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Essentials of Robbery Training

Recorded on July 15, 2024

How can we send the message to robbers that they should go elsewhere? And how can we make sure our employees are prepared should a robbery occur? Safeguarding our assets is critical, and our employees are our most valued asset. Although losses due to fraud dwarf the amount lost to robberies each year, bank robberies pose a much greater risk to our employees and customers. In this session, find out what makes a robber choose his target, and learn ways to safeguard you and your institution against these criminals. Every employee can play a role in prevention, and all should be well versed in the safest method of response. Basic critical steps to follow in the event of a robbery will be explained, as well as what to do immediately after the event. Recent case studies, statistics, and trends will also be examined to extract lessons learned.

Making your location more attractive to customers and less attractive to criminals
Physical security measures to reduce your risk
Safe opening procedures
Considerations at closing time
Bank robbers: in their own words
Responding to different types of robberies
Latest robbery statistics
The high cost of complacency
Morning glory robberies
Proven methods of prevention
Are you putting yourself at risk?
Habits that endanger