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OFAC update

December 22, 2004

December 23, 2004--The following entries have been removed from OFAC's SDN list:ABDALLAH, Shabdi (a.k.a. ABDELHADI, Emad; a.k.a. "Al Falistini;"a.k.a. "Emad the Palestinian;" a.k.a. "Zidan"), "last knownaddress," George-C-Marshall-Strasse 200, 47 809 Krefeld, Germany;DOB 27 Sep 1976; POB Irbid, Jordan; nationality stateless orpossibly Palestinian; arrested 23 Apr 2002 (individual) [SDGT] 09-23-03ABDELHADI, Emad (a.k.a. ABDALLAH, Shabdi; a.k.a. "Al Falistini;"a.k.a. "Emad the Palestinian;" a.k.a. "Zidan"), "last knownaddress," George-C-Marshall-Strasse 200, 47 809 Krefeld, Germany;DOB 27 Sep 1976; POB Irbid, Jordan; nationality stateless orpossibly Palestinian; arrested 23 Apr 2002 (individual) [SDGT] 09-23-03"Al Falistini" (a.k.a. ABDALLAH, Shabdi; a.k.a. ABDELHADI, Emad;a.k.a. "Emad the Palestinian;" a.k.a. "Zidan"), "last knownaddress," George-C-Marshall-Strasse 200, 47 809 Krefeld, Germany;DOB 27 Sep 1976; POB Irbid, Jordan; nationality stateless orpossibly Palestinian; arrested 23 Apr 2002 (individual) [SDGT] 09-23-03"Emad the Palestinian" (a.k.a. ABDALLAH, Shabdi; a.k.a. ABDELHADI,Emad; a.k.a. "Al Falistini;" a.k.a. "Zidan"), "last known address,"George-C-Marshall-Strasse 200, 47 809 Krefeld, Germany; DOB 27 Sep1976; POB Irbid, Jordan; nationality stateless or possiblyPalestinian; arrested 23 Apr 2002 (individual) [SDGT] 09-23-03"Zidan" (a.k.a. ABDALLAH, Shabdi; a.k.a. ABDELHADI, Emad; a.k.a."Al Falistini;" a.k.a. "Emad the Palestinian"), "last knownaddress," George-C-Marshall-Strasse 200, 47 809 Krefeld, Germany;DOB 27 Sep 1976; POB Irbid, Jordan; nationality stateless orpossibly Palestinian; arrested 23 Apr 2002 (individual) [SDGT] 09-23-03

First published on 12/22/2004

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