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OFAC update

January 23, 2003

The following designation has been added to OFAC's SDN list as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (without the "a.k.a."s listed as separate entries in this Bulletin):

STICHTING BENEVOLENCE INTERNATIONAL NEDERLAND (a.k.a. BENEVOLENCE INTERNATIONAL NEDERLAND; a.k.a. STG. BENEVOLENCE INTERNATIONAL NEDERLAND), Radeborg 14 B, 6228CV Maastricht, Netherlands; Postbus 1149, 6201BC Maastricht, Netherlands; Registration No. 14063277 [SDGT]

This morning, the following designations were added to OFAC's SDN list as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (without the "a.k.a."s listed as separate entries in this Bulletin):ABDURRAHMAN, Mohamad Iqbal (a.k.a. A RAHMAN, Mohamad Iqbal; a.k.a. ABDURRAHMAN, Abu Jibril; a.k.a. ABU JIBRIL; a.k.a. RAHMAN, Mohamad Iqbal; a.k.a. MUQTI, Fihiruddin; a.k.a. MUQTI, Fikiruddin); POB Tirpas-Selong Village, East Lombok, Indonesia; nationality Indonesian (individual) [SDGT]

ISAMUDDIN, Nurjaman Riduan (a.k.a. HAMBALI; a.k.a. ISOMUDDIN, Riduan; a.k.a. NURJAMAN; a.k.a. NURJAMAN, Encep); DOB 04 Apr 1964, alt. DOB 01 Apr 1964; POB Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia; nationality Indonesian (individual) [SDGT]

All of OFAC's SDN material has been updated accordingly, as has OFAC's program brochure on Terrorism, including separate entries for each "a.k.a." listing where appropriate.First published on BankersOnline.coml/24/03

First published on 01/23/2003

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