OFAC update
October 04, 2001
IMPORTANT: On 10/5/01, OFAC updated its '[FTO]' designations based on information published by the Secretary of State in the 10/5 Federal Register.All of OFAC's SDNmaterial has been revised accordingly, including delimited and fixed field files.Pursuant to Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act(``INA''), as added by the Antiterrorism and Effective Death PenaltyAct of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-132, Sec. 302, 110 Stat. 1214, 1248(1996), and amended by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-208, 110 Stat. 3009 (1996), the Secretary of State hereby redesignates, effective October 5, 2001, the following organizations as foreign terrorist organizations:Abu Nidal OrganizationAlso known as ANOAlso known as Black SeptemberAlso known as the Fatah Revolutionary CouncilAlso known as the Arab Revolutionary CouncilAlso known as the Arab Revolutionary BrigadesAlso known as the Revolutionary Organization of Socialist MuslimsAbu Sayyaf GroupAlso known as Al Harakat Al IslamiyyaArmed Islamic GroupAlso known as GIAAlso known as Groupement Islamique ArmeAlso known as Al-Jama'ah al-Islamiyah al-MusallahAum ShinrikyoAlso known as AlephAlso known as Aum Supreme TruthAlso known as A.I.C. Sogo KenkyushoAlso known as A.I.C. Comprehensive Research InstituteBasque Fatherland and LibertyAlso known as Euzkadi Ta AskatasunaAlso known as ETAGama'a al-IslamiyyaAlso known as the Islamic GroupAlso known as IGAlso known as al-Gama'atAlso known as Islamic Gama'atAlso known as Egyptian al-Gama'at al-IslamiyyaAlso known as GIHamasAlso known as the Islamic Resistance MovementAlso known as Harakat al-Muqawama al-IslamiyaAlso known as Students of AyyashAlso known as Students of the EngineerAlso known as Yahya Ayyash UnitsAlso known as Izz Al-Din Al-Qassim BrigadesAlso known as Izz Al-Din Al-Qassim ForcesAlso known as Izz Al-Din Al-Qassim BattalionsAlso known as Izz al-Din Al Qassam BrigadesAlso known as Izz al-Din Al Qassam ForcesAlso known as Izz al-Din Al Qassam BattalionsHarakat ul-MujahideenAlso known as HUMAlso known as Harakat ul-AnsarAlso known as HUAHizballahAlso known as the Party of GodAlso known as Islamic JihadAlso known as Islamic Jihad OrganizationAlso known as Revolutionary Justice OrganizationAlso known as Organization of the Oppressed on EarthAlso known as Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of PalestineAlso known as Organization of Right Against WrongAlso known as Ansar AllahAlso known as Followers of the Prophet Muhammedal-JihadAlso known as Egyptian al-JihadAlso known as New JihadAlso known as Egyptian Islamic JihadAlso known as Jihad GroupKahane ChaiAlso known as KachAlso known as Kahane LivesAlso known as the Kfar Tapuah FundAlso known as The Judean VoiceAlso known as The Judean LegionAlso known as The Way of the TorahAlso known as The Yeshiva of the Jewish IdeaAlso known as the Repression of TraitorsAlso known as Dikuy BogdimAlso known as DOVAlso known as the State of JudeaAlso known as the Committee for the Safety of the RoadsAlso known as the Sword of DavidAlso known as Judea PoliceAlso known as Forefront of the IdeaAlso known as The Qomemiyut MovementandAlso known as KOACHKurdistan Workers' PartyAlso known as the PKKAlso known as Partiya Karkeran KurdistanAlso known as the People's Defense ForceAlso known as Halu Mesru Savunma Kuvveti (HSK)Liberation Tigers of Tamil EelamAlso known as LTTEAlso known as Tamil TigersAlso known as Ellalan ForceMujahedin-e Khalq OrganizationAlso known as MEKAlso known as MKOAlso known as Mujahedin-e KhalqAlso known as People's Mujahedin Organization of IranAlso known as PMOIAlso known as Organization of the People's Holy Warriors of IranAlso known as Sazeman-e Mujahedin-e Khalq-e IranAlso known as National Council of ResistanceAlso known as NCRAlso known as National Council of Resistance of IranAlso known as NCRIAlso known as the National Liberation Army of IranAlso known as NLANational Liberation ArmyAlso known as the ELN,Also known as Ejercito de Liberacion NacionalPalestine Islamic Jihad-Shaqaqi FactionAlso known as PIJ-Shaqaqi FactionAlso known as PIJ-Shallah FactionAlso known as Palestinian Islamic JihadAlso known as PIJAlso known as Islamic Jihad of PalestineAlso known as Islamic Jihad in PalestineAlso known as Abu Ghunaym Squad of the Hizballah Bayt Al-MaqdisAlso known as the Al-Quds SquadsAlso known as the Al-Quds BrigadesAlso known as Saraya Al-QudsAlso known as Al-Awdah BrigadesPalestine Liberation Front-Abu Abbas FactionAlso known as the Palestine Liberation FrontAlso known as the PLFAlso known as PLF-Abu AbbasPopular Front for the Liberation of PalestineAlso known as the PFLPAlso known as the Red EaglesAlso known as the Red Eagle GroupAlso known as the Red Eagle GangAlso known as the Halhul GangAlso known as the Halhul SquadAlso known as Palestinian Popular Resistance ForcesAlso known as PPRFPopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General CommandAlso known as PFLP-GCal Qa'idaAlso known as al QaedaAlso known as ``the Base''Also known as the Islamic ArmyAlso known as the World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews andCrusadersAlso known as the Islamic Army for the Liberation of the Holy PlacesAlso known as the Usama Bin Laden NetworkAlso known as the Usama Bin Laden OrganizationAlso known as Islamic Salvation FoundationAlso known as The Group for the Preservation of the Holy SitesRevolutionary Armed Forces of ColombiaAlso known as FARCAlso known as Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de ColombiaRevolutionary NucleiAlso known as the Revolutionary People's StruggleAlso known as Epanastatikos Laikos AgonasAlso known as ELAAlso known as Revolutionary Popular StruggleAlso known as Popular Revolutionary StruggleAlso known as June 78Also known as Organization of Revolutionary Internationalist SolidarityAlso known as Revolutionary CellsAlso known as Liberation StruggleRevolutionary Organization 17 NovemberAlso known as 17 NovemberAlso known as Epanastatiki Organosi 17 NoemvriRevolutionary People's Liberation Party/FrontAlso known as Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Partisi-CephesiAlso known as the DHKP/CAlso known as Devrimci SolAlso known as Revolutionary LeftAlso known as Dev SolAlso known as Dev Sol Silahli Devrimci BirlikleriAlso known as Dev Sol SDBAlso known as Dev Sol Armed Revolutionary UnitsShining PathAlso known in Spanish as Sendero LuminosoAlso known as SLAlso known as Partido Comunista del Peru en el Sendero Luminoso de JoseCarlos MariateguiAlso known as Communist Party of Peru on the Shining Path of JoseCarlos MariateguiAlso known as Partido Comunista del PeruAlso known as Communist Party of PeruAlso known as PCPAlso known as Socorro Popular del PeruAlso known as People's Aid of PeruAlso known as SPPAlso known as Ejercito Guerrillero PopularAlso known as People's Guerrilla ArmyAlso known as EGPAlso known as Ejercito Popular de LiberacionAlso known as People's Liberation ArmyAlso known as the EPL.First published on BankersOnline.com10/05/01