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APR Greater than Tolerance of 1/8-Disclosures

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If the APR change is greater than the tolerance of 1/8, how long do we have to send out the redisclosures to the customer?

Regulation Z, Section 1026.19(a):

(2) Waiting periods for early disclosures and corrected disclosures. (i) The creditor shall deliver or place in the mail the good faith estimates required by paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section not later than the seventh business day before consummation of the transaction.

(ii) If the annual percentage rate disclosed under paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section becomes inaccurate, as defined in Section 1026.22, the creditor shall provide corrected disclosures with all changed terms. The consumer must receive the corrected disclosures no later than three business days before consummation. If the corrected disclosures are mailed to the consumer or delivered to the consumer by means other than delivery in person, the consumer is deemed to have received the corrected disclosures three business days after they are mailed or delivered.

Also the following worksheet will help.

First published on 7/30/12

First published on 07/30/2012

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