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Be a super-service lender by learning more about non-lending compliance rules!

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I am a loan officer who goes the extra mile in our community bank. I have customers who come to me with all sorts of banking questions beyond loans, because they know I’m willing to help and they trust me. I pride myself on providing such relationship-banking, but sometimes I feel less than confident answering their non-lending questions (like FDIC Insurance). Where can I easily learn more about the other banking rules? I don’t want to say the wrong thing!

Bravo for filling this need! Customers gravitate to people they trust, and in serving your customers so thoroughly, you are laying the groundwork for future loan growth and success. While there are many things you don’t need (or should) go into great detail about, being able to speak knowledgeably, confidently, and compliantly to their overall banking needs is huge!

FDIC Insurance is a great example: This isn’t usually in a loan-officer’s wheelhouse, but to be able to help a customer with their FDIC Insurance coverage concerns is a value-added service that is a win-win for everyone!

The following webinar is exactly what you are looking for: “Bank Compliance Basics – an Overview of Deposit and Lending Regulations”. Tune in June 6, 2023 to get the big picture you need to best serve your customers!

Learn more about Rebekah Leonard’s,

Bank Compliance Basics – an Overview of Deposit and Lending Regulations

First published on 05/28/2023

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