735. In June 2006, at the request of the US Department of State, he addressed an EU-US Workshop on Financial Sanctions and Terrorist Financing in Vienna, Austria. In 2005, Tim provided training for the Federal Reserve Bank's BSA/AML specialists on OFAC compliance technologies. In 2004 Tim was a member of the ABA's BSA - OFAC Working Group on OFAC Examination Procedures. In 2003 he addressed BSA and OFAC as a faculty member of NACHA's Payments Institute. In 2002, Tim consulted the FBI on interdiction software capabilities within the financial institution marketplace. In 2001, while working for Thomson Financial Media, and in conjunction with First Data Western Union, Tim wrote the original product requirements for the first international interdiction database called Global Regulatory File, (now Accuity's Global WatchList™); the first commercially marketed international sanctions database.
What is the origin of most international sanction designations?
OFAC released a guidance document titled “A Framework for OFAC Compliance Commitments.” What does this guidance emphasize that is arguably the most critical commitment for a successful Sanctions Compliance Program?
What is the only OFAC Sanctions program that is still active under the authorities of “The Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917 (TWEA - 50 U.S.C. 4301-4341 )“?
The US sanctions that were implemented by E.O. 13622 commonly referred to as “Sectoral Sanctions Identification Lists” arguably had the most bi-lateral international support of any US sanction program at that time (2014). What country was specifically targeted by these very complex sanctions and why?
What official organization that is a part of a sovereign nation’s government was the first to be declared a Foreign Terrorist Organization [FTO] as well as Specially Designated Global Terrorist [SDGT] by OFAC in 2018?
Global Magnitsky is a fairly new sanctions program (2017) and was named after a Moscow lawyer named Sergey Magnitsky. What type of entities get sanctioned by OFAC under this program?
With respect to testing (running the OFAC list against your technology filters), how often should we be testing given the frequency of the updates to the OFAC list?
What is the expectation on the 'timeliness' of updating the OFAC list to scan? The process of updating our wire system with the OFAC list can take over 45 minutes. Can the update happen at end of day, even if list is made available by the vendor earlier in the working day?
What are the lists that we are required to scan against?
Our bank has deposit accounts for small grocery stores that offer transmittal services through companies such as MoneyGram. The grocery stores deposit their transmittal cash intake, then the big transmitter company debits the funds in bulk via ACH. In that situation, what are our OFAC responsibilities?