In 2019 (September), there was a change eliminating the special treatment for checks issued by Pacific Island banks. The same change required Pacific Island banks to comply fully with Regulation CC. Checks on Pacific Island banks are now considered local checks, just like checks drawn on the bank across the street.
The same final rule also made changes effective July 1, 2020, making inflation adjustments to key dollar amounts affecting funds availability. Those changes are all documented in revised section 229.11 of the regulation, where a history of such changes (which can be made every five years) will be maintained. For example, the $200 next day availability will become $225 and the $5,000 amount affecting (1) new account exception holds of next-day items, (2) the overdraft amount criterion for applying the "repeat overdrafter" exception hold, and (3) the threshold for applying the large check deposit exception hold will be increased from $5,000 to $5,525. The inflation amount changes can be implemented before July 1. Banks will have to inform their existing transaction account customers of the changes in writing within 30 calendar days following implementation.