As to the Equal Housing Lender logo, usage varies among agencies. As a general rule it should be used in any written or visual advertisement of any loan for the purpose of purchasing, constructing, improving, repairing or maintaining a “dwelling” or any loan secured by a dwelling. This InfoVault Q&A has more information as the Gurus worked out the cites among themselves. Also noted is the OTS increased usage and OCCs decreased usage requirements.( )The Member FDIC disclosure is required when you advertise a deposit product and an exception under 328.3(c) is not present. In this instance (c)(12) would provide an exception. More information is again available in the InfoVault.
First published on 11/15/04
Are EHL Logo and Member FDIC Required Here?
Answered by:
I have a question in regards to advertising. We have a brochure that lists which documents the Borrower must provide at time of a Mortgage loan application. Do we need the Equal Housing Lender logo and Member FDIC printed in the brochure? It doesn't state rates or any other information about loans.