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Authorized signer on estate account?

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Can a personal representative of an estate add an authorized signer to an estate checking account?

In general, the answer is "No."

State law controls in this arena, but the usual rule is that a fiduciary, attorney in fact, personal representative, trustee, or other person acting on behalf of another person or estate cannot share the responsibilities of that position unless the instrument placing the person in that position (will, court order, power of attorney, trust document, etc.) specifically includes language authorizing that sharing or delegation.

It's often possible for an estate representative to obtain permission from the court overseeing the estate to engage the services of a professional estate settlement service (such as those of a trust department or estate attorney). But without the specific permission of the court, the executor or administrator must handle the estate him- or herself.

First published on 08/15/05

First published on 08/15/2005

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